Dynamic Flow Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 9

Grounded and Expansive

60 min - Practice


Join Robert for an all-round full-body flow class, with an emphasis on twisting and rotating through the spine. We begin seated focusing on the breath, then warm and open the body in seated and standing stretches, move dynamically to experience the strength and stability in the arms, back, core, and legs, and deepen into the movements of a healthy spine. You will feel grounded and expansive.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome. This is number eight. So this is dynamic flow, episode number eight, the final of this series. So I'm assuming, well, maybe we'll do another series, but for now, we've got this time together to practice and the practice this morning, this afternoon, evening, wherever it is for you will be the typical dynamic flow, but I want to really emphasize twisting and rotating through the spine. Okay. I find a lot of value in that personally, in my own life, my athletic life, uh, my casual, you know, endeavors, uh, healthy spine. It's so important. So come to a seat just like so, or your preferred seat, hands resting on your knees, your thighs, you can close your eyes and begin to notice and check in with your breath. I do want to say, you know, whether you've been here for all eight or you're joining for today, it means a lot to me that you're here practicing with me live or prerecorded. I, uh, I just love the fact that I'm able to do this and share what I super passionate about and whoever I can share it with. It's great. So thank you. Um, so let's focus a little bit on our breathing. Okay. And while we're breathing, so go ahead and just find some, some nice equal breathing and I want to cue you into what I think to be a relatively neutral spine, which is only a couple of keys. So you're evenly planted on your sit bones, right? Those two bones you can feel right in your rear end. And from that position really, well, you want to make sure that those sit bones, you kind of walk them back a little bit so that you're not tucked under with a tucked under pelvis. Okay. This is a common sitting position. So you could even come onto the fingertips of your palms to lift your seat and shoot the sit bones back. Like you're trying to tip your pelvis forward. All right. That's going to give you a win. So plug, plug, tilt forward a little bit. There's a little curvature in the low back and then let the neutral natural curvatures of the spine rise, sit tall, the head placed right over the shoulders. Maybe your chin is tucked just a tad and the head is pushed back just a tad, nice and bright across the chest. And so if, and when we enter any twist, this is the length, this is the integrity, the traction, the lengthening of the spine. All right. So we don't want to round into any spine or any spinal twist. There's my pitch. Take it or leave it. Hopefully you take a little bit of it. Again, with the eyes closed, we'll take three breaths together with the arms reaching up, breathe in, breathe out, seal the hands at the heart, the chest, home base. Inhale, let the arms come out and out. Exhale, press the palms together right at the center of you. One more time, breathe in, reach out and up and exhale hands at the center of you. Pause right here, eyes closed, maybe a slight little tip down with the forehead toward the fingertips. Optional, take a few moments here and kind of dive into a little intention or think about it this way. What motivates you to get on the map these days? Is it a physical, emotional, mental endeavor? Is it all of them? And once you have that motivational purpose, that why, maybe choose one word that you can carry throughout the practice throughout or just as a reminder, when it gets difficult or when the mind starts to get busy, you can pull that mantra, that word, that phrase in to help get you back in alignment with what you're doing, what you're doing right here, right now, what you've signed on for, you've carved time out of your day to be here with yourself. Okay, nice. So let's open up the back a little bit. Take the right hand down to the mat and reach the left arm up and take a gentle little side bend. Alright, so to enter these twists and these rotational positions, we want to make sure we have some mobility going in the back body. So the right hand is on the mat, the left hand is reaching up and then gradually bending over towards the right. And this is what you would call like lateral flexion in the spine. Okay, let's try it on the other side. Left hand to the mat. Remember, enter it from a neutral spine. So sit up, wiggle up nice and tall, release the right arm nice and high, and then a gentle little side bend, just enough to grab the stretch and to feel the spine move into that lateral flexion. Quality in the breath, right? Quality, quality, quality. Back up to center, hands on the knees, little cat cow, extension, flexion. So here's the extension, push the chest forward, hold the shoulders back, gaze up gently. So you feel that arching, maybe slight compression in the back. Exhale from the navel and diaphragm. Gaze down, pull the belly in, inhale, exhale, seated cat cow. Breathe in and breathe out.

