Slow Flow and Meditation Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 6

Energized and Settled

60 min - Practice


Enjoy gentle hip and side body opening, then energize with Sun Salutations and standing poses. We move into Dolphin Dog inversion, and find gentle stretches with Pranayama breathing before settling into a 4-minute seated meditation.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Welcome. Welcome to Yoga Anytime Live. Thank you so much for joining me wherever you might be in the world. I'm here in my home living room also known as the cabin or the cozy den. Before we get started make sure you have whatever you'd like for your practice. We won't be using anything specifically for this practice but just gather up whatever you'd like. Make it your own. Always customize it for your body, your energy, your mood. This is all about taking the time for self-care, really listening to your body and honoring honoring it. All right so we'll ease in. This is a slow flow and meditation. I want to make sure we have some time for meditation, a seated meditation at the end. But we're going to start in a familiar pattern, one of my favorite openings. So coming into a baddha konasana, more of a yin style. So as you sit down, bringing the soles of the feet together, knees wide, and bring the feet out a little further from your pelvis. So it's a little bit more casual. You might even sit up on a blanket to support your sitting bones. We're just going to begin to kind of slowly ease into our practice on the floor with some hip opening, side body opening before we make our way towards some kind of more energizing sun salutations and shapes. Just beginning to kind of set a tone for your practice. And you might even take your thumbs and move into the soles of your feet. Feel really nice. And then as you ease in softening, softening the eyes, the jaw. Just beginning to allow the weight of the head to release. And just beginning to turn our attention inward. And in yoga, the word pratyahara, this kind of softening or drawing of the sensory awareness in. And as you ease in, just notice the quality of the breath. Most likely, especially if it's first thing in the morning, you might notice kind of a dull, achy, wide, warm stretch through the back body. Outer legs up into the hips, the sacrum, and then moving all the way up the spine through the neck. Just a few more moments here. See what it feels like to let the muscles kind of soften around the bones, letting the bones release towards the earth. And then just take your time to slowly begin to roll and round your way up. And then go ahead and lean back, extend out for your left leg, and bring the sole of that right foot towards the left inner thigh. And it's settling in. And with an inhale, reach the arms up towards the sky, finding length. And with your exhale, twisting to the right, left hand on that right thigh, right fingertips behind you. With your inhale, feel how you can draw your spine into your back a little bit, creating some length and space. And then with your exhale, it's all about being gentle as you twist. You feel that spiraling up through your spine, feeling the ribs spiral to the right, the lungs moving from the inside, maybe some action through your left leg and toes. And noticing, especially within the spinal twist, if there's any kind of hardening or rigidity through your spine, see if you can find a little bit more fullness in the back ribs. Beautiful. Stay on the twist and then just slowly let your head rotate forward. And then maybe it's rotating over the right shoulder as you bring it up into the cervical spine with the breath in.

And then exhale, just let the body unwind. Slide the left hand down the leg and now reach the right arm up. Feel how you can ground through that outer right hip, sitting bone, finding length through the right side body. And this feels so nice, creating space through the ribs. Keep this length as you stretch it up out and over towards your left. Nice. Reaching, opening, finding a place where your neck feels good. You might stay with this. You might move around revolving the ribcage down and then maybe kind of evolving the ribcage and the heart up towards the sky. A few more moments here, kind of exploring the landscape of sensations through the body. Hips, side body, shoulder, hamstrings. There's a lot happening in this shape. When you feel ready, inhale, let it come up. Release that right hand to the floor and maybe with an inhale, lift the hips, lift the arms and release back down. Lean back carefully, free that right leg. You might shake it out. And then we'll lean back and draw the sole of that left foot in carefully. Reorganize through your sitting bones. As you're ready, inhale, find that length in the spine. Exhale, twist to your left. Right hand finds the left leg, left fingertips behind you. Maybe flex that right foot. Inhale, find some length. Exhale, gentle twist through the spine. Just exploring this rotation. Few breaths here. See if you can find that fullness in your back ribs. Finding some ease within the effort. Stay in the twist as you're ready. Just slowly let your head rotate forward and then maybe continue stretching over the right shoulder with a breath in. And then exhale, unwind the body. Slide the right hand down the leg. Inhale, stretch your left arm up, grounding through the sitting bone and then reaching up. Then just explore a little bit. Rounding forward and back, finding length. Maybe you can auger a little bit taller through the side body. You might stay with this or begin to reach it up out and over towards the right. Easy in the neck. Maybe rounding downward towards the earth. Maybe spiraling up through the spine towards the sky. Really take your time. Investigate. Explore. Just meeting yourself exactly where you are in this moment. A few more moments here. Breathing.

