Vibrant Flow Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 7

Paradise Flow

60 min - Practice


Move with compassion and a sense of adventure in this focused practice sequencing towards Bird of Paradise. Cultivate internal fire with preparatory core work, warm and stretch in Sun Salutes, and open and strengthen the hips and legs in standing poses, Lizard, and Yogi Squat (Malasana), before slowly and mindfully playing towards our peak pose. You will feel nourished and joyful inside and out.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Rest the hands, take a soft gaze or close your eyes. The spine is nice and tall, the shoulders are easing down the back. And last, simply notice the breath. Where do you feel it in your body, the quality of the inhales and the exhales? Breathing in to this moment, right here, right now.

And letting whatever is present be present, creating a lot of space, building our capacity to meet whatever arrived. So gradually, let's start to expand the breath, let the inhale start to move out in all directions. And with each exhale, just kind of let yourself soften and settle. Begin to hear the sound of the breath, the rise and fall of each inhale and exhale. And then sustaining that soft gaze, our eyes closed, take the hands to prayer at the heart center and let's open together with a gentle, for now, exhale, empty it all out.

And then together through the nose, take a nice big inhale, rest in that vibration and that stillness for a moment and drop into your intention for your practice. Anything at all you'd like to clear out, anything at all you'd like to welcome in. Distill it down, let it root in the body, give it a touchstone and then when you're ready go ahead and let the eyes open or lift the gaze, take a big inhale, reaching the arms out and up and then with your exhale, take the arms back behind you and interlace the fingers and then just gently kind of draw the hands away from the body, easing the shoulders back and down, not strenuous, not much effort at all, just a little opening through the chest and the front of the shoulders. Sustain that and gently ease the chin to the chest and then gently roll right ear to right shoulder, chin to chest, left ear to left shoulder, really subtle gentle neck and head rolls in your own rhythm. See what's there and breathe into it.

Take your time very gently drawing the head back to neutral and then as you're ready again really big inhale, reach the arms out and up and with your exhale let's rock it forward and come on up to the hands and the knees, hands directly under the shoulders, knees under the hips, neutral spine. Then warming through the back as you inhale, lift, tailbone, heart, gaze and as you exhale round the back, draw the belly to the spine, lifting up through the center, head heavy and again inhale, lifting, tailbone, heart, gaze and with the exhale, round belly to spine. Let's take three more cycles of cat-cow really warming through the back, big inhale, lift the heart, exhaling, round belly to spine, saw through the neck and the jaw. Again inhaling, lift, exhale round and then just one more cycle, take it at your own pace and then gradually let's come home to a neutral spine. You might walk the hands forward just a little bit, take a nice big inhale, tuck the toes and then exhale, pressing up and back, downward facing dog.

Let's take five breaths here, just easing into the backs of the legs, pedaling the feet, shifting hips side to side, moving the breath into any sticky spot, you discover just waking it all up, another breath or two and then steady yourself and your down dog. Gently on the inhale, leave with your heart, let's ripple forward into a plank pose and then pause here, shoulders are over the wrist, soles of the feet are pressing back, as the soles of the feet press back, the heart and the crown shine out in the opposite direction. Feel the strength through the whole body, draw a deep belly in and out, cultivating a little internal fire. Let's hold by, hug the energy in towards the center line, four, three, good, be with it, and then nice and easy on your exhale, just lift it back into your down dog, pausing here for a moment and then three gentle cycles through the vinyasa, inhale, rippling forward plank pose and with the exhale, just lower the knees to the earth, keep the elbows hugging in, come all the way down, inhale to cobra, lift the heart and exhale, press it all the way back, downward facing dog. Pause for a moment, take a nice big inhale, let it go, exhale and then again inhale, ripple forward plank pose, this time with the exhale, stay with knees first or chaturanga dandasana, inhale stay with cobra or upward facing dog and exhale all the way home, downward facing dog, take a breath here, last cycle, inhale ripple forward, exhale lower knees or chaturanga, inhale lift through the heart and exhale all the way back, excellent, downward facing dog, let's take a big inhale together through the nose and then open the mouth, exhale, let it go, yeah, slow walk forward on the inhale, just take it towards the front of the mat and when you arrive, easy fold, feet are hips distance, head is heavy, neck is soft, you can let the hands fall, you