Your 30-Minute Go-to Yoga Sequence Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 3

Go-to Sequence 2 v.2

30 min - Practice


Alana guides us in an energetic version of our go-to sequence to build internal length, heat, and space. With special awareness to our hips and heart, you will feel spacious, awake, and strong.
What You'll Need: Mat, Block

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Welcome, let's go to it, join me at the top of your mat, spread your toes, interlace your fingers, soften through the knees, inhale, reach the arms up, feel that internal length and space, breathing in, we'll take it over to the right, lengthening the left side, inhale up and over to the left, lengthening the right side, breathing up, exhale, release the arm and let's interlace the fingers, inhale, lift the chest, exhale, bend your knees forward fold, chest towards the thighs, let the head drop, stretch the arms up, out and over, soft bend through the knees, release the hands and roll up nice and slow, head last, stacking the bones, press through the feet, feeling the heart, feeling the shoulders and feeling the head. Let's come into some sun salutations, join the toes to touch and bring the hands together at the heart, inhale, sweep the arms up towards the sky and exhale, dive forward and in, releasing, inhale half arch, get long and lengthen, exhale, plank pose, step back, let's hold plank for a few breaths, so really feel your strength here, reach back through your heels, lengthen forward, drawing the tailbone under and feel the deep lower belly drop and in, that's right, lower the knees, slow onto the belly and inhale, rising up, cobra, lifting up through the chest and the heart and then slow lower down, tuck the toes under, press up and back, downward facing dog and our first downward dog just walking it off, pedaling the feet, bending the knees and lengthening, it might feel good to come high up onto the balls of the feet for a moment and then slow, let the heels get heavy towards the floor, take your time walking the feet towards the hands, once you arrive inhale, half arch, exhale, forward fold, strong through your legs, inhale, circle the arms up, press through the feet, lengthen, exhale, hands to the heart, two more rounds, inhale, arms sweep up, gather the energy and exhale, diving forward and in, inhale, half arch, lengthen, exhale, plank pose, step back, pause and plank, lower the knees and lower slowly, collarbones broad, inhale, press through the palms, lift up cobra and exhale, lead with the heart, lower down, tuck the toes, press up and back, downward facing dog, let's take three breaths here, lengthening the spine, feeling the breath, as you're ready, soft bend through the knees, look forward, walk the feet towards the hands, inhale, half arch, exhale, forward fold and inhale, press through the feet, circle the arms up and lengthen, exhale, hands to the heart, last one, inhale, arms sweep up and exhale, diving forward and in, releasing, inhale, half arch, lengthen, exhale, lead and plank, pausing and plank, you might lower the knees or lower chaturanga, nice and slow, inhale, cobra or if you're ready, upward facing dog, lifting the thighs, the heart, exhale, downward facing dog, nice, from downward dog, walk the feet next to each other, inhale, sweep the right leg up to the sky, bend the knee, open the hip, you might circle up the ankle here, grounding evenly through the hands, stretch the right leg up to the sky, square the hips, inhale, exhale, right knee, right elbow, hover, shoulders over the wrists, inhale, stretch the right leg up, exhale, knee to nose round, step it through, twisting lunge, inhale, sweep the right arm up to the sky, reach from the heart into both hands, feel that back left thigh pull up and into the hip, inhale, exhale, sweep the right arm down, low lunge, lower the back knee, stay low or rise up, drawing hips forward, tailbone draws under, inhale, sweep the arms up, feel that lift and support through the back of the heart, easy out through the neck here, couple of breaths, softening the jaw, nice, breathing in, exhale, release the hands, draw the hips back, a little half split action, lengthening through that right side, nice, slow, bend that front knee, set up for your high crescent lunge, tuck the back toes under, strong through the legs and hips, inhale, rise up, hands on the hips, draw the tailbone under and then inhale, sweep the arms up towards the sky, feel that support and lift, round the back of the heart as you reach up, beautiful, one