Round out the back. Let's take two more together. Breathe in. This is where you're bright and open across the chest. Exhale and you close it off a little bit. You round out the back, pull that tummy in. Inhale, love the word tummy. So cute. Inhale and exhale, round it out. Good. Inhale back to your long spine. I'll say it a lot during the practice. Left hand to right knee, left or right hand back behind you. Lift, lengthen, get strong and long in the spine and rotate and twist to the right for a couple of breaths. What I like to do with these spinal twists is come in and out. So breathe in, you move away from the twist a little bit, gives you a chance to lengthen and exhale, rotate, soften the shoulders down. Gaze over the right shoulder. Good. Back out just a little bit, breathe in. So the backing out gives you space to breathe in, to exhale, deepen the pose. Good. And you release back to center. All right. Maintain, plug, slight tilt forward, neutral long spine. Breathe in, breathe out, rotate, right hand on the left thigh or knee, left hand back behind you. Post, use that left hand to post yourself up. See, when you see my chest lift like this, or when you feel yours, you're pushing into that back hand and rotate in and out a couple of times. So breathe in, rotate away, breathe out, rotate towards the twist, pull that tummy in. I might even use that a lot today. Breathe in and breathe out back to center. Take the arms high. Once again, with the breath in and seal that intention, that motivating word right at the heart. Beautiful. Hands and knees, child's pose. So wide knees, point your toes back, walk the hands forward. As you're walking your hands forward, you're pushing your hips back, dial in that sensation, like touch in. What is the sensation? What are the feelings the pose has to offer? And then you move around and meander around and wander through the hips and feel the stretching of the spine and the shoulders here in child's pose. It's an active child's pose up on your fingertips, falling, breathing every so often, or as much as you'd like, releasing exhalations. Okay. Tabletop. Okay. Spread the fingers out, curl your toes. Inhale, cow pose. Exhale, cat. Push the ground away. Push the ground away. Pause here in cat pose. I want you to, every time you get here, pull the navel up, up, up and in. Push the ground away so much that you feel your shoulder blades stretch away from one another. Strong arms. Inhale, drop the belly, lift the seat, kind of tilt the pelvis forward, shine the chest forward, pull the shoulders back. That can feel intense on the spine. Exhale, round. Inhale back to a flat back. Screw those hands in. Okay. Knees under the hips, reach the right arm up as high as you can. Try not to move your hips. You can get more of a twist if you unlock the hips. So keep the hips locked. It's not about that. It's about an honest twist in the upper back here, reaching the right arm high. Follow that right hand with the gaze.

See what happens there. Bring the right hand behind the head. As you exhale, engage the core, the belly, and bring your right elbow down toward the floor, even towards your left wrist. Keep your left arm strong and straight. There's a nice rotation there. Inhale, rotate the elbow back up and high. Exhale. So you get a little core work here and upper spine mobility. Inhale, right elbow high, hips stay locked. Exhale, right elbow toward the left wrist. Good job. Two more. Breathe in, reach up and open. Breathe out. Elbow toward the left wrist and floor. Good job. One more time. Breathe in. Breathe out. Now breathe in. Elbow high, right arm high and bring the right hand down. Plug it in. Screw the right arm in. Lock in the hips. Take the left hand across the chest to the left shoulder and then up toward the ceiling. Let the gaze follow the hand. This side for me is way more closed off. So you check out what side is more available to you. Left hand behind the head. Exhale from the core. Left elbow down and rotates toward that right wrist and forearm. Inhale, left elbow high and exhale, left elbow down toward that right arm. Good. Three more. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Rotating up and open. Breathe out. Nice. Breathe in, up and open. Extend the left arm high. Inhale here fully and exhale the left hand down. Good. Screw the hands in. Curl the toes. Lift the knees. Downward dog. Pedal it out a little bit. Walk it out. First downward dog of the practice. I want you to kind of dial it in for you. Get super groovy in the bending of the legs and pressing of the heels in varying places. Like wander around. You can look back at your feet. Look back at your feet. Lift your heels. Spread your toes. Just kind of move around in a way that feels like you're addressing all of those toes of yours. You're getting the back of the head. The calves opened up. Nice. Now, we're going to walk in tiptoe to the front of the mat. Don't rush to get there. I want you to take one step. If you step with your left foot, draw the left heel toward the floor. When you step with the right foot, draw the right heel toward the floor. Keep pushing the ground away as if you were in cat pose. It's very active in the arms and upper back. Pull the tummy in. Come to the fingertips if that's more your speed. Gives you a little more height. Now you get there. Stretch the back of the neck out. Slide the fingers up the shins toward the knees. Bend the knees. Push the hips back. Good generous long spine. Pause here. This is that same exact spine we're looking at when we were sitting. Your sit. Your pelvis is pitched forward. Feel the hamstring starting to lengthen.