can hold the elbows, you can keep it neutral or sway, take three, four, five breaths, just tuning into what you need here, letting it all unwind really soft through neck and shoulders, jaw, eyes, brow and then just find the center line if you're swaying, release any bind you might have, keep the head heavy and slowly with your inhale, rolling the body all the way up to stand, as you arrive exhale roll the shoulders down the back and then simply step the feet together, take the hands to prayer at the heart center, samsitihi, take a moment here, reconnect, breathing in and breathing out, surya namaskar a, inhale to reach out and up, exhaling bow out and down, with the inhale lengthen halfway, root the hands, hop or step it back, exhale to lower knees or chaturanga, inhale lift the heart, exhale all the way back, downward facing dog, three breaths, long spine deepening in and two and bottom of your exhale, soft bend in the knees, hop or step to the front of the mat, as you arrive inhale to lengthen halfway, exhaling bow and fold, strong through your center, flat back, inhale to rise all the way up, reach out, exhale hands to prayer, heart center, two more, inhale reach out and up, exhale bow out and down, inhale just halfway extending through the heart, root the hands, hop or step back, exhale to lower, elbows hugging in, inhale reach up through the heart and exhale back to downward facing dog, again three breaths just being with it, shoulders ease away from the ears, reaching heels to the ears, the bones to the sky, one more breath.

Some of your exhale soft bend in the knees, hop or step front of the mat, as you arrive inhale lengthen halfway, exhale deepen into your fold, strong center inhale rise all the way up, exhaling hands to the heart, last one inhale reach rise, exhaling bow out and out, inhale just halfway long spine, root the hands, hop or step it back, exhale to lower, inhale reach the heart up, exhale back to down dog, three breaths just dropping in using the opening sun salutes to shed those initial layers, really draw you into the body physically and energetically, one more breath here, bottom of your exhale soft bend in the knees, hop or step it forward, as you arrive inhale halfway, exhale bow and pull, strong through your center inhale reach all the way up and exhale hands to the heart just pause, one breath in the stillness inhaling and exhaling, good, bending the knees inhale utkatasana sweep the arms out and up, we're going to pause, be in it, weight back into the heels lifting deep low belly soft through the shoulders, maybe sit a little deeper cultivate the inner fire, stay right there take a big inhale then exhale reach back interlace the fingers inhale opening through the heart and exhale folding forward arms go up and over take a moment here right into the shoulders we're going to explore a lot through shoulders chest upper back throughout the flow so just kind of touching in here see what's present give it one more breath and then as you're ready deepen in the knees inhale just scoop it back up into utkatasana exhale sit a little deeper good pressing through the feet inhale all the way up and exhale bow and fold dive towards the earth with the inhale just halfway root the hands hop or step it back exhale lower as you choose knees are chaturanga inhale lift the heart exhale take it back downward facing dog from here inhale reach the right leg to the sky exhale draw right knee outside right elbow inhale directly back up to the sky and then exhale step right foot forward between the hands spin the back heel down to the earth with your inhale lift it up warrior one we're going to give this a moment just to settle in descending through tailbone lifting through the center tall spine breathing into yeah and then keep it steady and strong big inhale exhale just reach back and interlace the fingers with your inhale lift up through your heart offer it and with your exhale fold forward let the head fall inside of the front knee devotional or humble warrior keep the legs strong root the back heel surrender the weight of your head give it another breath or two being with it and then as you're ready on an inhale rise up returning to your warrior one and with your exhale release hands to the earth step it back and lower knees or chaturanga inhale lift the heart and exhale take it back downward facing dog inhale reach left leg up with your exhale left knee outside left elbow inhale to get back to the sky exhale step left foot forward root the back heel to the earth on your inhale rise up warrior one second side deepening in lift through that center and make your own subtle adjustment find the length rising up and then be with this take a big inhale let the heart lift a little and as you exhale reach back interlace take your other thumb on top and then inhale reach up through the heart and exhale fold yeah little by little deepening warming opening the shoulders let the head go let the neck relax let it all go one warm breath strong through your center as you're ready inhale reach it all the way back up warrior one and with your exhale release hands to the earth step it back optional vinyasa lower or press it straight back to your down