Your 30-Minute Go-to Yoga Sequence Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 4

Go-to Sequence 2 v.3

30 min - Practice


Let the breath support you. In this energizing variation of our go-to sequence, Linda guides us in an active practice promoting strong legs and core and side body awareness. You will an uptick of energy.
What You'll Need: Mat, Block

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Welcome to your practice. Let's start at the front of the mat. Bring your feet together, hands to prayer at your heart. Close your eyes. Ground down into your feet. Take a deep breath in through your nose. Out your mouth, let it go. Reach your arms out and up. Big inhale. Grab your left wrist with your right hand. Lean to the right. Big side bend. Maybe jut the left hip to the left a little. Take another breath. And on your inhale, come back up. Grab your right wrist. Exhale over to the left. Maybe jut that right hip out. Feel your breath. And then come back up. Big inhale. Reach your arms behind you. Palms face towards each other. Thumbs down. Interlace the hands. Take a deep breath in. Lift the heart. Exhale. Hinge forward. Maybe bend your knees. Let your head hang. Couple breaths. Release your hands down to the floor. Bend the knees a lot and slowly ragdoll one vertebra at a time all the way up to stand. Once you come up, take a couple shoulder rolls up and back. Hands to prayer at your heart. Surya namaskar A. Deep breath in. Reach the arms out and up. Exhale. Forward fold. Inhale. Take a half lift. Exhale. Step back to plank and pause. Spread wide into the fingers and palms. Feel a lot of resistance here. Press the floor away. Reach through the crown of your head. And maybe imagine you could suck your hands and toes towards each other, firing up your belly. Two more deep supportive breaths. Good. Next inhale. Shift forward slightly. Slow lower to the belly. Exhale. Inhale baby cobra. Lift the heart. Draw the shoulders back. Exhale. Downward dog. Just take a few breaths here in our first down dog. Maybe pedal out your feet.

Shift the hips a little side to side. Nod your head. Relax your jaw. Take one more breath. And then look forward to your hands. Either walk or light hop up. Halfway lift. Inhale. Fold as you exhale. Rise up. Inhale. Reach your arms. Exhale. Prayer to your heart. Inhale. Reach back up. Exhale. Forward fold. Inhale. Halfway lift. Exhale. Step back to plank again. Pause for your inhale. Exhale. Lower either halfway chaturanga or to the floor. Inhale. Upward dog or cobra. Exhale. Press it back. Downward dog. Holding for about three slow breaths. Really push down into the palms. Pull the belly in. As you're ready walk or light hop front of the mat. Halfway lift. Inhale. Fold as you exhale. Inhale. Rise up. Reach your arms. Exhale. Prayer to your heart. Last one. Inhale. Reach up. Exhale. Forward fold. Inhale.

Half lift. Exhale. Step back to plank. Slow lower. Same exhale. Cobra or up dog. Inhale. Press it back. Down dog. From here lift the right leg up and back. Bend the knee. Open up the hip. Take a huge inhale. As you exhale right knee to right upper arm as high as you can. Inhale. Send it back and up. Exhale. Knee to chest. Hold for your inhale. Exhale. Step your foot through. Simple twist right arm up to the sky and then gently lower it back down. Lower your back knee to the floor and reach your arms up. Pause here. Lift the hearts. Let's do another side stretch. You can grab your left wrist with your right hand and just gently lean over towards the right. Take an extra breath. Press into your right foot and then reach both arms back up as you inhale. As you exhale hands down to the floor. Shift your hips back. Half split. Flex your right toes. Maybe keep a bend in your right knee here. Pull your belly in and reach through your heart. One more breath. Bend your right knee. High lunge. Lift the back knee up and reach the arms straight up. Good. Pause here. Again strongly rooting through your right foot and maybe grab your left wrist again. A little challenge here and you're balanced to sweep the ribs and the body over to the right a little. Couple breaths. Strong right leg. And then reach both arms back up as you inhale. As you exhale hands down to the floor. Step back. Downward facing dog. You can shake out the right leg and then bring your feet together and from here come back through Vinyasa. Inhale travel into plank. Exhale slowly lower. Inhale lift the heart cobra or up dog.

