60-Minute Yoga Flows Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 4

Release and Reset

60 min - Practice


Wring it all out. We move through a detoxifying and cleansing practice with a focus on the core, hamstrings, spine, and outer leg line. We explore twists and balancing and revolved postures finding strength, stability, and a sweet sense of release.
What You'll Need: Mat, Strap


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Welcome. So this is a sequence to release and reset. We're going to move through some detoxifying postures with a focus on the core, the hamstrings, and the outer leg line. So we'll start on our back. So go ahead and recline back and meet me there. So just taking a moment to roll down, feel the earth, and then step your feet as wide as your yoga mat. The knees are bent, soles of the feet to the earth. And then go ahead and reach your arms up over your head. Take a nice big full breath in as you do that. And then open the mouth and just side out, let it go. Good. Allow another full breath in. And then as you exhale, just let your knees drop to the right side. So we'll start with some nice windshield wipers to start to warm the spine. Inhale your knees back through center. And then exhale your knees to the left side. Beautiful. And then just keep doing that with the breath. So inhale center, exhale right, inhale center, exhale left. We'll do one more. Inhaling back through center, exhaling knees to the right. Feel the spine, feel the hips. Inhale back through center and exhale, knees to the left. Good. And then inhale, bring the knees back through center here. So from here we're going to grab a strap. So take your strap and we're going to bring it to the sole of your right foot. Go ahead and strap it up and you'll want the strap in both the right hand and the left hand as you do that. And then you're welcome to keep the left foot on the earth or you can straighten out that left leg if that feels accessible in your body, whatever feels best for you. And then just want to keep that left hip grounded. So you might even take a moment to bring your left hand to your left hip. And then go ahead and bring the strap in both hands and we'll put a bend through the right knee. As you draw the knee in towards you, allow a big full breath in here. And then as you exhale, just start to straighten out through the right leg any amount. Just relax the shoulders and we'll do that a few more times. So inhale, re-bend through the right leg. Exhale, straighten through the right leg. Any amount. Feel free to keep a soft bend in that right knee. Inhale, bend deeply. And exhale, straighten the right leg, any amount. Beautiful. And then from here, just straighten out the leg. As much as it feels good so you can start to feel the sensation behind that right leg and hamstring. And then as much as you can, relax the shoulders and just take a few breaths, sending the breath all the way through the back of your right leg. And flexing the foot actively, maybe spread your toes. Nice. And then go ahead and take the strap into your right hand. Take your left hand to your left hip for a moment just to ground down. And then reach the left arm out to the left with the palm facing down. And then any amount, just start to open your right leg toward the right. You can bend that right elbow and start to draw the right leg in towards you. Just allowing for a few full deep breaths through the inner leg line. Breathing into any sensations that you're feeling here. A couple breaths. Nice. And then as you're ready, we'll come back up through center. Go ahead and take your strap into the left hand this time. We'll reach the right arm out to the right, palm facing down. And then start to angle your toes to the left a little bit. And then draw the leg in toward you just a bit. And start to draw the leg across the midline, just a couple inches. And see if just by moving slightly, you can start to feel into the outer leg line of the right side. It shouldn't take too much. This is an area that is pretty tight on most of us. And then if you have the invitation and want to go a little deeper, feel free to draw the leg across the body just for a couple of breaths. Keep the right shoulder relaxed and come back to your breath. Good. And then come on out of that side as you're ready. Go ahead and release your strap for a moment and straighten out both legs. And then just take a moment with both legs relaxing down on your mat and notice the right side versus the left side and there might be a pretty big difference between the two sides. My right leg feels a lot longer than the left. Good. And then we'll balance that out. So bringing the soles of the feet to the earth again. And then we'll take the strap to the sole of the left foot. Take your strap into the right hand and the left hand to start. And then again, just tuck the chin, let the back of the neck be long, soften your shoulders so you're not gripping too tightly. And then feel free to keep the right sole of the foot on the earth or you can straighten that right leg out if that feels okay. Keep the right leg active, let the hip relax down. And then let's breathe with this a few times. So as you inhale, bend the left knee deeply. As you exhale, straighten the left leg any amount, flexing through the left foot. Good. Do that two more times. Inhale, draw the knee in towards you. Exhale, straighten. One more. Inhale, draw the knee in. And exhale, straighten the leg any amount. Feel free to keep a soft bend in that left knee. And then we'll hang here for a couple of full deep breaths. Good. Active in the right leg, breathing into the back of your left leg and starting to create some space by deepening the breath and sending the breath to any sensations that you're feeling. Beautiful. And then as you're ready, we'll take that strap into the left hand. Just take a moment to bring the right hand to the right hip and then reach your right arm out to the right, bring the palm to face down. In any amount, open that leg out to the left side and let the left hip roll down as you do that. Let both hips stay grounded and then breath to inner leg line. Couple breaths. Maybe relaxing a little bit more through the shoulders, through the face, the jaw. Nice. And then as you're ready, we'll come back through center and change the strap into your right hand. Reach your left arm out to the left, bring the palm to face down. And then again, just angle your toes to the right a little bit and then draw the leg in towards your midline and then just a couple inches, draw it across the midline. And then notice what that activates for you in the IT band, the outer left leg line. And then just breathe into that couple breaths here.