dog we meet in down dog just gathering the energy for a moment here notice how you feel reconnect with your breath and then in a moment we're going to link that all together intentionally building the pace and building the heat and the energy however of course slow it down if you'd like take your own rhythm let it all go and release to child's pose it's up to your body as you're ready inhale right leg rising exhale on the outside right elbow inhale back up exhale stop right foot forward root the back heel inhale to rise warrior one exhale reach it back interlace inhale lift through your heart exhale bow and fold directly back up inhale warrior one exhale release hands to the earth step back chaturanga dandasana inhale lift the heart exhale downward facing dog left leg inhale up exhale on the outside left elbow inhale reach and exhale step left foot forward root the back heel rise up inhale reach it back and release the other thumb on top inhale lift through the heart exhale bow forward rise again on the inhale warrior one rise exhale release hands to the earth step it back and lower inhale lift through the heart exhale downward facing dog again inhale right leg up exhale on the outside right elbow inhale reach exhale step forward spin the back heel to the earth inhale warrior one exhale reach back interlace inhale offer the heart up exhale bow the heart to the earth back up on the inhale warrior one exhale release hands to the earth step back chaturanga inhale upward facing exhale downward facing last cycle left leg inhale rise exhale on the outside left elbow inhale go back up exhale step left foot forward root the back heel rise up in there reach back exhale interlace inhale lift the heart exhale bow and fold inhale come back to the sky rise up exhale release hands to the earth step it back chaturanga inhale lift the heart exhale downward facing dog beautiful work pausing here notice the shift in energy notice the building of the heat yeah stay with that deep steady breath fanning the flames okay from here with your next inhale just reach right leg to the sky and with your exhale go ahead and open the hip and the knee give it a little breather see how that outer right hip is doing keep sending left heel to the ear yeah and then inhale reach it up and with the exhale right knee outside right elbow inhale take it back to the sky then with the exhale just step right foot forward between the hands spin back heel to the earth and left arm open do inhale warrior to the arabarasana settle in just kind of feel into it opening through the hips lengthening through inner thighs energy out through fingertips steady gaze another breath or two yeah and then inhale let's just lengthen the right leg and exhale spin the feet to parallel for prostrata hands to the hips dropping down through the tailbone inhale lift the belly and the heart and with your exhale fold forward hands to the earth nice and simple to begin just grounding here for a moment and then we're going to turn the toes out heels in start to bend the left knee for skandhasana and just go as far as feels accessible no pain in the knees lengthening of course through the inner right thigh and the back of the right leg opening hamstring muscles give this a few breaths spine is tall slightly from deep center really breathing into it yeah okay on your next inhale just lift it back to the center line and with your exhale shift to the right again mindful of the knee joint easing in breathe into left hamstring muscles left inner thigh tall through the spine feel into it knees into a couple more breath good okay let's inhale come back to the midline exhale just ground here feet are parallel hands are basically under the shoulders and then with your inhale you'll come halfway up just stay low on the exhale it's a quarter turn back to the front of the mat release the back knee and draw the hips straight back for art make this yours hands can always be up on blocks or any other support and if you'd like you can turn the right foot out a little bit just see if that access is a different part of the hamstring muscles finding your sweet spot and breathing there three two yeah all right with the next inhale just easing forward bending the front knee with your exhale take the hands inside of the front foot for a lizard stay here or come down to forearms and elbows yeah and then check in what's present does the right knee want to hug in or open out is this enough sensation or maybe does the right hand want to find the left foot another three or four breath follow your own energy let's unravel slowly if you have that bind gently down in the deep fold inhale walk the upper body back and then exhale hands either side of the front foot talk the back toes lift the back knee and then nice and easy just step straight back into your plank pose pause lift belly to spine big inhale exhale lower as you choose or press directly back into down dog always option good meeting there pausing here gathering the energy back to center back to intention second side inhale reach left leg floats up exhale open the hip and the knee and just be with that how is the left hip doing warm it up with the breath and all that heat you generate