Press it back. Downward facing dog. Left leg rises up. Bend the knee. Open up the hip. Take a deep breath in. Exhale knee to your left upper arm. Inhale send it back. Exhale knee to chest. Hold for your inhale. Step it through as you exhale. Simple twist left arm up to the sky and then lower it back down. Lower your back knee. Reach your arms up. Inhale. Good. Pause here and maybe grab the right wrist and lean over towards the left any amount. Take another breath. Reach both arms back up. Inhale. Exhale hands down to the floor. Shift your hips back. Flex your front foot. Maybe keep a bend in your front knee. Reach through your heart. Nice and active through your belly. One more breath. Good. Bend the front knee. High lunge. Crescent. Inhale. Reach your arms up. Good. Really root through the left foot for stability. Grab your right wrist and gently lean over towards the left. Couple more breaths. Steady gaze out in front of you. Then reach both arms back up. Inhale. As you exhale hands down to the floor. Step back. Down dog. You can shake out your left leg. Lift it up again and then moving through vinyasa. Inhale. Come back to plank. Exhale. Slowly lower. Inhale. Heart lift. Shoulders back.

Exhale. Downward facing dog. Feel the quality of your breath. Let it smooth out. From here lift the right leg up and back. Open the hip. Bend the knee. Take a deep breath in. Exhale. Need a right tricep. Inhale. Send it back. Exhale. Need a chest. Hold for your inhale. Exhale. Step it through. Inhale for warrior two. Spin the left heel flat. Left arm back. Right arm forward. Let's do a little dance here. Reach your arms all the way up. Straighten the right leg. Inhale. Exhale. Back to warrior two. Inhale. Straighten legs. Straighten arms. Reach up. Exhale. Back to warrior two. One more. Inhale. Reach up. Straighten right leg. Exhale. Warrior two. Reverse your warrior for an inhale. Pause. Maybe grab your right wrist here with your left hand for another side stretch. Good. And then slowly come back through warrior two all the way to extended side angle. Placing the right forearm on your right thigh. Left arm up and over the ear. Maybe you want to wiggle that right forearm down a bit for a little more sensation. A little more strength. Couple more breaths. And then come back through warrior two. Reverse warrior. Inhale.

Straighten out your right leg. Pause. Maybe shorten your stance. Just a couple inches with the back foot. Deep breath in. Exhale all the way to triangle through kinesana. Left arm stacks on top of right arm. Open the heart. And then optional core work here if you want to play with me. Left arm sweeps over the ear. Palm towards the floor. Engage the legs. Engage the belly. Reach the right arm forward as well like you're holding a ball between your hands. Couple more breaths. And slowly just rise on up. Bring your hands to your hips. Parallel your feet. Take a deep breath in. Lift your heart as you exhale. Hinge forward and fold. You can bring your hands down to the floor. Take a couple breaths. Relax your head. And then point your toes slightly out. Come high to the fingertips. Bend into the right knee skandhasana. You can walk your hands over the right foot. And then walk your hands over to the left and bend the left knee. Good. And then walk your hands all the way to the front edge of the mat. Pivot your feet around and come to lizard pose. Right foot wiggles all the way to the right. Hands inside the foot. You can lower the back knee here. And maybe bring your forearms down to the floor and let your head relax. You also have a block if you want your forearms on a block. A couple more breaths here. And then come back up. Half split. Wiggle the right foot back in a little and flex your front foot. Fingers can walk right into the shoulders. Maybe do a little undulation here. Reaching the heart as you inhale. Rounding in as you exhale. Bend the front knee. Plant your palms. Step back. Downward-facing dog. Release the right leg. Open up the hip. Maybe circle it around. And then bring your feet together. And pause. Feel your breath. From here another vinyasa. Inhale coming into plank. Exhale. Slow lower. Cobra or upward dog. Inhale. Exhale. Press it back. Downward dog. Lift your left leg up. Bend the knee. Open up the hip. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, need a left tricep. Inhale. Send it back. Exhale. Need a chest. Hold for your inhale. And step it through as you exhale. Inhale.

Warrior II. Just settle in here and start to find your dance. Straight in front leg. Reach up. Inhale. Exhale. Bend back into Warrior II. Inhale. Straighten leg. Arms reach up. Exhale. Back to Warrior II. One more. Inhale. Reaching up. Straightening the leg. Exhale. Bend back in. Reverse your warrior. Inhale. The left arm reaches up and away from the thigh. And maybe grab your left wrist with your right hand. Pulling up and back. Good. Slowly come back through Warrior II. Make your way into extended angle. Left forearm to the thigh or the inner knee. Right arm reaches up or over the ear. Palm faces down. Open up your chest. Strong legs. And slowly come back up through Warrior II. Reverse your warrior again. Straighten out your left leg. Maybe walk your back foot in an inch or two. Inhale. As you exhale, come all the way to triangle pose. Stacking the arms.