more inhale, strong through the legs, exhale, hands to the heart, lower the hands, step that right foot back and up to the sky, shake it out, nice work from downward dog Vinyasa, inhale forward plank, exhale lower the knees or chaturanga, inhale to cobra or maybe upward dog, exhale, downward facing dog, walk the feet to touch, inhale sweep your left leg up, bend the knee, open the hip, check it out, circling out the ankle, stretch that left leg up to the sky, inhale, exhale, left knee, left elbow, hover, inhale, left leg reaches, exhale, knee to nose, round, step it through, twisting lunge, inhale, sweep the left arm up, reaching back through that right heel, forward through the heart, full breath here, lengthening, exhale, sweep the left hand down, lower the back knee, low lunge, inhale, rising up onto that front left thigh, stay here, inhale, sweep the arms up to the sky, feeling that lift, that energy through your spine, back of the heart lifts to support you, easy through the neck, beautiful, few more breaths here, inhale, exhale, release the hands, draw your hips back, extend and lengthen, drawing those left toes towards the face, slow bend that left knee, setting up high crescent lunge, tuck the back toes strong through the legs, as you're ready, rise up, hands onto the hips, again, tailbone draws under, spine lengthens, inhale, sweep the arms up to the sky, nice, stabilizing here as you feel that lift from the pelvic floor up to your spine, feeling that energy, beautiful, nice, inhale here, reaching, exhale, hands to the heart and hands around that front left foot, step that left foot back and up, shake it out, lower it down, downward dog, as you're ready, vinyasa, inhale, forward plank, exhale, lower the knees or chaturanga, inhale, cobra or upward dog, listening to your body, exhale, we'll meet in downward facing dog, taking a moment to pause, walking it off, or lowering the knees coming into child's pose. From down dog, walk the feet next to each other, as you're ready, inhale, sweep the right leg up to the sky again, bend the knee, open the hip, stretch the right leg up to the sky, square the hips, inhale, exhale, nice and strong, right knee, right elbow, hover, inhale, right leg reaches up, exhale, knee to nose, round, step it through, warrior two, inhale, sweep the left arm up, here we go, settling in, opening the palms, warrior dance, inhale, press through the ball, that right foot, reach up, exhale, right knee bends, warrior two, two more, inhale, arms reach, exhale, warrior two, last one, inhale, arms reach up, exhale, warrior two, peaceful, reach that right arm up, lengthening, opening up through the right ribs, extended side angle, right form onto the right thigh, sweep the left arm over the ear, opening the chest, feel that nice long line of energy from the outer left edge to the fingers, strong through the legs and the core, inhale, rise, back up, warrior two, peaceful, reverse, then press into the ball, that right foot, toe heel, the back foot in a little closer, and then reaching back, reverse triangle, keep that length through the right side as you hinge, bringing the right hand to the shin or the ankle or your block, left arm reaches up to the sky, let's take five breaths here in triangle pose, feeling the bottom lung turning up, easy through the neck. As you're ready, strong through the legs, inhale, reach with the top arm, come on up, turn that right foot in, toe heel, the feet just a little closer together, hands on the hips, inhale, lift up, exhale, forward fold, hinging at the hips, releasing the hands, inhale, lengthen once more, and then exhale, releasing the head towards the floor, nice, bending the elbows, drawing the shoulders up the back, couple of breaths here, letting the neck lengthen, nice, as you're ready lengthen up halfway, turn the toes out, bend the left knee skandhasana, shift the hips over to the left, and then back over to the right, nice, let's do this a few times, side to side, just waking up the leg lines, side to side, nice fluid movement here, we're gonna travel back to the top of the mat, shape of the lunge, spin onto the ball of your back left foot, lower that left knee down, toe heel the right foot a little wider, coming into lizard, so let's stay on the top of the hands here, and lean a little bit from side to side, moving deeper into the hips, and you're welcome to lower down onto the forearms, or even turn and twist to the right a little bit, opening up through that hip flexor on the left side, softening through the