yeah and then inhale let it rise with your exhale draw the knee outside the elbow inhale go back up and with the exhale float left foot forward spin that back heel down right arm opens you inhale warrior two second side just settling in lifting from the belly through the heart softening from the shoulders down through the tailbone steady and strong another breath or two and then inhale lengthen that left leg exhale spin it feet parallel and just release hands to the hips this time inhale reach arms rise exhale take it back interlace again inhale opening through the heart and exhale back into the fold how are the shoulders feeling a little more warm maybe a little more mobility little by little good stay for a big inhale and with your exhale release the hands to the ear and turn the fingers behind you walking the hands through the legs right just deepening the upper body into the fold kind of drawing the chest as close to the thighs or the space between the thighs as possible yeah just easing out of it turn the fingers back to the front and just walk yourself about halfway up hands under shoulders take an inhale here to lengthen and then exhale just that quarter turn back to the front of the hands either side of the left but lowering the back knee draw the hips back are the honeymoon inhale reaching through your heart and exhale deepening into your whole meeting it with your breath maybe turning the foot out a little bit see does that move it somewhere beneficial not make much difference explore it in your body not a breath or two yeah slowly with the inhale come forward bending the front knee exhale hands inside of the front foot and then just start to ease into lizard second side any variations knee in or out hands or forearms maybe binding maybe not you just kind of find it and then move your awareness through it move your breath through it what's there right in this moment want to deepen a little soften a little okay easing out if you have that back foot very gently release walking the upper body back in and up hands either side of the front foot tuck the back toes lift the back knee keep it simple left foot meets the right and plank pause gather it all into the midline take a big inhale your choice exhale to lower or direct path to downward facing down either way we meet there and just pause take a few breaths coming home to center good okay take a nice big inhale here and with your exhale walk the hands to the back of the mat easy fold when you arrive and you'll just stay there I'm going to turn towards you so you can see this a little bit better in the fold let it go and then grab the big toes with first two fingers and thumb inhale lengthen halfway and exhale back into the fold parangusthasana tipping the weight into the front of the feet really move the stretch into the backs of the legs opening hamstring muscles all the way through a couple more breaths if this is enough let it be enough just stay here or inhale halfway exhale slide the hands under the feet toes against the wrists once you have that parahastasana inhale lengthen and exhale return to the fold keep easing the weight into the front of the feet keep breathing into the hamstring muscles three two right keep whatever grip you've chosen inhale just halfway and then exhale release the grip and just shake out the hands and the wrists a little bit let that go then nice and easy open the feet a little wider than hips distance and start to ease the sit bones down to the earth and malasana of course you can always take support under the heels or even a block under your sit bones right no strain no struggle and then draw the hands to prayer apart center lifting through that central channel shoulders ease back and down and let's give this a moment three two all right from here we're going to go on a little adventure for some of you it might be effortless for some of you a little more effortful whatever the case may be let's see if the internal quality can be one of compassion and curiosity there's nowhere to get there's no better or worse expression of the pose just exploring okay so take the hands on the earth let the back round let the head fall feel for a moment the opening from the back of the skull down the length of this and then to access this you're gonna lift the hips it's kind of a half malasana sort of a partial squat then start to draw the right shoulder behind the right knee and you can hook the right hand behind the ankle to help kind of crawl it under right maybe this is enough just work with that for a little while and then rest in the last one you've had enough or start to draw the right hand all the way up to the outer right hip maybe that's enough you give it two or three breaths and release if this feels kind of doable yeah reach that left arm behind see if you can find the bind and if you have that begin to lengthen the left leg maybe even lengthen the right leg saw through the head and the neck breathing into it three can always grab a strap or hug onto your clothing modify and provide one more breath good and just let it go shake it out see how the second side feels kind of a half squat so you have some leverage and some space start to crawl left shoulder behind