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This show has Seasons that can be taken as courses.

Yoga and the Somatic Experience

Join Suniti on a somatic journey to help you move and feel from the inside out while finding greater freedom in the body, heart, and mind. These practices are designed to inspire new ways of moving through curiosity and inquiry. You will feel more fluid, connected, and awake in your being. Each class includes homework ideas to help integrate these explorations into your daily life.

Season 1 - Embodying the Elements

In Season 1, we connect to and become curious about our relationship with the 5 elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Space. We invoke the qualities of these elements in fluid and dynamic movements, explore different tempos and new and familiar shapes, and engage in a dialogue with our environment.

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Season 2 - Coming to Your Senses

The way we sense shapes our relationship with the world. We are in a constant dialogue, receiving information from our internal and external environments. This season, we engage our senses to widen our experience of being human. We explore familiar asanas and new ways of moving, experimenting with touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight. May this offering awaken your curiosity, creativity, and sensuality.

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Yoga Anytime

Anywhere, As You Are

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