Pull the tummy in. Neutral long spine. Here, straighten the right leg. Bend the left and take your left arm on the inside of that left knee and left leg. This is like a counter strength here. The right hand lifts the chest. Manually lifts the chest to give you that length in the upper spine. Then that right arm reaches high. Now you've got the rotation, but you've also got that big long stretch down the right side of the body there. Or the right leg, let's say. Open up. Keep the integrity, the length, the health of the spine rocking there. Good. And now you're going to exhale the right hand down. Maintain the length of the spine. Left leg straight, right leg bent. Push the right arm into the right leg. Left hand manually lifts the chest to lengthen the spine and then you rotate and twist. Nice. Keep the tummy activated. Key word today. Tummy abdominals core. Good. Perfect. Bring it on back down. Let's inhale. Flat back. Push the hips back, lengthen the spine. Exhale forward and down. Mindful of your back. Breathe in. Reach up. Use the strength of your legs. Do so. Exhale the hands back to home, back to the center of you. Once again. Let the arms come down. Open the palms. Breathe in. Generous breath in with those arms reaching high. Exhale. Unlock the knees. Push the hips back. Fold forward and down. Half lift. Breath in. Breath out. Walk back into downward dog. This downward dog's a little more stationary. What you're going to do here is make sure you plug those hands in. Rotate the arm bones inward. That's spiraling in. So you're connected to the body. Now plug that left arm in. Reach the right arm back to the left calf ankle. Somewhere around there. Grab hold. Reach the outside of that left leg toward the calf. Gaze underneath the left arm. I can see you.

It's an awkward little position, but I am getting a rotation. I hope you are as well. Got a lot of strength being built in that left arm. Use your tummy strength. Back over. Right hand plugs in. So make sure your shoulder is good. You've got stability. Reach the left hand back toward the right calf. A little strength. And rotate the chest so that your gaze comes underneath the right arm. You're still strong and active in the legs. And you might be shaking and quivering a little bit. You have to manage all of that. Come back to downward dog. Good work. Come into plank pose as you inhale. Exhale. Lower down halfway. Strong arms. Inhale. Upward dog. Pull the shoulders back. Bright and strong across the chest. Get those arms as long and strong as you can. And downward dog, you go. Exhale there. Good job. Let's tiptoe again. A little quicker this time. Walk yourself to the front of the mat. Keep those arms strong. Inhale half length or half lift. Fold. Exhale. Okay. This time's a little different. Sit the hips back like you're coming into chair. Take your left forearm. So it's going to be basically take your left hand and grab hold of your right knee. Your left elbow sits right on top of your left knee. Okay. So you're holding there. Hips are locked. Lift the chest and take that right hand behind the head and rotate that right elbow high. So this is a super active rotational move here. You're in the strength of the legs. Good job. Length of the spine and you're rotating. Now let's see if we can do three on each side. So come down, but don't round and get out of it. Keep the spine healthy and long. Right hand holds on, locks on. Left arm reaches up. Good job. Left hand behind the head. Rotate up and open. Okay. Now a switch. Try to keep the legs stable.

Before working, right arm reaches high behind the head or not. And then number two on the left side. Reach and rotate. Right side. Over to the left side. You're inhaling, reaching up and open. Nicely done. Forward fold. Nice. Walk back into downward dog. Bring the knees to the mat. Slide the right foot back. Slide both feet over your left foot and your right ground the right foot. Post up on the left arm and the left knee is below the left hip. Keep that right arm and reach it up high. Take the right hand now. Reach it overhead. Palm facing down and get a big side stretch as you ground and seal through the outer edge of your right foot. Breathe some life into the ribs on the right side. Well, both, but really focused on that right side here. Option. Lift the right foot. Grab hold of that right foot. Pull the right heel toward the seat safely and then push the right foot into the right hand to open up. So you have a little back bend actually here. So we're moving slow and deliberate trying to work with good posture. Good alignment. You're going to extend that right foot all the way back out and step the right foot up to the right side of your mat. Oh, square off the hips. Drop into a little low lunge for a few moments so we can get off the arms here. Nice. Let's bounce in and out. So we're going to come back into half split, push the hips back, straighten out your right leg a little bit. You can come all the way down or sit up maybe about, you know, the half split position, which is hips over the knee and then come in and out as let's do it all together. So breathe in here. Breathe out, move back into the lunge. So deep back into the lunge. Stay here long enough for a good quality. Inhale and exhale, move back into the half split. One more time. Breathe in, breathe out, lunge with the back knee down. Let's try a couple. You can always lift the left knee if you'd like more rotation, right hand behind the head, walk the right foot out to the edge of the mat there so you have space. Make sure your left arm is good.