eyes and the jaw, you might stay here a little bit longer when you feel ready to release, draw your hips back, toe heel that front foot back into the midline, a little half split action here on that right heel, drawing the toes towards the face, allow for a nice full exhale, and then slow, bend that right knee, tuck the back toes under downward facing dog, step back and lengthen, vinyasa, inhale forward plank pose, exhale lower the knees, or through a nice slow chaturanga, exhale to cobra or upward dog, lifting the heart, exhale back, downward facing dog, walk the feet to touch and inhale, sweep the left leg up, bend the knee, open the hip, stretch that left leg back up towards the sky, squaring the hips, nice full breath in, exhale left knee, left elbow, feeling your strength, inhale left leg reaches, exhale knee to nose, round, step through warrior two, inhale sweep the right arm up, settling in, setting up your feet, as you're ready warrior dance, inhale press through the ball of left foot, left leg straightens, arms reach, exhale warrior two, two more, inhale arms reach up, exhale warrior two, last one, inhale arms reach, exhale warrior two, peaceful, sweep the left arm up towards the sky, feel that space and opening through the left side body, inhale exhale side angle, left forearm, left thigh, sweep the right arm over the ear, opening up through the chest, lengthening through the neck, breathing, and strong through the legs, drawing the core in, inhale reach back up and peaceful, sweep that left arm up to the sky, press through the ball that left foot, left leg straightens as you toe heel that right foot in a little closer, reverse triangle lengthen, keep the length as you move into triangle pose, extend and reach, and left hand finds the shin, the ankle, the block, right arm reaches to the sky and triangle, five full breaths here, really make it your own. As you're ready strong through the legs, inhale reach with the top arm, come on up, turn the left toes in, toe heel the feet a little closer together, stretch the arms out, roll the shoulders forward and then interlace your fingers behind the back, inhale lift the chest and then exhale hinge at the hips forward fold, bringing the head towards the floor as you stretch the arms up out and over, you can always keep a soft bend in the back of the knees here, releasing through the neck, beautiful.

Take your time releasing the hands down, let's walk them out for hammock pose, releasing the shoulders, drawing the hips back and softening the heart towards the floor, back of the neck releases here, such a nice extension. Take your time, bring the hands back underneath the shoulders and travel back to the top of the mat, shape of the lunge, left foot forward, spin onto the ball of the back foot and lowering that back knee down, coming into lizard. And you might toe heel that front foot a little wider, turning it out, you can stay up onto the hands, kind of move around in there, notice how it feels through your left hip and that back right hip flexor, again you might stay on the hands, you might lower on to your forearms, make it your own, you might even twist, bring the left hand on to that left thigh, and then turning, good, a few more moments here. As you're ready, draw your hips back and toe heel that front foot back into the midline, half split, lengthening, and slow, gradually bend that front knee, tuck the back toes, under step back, downward facing dog, vinyasa, inhale, forward plank, exhale, lower the knees or chaturanga, broad through the collarbones, and inhale, cobra or up dog, lifting up, warming the spine, exhale, lower down, and back, downward facing dog, we'll meet there, downward facing dog, walk or hop the feet towards the hands, inhale, half arch, and exhale, forward fold. As you're ready, inhale, sweep the arms up to the sky, gather the energy, lengthen, and exhale, bring it home to the heart, taking a moment to pause, and feeling your breath at internal heat and space, tree pose, grounding through the right foot, opening the left tip, heel towards the inner ankle, like half, or maybe today you're playing with that upper inner thigh, nice, you might bring the hands together at the heart, feel how you can draw the sacrum in, let the spine lift and lengthen, heart drawing towards the thumbs, maybe reaching the arms up towards the sky, steady the gaze, notice the quality of the breath, one more inhale here, bring the hands together at the heart, and then releasing, and shake it out for a moment, how did that feel?