the left knee you can use that little gap between thumb and first finger to help draw it a little deeper then left hand reaches up for the left hip maybe that's it and then you pause maybe right hand reaches back finding the bind strap clothing or just hover wherever the hands can access slowly lengthening the right leg and maybe left leg as well give up the weight of the head breathing very gently as you exhale simply release hands on the earth come on back to your malasana maybe spin on the balls of the feet a little bit keeping the joints really supple excellent work see where we can take that keep the hands on the earth let the head fall and just release back into your forward fold and then inhale halfway lengthen and with your exhale walk the hands back to the front of the mat pausing in downward facing now take a moment to reconnect with your breath and your center yeah okay another adventure keep rooting through the hands as you inhale just lift the right leg to the sky exhale let's open the hip again and bend the knee inhale reach exhale right knee outside right elbow inhale take it back to the sky then with the exhale step the right foot forward root the back heel down again nice and simple with your inhale open it up warrior two settling in good and then a big inhale and with your exhale simply rest the right forearm to the thigh or take your right hand to the earth left palm turning down towards the earth anchor through that left heel feel the expanse on the left side body feel the opening through that inner right thigh be with it too all right strong through your center with your inhale just lift it back into your warrior two and then with the exhale take the hands to the earth and just pause we're going to spin the back heel up and release the back knee down and then start to walk the hands inside of the front foot again maybe you can start to imagine where this is going putting it all together and again curiosity and compassion enjoy it just explore find your own edge and pause as we take this journey maybe you stay here maybe you come down onto forearms and just hang out and lizard for a little while or same principles start to crawl that right shoulder underneath the right knee plant the right hand outside of the right foot then tuck the back toes lift the back knee spin that heel down to the earth here's the bind left arm wraps back maybe finds left hip or the small the back that's enough stay there and then just rest and lizard or right hand reaches back finding the left bound side angle stay there for a little while release to lizard when you're ready or start to inch that back foot in and when you're ready step the left foot all the way to the front of the mat keep the bind and then slowly transfer the weight into the left leg lift through your center inhale to rise coming to stand if you fall fabulous try it again then once you're up maybe you stay there maybe you start to extend that right leg for bird of paradise see if you can draw the energy to the center line reach out through the ball right foot three two slowly as you exhale begin to return to the earth right knee bends right foot descends left the transitions be a part of the practice stay present keep the bind if you can root that right foot engage through the center and exhale step the left foot all the way back we're back in the bound side angle if you pause here beautiful then gently release we're all going to meet hands either side of the front foot spin the back heel up with your inhale right leg rising with your exhale open the hip bend the knee give it two or three breaths shake it out circle it around whatever you need it's worked hard for you let it release excellent work meeting in down the come back to your breath in your center well as we move into the second side let the deeper practice be the quality of mind and heart the poses are secondary they're just learning ground for the inner state of being okay so approaching this with a sense of play and kindness towards ourselves inhale left leg up exhale open the head down the knee inhale reach exhale knee outside left elbow inhale go back up exhale step left foot forward root the back heel down right arm opens you inhaling warrior two settling in just kind of be with it for a moment establishing the foundation and a big inhale and with your exhale side angle form to thigh or a hand to earth reach that right arm up and over as you root down through the right heel roll the torso open yeah you can see of course how the shape translates to the full bird of paradise so see where the edges are where the stickiness is what needs to open here in order to facilitate the next step one more breath from your center inhale warrior two and then nice and easy with the exhale just take the hands down to the earth and fall spin the back heel up lower the back knee down and start to walk the hands inside of the front foot okay the greatest sign of advanced practice is to be present in your body and take the shape that serves right so fancy poses yeah don't really matter much at all maybe you stay here maybe you release to forearms and elbows and maybe you crawl left shoulder on their left knee plant that left hand keep rooting