And then if there's that invitation and you want to move a little deeper, you can start to draw the leg across any amount. And just breathe a couple breaths. Good. And then coming back through center, go ahead and release your strap out to the side of your mat and then straighten out both legs for a moment and just take a moment here to notice the right side versus the left. Maybe it feels a little bit more balanced or a little bit more at ease. Good. And then as you are ready, just hug the knees into your chest, rock a little bit side to side. So just start to massage out through your lower back. And then I'm going to turn around, but just start to take your rock up and down along the length of the spine a few times. And then as you rock up and down along the length of the spine, see if you can catch yourself in the Vasana for a moment and then rock it back and then catch yourself in boat pose for just a half a second and then roll it back. So you're engaging the core as you come up into Navasana and then massaging the spine as you come back. And then we'll come all the way up, building momentum, cross at the ankles and just step right back into your first downward facing dog. Good. And then as you come to down dog, find your legs, pedal it out. Maybe the hamstrings feel a little bit more open after using the strap. And then maybe sway your hips side to side, shake your head yes and no. Really any movement at all that feels good in the body as we move into this first dog pose. And then maybe at some point it feels good to find more stillness. So pressing through the inner hand as well as the outer hand, let the heels get heavy. Then you're always welcome to keep the knees soft. We want to find length in your spine and ease in the back of the neck. And take just two more breaths here. Nice. And then as you feel ready, we'll walk the hands back to the feet, find a forward fold at the back of your mat. Again, feel free to soften the knees any amount, let everything just melt down. And then we'll interlace fingers behind the low back. So bringing the hands behind the low back, interlace, draw the shoulders away from your ears. And then from here, put a nice big bend in your right knee, straighten through the left leg and just start to turn the chest open to the left any amount. So we're taking a twist and you might feel that IT bend again on the outer left leg line. You can lift the chest up a little bit, just so your spine is nice and long. Take a big breath in. And then as you exhale, just let everything melt down over your legs. Good. And then we'll take it to the other side. So start to straighten the right leg, put a nice big bend in your left knee, lift the torso up a little bit, lengthen through the spine and then start to twist open to the right side, allowing a couple full deep breaths here. Noticing the IT band, the outer right leg line this time. Good. Big breath in. Long breath out, fold over your legs, release your hands down toward the earth. Good. And then we'll slowly walk back to downward facing dog. So feel the earth beneath your hands as you come back to your dog pose. From down dog, let's reach the right leg up toward the sky and then take a moment to just bend your knee, open up the hip, maybe take some circles with that right ankle or you can take some big circles with that right knee, just feeling into the right hip for a couple breaths. If you take it in one direction, maybe reverse directions and take it the other way. And then straighten the right leg out again, square off your hips, take a big breath in. As you exhale, step the right foot through between your hands. Good. And then from here, just come on to your fingertips for a moment and then go ahead and plant your left hand down. We're going to sweep the right arm up and take a twist toward the right side of our mat. Stay active in your left leg and hug your right hip in. So we are twisting from the navel up. Good. Take a big full breath in. As you exhale, lower the right hand down and just start to shift your weight back. So you're coming into a modified pyramid pose, pressing back through that left heel and folding over your right leg. And then we're just going to move with that a couple of times. So on your next breath in, rebend through your right knee, plant your left hand down, sweep the right arm up and twist. As you exhale, lower the right hand down, shift the weight back and fold over your front leg. Press back actively through that left heel. Good. One more like that. Inhale, rebend through your front leg, plant your left hand, reach your right arm up, take a twist and then exhale, right hand down, shift your weight back, fold over your front leg. Nice. And then rebend through your front leg and we'll step back to downward facing dog. Take a couple of breaths here. If it feels good to keep pedaling it out, go for it. Good. And then from down dog, sweep your left leg out, bend your knee, open up through your hip. And then again, you might roll out your ankle a few times or take some big knee circles with that left leg, feeling into the left hip. And then if you took it in one direction, go ahead and take it in the opposite direction. Nice. And then go ahead and straighten out through the left leg, big breath in, exhale, gaze forward, step your left foot through between your hands and we'll just repeat that on the left side.