Take your time as you're ready. Inhale, reach up. Release the left fingers and maybe inhale, float the hips up, float that right arm up, freeing. And exhale, release. Nice lean back, free both legs for a moment. You might bring the hands behind you and just kind of work this extension through the spine or it might feel good or interesting to slowly begin to walk the hands forward. The easing into the sensation through the hips, the legs. Just a few moments here. Taking your time walking the hands back. Nice. Draw the legs towards each other. Bring the hands behind you. Roll the shoulders down the back. Then do a little side to side shimmy here. Just freeing the spine and the hips before we transition into tabletop. Nice. Okay. Let's meet in tabletop. Spread the fingers wide. You might bring a blanket underneath your knees for support or padding. Again, thank you so much for showing up and being here with me today. Spread the fingers, easing into our cat cow, dropping the belly as you find that arch, that back bend, the extension. And then with your exhale, let your back round and stretch. Let the head release and it can feel nice sometimes to draw the hips back towards the heels. You kind of get into that mid low back. Beautiful. Shoulders over the wrists with the inhale, dropping the belly nice and broad through your collar bones, sitting bones, neck lengthening.

And then exhale, let your back round and stretch, navel to spine, tailbone drawing under. And continue finding your own rhythm, your own pace. You might soften your gaze inward. Looking to find those nooks and crannies, those areas that might feel tight or sticky in the body. And you might stay with the cat cow. You might take some circles with your hips. Moving up into the rib cage with some barrel rolls.

And you can keep your hands exactly where they are. You might even experiment with turning the fingers out a little bit or even fingers towards the knees, wrists away, which can be quite intense and flavorful. So just finding in that appropriate edge of sensation and stretch. You might continue with your cat cow. If child's pose would feel good on the body, you might sink the hips back towards the heels for a few breaths, finding some fullness through your back body. Nice, full exhale, softening the jaw and the belly. Just continuing to arrive and settle in your practice. You're welcome to stay here. When you feel ready, spread the fingers wide. We'll meet back in our tabletop and let's extend back through that right leg. Tuck the toes under and I love this one. And just beginning to rock forward and back, waking up the back leg line.

And looking down so your neck can really lengthen here. And then let's find the other side, tucking the toes and really rolling through the bottom of the foot there. Nice. Moving into our plank pose. Spread the fingers wide, shoulders over the wrists. As you're ready, extend back through your legs. We'll pause here for a few breaths in our first plank. Feel how you can reach back through your heels, lengthen forward through your heart and draw the deep low belly up and in. Nice. Inhale, exhale back and up into our down dog. First one. Take a few moments, pedal out your feet. Yeah, and it might feel good in this down dog to come high up onto the balls of your feet, really stretching and waking up the toes and the legs. And then go ahead and bend your knees and feel like you can reach your sitting bones up as you find that nice extension through your spine, back of the neck lengthening. Let's keep the right knee bending as we stretch that left calf and heel down to the earth.

And then bend the left knee and just stretch that right calf and heel down to the earth. Maybe one more time on each side, pedaling out the feet. And then from here on an inhale, shift your way forward into a plank and keep the knees lowered or the knees lifted. And then from here, lowering the knees, we're going to come onto our belly, making our way into a sphinx pose, easing into a back bend, coming onto the forearms tops of the feet on the floor. And feel how you can use your arms, your upper body to help kind of traction the spine a little bit. So you're drawing the heart forward, softening the shoulders down the back. Now you can, in this more active sphinx, you can kind of lengthen out of the low back. And if this feels like it's too much on the low back today, play with drawing the navel towards the spine a little bit, tailbone descends towards the heels. Okay. Nice. You might keep your head and neck where it is. You might release the weight of the head and maybe bringing it up into the neck as you roll the right ear towards the right shoulder. Breathing into the left side of the neck. When you're ready, rolling the chin towards the chest and maybe left ear towards the left shoulder, breathing into the right side of the neck. Take your time. Roll the chin back towards the chest. Allow for an inhale. And with your exhale, slowly lower down. Slide your palms underneath your shoulders for it on the floor. Try your elbows and tuck your toes under. Press your way up and then round your way back towards a more active child's pose. Toes might tuck under as you draw the hips back towards the heels. Nice full exhale rounding. Making our way into a side plank variation. Spread the fingers wide. This is one of my favorite shapes. Extend back through that right leg and then we're going to transfer the weight into that left arm. So stacking that left shoulder over the wrist, reaching back through that right leg. Bottom foot opens here like a kickstand. Feel the bottom ribs spin up. Maybe reaching that top arm up towards the sky and feel how you can reach from the heart into both hands. You might stay here. You might float that arm down to the floor. Reach it over the ear. Rotate the spine and then reach it. A couple circles here.