It's ground through the left foot, see how this side feels, spread the toes open the right hip, pressing the heel towards the inner ankle, the calf, or maybe the upper thigh, centering the hands at the heart, or maybe reaching the arms up towards the sky, feeling that uplifting quality of mountain pose, steady the gaze, last few moments here, really allowing the energy to move through the body, nice, drawing the hands together at the heart, and then freeing the legs, shake it out, nice work, spreading the toes, setting up for chair pose, as you're ready, bend the knees, reach the arms forward, sit back into the heels, yeah, nice and long through the spine, full breath into the back of the body, inhale, exhale, diving forward and in, releasing the head, inhale, half arch, let your spine lift and lengthen, exhale, plank pose, pausing and plank for a few beats, nice and strong through the legs, from here, let's lower all the way onto our belly, setting up for locus, forehead on the floor, stretch the fingers towards the toes, as you're ready, inhale, lift the heart, lift the arms, lift the legs and really draw the back body into the spine, lifting up locus, long through the neck, one more, inhale, lifting up and slow, exhale, lower down, take a moment to pause, we'll find one more in preparation for camel, as you're ready, let's interlace the fingers and inhale, lifting up through the chest, closing the thighs, beautiful, drawing the back body into the spine, one more inhale brings you up and exhale, lowers you down, bring the hands underneath your shoulders, elbows into the ribs, press up, few rounds of nice gentle cat cow, as we move into camel, inhale to arch, exhale, curl and round, press the floor away, stretch the back, inhale, bend and lengthen, exhale, curl and round, let's take one more inhale, lengthen and exhale, curl and round, draw the hips back and then sit up onto the knees or rise up, setting up for camel, feel that length through the spine, let's bring the hands together at the heart, lifting up through the pelvic floor, heart rising towards the thumbs, feeling the back bend from the upper part of the spine, as you draw the tailbone under, sacrum in, heart rising towards the thumbs, beautiful, breathing here, lengthening the front of the body and then lead with the heart, slow, come up and then sit back onto the heels, take a moment to pause, notice how you feel, we'll take one more round of camel or ustrasana, so come up onto the knees, again hands might stay together at the heart or you might prefer to bring the hands back, fingers pointing down or up, whatever feels best for your shoulders, we'll inhale, lift up and lengthen and then exhale, begin to open up through the chest, hands might stay exactly where they are, if available and appropriate, you might begin to play with bringing the hands back towards the heels, chin might stay in depending on your neck or you might slowly begin to let the head release as the throat opens and finding your variation here of camel pose, beautiful, strong through the legs and the core, bringing the hands back onto the lower back or keeping them at the heart and then slowly we're going to release from there into child's pose, nice and slow, any variation of child's pose, forehead releasing, maybe a little wobble from side to side, nice full breath into the low back, nice, you might stay here a bit longer, when you're ready to come into downward facing dog, tuck the toes under and let's stretch out the back of the legs here, setting up for pigeon on the right side, as you're ready, bring that right knee forward, setting up, you might toe heel that right foot a little wider, feeling that back thigh internally rotate and you might stay up in your pigeon, you might prop something underneath your right hip or sitting bone, if it would feel good, you might slowly begin to lean into it, staying on the hands or lowering onto the forearms, few moments here, easing in, notice the quality of the breath, softening the jaw, other few breaths, you might stay in this a bit longer, no rush, when you feel ready just walk the hands back, tuck the toes under and then send that right leg up to the sky, it might feel good to shake it out, bend and open the hip there, setting that right foot down, downward dog and drawing the left knee through, setting up for pigeon, you might toe heel that left foot out towards the right hand, maybe setting something underneath that left hip or sitting bone, nice, you might stay up and lengthen, you might slowly begin to lean into it, letting the body invite you in and out of this shape, understanding what you can, breathing into it, a few more breaths here, you might stay here a bit longer, when you feel ready climb on out, tuck the back toes under and then slowly extend and free that left leg up to the sky, bend the knee, open the hip, shake it out, lowering back to downward facing dog, we'll find our way into staff pose Dandasana, so as you're ready bend the knees and then bring the knees through, find a seat, however you'd like to get here, we'll stretch the legs out coming into staff pose for a moment, just lengthening up through our spine, boat pose, ready, bend the knees, hands might find the back of the legs and sit back onto the sitting bones as you lengthen the spine, you might stay here if it feels okay on the low back or maybe you're extending out through the legs, reaching up through the toes, the fingers, nice and broad through the collar bones, another breath here, lifting, maybe a smile and then lower down reverse table top, bring the feet to the floor, fingers facing the feet and lifting up, nice, drawing the tailbone under, lengthening the thigh bones, chin might stay