So planting right hand down, sweep your left arm up, take a twist, maybe gazing up towards your left fingertips. Nice. Take a big full breath in. As you exhale, lower your left hand down, shift your weight back, press into your right heel and straighten the left leg any amount. Feel free to keep a bend in that left knee. And you can always have a couple blocks under your hands here if that feels better for you. And then we'll do that two more times. So inhale, rebend through the left knee, plant your right hand, sweep the left arm up, twist, exhale, lower the left hand down, shift your weight back, press back through your right heel and fold. One more. Inhale, rebend into your lunge, twist, left arm lifts, gaze lifts, exhale, left hand down, shift the weight back, press through the right heel and fold over that front leg. Nice. And come back to your lunge and just step it back to downward facing dog. Maybe pedal it out, take a couple breaths here. Beautiful. And then on your next breath in, rise up onto your toes, put a nice deep bend in your knees, gaze forward and step or lightly hop to your hands, come to your front of the mat. Good. And then inhale, lift halfway up. Maybe hands walk up onto the shins as you offer the heart forward and then exhale, soften through your knees and fold back in over your legs, Uttanasana. And then inhale, root down through the feet, rise, come all the way up to stand, arms sweep out and up. And then gather your hands to your heart center, take a moment here to pause in your Tadasana and just check in, maybe setting an intention for your practice today. Anything you'd like to call in or maybe let go of. Let's move slowly into sun salutation, Surya Namaskara A. So we'll build into it. As you're ready, inhale, sweep the arms out and up, lengthen through the spine, maybe gaze up. As you exhale, soften the knees, folding over your legs, Uttanasana. Inhale halfway up, lengthen through the spine. For this first round, plant your palms, step your right foot to the back of the mat and then step your left foot to the back of the mat. So you're in high plank and just take a moment to establish your stability here. So bringing the shoulders right over the wrists, hips in line with shoulder blades active in your legs and then start to shift your weight forward. Let the shoulders come over the wrists, welcome to lower your knees down. Otherwise, hug the elbows in and lower all the way to the belly. And as you get there, untuck your toes, keep the elbows hugging in and start to peel the chest up off the earth. Good. Lengthen through your spine and then as you exhale, we'll press back through hands and knees, tuck your toes, lift your hips up and back for downward facing dog. Good. And let's hold here for a couple of full deep breaths. Find one point to focus your gaze and just notice how you feel, notice the breath. Nice. And then on your next breath in, rise up onto the toes, big bend in the knees, gaze forward, step or lightly float to your hands, come to the front of the mat. Inhale, lift halfway up and lengthen. Exhale, fold back in, Uttanasana. Root down to rise. Inhale, arms sweep all the way out and up. And then as you exhale, draw your hands to your heart. Good. Picking up the pace just a bit, Surya A. Inhale, arms sweep up, lengthening. Exhale, soften the knees and fold over your legs. Inhale, halfway up, offer the heart forward.