Breathing. Maybe one more like this. Pause for a moment. Extend, reach, inhale, exhale, release that right hand down. Spin onto the ball of your back right foot. Draw that knee in. Maybe a few rounds of cat cow would feel nice as we transition to the second side. Washing that through the spine. As you feel ready, we'll spread the fingers wide. Extend back through that left leg. Pivot onto the outer edge. Transfer the weight into that right arm. Stacking shoulder over the wrist. Spinning the bottom lung and ribs up. Adjusting that bottom foot like a kickstand and maybe you're stretching that left arm up towards the sky. Reaching from the heart into the hands. Feels so good. You might stay here. You might sweep that arm down to the floor.

Reach it overhead. Roll the rib cage and then maybe a few times like this. Circling that top arm. One or two more rounds here. Reaching it down. Overhead. Next time you reach it overhead, extend and lengthen. Nice and long here. Inhale. Exhale. Sweep your top arm down to the floor. Spin onto the ball of your back foot. Draw that knee in. A couple rounds of cat cow or child's pose. Inhale to extend and lengthen. Exhale. Curling round. Taking your time with this. When you feel ready, we'll meet in a downward facing dog and start to build on a little bit. Spread the fingers wide. Tuck the toes and lift up. Finding your downward facing dog. Now as we start to build, make sure there's room behind you. And when you're ready, let's inhale. Lift that right leg up towards the sky. Go ahead and let your knee bend, your hip open here. Grounding evenly through the hands. Long through the neck. You're feeling that big stretch to the back of your left leg.

And I do. When you're ready, square your hips. Stretch that right leg up towards the sky. We're moving into a runner's lunge. Inhale here. Exhale. It's a knee to nose action. Shoulders over the wrist. Step that right foot between your hands. Reach back through the ball of your left foot. Forward through the heart. Ground your left hand. Inhale. Sweep your right arm up. Twisting lunge. You might toe heal your right foot just a little bit wider. Creating space through the hips. Reach back, lengthen forward. Twisting. Might feel nice to even circle out through your top wrist. Maybe looking down towards the floor. Finding a place where your neck feels good. One more inhale. Exhale. Release that right hand down. Let's walk the hands over to our left feet. Parallel for hammock pose. Walk the hands forward. Draw the hips away from the hands. Softening the heart.

Softening. Softening the heart. The back of the neck. Creating space. Beautiful. As you're ready, walk the hands back underneath your shoulders. We're going to travel back to the top of our mat shape for the lunge. So that right foot forward, the left foot back. Spin onto the ball of your back foot. Let's step back into our down dog. Reorganize your feet. You might stay here. Join me in a plank. Inhale forward into plank pose. Exhale a lower onto the belly. Setting up for cobra. Tops of the feet on the floor. Roll the shoulders up the back. Press through the palms and inhale. Maybe it's a baby cobra.

Yeah. Using the fingers to help kind of draw the heart forward. A little traction through the upper back. It feels so nice. Exhale, lead with the heart. Lower down. Tuck your toes, elbows into the ribs. Press up. Round back to downward dog. Taking a few moments to reset as we make our way into the second side. As you feel ready, inhale, stretch your left leg up towards the sky.

Go ahead and bend the knee. Let the hip open. Yeah. I kind of explore letting that right heel get heavy. Rooting evenly through the hands. As you're ready, stretch that left leg up towards sky square. The hips inhale. Exhale, knee to nose. Shoulders over the wrists. Let's step it on through. Help that foot along as we come into the runner's lunge. Reach back through that right heel. Forward through the heart. Ground through the right hand. Inhale, sweep that left arm up towards the sky. Nice. A few breaths here. Feel that twisting and spiraling from the base of your spine upwards. Maybe circling out through the wrist. Ah. Take your time. Inhale, exhale, release that left hand down. We'll walk it over to our right. This time coming into a skandhasana. Turn the toes out, bend the right knee, and shift the hips over to the right as you extend through your left leg. You come onto that heel and then travel over to the other side, lifting the toes, coming onto the heel. A few times side to side here. Waking up the inner leg lines. Might have your hands on the floor. You might have the hands in a light. Tapping into the legs.

