Hey, and welcome. I'd like to offer you five tips for success on our 30-day challenge together. Number one, we start with intention. What are you hoping to get out of this challenge? Is it perhaps a little bit more flexibility?
Are you looking to maybe heal some pain? Are you looking to grow inwardly? Knowing what you're looking for, what you're aiming at is going to help us really be successful as we journey together. Number two, tools and props. We need a yoga mat, two blocks, a strap, and a blanket.
Number three, commitment to a time. Carving out a time for you, specifically for you to come to these challenges, is going to help so much to make sure that we get the practice in each day. Number four is patience. There's a lot of information that's going to come through in this challenge, and we've got to allow our mind and our bodies the time to absorb all of this information. Give yourself time, be receptive, and allow the changes to come at their own pace.
Finally, number five is connection. We're in this challenge together. I'm here for you, and I want to know how you're feeling. If you're running up against a block, if you need a question answered, if your body isn't feeling right in a pose, I can help. Reach out, send me a question online, and I will get back to you, and we'll make it work.
I'm so looking forward to beginning this challenge with you. Let's begin.
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