Now this time, step the left foot to the back of the mat first. Plant your palms, step the right foot back, plank pose. Shift your weight forward, welcome to lower the knees, maybe come halfway down, Chaturanga this time. Cobra or up dog on your inhale. And then rolling over the toes, exhale, downward facing dog. And then just take a couple of full deep breaths here. Feel free to side out the mouth, let something go. Just building a little heat as we move into this detoxifying practice. So maybe there's something here that you'd like to let go of. I'm calling that in. On your next breath in, rise up onto your toes. Bend your knees, look forward, step or lightly hop front of the mat. Inhale, halfway up, lengthen. Exhale, fold, Uttanasana. Inhale, root down to rise, arms sweep up. Exhale, hands to heart. One more. Inhale, arms lift. Exhale, fold. Inhale, halfway up, lengthen. Exhale, plant the palms, step or you can lightly float back through Chaturanga. Inhale, cobra or up dog. Exhale, downward facing dog. Pause here for a couple of breaths. Nice work. And again, feel free to side out, let something go. Beautiful. And then as you're ready, let's rise up onto the toes, bend knees, look forward, step or lightly hop to your hands front of the mat. Inhale, halfway. Exhale, Uttanasana, fold, root down to rise. Inhale, arms sweep up. Exhale, draw your hands to your heart. Take a beat here and breathe, pause, notice. And then we'll move into Surya Namaskar B for a couple of rounds. So as you're ready, welcome to chair pose, Uttanasana. Inhale, arms sweep up, bend the knees deeply, wade into the heels. Exhale, fold over your legs. Uttanasana. Inhale, Arda Uttanasana, come halfway up. Exhale, your vinyasa, feel free to modify however you'd like, stepping or hopping back through Chaturanga. Inhale, cobra or up dog. Exhale, downward facing dog. Now from down dog, sweep your right leg up to the sky. Take a big breath in. Exhale, step your foot through between your hands. And then spin your back heel down, setting up for warrior one. So as you come to warrior one, sweep the arms forward and up. Keep a nice big bend in that front knee coming toward 90 degrees. And then seal the outer edge of the back foot down as you square the hips and shoulders toward the front of your mat. Arms up through the fingertips. Good. Take one more big breath in here. And then as you exhale, lower your hands down, vinyasa, or you can always step it right back to down dog. So inhale to lift the heart, cobra or up dog. And exhale, downward facing dog. Good.

From down dog, inhale, sweep the left leg up. Exhale, step through. Spin the back heel down, Virabhadrasana one, warrior one, arms sweep up. And then in this first round, just taking a couple breaths to establish your alignment. Drawing left hip back, let the right hip roll forward. Good. Big breath in. Exhale, hands find the earth. Step back, vinyasa or right to down dog. If you're moving through vinyasa, coming through chaturanga. Inhale, cobra or up dog. Exhale, downward facing dog. And let's hang here for three to five full deep breaths. Maybe side out. And then just notice the energy that's circulating within a couple foldy breaths. Good. On your next breath in, rise up onto the toes, bend the knees deeply, look forward, step or lightly float to your hands. I'm halfway up. Inhale, fold in, exhale, Utkatasana chair pose, sink the weight into the heels, arms sweep up. And this time straighten the legs. Feel the lift in the upper back, lift your gaze, and then draw your hands to your heart center. And let's move through one more round together. Surinamaskar B. Inhale, chair, Utkatasana, arms sweep up. Exhale, fold in, Uttanasana. Inhale halfway. Exhale, your vinyasa, feel free to step it right back to down dog. Inhale, cobra or up dog. Exhale, downward facing dog. Inhale, the right leg up. Exhale, step it through. Warrior one, spin the back heel down, inhale, arms sweep up. And then right into your vinyasa, just moving with the breath, step the right foot back. Chaturanga. Inhale, cobra or up dog. Exhale, downward facing dog. Inhale, left leg lifts. Exhale, step it through. Warrior one. One breath, inhale, arms lift. Exhale, your vinyasa or right to down dog, lowering through. Inhale, cobra or up dog. Exhale, down dog. Nice work. Pause here. Let's lower the knees and just take a brief child's pose to just let everything settle. Again, can you notice the movement within, the energy that's circulating? Then just feel the support beneath you. A couple breaths. Meet me back in downward facing dog when you're ready. Feel free to stay in child's pose as long as you like. Otherwise we'll move on into our standing sequence. So inhale, right leg lifts. Exhale, step all the way through between your hands. This time come up to warrior two. So we'll spin the back heel down, front heel to back arch alignment. Let the left arm guide you up and open, finding your Virabhadrasana two. And then just take a moment to land and settle in. Thinking gaze over your middle finger and just let that front knee land over the ankle or your heel and let it track over your second and third toe. And then from here, flip your front palm, keep the legs how they are and just tilt back. Reverse warrior. Good. And then extended side angle, elbow to the top of the thigh, left arm over your ear, maybe gazing up and then recommit to sealing the outer edge of your back foot down and feel that line of energy from your fingertips to your back heel. Good. And then root down to rise. Come up to reverse triangle straightening through your front leg. Feel that length through the right side body and then hinging forward. You might shorten your stance a little bit. Draw the left hip back and then bring the right hand below the knee. Lift your left arm up and then your gaze is your choice. So maybe up to the fingertips, maybe it's straight forward, maybe it's down today. Sometimes it feels a little cranky in the neck, so do what feels good for you. Good. And then we'll come all the way up and back. Rebend through your front leg and reverse your warrior and then circle your hands down to the earth. Come onto the ball of your back foot. Pause there for a moment. Plant your left hand down and we'll come back to that lunge twist. Sweep the right arm up. Breathe. Nice. And then right hand finds the earth. Your vinyasa may be floating the right leg up as you lower through. Inhale cobra or up dog and exhale downward facing dog. Nice work. And we'll take that all to the left side.