And then option for that core work. The right arm reaches up and over the ear. And the left arm floats forward as well. Strong legs. Strong belly. Couple more breaths. And press through your feet. Come all the way up. Parallel the feet. Bring your hands behind you. Interlace your hands together. Inhale. Lift the chest. Exhale. Hinge forward and fold. Maybe bend your knees here. Couple breaths. Then release your hands to the floor and crawl them out in front of you pretty far away like you're in a nice wide down dog. And just let your heart melt for hammock pose. Let your head relax. One more breath. Good. And walk your hands back. Crawl around to the front edge of the mat. Lizard. Wiggle the left foot over to the left. Option to lower the back knee. Elbows down to the floor or a block. And just keep feeling the quality of your breath. Breathing into every sensation. You come back up. Half split. Wiggle that left foot in a little and straighten out your left leg as you walk your fingers just under your shoulders. And maybe take that undulation. Heart reaches. Inhale. Exhale. Gently round the spine. Bend your front knee. Plant your palms. Step back. Down dog. Swing that left leg up in the air. Bend the knee and circle around the hip. And then bring your feet together. Pause in your downward dog. Take a breath. And then another vinyasa option here. Inhale. Coming into plank. Exhale. Slowly lower. Inhale. Lift the heart. And press it back. Downward dog. Let's take one deep breath in here. Maybe sigh it out your mouth. And walk your light float front of the mat.

Halfway lift. Inhale. Fold as you exhale. Rise up. Reach your arms. Big inhale. Exhale. Prayer to your heart. Good. Find a steady focal point out in front of you. Bring the weight into your left foot. Right foot will come up for tree pose. And just focus on your left leg here. Really plant down some roots in your left foot. And let those roots fire up strength into your leg, into your belly, into your heart, all the way through the crown of your head. One more breath. And then just gently switch sides. Right foot plants down.

Left foot comes up. Feel the roots spreading out into your right foot. And then all that strength from the earth firing up into your belly, into your heart, into the crown of your head. Lift tall. And feel the quality of your breath. Let it support you. Good. Gently release. Bring your feet together. From here inhale chair pose. Couple breaths. Pull the belly in. Maybe sit a little deeper. One more inhale.

As you exhale, fold forward. On your inhale, take a half lift. As you exhale, step back to plank pose. High push-up. Hold for a couple breaths. Press the floor away. Pull the belly in. One more inhale. Slow lower as you exhale. Come to the belly. Reach your arms behind you. Okay, so moving into a locus variation.

Reach your arms out in front of you. And this one will be a little longer, so we'll just do one instead of two. So lift your legs up. Lift your arms up. Bend your elbows back like goalposts. Feel the whole back body working and spread your legs wide apart. Feel active legs, active back. And then on your inhale, reach your arms back out. Bring your legs together. As you exhale, bend the elbows. Reach the legs out. Inhale. Reach. Bring the legs together. Exhale.

Bend. This is a lot of work. Stay with me. Two more. Inhale. Exhale. Bend. Reach out. One more. And then bend. Good. Okay, go ahead and lower down. You can just rest your forehead for a moment. Take a breath. And then walk your hands right by your ribs. Press onto the hands and knees.

And just take a couple cats and cows rounding the spine. Arching the back, moving through the shoulders. Okay, and then coming into camel pose. And for this camel pose, we're going to use a block as an option. Squeezing it between your inner thighs. Really to activate the inner thighs, the adductors, the belly. Take your hands just above your glutes. Fingers pointing down. Lift the heart up. Squeeze the block. And just lift the chest up any amount. Feel the breath moving into your heart space and your ribs.

You can lift up through your chin. Maybe even hang your head back. And some of you might even be going a little bit deeper here. One more breath. And squeeze the block. Slowly lift back up. And just take a pause. You can sit on your heels. Feel your breath.

And then coming to child's pose, just gently release your forehead down to the mat. One more breath here. And then roll yourself back up. Okay, let's do one more camel. You can do it with the block or without. Hands just above the glutes. Fingers down. Lift the heart up. Just a couple breaths for this one. And slowly lower back down. Come into child's pose. Just relax your forehead down to the earth. Take a breath.