Right arm reaching up, elbow reaching high. You get that twist. Now exhale the right elbow down toward the floor again. So here you're really in like a almost like a cat pose in your upper back. There's that protraction in the shoulder blades and your core is engaged. Right? So pull that tummy up and in every time you get here. Inhale, rotate up and open exhale. Like I said, you can curl the back toes, lift the left knee, make it just a little more active. Kind of depends. Inhale, right elbow high. We're doing three more. Exhale down. A lot of strength involved in these shapes as well. Inhale, high, exhale down. One more time. Oh, nice. Exhale, exhale, exhale. Beautiful. Bring the right hand down. Left knee down. Walk back into table. Circle a little bit through table. So take those little or big circular motions just to kind of work any tension out of the hips and legs that you may have acquired in the last couple of moments. Good. Come back into child's pose for a moment. Back into table. Shoot the left leg back. Walk the right toes over. This is for balance, the right toes. Left foot grounds down and then open up. Lovely side plank. Oh man, to be able to move the body is such a gift, right? Stretch the left arm overhead. So your willingness is there, right? It takes willingness. It's hard to force someone to do this. So you're here. You're in it. The next level, if you're not there, is to give it even extra attention. Like really investigate and feel and try to get to a point where you really enjoy. And it's almost like I'm interrupting your process from pose to pose because you've got so much more time to explore there. Left leg lifts. That's not pressure like you have to be though. That's just maybe where you'll end up at some point. If you're not, grab hold of the left foot, hold the left heel toward the seat first for that like big quad stretch. Maybe your knee needs a little attention and then push the left foot into the left hand. And what's going to happen is that left arm is going to stretch into the left shoulder across your chest. So big kind of half bath, bath, bend, back, bend here. We did some backbends last week. Man, heart was a whole pan. Okay. Release that. Step your left foot down to the left side of the mat. Oh, good. Slide the right knee back a bit. Get off the arms for a moment. Come into a little low lunge. Wiggle through the hips. Catch your breath, so to speak. Okay. So you've got the lunge. You can hang here. You can also invite in through exhale, pushing your hips back, sliding your left heel forward and toes up. You're going to feel that big intense stretch through the left side. Good. Breathe in here long enough to take a quality inhale to use the exhale to draw back into the lunge. Pause here. Breathe in. Exhale, half split. Pause here. Inhale and exhale lunge. Walk that left foot over to the edge of the mat. It just creates space for that elbow to draw down.

So right knee down or up. I'm going to lift it. That's just what I prefer right about now. Left arm high. Open up the chest. Left hand behind the head. Now exhale. Remember it's like a cat pose. You pull the belly in and there's a rounding of the upper back. Left elbow down toward the floor. Pull the belly up and in. Tummy, tummy, tummy. Inhale up and open and exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Breath in open. Breath out. Kind of close it. One more time. Inhale and inhale. The left arm back up. Good job. Left hand comes down. Now step the right foot up out wide as well. We drop into a heel lifted squat. So your heels are lifting and you're dropping down into the squat. I'm going to actually drop my heels down. I just decided that you can have your heels up or heels down. For me, it didn't feel as awesome. So awesome for me, heels down. What's awesome for you? Elbows into the inner thighs. Chest rising. You're almost looking to find a neutral spine here. Just like that seated position we were in before. And then we can take the left hand to the mat and rotate. Right arm high and back gaze up toward the hand. Good. Switch it up. Right hand down wedges into the inner right thigh. Left arm high. Pull the tummy in. Gaze up. Good job. Left hand down. Pushing through the heels. Lift the seat. Walk the feet back toward hip width. Inhale. Good, long, strong spine. Fold. Exhale. Rise up. Breathe in. Breathe out. Hands to the heart. So let's stretch the body out for a second. Okay. I'll actually face you. Then we'll get back into a little flow. Take the arms overhead. Take the right hand on the left wrist. It might even be nice. You can give yourself a little wrist stretch. Now you're going to take a side bend over to the right, but to add some stretch to that, make sure your balance is okay. Take the left foot and kind of step it back and over to the right a little bit, but ground that back heel. Then take that side bend and it might just add a little more flavor, a little more spice, a little more love up that side. Good job. Back up to center. Wiggle around. Want to get that spine healthy and strong. Left hand around the right wrist. This just gives you something to pull on. Reach up. Side bend. Optional. Right foot behind the left. This just gives a little more flavor. Like I said, on the other side, push hard to that right heel. Make sure you're breathing well. Stretch. Oh man. Hands down. Good. Before we flow a little bit, standing poses just because I'm already here with you. Let's do this together. Wide legs. Take a nice wide, generous stance. Unlock the knees just a bit. Now remember, it's all about the feet with a lot of these standing poses. So ground those feet and screw them in. Lift your toes. Push the big toe mound, the heel in. Okay. So don't lose that. And keeping the hips in line with your ankles. Lead with your chest. Remember the neutral long spine.