Inhale your left leg up. Exhale, step it through. Set up for warrior two. Spin the back heel down, let the right arm guide you up. And then again, just take a moment to land, to arrive, to find your alignment. Relax the shoulders a little bit. Soften your gaze. Good. And then we'll flip the front palm, keep the legs how they are and just tilt back. Reverse warrior. Take a big breath in. And then elbow finds the top of the left thigh. Right arm over your ear. And breathe and see if you can draw that right shoulder back. So there's some space between your right shoulder and your ear. And then really root down through the soles of the feet as you find some lightness and ease in the upper body. Good. Root down through the feet and rise up. Straighten through your front leg. Coming into reverse triangle.

And then we'll hinge forward into triangle pose again. Maybe shorten the stance a little bit. Turn the back toes in slightly. Left hand comes below the knee and then stacking shoulders. Maybe gazing up toward fingertips. And this pose is really all about taking up space, expanding. And then again, that energy through the crown of the head through the back heel. Beautiful. And then root down to rise. Re-bend through your front knee. Reverse warrior. Circle your hands down to a runner's lunge. Come onto the ball of your back foot. Plant your right hand down this time and sweep your left arm up. Good. And then you can lower the left hand. Step back to plank. Maybe float that left leg up, shifting forward through chaturanga. Cobra or up dog. Inhale. Down dog. Exhale. Holding here for just a couple breaths. When your next breath in, rise up onto your toes. Put a big bend in your knees. Gaze forward. Step or lightly float to your hands. Come to the front of the mat. On an inhale, lift halfway up. Exhale. Fold in. And we'll come to chair pose this time. Utkatasana. Sink the weight into the heels. Sweep your arms up. Good. And then draw your hands to your heart. Stay in chair. And we're going to take a twist from here. So let's take the left elbow on the outside of the right leg. And then just kind of use the elbow to draw the hands in front of your heart center. And then just check out your knees. Make sure they're even to one another. And we'll just hold for a couple full deep breaths. So you might sink the hips a little deeper. Find your breath. Notice if you want to hold your breath here. Good. And then take a big full breath in and just let everything melt down over the legs. Forward fold. Step your feet hips width. And then if it's accessible, take your peace fingers. So your first two fingers and your thumb. Roll them around your big toes. And then inhale. Come halfway up and lengthen. And then elbows out to the side. Fold in. And take a couple full deep breaths here. So you're welcome to keep the knees as bent as you need to here. Otherwise, maybe the legs start to straighten out, engaging through the quadriceps. But most importantly, just letting the head and the neck and the shoulders relax as much as you can. Take a couple more breaths here. Beautiful. And then release your toes as you're ready. Come halfway up. Heel toe your feet back together. And then again, we'll come back to chair. Utkatasana. Weight into the heels. Arms sweep up. Draw hands to heart. And then we'll take your twist to the other side. So right elbow on the outside of the left. Use that elbow to draw the hands in front of the heart. And then breathe. Take a couple full deep breaths here. Feel free to sink it down a little bit deeper. It's ringing out through the spine. Strong in the legs. Good. Take a big full breath in. And then as you exhale again, just straighten the legs. Any amount. Let everything melt down and we'll step the feet hips with. This time, you can stay right here in the fold or maybe slide the palms of your hands underneath the soles of your feet, letting the toes come up toward the wrists. And then take a big full breath in to lengthen. And then as you exhale, bow forward and fold. Again, just letting the crown of the head melt down. Feel that calming effect of folding in towards yourself. Couple breaths. Beautiful. And then as you're ready, releasing your hands from underneath the soles of your feet. Then we'll soften the knees. Roll up nice and slow. One vertebra at a time. Letting the head be heavy.