Walk your hands forward. Downward facing dog. Right leg reaches up and back. Bend the knee. Open the hip. Coming to pigeon. Right knee behind the right wrist. Flex your right foot. So for today's variation, maybe you make it a little more active. Hide the fingertips. Pull the belly in. Really puff up the chest. I did yoga for a long time before I realized that the reason this is called pigeon is because it's supposed to be like this with your big pigeon breast. The traditional. But the floppy pigeon feels good too.

Feel free to come into it. A couple more breaths. Pulling the belly in. Lifting through the heart. Strong active legs. Good. And then slowly press into the palms. Step back. Downward facing dog. You can shake out the right leg. Left leg rises up. Bend the knee. Open up the hip.

And then bring your left knee just behind the left wrist. Flex your left foot. Active pigeon breast pose. Shoulders away from your ears. Actively suck your legs towards each other here. Pull the belly in. And feel the breath support you.

One more breath. And plant your palms. Step back. Downward facing dog. Shake out the left leg a little. And from here either walk or lightly hop through to a seat. Coming into staff pose. Dandasana. Legs out in front of you.

Palms right by your hips. And just find a nice lift through your spine. Couple breaths. And from here bend your knees. Coming into Navasana. Reaching your arms forward. Lift your feet up. Feel the belly engage. Feel the heart lift. One more breath.

You're going to place your feet back on the floor. Tabletop hands behind you. Lift the hips up just for a breath. And then bring your hips back to the floor. One more time. Navasana. Lift your legs up. Reach your arms forward. Lift the hearts. Pull the belly in. Try to feel a long straight spine. Two more breaths.

Good. And slowly come on to your back. Lower all the way down. One bridge pose here. Take your arms right alongside your body. Gently lift your hips up to the sky. Maybe interlace your hands underneath you. Pushing down through your feet. Make it nice and active. And then release your arms and slowly lower yourself down to the floor.

Grab your block. Place it at either the lower or middle level. Just under your hips. Sacred bone. Flat bone. And then take your legs straight up. Your arms can just relax off to the side. Palms up. And just let your breath slow down.

Let's just take about two more nice, long, deep breaths. Softly bend your knees. Place your feet on the floor. Slide the block off to the side. Supta Baddha Konasana. Bring the soles of your feet together. Place a hand on your heart, a hand on your belly. Take a full deep breath here. One more full deep breath.

Good. And then guide your knees together into the chest. We'll just do a little windshield wiper here to unwind the spine. Arms out to the side. Gently lower the knees over to the right. And slowly bring them back to center and just gently to the left. A couple more times. Use the core here to softly control the movement.

And just feel like you're rinsing away any debris. Anything unnecessary. Anything that's not going to serve your day. Good. Hug your knees together into your chest. Take one more inhale and exhale. Let it all go. Start to come into your final rush of asana. Relax your shoulders away from your ears. Palms face up. And just let every muscle and bone dissolve and release.

Allow your breath to just feel effortless. Allow yourself to simply be here. As you're ready, just gently start to move your fingers and your toes. Reach your arms all the way over your head. Big long body stretch. Inhale through your nose. Sigh out your mouth.

And bend your knees. Either roll to the right side or rock yourself up and come to a seated position. And we'll pause there with the eyes closed. Hands in a prayer at the hearts. Bow your chin down as a gesture of gratitude. Thank yourself for taking the time out of your day to honor your body and connect to your breath. One more inhale through the nose. Exhale out the mouth.



Jenny S
3 people like this.
I really enjoyed the emphasis on the breath here...and that LOCUST tho! 🔥🔥🔥This really cleaned out the cobwebs!
Linda Baffa
Jenny Haha!  Amazing.... Definitely a good time to be cleaning out cobwebs. Nice to connect with you here!  Be well! 
Prathiba K
2 people like this.
Wonderful Practice - 
Linda Baffa
Prathiba So glad you enjoyed it. Namaste!! 
Christine C
Beautiful sequence and nicely paced. Great way to start the day! Thank you! 
Kate M
2 people like this.
Just love the pacing here, Linda Baffa ! A sweet interpretation of the sequence. A go to "go to"!!
Donnah R
1 person likes this.
Really nice flow. Thank you.
Gabriel W
1 person likes this.
Great practice. Enjoyed the variations . Thank you 
Aleksandra R
1 person likes this.
Great flow Namaste
Linda Baffa
1 person likes this.
Aleksandra Gabriel Kate Donnah Christine Thank you all for sharing your feedback. I'm so glad the practices are serving you at this time. Kate A go-to "go-to" ... love that!! Namaste, everyone! Stay well. 
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