Lead with the neutral. And when you start to feel a little resistance in the legs, then you can bring the fingertips down. So there's, you've got your stretch now in your legs. Maybe the inner groin, the hamstrings. Stay high on the left fingertips and turn and twist. So another rotational movement. Your hips are locked though. Hips are locked. Legs are strong. So you have the combination of the legs stretch and the spinal twist. Okay. Right hand down. Push into the mat to lift the chest. Maybe even take your left hand and manually lift it and then follow that left arm up high. And left hand back down. Bend the knees and come all the way up. Now you're going to keep the wide stance here. Bend the knees quite a bit. Hands on the thighs. It's one of my favorite stretches here. Now you're going to draw the right shoulder forward toward me. If you're facing me and down in the direction of your left foot and you can look over your left shoulder. Legs stay in that same position that your right arm that straightens your left arm bends. You're kind of pushing and then you groove on over to the other side. So the left arm starts to straighten the left shoulder draws forward and down toward the right foot and gaze up and over the right. One more over to the other side. So left side. Exhale over to the right. Back to neutral. Come to stand. And just because we're here, we'll throw in a little God goddess pose.

Toes point out, draw your tailbone down. This is not a rotational thing. This is just a fun little kind of challenging pose. I think keep your knees tracking out over the end of your ankles. Your body, your pelvis is neutral. Upper body is neutral and long and then the arms. You're going to feel some strength and flexibility, right? Might feel some stretch going on in the groin, some work going on in the butt and the outer legs. Then pull those arms back. Get the back strong. But notice when you pull the arms back, don't let the lower ribs kind of flop out. Good tone, tummy, my friend. Push through your heels and rise. And we're going to do 10 of those. Okay. Now let's breathe in, lower down. Arms can come into that goddess pose. Come into goddess pose or God, whatever. Exhale. Come into you pose. There you go. Push through your heels and squeeze the old bottom up top. Good. Lower and exhale. Inhale, lower. Open across the chest. Push through those heels. Nice. There's five. So five more. You have the opportunity to do six lower. So you already know where goddess is, right? Boom. Locked. And then push up in seven. Inhale down for you pose peace and eight straight down. Healthy knees. Oh, nine. Good job. One more time. Lower, lower, and activation of muscles. Left foot forward. Okay. Feet hip width. Arms down by your side. Good standing position here. Good posture. Roll the shoulders back. Close your eyes before we mosey on here. We've got some good time left together. Come back. Hands to the heart. Hands to home base. Hands to the center. Your center. Back to the breath.

Back to that purpose. Motivation. I don't care what it is. It's something that gets you to sign in, roll the mat out, move your body. It's like what motivates you to care. Let that now carry you through the last portion of this class, which is a lot of time together. Bring the arms high. Inhale. Exhale. Forward fold. Half lift. Inhale. Walk back into plank pose as you exhale. Pause here. On your next exhale, lower yourself down. Lean forward onto your toes. Elbows stay over the wrist. And then inhale upward. Straighten the arms if you can. Good. Strong across the chest. Downward dog. Exhale. Right leg lifts. Inhale. Exhale. Knee in the direction of the nose. Pause. So you're holding here. Remember cat pose again. Pull the navel up. Round out the back and pull that right thigh high into the body five times. Inhale high. Exhale. Inhale high. Exhale. Engage the tummy. Knee in. Strong. Inhale high. Exhale four. Inhale high. Exhale five. Pause and step. Create some good space between your feet. Rise for high lunge. Nice. So we typically will bring our hands to the heart and rotate elbow over thigh. Today, I'd like to hover elbow over thigh. Okay.