Let the head be the last thing to arrive. And then shoulders up towards your ears. Take a big breath in. And then just let them relax. Let it go. So we're going to come into a balancing sequence from here. So let your right foot get nice and heavy. And then you're going to hug the left knee into the chest. So you might stay right here and keep the leg bent. This might feel like enough for you. Or you can grab your strap and take it to the sole of your left foot. Otherwise we'll bring the right hand to the hip. Piece fingers to left big toe. And then any amount, start to straighten out through that left leg. And then draw the left shoulder back. Find one point to focus the gaze and breathe. Good. And then maybe stay here. You might choose to re-bend through the left knee. But we'll take this into a revolved position. So maybe the right hand comes to the outside of the left foot and the left arm reaches back. And again, you can have the knee bent and kind of twist from here if that feels better. Good. And then transition warrior three. That right leg might be burning. I know mine is. So you can keep a softness in that right knee as the left leg reaches back. And then left toes find the back of the mat. Find a crescent pose. Good. And then just take a moment to arrive in your crescent. So you might need to adjust a little bit. That's a lot of balancing. So go ahead and find your crescent, your stability as you're ready. And then we'll lower the back knee down. Draw your hands to your heart. And then take the left elbow on the outside of the right leg. So find that twist here. And then welcome to keep that left shin pressing into the earth or tuck your left toes. Lift the back knee up and find your crescent prayer twist from here. Good. And then just take a couple of breaths. You might float the arms open if you want to go a little deeper. Stay active in that left leg. Take a big full breath in and then gaze down hands down. Step the back foot in for pyramid pose and step the left foot to the left a little bit as you fold in over that front leg. And you might have a couple blocks under your hands. So drawing the right hip back, let the left hip roll forward. Good. And then from here we'll revolve our triangle. So you're welcome to stay in this fold or bring the left hand to the inside or outside of your front foot. Lengthen up through the spine and then bring your right hand to your hip and start to peel the chest open to the right. Maybe reaching the right arm up and then just a couple of breaths. Feel that IT band again, the outer leg line. Good. Big breath in, gaze down, hands down, fold over your front leg. Yeah.

And then we'll step the left foot to meet the right and just come back to your fold at the front of the mat. Soften the knees, let the head be heavy, roll up slowly one vertebra at a time, shoulders up to ears, take a big breath in and sigh it out, let it go. Good. Next side. So let the left foot get heavy, really press into the ball of your left big toe and then hug your right knee into your chest. And again, maybe you stay right here. If you'd like to extend through the leg, you're welcome to bring a strap to the sole of your right foot or left hand to hip, piece fingers to right big toe. Straighten the leg any amount. Draw the right shoulder back, engage through the core, find your drishti and then maybe stay right here. You can bend the knee if you'd like or left hand to the outside of the right foot. Reach your right arm back and you might gaze toward the side wall or back towards your right fingertips. And then that transition to warrior three. So rebend through your front knee, soften your left knee a little bit as you reach the right leg back. Maybe hands come to heart, warrior three, and then right to crescent pose. Toes find the back of the mat, arms sweep up and then adjust as you need to here. Soften shoulders, relax your gaze. Good. And then hands to heart, back knee lowers just to set up in this twist. So keeping the length in your spine, we'll take the right elbow on the outside of the left leg, press the palms together, and then find your crescent prayer twist. If you want a little more, we'll tuck the back toes, lift the back knee up, and then breathe. Couple breaths. Good. And then gaze down as you're ready. Hands find the earth, step the right foot in and to the right a little bit, and then fold over both legs. Pyramid pose. Let the hips be even so you're drawing the left hip back. Let the right hip roll forward. Press into the ball of the left big toe. Good. And if you're revolving triangle, come halfway up. Fingertips to inside or outside of front foot. Left hand to hip. And then keep that length in the spine really expand. And then you can start to peel the chest open to the left. Maybe reaching that left arm up, maybe lifting your gaze. Feel the IT band. Find the breath. Feel the wobbling. Take a big breath in and then gaze down. Hands down. Good. And then step it to the front of your mat. Again, just soften the knees. Roll up slowly one vertebra at a time. Just letting the head be the last thing to arrive. Take a big breath in and exhale. Hands to heart. And just one vinyasa to get to the back of the mat. So inhale, arms sweep up. Clear that away. Exhale, forward fold. Inhale, halfway.