A little slow. Make a transition back to the shape of the lunge. Left foot forward, right foot back. As you're ready, step back. Downward dog. And you're welcome to stay in downward dog. Child's pose or inhale into a plank. And exhale, lower onto the belly for cobra at top. So the feet on the floor, roll the shoulders down the back. With your inhale, press through the palms, lift the heart. Feel the space here. Space and length. Exhale, lead with the heart, lower. Tuck the toes, elbows in. Press up and then round back, downward dog. And pedal the feet. Walk it off and then settle for a few moments.

Connecting with the breath. From down dog, as you're ready, go ahead and walk your feet towards your hands. Coming into a standing forward fold. Upanasana. Soft bend through the knees. Let the head dangle and release. Hands might find the elbows and you might sway a little bit from side to side. Allow for an exhale. Releasing the hands. Slow, soft bend through the knees. Chin into your chest. Just begin to gently round and roll your way up. Pressing through the feet and stacking the bones. Feeling the heart, the shoulders, the head. Taking a few moments. Letting the blood and the energy settle back down into the feet and the legs. Going to bring it up into the shoulders and the neck here. So just start by drawing your shoulders up and then dropping them down. Let's do that. Roll the shoulders back and up and drop them down. And one more time, roll them up.

Squeeze them, hop them down. And let's roll them back one at a time. Finding a bit more movement through the upper body. Ribs, shoulders, neck. And then let's reverse. Getting into the shoulder blades. The back of the heart. There might be some armor there. I know for me, there's a lot of holding through the shoulders. Good. Coming back to center. We'll reach the arms out, roll the shoulders forward. We call this flossing. Press through the feet. Finding that external rotation opening through the chest.

And again, rolling the shoulders forward. Press through the feet and open. As you come back to the center, press and reach out through the hands. I love this sequence. Draw the fingers towards the ears. Reach from the heart into the heels of your hands. And then draw the fingers in. Stretch the top of your wrists. Soften the jaw. Feel soft then through the knees as you let the chin soften towards the chest. Take another breath here and then press the hands away. Spin the fingers down towards the floor. Whole new sensation. Draw the fingers in. Draw the hands and stretch the top of the wrists. Wow. Keeping the arms straight. Inhale, exhale, release the arms. Roll the shoulders up and drop them down. Bring the feet about hips width apart. Inhale, reach the arms up towards the sky. Grounding through your feet. Feeling the extension through the whole spine. And then exhale. Turn the palms away. Reach the arms alongside the body. Down about 45 degrees or so. Okay. From here, slow. Begin to let your right ear move towards your right shoulder any amount. This might be enough sensation through that left arm. You might slowly begin to rotate that left palm up towards the sky. You might stay here. You might slowly begin to nod the head down towards your right foot. And then let the head release up towards the right. Maybe a few times like this. Again, finding that appropriate edge of sensation and stretch as we kind of floss through the tendons.

Moving into the neck. That all it feels like it's overwhelming or too much. You can just flip that left palm down to the floor. A few more moments here. Breathing into where you feel it. Nice. Now to come up, we're going to just bring our right fingertips onto our temple and gently just press the head up. Right over the spine. Take a few moments. Notice how you feel. Let things kind of reorganize. Clearing breath. Exhale, release. See how the other side feels. Press through the feet. Inhale, sweep the arms up. Exhale, palms turn away. Reach the arms out and then lower down. And then slow. Let the left ear move towards the left shoulder. The side might feel totally different. You might stay here. You might slowly rotate that right palm up towards the sky. Oh my goodness. You might stay here or gently nod the head down towards that left foot. Maybe up towards the left. You might prefer some gentle movement or oscillation. You might prefer to just pause and linger when you find a spot.

And if this feels like it's too much or overwhelming, you can just flip that right palm down towards the floor. More moments here. Releasing through the jaw and the face. Wow. Okay. Take your time. When you feel ready to release, we're just going to bring our left fingertips onto our temple and just gently support the head as it reorganizes over the spine. Let's take a clearing breath and inhale. Nice, full exhale. Let's move that through. Interlace the fingers. Stretch the arms up towards the sky again. Spread the toes. Feel the ability to extend, lengthen, and reach. Inhale, take it over to the right as you exhale, opening up through the left side body. Now brings you back up. Exhale over to the other side, lengthening. Do one more in each direction. Inhale up. Exhale to the side. Inhale up and over to the other side. Inhale up. Exhale slow. Release the arms. Roll the shoulders forward.