So that we're actually in our core strength while in this posture. So pull that right hip back. Strong, straight left leg. You can bring your knee down at any point. Palms to the heart. Now here, open, right? You're not closed. You're not rounding here. You're still in that neutral spine that you're well aware of by now. Lean your body forward. You can stay here. That's a lot of work on that right leg. A lot. I get it, but we have to deal with it here, right? On your exhale, rotate and twist to the right, but hover that left elbow across your right thigh or in the direction of it. Press firmly through the palms. Gaze at your fingertips or your right elbow and breathe. One more breath. Use your core to rotate a little bit deeper. Back on out, rise up, inhale and exhale the hands to the mat. Step back into plank and pause. So I'll go to the right first. So side plank heels, simply stagger. You're not stacking necessary. Left arm high. Okay. You can bring your right knee down for some support. Left hand behind the head. Okay. Now again, you have to hold yourself for five rotations here. So left elbow rotates down toward the floor. It doesn't touch. And let's exhale up top. So inhale down, exhale, two, exhale, three. Use that right knee if you need it. Exhale for no judgment at all. Five. Nice. Left hand to the mat. Heels stagger. So that just gives you some bass, some room. Make sure your left arm is good. Left shoulder, strong, healthy. Right hand behind the head. Five times. Inhale, rotate that right elbow down toward the floor and exhale. Strongly core. Inhale and exhale. Inhale. When you reach that right elbow up, pull the shoulder blades toward one another. Strong stabilization through your upper back. Nice. Bring that left knee down if it's useful. Number four, this is hard, so it's not easy for me. If it's difficult for you, it's probably difficult for everybody here. Right hand back down. Good job. And downward dog. So that's a challenging move. If you'd like it, explore it more. You can start with the knees down. It just gives you a little more time to fiddle around with it and have good form. Left leg lifts, breathe in and step it up as you breathe out. Oh, sorry. Bring it back up. Oh man, almost forgot. Five knee to nose. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Two more. Inhale. Exhale. Good. Finish the exhale, relax the arms, and then you've got this base to rise up. Nice.

Okay. So find your balance first and foremost with this high lunge. Okay. And again, you know, this could be the shape for you because you're a little taxed or maybe you don't want to twist or whatever. So you find your spot, you feel absolutely at peace and calm and content with it. Take the arms high. If you're joining hands to the heart, lean your body forward. Remember strong in the spine, right across the chest and shoulders, push the right heel back strong in that right leg. Okay. Now push the palms together deliberately and exhale. Rotate to the right. Don't compromise the work you've done in your spine. Right elbow is reaching and hovering across that left thigh. Gaze at the fingertips. Gaze at your left shoulder or a left elbow. Gaze at the back of your head. Yes. Good work. Good. Left leg is like feeling it, right? Come back out. Breathe in, reach up, breathe out hands to the mat. Downward dog. Good job. Let's take a little transition here. Always good to work on strength and lowering. So breathe in plank, breathe out, lower yourself down. Breathe in up dog. Breathe out down dog. Right leg lifts. Inhale. Exhale one time. Step it up. Bring the back heel down. Shorten your stance a bit. Warrior one rise up. Bring the arms down for a moment. Let's make sure we have our feet right here. Okay. So we're going to do, it'll be like a three-part thing. Be a warrior one, revolve triangle into half moon. So there's some hip placements that need to be kind of played with here. Okay. So right foot is on the right kind of sort of outer, not outer edge, but right center. Left foot is left center. That way you're not on a tight rope. Okay. Turn your left toes. You have to look at me. Look at my toes. They're pointed almost straight forward. Maybe a 45 degree angle. That helps your left hip to come forward in a more sort of graceful way. Right there. Okay. Now straighten your right leg for a moment. Draw the tailbone down. Slightly tuck, not really tucked, but just extending down. You feel a stretch up to the left side. Keep the pelvis as best you can in this position. Bend back into the right leg. Then gradually take the arms, reach them up, up, up alongside your ears. Shine the chest forward. Keep pressing firmly into that back foot. How's your breath? This is warrior one. It can be the most challenging pose if you just get down and dirty in those feet, like press hard into that back foot, press into your right heel. Now bring the hands to the heart. This deserves all of your attention. This pose straighten the right leg, lock it, but then take a little lock out of it. So you're in the muscle. Now that right foot is glued and sealed. Don't let it lift and power all of your power comes from that right foot. Okay. Draw the right hip, pull it back. You can keep your right hand on that right hip. Left hip draws forward a little bit. Keep the right legs healthy and strong. Okay. Now the pelvis wants to pitch forward a tiny bit. You can start to feel the hamstrings working. Okay. Foot placement important. Now reach the left arm like you're trying to reach for triangle, right? Reach out. That could be enough. Or you bring your left fingertips to a block on the high or your right shin. Remember the neutral spine we worked so hard on. Keep it here. As you begin to turn your chest open to the right, use your right hand to keep pulling the right hip back. You're going to fit so much work in that right leg. It's a lot of work. Then maybe you take the right arm and reach it high. Keep your tummy activated. Evolved triangle pose. Back to center. Open up before triangle pose now. So now you're going to feel some relief. You're going to still keep the position of the legs and hips, but now the right hand comes down toward the shin or ankle and the left arm is high. You'll feel a little relief now. I think triangle pose. There's zero passive. Nothing passive about your feet and legs in these standing poses. Crazy. Okay. Bend your right leg, reach up for reverse and let's hit. I'm going to move back a little bit.