Exhale your vinyasa. Inhale, cobra or up dog. Exhale, downward facing dog. And then bring the feet together at the back of your mat. Come forward to plank pose and lower all the way to the belly. Good. Untuck your toes. Reach your right arm out to the right. Tent your left fingertips and we'll take a shoulder stretch here. Roll to the right hip in the right side of your face. Step the left toes behind you. Just a couple breaths in this twist in the shoulder stretch. Good. And then coming right to the other side as you're ready. Back to your belly. Reach the left arm out to the left. Tent your right fingertips. Roll to the left hip and step the right toes behind you. Then again, there's that twist. There's that shoulder stretch, that ringing out, that letting go. Good. And then come back through center. We'll take a couple heart openers here. So reach the arms back. Interlace or you're also welcome to grab your strap again and bring that in between your hands if that feels better. Otherwise with the interlaced hands, draw the shoulders back. Peel the chest up off the earth. Keep length in the back of the neck and then maybe add the legs as you lift up for shalabhasana. Take a couple full deep breaths here. Maybe lift up just a little bit more. Take a big breath in and then exhale. Lower one cheek to the earth. Maybe sway hips side to side and just let that go. And then for round two, we'll try that again. If you're interlacing fingers, we'll take the opposite thumb on top. Feel free to grab your strap again. On an inhale, roll the shoulders away from the ears. Lengthen as you lift. Thinking about length rather than height here. So elongating through the spine, chin tucked, neck long. Take a couple breaths. Good. Big breath in. Maybe lift up a little bit more. And then exhale opposite cheek to the earth and sway your hips side to side. Releasing anything you might be holding onto. And then we'll come for one more round. So welcome to stay with shalabhasana. Or if you want to take dhanurasana, we'll bend through the knees, reach back and hold the feet or the ankles. And then on an inhale, start to kick your feet into your hands as you lift up. Good. And then just take a couple breaths here. Again, just letting the chin talk. Let the back of the neck be long. Take a big breath in. And then exhale, let that go. Maybe windshield wiper the legs behind your low back to feel that release. Beautiful. And then press it up into downward facing dog as you're ready. From your down dog, sweep your right leg up. Draw your right knee to your nose. Start to parallel the shin toward the front of the mat and we'll set up for pigeon pose. So feel free to take any props under that right hip if you'd like. And then any amount, just start to walk your hands in front of you and release into this hip opener. If you feel deep breaths here, breathing into that right hip. Notice where the mind wants to take you. And can you anchor back into the breath? Good. And then take your time. Start to peel your way back up. And then we're going to shift the weight off to the right hip. Take the left leg in front of you and step your left foot across your right thigh. So we're going to set up for a seated spinal twist here. So rooting down through your sitting bones and you're welcome to straighten through that right leg if that feels a little bit more accessible in your body. Otherwise, bending through the right knee as well. Bringing right hand behind, inhale, sweep your left arm up. Excuse me. Bring your left hand behind. Inhale, sweep your right arm up. And then take your twist.

You're welcome to hook the right elbow on the outside of the left if that feels better. And just take your twist in any amount. So as you inhale, really lengthen up, root down to lift. And as you exhale, ease into the twist. Nice. And as you come out of this, gaze forward and then bring your hands on the outside of your right hip. Soften your elbows. Let the head relax to counterbalance. That should feel pretty nice. Nice. And then come on back up. Step the soles of the feet in front of you. We roll back into halasana plow pose. So bringing the legs up and over. And then as you come up, cross your ankles and we'll step back to downward facing dog. And we'll set up for our second side. So inhaling, left leg lifts. Exhale, knee to nose. Start to parallel the shin toward the front of the mat, setting up for left side pigeon pose. Ease your way in. You'll probably notice that one side feels a little different than the other. And again, if you need some props, you might take something under that left hip just to bring the floor up to meet you. And then any amount, walking the hands forward and come into your hip opener. Notice any resistance that might arise. Sometimes for me it's helpful to come back to a mantra here to anchor myself into this moment. And maybe it's as simple as I am inhaling, I am exhaling. Tracking the breath. Tracking the sensations and allowing all of it. Allow a few more full deep breaths here. And then as you're ready, slowly peeling your way up and we'll take the weight to the left hip this time. Step the right foot outside of that left thigh and then find your sitting bone. So just take a moment to wiggle in. This time we'll take right hand behind, left arm lifts up, lengthen and then twist to the right. So elbow or hug that knee in. Then see if you can really keep the sitting bones connected down. Root down through your back fingertips, lengthen up through the spine and then ease into the twist any amount. A couple more breaths here. And then that counterbalance as you're ready. So gaze forward, release your arms on the outside of your left hip, soften the elbows, let the head relax down. Nice. And then come on back up. We'll bring the soles of the feet to the earth. And then this time we'll just roll onto our backs. I'm just going to spin around here so you can see me a little better. And as you come onto your back, if it feels good to come back to that plow pose, you're welcome to do that. Just kind of bringing the legs up and over. And then as you come out of there, hug your knees into your chest. Rock a little bit side to side, massaging through the low back. Good. And then bring the soles of the feet to the earth. We'll set up for one last twist here. So eagle twist.