Interlacing the fingers behind the back or you might work with a strap here. As you roll the shoulders down the back, open the chest. Feet about hips width apart. You might stay here. You might inhale, lift the chest, exhale, bend your knees, hinge at your hips, forward fold, bringing your chest, your heart towards your thighs. As you stretch your arms up out and over, maybe you're shifting some weight forward into the balls of the feet. Feel how you can lift the shoulders up towards the sky a little bit. Yeah, creating space around the cervical spine, the neck. Yeah, take another breath. Exhale slow. Release the hands, forward fold, soft bend through the knees, chin into the chest. We'll roll up together slowly. Stacking the bones, press through the feet, feeling the heart, feeling the shoulders, and feeling the head. Making our way towards the top of our mat for a few sun salutations to kind of pick up the pace and move some energy. Spreading the toes. Let's bring the hands together at the heart. And as you bring the hands together at the heart, invite a quality of lift and length through your spine, finding the placement where your skull kind of floating over the spine and feels really wide at the base there. Beautiful. Notice the quality of your breath. And the inner space it creates. And as you feel ready, moving with a breath on an inhale, sweep the arms up to the sky.

Feel all that length. Exhale, forward fold, hinge at the hips, maybe a soft bend through the knees, uttanasana, releasing the head and the arms. With your inhale, slide your hands up your shins, find some length here. Broad through your collar bones. Exhale, bend your knees, we'll step the right foot back, let the left knee bend, pausing in a runner's lunge. Wiggle back through the ball, that right foot, lengthen forward. Let's lower the back knee down. You might pat it with a blanket. Take your time slow, stay low, or inhale, begin to sweep your arms up. Maybe hooking the thumbs here as you kind of wiggle and lengthen through the side body. Feeling that lift from the base of the spine all the way up, brightening through the heart. Remember that feeling of sphinx in the back of the heart and the spine. You might play with kind of pulling your thumbs apart as you fan the fingers. Opening the throat, breathing, and you find some inner ease within the effort and the intensity here. Let's take one more breath. Exhale, release the hands. Draw your hips back, kind of free yourself. Extend through that left leg. Come on to that heel, draw the toes towards the face. Nice, full exhale, releasing. From here, moving towards the shape of a crescent lunge. Bend that front knee. Tuck your back toes under. Lift the back knee up. Find your stable stance here. If you might stay low, you might slowly begin to rise up. Be adjusting that back foot. Hands might stay on the hips. You might inhale, sweep your arms up towards the sky. Maybe play with bending that back knee a little bit so you can draw the tailbone under. Find that lift in the lower belly and then re-extend. Yeah, lengthening, reaching through the fingers, breathing here. All about finding that stability through the legs and then the freedom up through the spine. Beautiful. One more inhale. Exhale, hands to the heart and then hands to the mat. Then we'll step back, downward facing dog. From downward dog, inhale forward into your plank. Shoulders over the wrist. Take a moment to pause here. We're going to lower onto our belly, setting up for locus. Forehead on the floor, sweep the fingers towards the toes. Find that internal rotation through the thigh bones and when you're ready, inhale with the heart. Maybe lifting the legs, reaching the fingers towards the toes and drawing the back body into the spine. You might lean one side to the other. Beautiful. The inhale brings you up and the exhale lowers you down.

Slide the palms underneath your shoulders, draw the elbows in, tuck your toes under. Press up, round back, down dog. A few moments here. Take your time from down dog, walking the feet towards the hands. Once you arrive, inhale, half arch lengthen and exhale, forward fold. As you're ready, bend the knees, inhale, circle the arms up to the sky, reaching up and exhale, hands together at the heart. Taking a few moments to pause and settle, feeling that internal space, heat, circulatory rhythms. And then as you're ready with an inhale, sweep the arms up, lengthen, exhale, forward fold, releasing, soft bend through the knees. Inhale, half arch, lengthen, hands might slide up your shins. Exhale, bend your knees, step your left foot back, right knee bends, runners lunge here.

Reach back through the heel, lengthen forward and then we'll lower the back knee down. You might stay low or rise up, sweeping the arms up, hooking the thumbs again. Find that length through the side body. Lift from the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, all the way up and fanning the fingers, feeling that support through the back of your heart. Beautiful breathing. More inhale here, exhale, release the hands, draw the hips back, extend through that left leg, come on to the heel, draw the toes towards your face. Feel like you can let that outer right hip drop as you exhale. Easy in the neck.