in or if it feels good letting the head drop back, the shoulders open and then slow chin to the chest, lower down, one last round boat pose, you've got it, extending through the legs, hands might find the back of the legs or you might stretch the legs out, stretch the arms out, lifting up, feeling your strength and then slow with control, we'll roll onto our backs, find your way there nice and slow, setting up for bridge pose, go ahead and grab your block so it's nearby for our inversion, nice, bringing the heels in line with your sitting bones, arms down alongside the body, full breath in, exhale, curl the tailbone, press through the feet, lifting up into your bridge, palms might press into the floor, you might roll and tuck the shoulders under the back, finding that interlace, long through the front body, few breaths here, spacious through the throat, grounding through the soles of the feet, beautiful, nice, one more breath here, slow release the hands and roll the spine down slow, upper back, middle back, low back and sacrum, we'll press up again and bring the block underneath, as you're ready press through the feet, lift the pelvis up, slide the block under the sacrum, today I'm going to bring it on that first setting but you choose the setting that would feel best, we'll draw our knees into our chest and stretch the legs up towards the sky, lengthening through the fingers, opening through the chest and like really reaching through the balls of the feet so you can look up towards the toes, see that energy through the legs, then allow for a, yeah, just allowing your pelvis, your sacrum to really receive that wonderful support of the block, in this nourishing inversion, I love this one, few more moments here, letting the blood and the energy drain from the feet and the legs down into the pelvis the heart, you might stay here a bit longer, when you feel ready to come down just go ahead and bend your knees, bring your feet down to the earth, finding that blueprint of your bridge, press through the feet, lift your pelvis up, slide the block out, try to keep your head and neck right where it is and then lowering the spine down nice and slow, nice, bring the soles of the feet together, knees wide, letting the hips open and stretch here, palms might rest on the belly, releasing the low back towards the earth, and slow, drawing the knees towards each other, let's find a windshield wipers for spinal twist today, so feet nice and wide, letting the knees go side to side here and letting the head move away from the knees or with the knees, kind of wringing it out, releasing the back, few more rounds, windshield wipers, you want to get on to one side and just pause there lengthening and releasing and over to the other side, lengthening and releasing, stay with this as long as you like, as you're ready for shavasana, go ahead and draw your knees into your chest, so lift up, curl up, one last moment, curl, curl, curl, and then slow, releasing to the earth, shavasana, relaxing the effort and feeling the support beneath you, really consciously resting in the space you've just, in the energy you've just created through your practice. So, let's find a windshield wipers, let's find a windshield wipers, let's find a windshield wipers, you have the time, you might stay a bit longer, lingering, you feel inspired to move, finding a full body stretch and then drawing the knees in, go ahead and roll to your side, let yourself pause there for a moment, keeping the head heavy, and let your transition be slow as you press into the hands, take your time, just finding a comfortable seat to close, settling, centering, nice, let's join the hands together at the heart, breathing in, exhale, bowing the head towards the heart, namaste, thank you for your practice, have a beautiful day.


Tanya K
3 people like this.
Nice active and balanced practice, as always from you, Alana! It felt maybe a little rushed to me, but that’s a personal preference for longer holds. 
It’d be great if a block was listed in the props needed for this practice, as it currently says ‘no props needed’, but a block was actually used. (I had mine nearby anyway but someone else might not and a Supported Bridge is too nice to miss out on!)
Erin S
1 person likes this.
Really sweet class, thank you so much!
Alana Mitnick
Hi Tanya, Thanks so much for your feedback. You're totally right... it's a faster pace than usual for me too... we had a lot to squeeze in and share in 30 minutes! We are adding the block into the prop list, so that will be updated shortly. Having a block nearby at the end for the support inversion feels Amazing. Curious to hear how the other versions feel for you. Stay close. Love, Alana 
Alana Mitnick
Hi Erin, So glad you enjoyed the class! Keep us posted on how this sequence is feeling and evolving for you throughout the season. Enjoy! Love, Alana 
Megan G
1 person likes this.
Love it! Great for times I want to dive right in w/o the slower build-up. Thank you, Alana!
Ersan Kaan E
1 person likes this.
Thank you dear Alana Mitnick 
Alana Mitnick
Wonderful Megan! Dive in is right! So glad you are enjoying our GoTo pacing and flow. Love, Alana 
Alana Mitnick
Ersan Kaan E, Thank you so much for being here. So delighted to practice together! Let us know how this GoTo sequence is feeling and evolving for you. Namaste, Alana  
Chris C
2 people like this.
This was a wonderful Easter morning practice. Thank you! :) XO
Kate M
2 people like this.
Love the way you guys developed this invigorating sequence, keeping some elements from season 1, but really changing up the flavour! This one is great for waking the body up and getting energy moving... Love!
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