First warrior into half moon, reach up and back, big, generous breath in, start to get all your balancing qualities dialed in and launch off the back foot. Left hand at the left hip, right fingertips down toward the floor or hover or a block and left arm might fly high. Push through the left heel. Breathe my friend, friends left hand at the hip. Step back warrior to reverse warrior. Reach up and back and all the way back down. Plank pose lower up dog down dog. Okay. Same thing. Left leg high. Step it up back heel down meticulous with your effort in the feet, the placement, warrior one, settle through the breath. Open through the chest. Okay. Now straighten out the hands to the heart. Straighten out your left leg, pitch the pelvis forward forwards, but keep that left leg a little bent and place all your effort through that left foot. Okay. So now you're going to reach through the right hand now looking toward like a neutral spine, right fingertips to the left shin, block whatever you'd like. And then eventually you're going to start to turn your chest open to the left. So much work in that left leg. I know you're feeling it there. Left arm can fly high and make sure you can get a good quality breath here. If the arm high doesn't feel quite right, keep it at the hip. Whatever keeps you balanced and aligned. Come back out. And what you can do same position. Now you're going to open that right hip a little bit more. Left fingertips to the left shin and the right arm high try almost like a twisted triangle. Bend the left leg, reverse inhale and half moon as you exhale. Left fingertips toward the floor, right hand on the hip, drive through that straight right leg as much as you can. Open the chest, reach the right arm high. Bend the left leg, step back, warrior two, reverse inhale, exhale windmill the arms to the mat, step back, downward dog, walk it out, stretch those legs out, bring the knees down, child's pose, use an exhale. Like that was a lot of work. I mean just it's plain and simple. So after a lot of work, right, like a day's work, you get home and you take a big breath, right? So here breathe in, push the hips back and that's only doable if child's pose is comfortable for you. So if it's not comfortable, make yourself as comfortable as you can. Let's come up and out of that and onto our seat and onto our back. I am sweaty, but it feels good. Okay. Windshield wiper with your arms up and back behind you bent like cactus or a field goal. Let your legs kind of criss cross windshield wiper from side to side, loosen up any potential tension in your low back. You know, it's a lot of work, all of that rotational stuff, you know, especially if you're kind of doing it quote unquote, right. You know, you've got to activate a lot of leg muscles and core. Take the right leg over your left. So recline pigeon pose, push the right hip away from you with your right hand. Take a moment there and then lift the left foot up, point your right toes up. So your right knee stays healthy. Go ahead and reach up to the left hamstring of the, so the left hamstring or the left shin. But if you grab hold of the left shin and you're hovering up here, like, Oh man, this kind of sucks. Grab hold of the hamstrings. Okay. Whatever gives you the opportunity to lower down head, spine grounded, pull gently in and you feel that outer hip, outer right leg kind of stretch. Give it a little relief. Revolve triangle can, can tax that leg quite a bit. So this is the stretch that might feel good afterward. Release the left foot, but keep this shape. You could even cross deeper and wrap that right foot behind your left calf. If you have that available, that's that Eagle bind Eagle. Take the left leg, take the legs now in this position across to the left. So spinal twist. Let's see if I can move this little Mike thing with my shorts. I'm going to pause like that. You bring your legs over as far as you can, wherever it feels best, really. And you counter it by reaching your right arm out and you breathe a little relaxation to the right shoulder, the right shoulder blade. You can take your left hand on that right side. This is a rotational twisty maneuver as well. So beautiful. Come back out. Take the left foot over the right leg. So right below the knee and I like to push the left hand into the inner left thigh for a moment. Push it open. So you get a little space through the hip, some calming breaths, taking advantage. There's a fair amount of work to move through all that. So now it's like balance, right? Now it's time to chill out a little bit. Lift the right foot up. Take hold of the knee or the hamstrings, lower the head, lower the shoulders if you can, and then pull the legs toward you in a way that feels like, okay, there's that stretch. That feels like a good temperature. A lot of the times for a long time I would use like, you know, spicy food. So I love spicy food so much that I go too spicy and then I can't taste the food. And I just, it's just, I want to rush through it just to get it done. I enjoy it a little bit, but then it's like, oh man, ha, ha, ha, end it, you know? So we don't want to address these postures and go too spicy because then we can't breathe well.