Take your time as you're ready, bend the knee, setting up for high crescent, tuck the back toes strong through your legs, now hug the hips towards each other, stay low or slowly rise up. Hands on the hips or reaching the arms up towards the sky and feel the tailbone draw under that lift of the low belly, real strong and active through the legs as you reach up through your spine. Breathing, wobbling, nice. One more inhale here, exhale, bring the hands to the heart, hands to the floor, mat step back downward dog, stay here or inhale join me in a plank, shoulders over the wrists, lowering down to the floor for locusts, shalabhasana, four on the floor, sweep the fingers towards the toes, inhale lift the heart, lift the legs and then draw the back body into the spine. Breathing, so long through the neck, breathing and lifting. Yeah, now lift, exhale lower, slide the palms underneath the shoulders, elbows into the ribs, tuck your toes under, inhale exhale press up, round back, tuck the toes, down dog, reset. Take your time from down dog, walking or stepping the feet towards your hands. Once you arrive inhale half arch, hands might slide up the shins as you lift and lengthen, exhale bend the knees forward fold, spread the toes bend the knees, inhale sweep the arms up towards the sky, reach and lengthen and exhale hands together at the heart, taking a moment to pause, adding on top of the mat, hands together at the heart, spreading the toes, as you're ready inhale sweep the arms up, lengthen and exhale forward fold, inhale hands slide at the shins as you lengthen, exhale bend the knees again, step the right foot back, left knee bends, warrior two, pivot onto the outer edge of your right foot, strong through the legs, inhale sweep that right arm up, familiar shape, you might look down at your feet, kind of reorganize, moving into warrior dance, palms flip up, inhale press through the ball of your left foot, left leg straightens, both arms reach, exhale left knee bends, warrior two, a few more rounds like this, inhale reach the arms up, exhale bend the knee, warrior two, find two more, inhale press through the ball of the left foot, reach the arms, exhale left knee bends, last one, inhale reach, exhale warrior two, moving into our reverse, slide the right hand down the back leg, inhale lift that left arm up, find that length in the side body, well inhale here exhale side angle, bring that left forearm on to the left thigh, right hand on the hip, now turning the bottom ribs, you might stay here or sweep the arm up towards the sky, maybe wrapping it over the ear if that feels good, yeah breathing here, feeling the space between your left shoulder and the ear, strong for the legs, as you're ready inhale warrior two and then reverse, from reverse press into the ball of that left foot, reverse triangle shape, you might toe heel that back foot in a little bit for triangle pose, as you inhale length and exhale the side body length and reaching and then maybe the hand finds the shin, the ankle, as you sweep the top arm up towards the sky, feeling the space in this shape, you might keep reaching that top arm up towards the sky, you might sweep it down over the ear and revolving the rib cage, maybe a few circles like this, breathing, opening, nice, as you're ready to reach that top arm up towards the sky, strong for the legs on the inhale will come up, let's turn the feet parallel to each other, let's reach the arms out, roll the shoulders forward, interlacing the fingers, inhale lifting the chest, exhale hinge at the hips forward fold, bringing the head down, maybe a soft bend through the knees as you stretch the arms up out and over, nice full exhale here, might stay here a bit longer when you feel ready slow, release the hands down by the sacrum, walking hands out, a little hammock variation here again, softening the heart towards the earth, back of the neck long, take your time, walk the hands back underneath your shoulders, travel back to the top of the mat, shape of the lunge, left foot forward, right foot back, we'll step back down dog, from down dog inhale forward into your plank and then exhale lower down, nice and slow, it's time for cobra, top so feet on the floor, roll the shoulders down the back, press through the palms, inhale lift up, take your time, exhale lead with the heart lower down, tucking the toes, press up, back to down dog, take your time from down dog, walk or step the feet towards the hands, once you arrive inhale to lengthen halfway and exhale forward fold, then the knees inhale sweep the arms up to the sky reaching up, exhale hands to the heart, taking a moment to pause as we move into our last round, last side, with an inhale sweeping the arms up, exhale forward fold, inhale creating length through the spine, exhale bend the knees, step the left foot back, right knee bends, warrior two, pivot onto the outer edge of your back foot, strong legs, inhale sweep that top left arm up coming into your warrior two, reorganize the feet, settling in and with your inhale press through the ball of your right foot circle the arms up, exhale right knee bends, warrior two, again inhale arms reach, exhale warrior two, two more rounds at your own pace, pressing through the foot, straightening the legs, arms up, exhale bending warrior two, last one, as you settle in your warrior two, moving into reverse, slide the left hand down the back leg, inhale right arm reaches up, keep that laying through the side body, extended side angle right forearm on to the right thigh, left hand on the hip, reaching the arms straight up or maybe wrapping it over the ear, you feel that long line of energy through the left side body, that space between the right shoulder and the ear, breathing, strong through the legs as you're ready, rise up warrior two will reverse, again slide the back hand down, reach the top arm up and then press into the ball that right foot, straighten the leg, you might toe heel your back foot in just a little bit closer as we move towards triangle pose, extend and reach, lengthening the bottom ribs and that bottom hand might find the shin, the ankle as you float the top arm up towards the sky, really any variation with this top arm might float it down, overhead wrapping it along the ear and finding a few circles with that top arm, please staying in touch and present with the breath, next time that arm reaches and lengthens, we'll sweep the arm up to the sky, strong for the legs, inhale come on up, bring that right foot parallel again, you might toe heel the feet a little wider, hands on the hips will inhale lengthen, exhale hinge again at the hips, forward fold, bringing the hands towards the floor, bringing the head towards the floor, we walk the hands in a little bit closer, drawing the elbows towards each other as you bring your head towards the floor, feel you can draw the shoulders up the back and then maybe play with extending the legs a little bit more, follow play, take your time as you're ready, travel back to the top of the mat, shave with a lunge, hands around that front foot, right foot forward, left foot back, we're in a lunge, downward dog, nice, last vinyasa here from down dog, inhale shift forward into a plank, strong through the legs, exhale lowering down, elbows in for cobra, tops of feet on the floor, roll the shoulders up the back and inhale lift up cobra, broadening through the chest, the collarbones, the heart, exhale slow lower, elbows in tuck the toes, child's pose, hips, knees wide, big toes together, sink the hips back towards the heels, nice full exhale, moments here, just let yourself wobble, grounding, nice, you might stay here, you might join me in an inversion as we come into dolphin dog, so lowering onto the forearms, you might measure off, hands around the elbows, palms together, pressing, or you might interlace the fingers, just find what feels best, we're drawing the shoulders up the back, you might stay here, pressing the forearms into the floor, lifting the shoulders, you might tuck your toes under and begin to lift your hips up, releasing the head, bending the knees and then maybe, maybe play with walking the feet in towards your face, and then you can use your forearms like your hands as you kind of press and then re-lengthen your spine, yeah, and the neck is soft and lengthening, really feeling that integrity through the shoulders, creating a tripod there, and just letting the blood float back down into the heart and the head.