Cross your right knee on top of your left and you might hook that right foot behind the left calf or just float the leg to the side that's fine as well. And then cactus your arms on either sides of your shoulders with the palms facing up and drop your knees to the left side. You might scoot the hips to the right a little bit and then maybe take your gaze over that right shoulder and just wring it all out. A few full deep breaths in. Good. And then unravel through the legs. Adjust. Step the soles of the feet to the earth. Neutralize the spine so you might scoot your hips a little bit. And then just take a pause here. Step your feet as wide as your mat. Let your knees knock into touch. Constructive rest hands to the low belly and just observe. Taking that pause to check in and notice. Notice the residue of all that movement of your practice. The echo of all the postures. Where does that land? Good. And then coming to the other side as you're ready. So stepping soles of the feet hips width. Cross your left knee on top of the right and you can float that leg or take the foot behind the right calf. Reach the arms on either sides of the shoulders, palms facing up, goal post or yeah, goal post your arms and then drop your knees to the right side. Take that twist and then maybe gaze to the left or you can look straight up if that feels better in your neck. And then just allow for about five full deep breaths here. Just wringing it all out. All these twists. Super detoxifying for the body. Again, re-checking in with your intention. And maybe today it's something that you'd like to let go of to start to create a little bit more space to invite in new energy, new ease. Good. And then kind of unravel as you're ready. And again, let's step the feet wide. Knees knock into touch. Bring the hands to the low belly. Breathing. And then from here, let's hug our knees back to the chest one last time. Give them a squeeze in. Rock a little bit. And then maybe moving into a happy baby just to balance out the right side and the left side. So if you want to move to happy baby, bringing your hands to the outsides of the feet or your shins, let the knees go wide, flexing through the feet and then soften through the shoulders. Let the low back relax, bringing as much of the spine on the earth as you can.

And it might feel good to find just stillness and pause here. Or if it feels nice, you might rock a little bit from side to side, maybe even straightening out one leg, gazing toward that leg and then bringing it over to the other side. If you want to straighten out the other leg, gaze over toward that leg, feel the inner leg line again. And then maybe both legs go wide. Relax through the shoulders, soften the gaze. Beautiful. And then go ahead and hug the knees back in. Draw your nose up toward your knees. Take a big full breath in holding the breath up at the very top. Sip in a little bit more air and then open the mouth, side out and just let everything release into your final integration, your resting pose. Now allowing the yoga to work on you, to let it do its work, do its job. Bring the palms to face up. Maybe tuck the shoulders underneath you. If it feels comfortable to close the eyes, so allow the gaze to shift inward. Letting go, letting be. Just rest. Sip in a little bit more air. Sip in a little bit more air. Sip in a little bit more air. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Then, as you are ready, hands to heart. Anjali Mudra.

Just checking in with something you feel grateful for today. And then, holding that with you as you move out into the rest of your day. Take a big full breath in. Holding the breath at the top. Sip in a little bit more air.

And then open the mouth. Let it go. Sigh it out. light and love and me greets and honors the light and love and each of you namaste


Jenny S
5 people like this.
Luxurious and grounding, the perfect way to start the week 🙌
2 people like this.
Love your classes!
Sarah Beston
So lovely to hear, Jenny! Thank you for sharing your experience—stay close and hope you’re having a wonderful week!
Sarah Beston
Hi Kristine—so happy to be practicing with you here on Yoga Anytime! 
Sarah, I love how you sequence so many postures flowing into one another but it doesn’t feel rushed and there is still space to explore.
Sarah Beston
 Ali, so glad that the practice feels spacious and unrushed for you. It’s one of my personal favorites. Thanks so much for exploring with me!
Kate M
1 person likes this.
a very sweet flow. Just what I needed tonight : ) Thank you, Sarah!
Sarah Beston
1 person likes this.
Dear Kate—you are so very welcome! Wishing you a beautiful new week. Warmly, Sarah
Beth F
1 person likes this.
I'm grateful for this class☺️- love these longer classes solidly  in the 2 range, Sarah!  One thing I keep thinking is I wish a class would spend some time with the various varieties of upward dog.  It seems it is always rushed thru to get to downward dog.  It's such a juicy pose in it's own right  - if you have time for that I'd appreciate it! 
Sarah Beston
Beth — ohhh, I so agree on up dog. It’s one of my favorite postures and what a great idea to spend some time on variations and breaking it down. Interestingly enough I actually broke it down and taught it with blocks under hips in my live classes this week. I will definitely think on that in planning future sequences. Thank you! Warmly, Sarah
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