We just want it to be done and over with, right? So it's almost counterproductive. So create the perfect spice level for you. Keep the shape, bring the right foot down, shift those hips to the left and let's get a nice little release here. Legs go over to the right. Left arm reaches out wide, just enough to grab a little release. Create enough space in the shape for you to breathe well and relax. So you want to be able to move your neck around, spread your shoulders wide. Good foundation there. Soften the eyes. Hopefully you took away a couple of good cues from today, a couple of new rotational moves. There's more, man, you can only fit so much in in an hour, but that's sufficient. I'd be curious to see how you feel later in the day and tomorrow after moving like that. Let's come back out, level yourself on the mat, draw the knees in tight to the body. So this is going to aid in stretching the low back. You can reach up and grab hold of opposite wrists or elbows and really tuck tight into this little child's pose on your back. If you feel interested, release the arms, but keep those knees tucked in and reach up toward your shins, your ankles or the outer edges of your feet for happy baby. This is a real pose. Happy baby. Like I was just around the baby last week. That's all she wanted to do. We'll just lay here and grab her feet and just literally so happy. The breath was moving in and out of her belly like it does for the little ones. At some point we lose it in our adulting, right? We become chest breathers and it becomes more stressful life. And to get that breath back to that natural baby like breathing, that diaphragm just naturally flowing in and out. Okay. Release that. Take a bridge pose, bring the feet below the knees and press the hips up. And as you do so, walk your shoulder blades underneath you. That might feel nice. It's a back bend, but you're probably a little bit more just in spinal extension here. Feet are below the knees and you're pushing into the, maybe lift your heels and push through the big toe mound and pinky tide. And you can push through the heels and see what happens there. Stretch through the hips. Okay. Undo the shoulder blades, lift your heels and roll down like you really care a lot about your spine. Bring the bottoms of your feet together. Knees out wide. Take the hands behind your head. This is not core, although I could definitely throw down some core right now. Lift the head and stretch the back of the neck out a little bit. You know, ideally, I know I was, the core was activated a lot during the class. So we don't necessarily need that focused core. Lower the head back down with the neck really long. Put your hands on your body for a few moments. Feel the breath move in and out gently as we move toward relaxation. And now we're well-lived, I think. Well-practiced. You're moving the breath just a little bit, but I want you to kind of like gradually let the breath fade. Like maybe two breaths and then the breath just goes and your mind might start to float a little bit. Body might relax and you allow, gosh, man, that's so much moving in our spine. Allow your spine, your body to chill out for a little bit. Use the exhalation to soften the whole experience. So take a breath in with me. Exhale forever. Relax for a few moments, your entire body. And as you're relaxing, circle back for a few moments, back to the mind, back to the motivation, back to the why. Acknowledge that you made the priority today for whatever your reasoning was, your purpose was. Stretch the legs out, stretch the arms out. Take a big, huge, full-body stretch. Bend the knees and roll onto your right side. Tuck those knees in, rest your head. And then push yourself up to sit. Sit around. Whew, man. So take the hands to the center of you. God, Goddess, you. That place that holds all of your best qualities and that's the place we want to start to move from, act from, respond from. All the best qualities right inside there. So with that said, Namaste. May the force be with you. Peace, calm, energy, strength, positivity.

I wish it all to you and I thank you so much for being here today. Namaste.


Eric M
3 people like this.
Thank you Robert. I caught that cheeky prompt for Eagle bind, amazing! What a great workout!
Christel B
1 person likes this.
Hello Robert in the Far East from me in the far West where hurricane Douglas is about to make landfall! 
I liked your spicy analogy about not pushing it too far.
Laura M
1 person likes this.
Thank you!!!
Robert Sidoti
Hi Christel ! How are you? You must be out west in Hawaii?? How is the hurricane situation? Hope you and everyone there is safe! Yes, for me the spicy analogy works well :) 
Robert Sidoti
No no no Laura  - Thank YOU!! :)  Hope your day is beautiful! 
Robert Sidoti
So glad you enjoyed Eric !! Have a great day!
Oh Robert, this was glorious! Loved all these strong revolved postures with dynamic movement. Feel strong, bright, energised, amazing.
Thank-you Robert. I have struggled to maintain yoga sessions before, but your words of wisdom and positivity made a real difference to me. Love the core work :)

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