Take your time when you're ready, just slow lower the knees, child's pose or walk the arms forward, coming into a puppy pose, hips over the knees, and we're melting the heart down towards the earth, nice full exhale here, make sure your neck is comfortable. All right, how do we get out of this one? Slowly walk our hands back underneath our shoulders, maybe a few rounds of cat cow would feel nice before we transition onto our back, inhale to lengthen, exhale to round, inhale to lengthen, and exhale to round, maybe a few more like this, okay, we'll transition onto our backs, so just find your way there, nice, before we come up into bridge, a little bit of abdominal work, so let's interlace the fingers behind the head, keep your feet on the floor, and keep your elbows wide, your lungs open, and just begin to arch your back off the floor, so your feet are on the floor, your pelvis is on the floor, and you're in a back bend here, and then with your exhale, manually lift your head up off the floor like you're doing a sit-up, keep the feet on the floor, draw the elbows towards each other, scoop the tailbone under, and then slow on the inhale, lower down, arch your back, open the chest and the lungs, exhale, lift up, curl up, scoop the tailbone under, elbows towards each other, let's find a few more like this, lowering down, arch the back, exhale, lift up, curl up, let's do two more, elbows wide, arching, opening, exhale, lift up, curl up, last one, elbows wide, arch the back, and exhale, lift up, curl up, squeezing in, beautiful, slow release, let's just stretch the arms alongside the body, now we're ready for a bridge, feet parallel, toes spreading, go ahead and go into that back bend again, arching, and then this time exhale, curl the tailbone, press through the feet, and lift your pelvis up, moving into bridge, palms might press into the floor, might feel good to roll and tuck your shoulders under, finding that interlace, again that internal rotation through your thigh bones, feel how you can kind of lift your heart towards the chin a little bit here, oh yeah, soft eyes, soft throat, tuning towards the exhalation, how's it going? Take your time as you're ready, releasing the hands and just slowly roll and around your spine down, one vertebrae at a time, feeling the upper, mid, low back, and sacrum, nice pausing for a few moments here, might feel nice to bring the soles of your feet together, and let the knees fall wide into the shape of baddha konasana, hands might rest on the belly, might stretch your arms overhead, hands might find the elbows here, allow for a ah settling, softening, nice, you're welcome to stay here a bit longer, when you feel ready just slowly release your hands, and scoop your knees up with your hands, let's toe heel the feet nice and wide for windshield wipers, so releasing with a spinal twist, feet maybe as wide as your mat, you might stretch your arms overhead, let your knees fall over to the right, just cruising onto the inner edges of the feet, and now knees up and exhale over to the left, and then continue side to side here, adding this nice fluid movement through the body, your head might rock away from your knees, nice windshield wipers, side to side, it's time your knees fall over to the right side, you might pause there, and then reach a little bit more through that left arm, you might stay with this, you might bring that right ankle on top of that left thigh, be letting that right knee and hip release, and drawing your awareness into your left lung, noticing how the breath responds, internally tuning from that left lung up the pathway through your left nostril, noticing the sensation of the breath through your left nostril, and this practice of dharana, steady single-pointed attention, and gently relaxing the effort there, releasing that right ankle, if it's on top, inhale the knees up and exhale, let's find the knees over to the left side, reaching up through that right arm, adding a bit more space through there, you might stay with this, you might bring that left ankle across just to increase the stretch and sensation through the spine, and then internally draw your awareness into your right lung, from that right lung, draw your awareness up through the pathway of your right nostril, noticing the relationship with the right lung and the right nostril, taking your time to relax the effort, release that left foot, inhale the knees up, and let's draw the knees into the chest and rock a little bit from side to side, it might feel nice to curl up for a moment, drawing the forehead towards your knees, curling up into a ball, and then just slow releasing down, from here maybe there's a happy baby, or a variation of happy baby rocking a little bit from side to side, we're easing our way towards, are there shavasana or a seated meditation, depending on your energy, your mood, with aligning with the day or the evening, it's taking your time, if you're moving into shavasana, let yourself really take up space, show you're warm and comfy, stretching and releasing everything out, the earth, you're moving towards a seated meditation, rolling to your side, using your arms to come on up, you're finding something to sit on, blanket, bolster, and still allowing for this settling, settling of the mind, the energy, letting the body find its place, still allowing yourself to be as relaxed as you can be physically, as well as emotionally, really slipping into this balance of awareness and relaxation at the same time. Okay, to meditate is to essentially listen with the receptive heart, or as Krishnamurti once said, generosity of the heart is the beginning of meditation. So these techniques, the asana, the breathing, it's designed to help quiet the mind, and really drawing us into that central channel, into the heart space, just allowing yourself to, for the last minute here, consciously rest in the space you've created through your practice. If you're on your back in Shavasana, I invite you to stay there as long as you, as long as you can.

And when you feel ready to transition towards the seat to close with me, find your way there. From this space, let's join our hands together at the heart and sharing the sound of Aum, we'll exhale empty, breathing in. May there be peace in our hearts, peace in our homes, and peace in our world. Namaste. Thank you.


Jenny S
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Your sweet voice and bubbly personality always set my mind at ease, no matter what craziness is going on in the world. Thank you for this lovely practice 🙏🏻
Alana Mitnick
Jenny, thank you for joining me at home on this journey. Deeply grateful for your presence and our global community of Yogis. We are truly in this craziness together...  and how we Respond and care for ourselves and each other matters most. Yours in Yoga, Alana 
1 person likes this.
so much has changed but this is timeless 
Alana Mitnick
Well said, KARUN. Thank you so much for joining me in Yoga. Grateful to be on this path together. Warmly, Alana 
1 person likes this.
Lovely practice, thank you. The head/neck/shoulder sequence is so wonderful--I always forget about that, and appreciate the reminder. xo
Alana Mitnick
Thank you, Lori! So glad you found some relief. Lovely to practicing together! Yours in Yoga, xoA
Sandra Židan
Thank you very much, Alana! This practice helped me to become more aware of my body and my emotions! Kind regards!
Alana Mitnick
Wonderful, Sandra! There's nothing that makes me happier than to hear this. Stay close and keep me posted. Best wishes and health to you! Love, Alana 
Louisa R
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Thank you for this wonderful, refreshing, energizing and heart opening practice!
Alana Mitnick
Wonderful, Louisa R. Thank YOU for joining me and taking this time for yourself to practice. So delighted that you are feeling refreshed, energized and open. Sending love, Alana 

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