through the right hand tuck back toes lift the knee spin the heel to the earth maybe the right arm wraps behind maybe left arm lifts and you find the bind your clothing a strap a towel whatever you got let that be enough release when you're ready or to walk that right foot in step it to the front of the mat engage through the center really connect there first root through the right foot and then we'll hear inhale slowly start to run strong center line steady bass yeah if this is enough it's enough if you want to explore start to extend that left leg out all that hamstring and inner thigh opening serving us here three two stay for a nice big inhale and then slowly on the exhale start to bend that left knee and release left foot down to the earth yeah if you can keep the bind big inhale exhale step right foot to the back of the mat if you paused in your bound side angle here we are if you're in lizard walk it back up then just unravel hands to the earth spin the back heel up from your core inhale left leg up exhale open the hip and anything you need shake it circle it around give it a few breaths slide it on wine we're going to meet in down dog uh find it as you're ready and let's take a cleansing vinyasa inhale forward to plank exhale lower knees or chaturanga inhale lift the heart exhale float it back downward facing down really strong work no matter what it looked like just moving into it and exploring it and challenging ourselves that in and of itself it's phenomenal all right stay here nice big inhale and then with the exhale just release the knees to the earth hips to the heels child's pull knees together wide arms out or back lay it down and with the forehead resting on the earth like the thinking mind the front of the brain relax even surrender a little oh humora oh yeah stay as long as you'd like always it's moving when you feel ready on an inhale rise to the hands and then exhale nice and easy you just take it up and back down dog for the transition right big inhale here and at the bottom of the exhale it's a soft bend in the knees hopping stepping all the way through to sit you just get there however you'd like and then extend the legs out feel the foundation rooting and we're just going to draw the legs in for bada canasana gentle hip opening continuing to release and open through inner thigh as always feel free to sit up on a blanket a bolster whatever you need and if you'd like you can even take support underneath the knees the thighs holding the feet thumbs in our arch tall through the spine big inhale stay here or exhale start to ease into the form now feel free to take a block under the forehead and just work with it in whatever way feels best we're going to give it about five more breaths we start to slow down find the earth integrate the more vigorous aspects of the practice okay in the food and he'll just slowly rise up and as you exhale keep this just slide the feet forward a little so you move kind of from a triangle to a diamond shape with the legs a variation here and then just take the hands on the lower shins right around the ankles use that leverage to inhale lengthen the spine and then exhale again it's your choice honor your own edge start to fold forward pausing whenever you'd like or slide the hands the arms under the thigh and i'm just kind of holding the feet here letting the head relax and the head can literally land in the soles of the feet just kind of be cradled there okay sweet nourishing turning inward give it a few more breaths stay as long as you like when you're ready inhale start to rise and then exhale just unravel release whatever grip you've chosen draw the knees together slide forward and then gently let's roll all the way down onto the back hug the knees in when you land wrap the arms around the legs rock yourself side to side and then plant the feet on the earth resting the arms alongside the body and then very gentle back bend to begin together ground through all four corners of the feet and then scoop the tailbone lift the hips arms can stay at rest or hands that are laced underneath the back crawling the shoulders in them breathe heart solar plexus deep belly hip flexors squad muscles such a beautiful opening for the entire front body stay with it three two gently if the hands are clasped let them release melt from top to bottom of spine back to the earth and just settle for a moment all right I'll take two more backbends listen in again what's the most loving kind choice do you want to support yourself on a block simple bridge do you want to press in the full urban urban you're asana did you want anything in between as you're ready make contact with everything that's rooting into the earth and let it descend and then when you're ready in there arise and breathe let the head relax let the neck relax if you're all the way up and breathe three and two those of you on a block are really content in bridge in any variation you might stay there otherwise gently chin the chest back of head shoulders upper and then all the way down the spine to the air okay take a breath last backbend feel into it follow the energy lines of the body rise into the most nourishing and joyful choice and then breathe into whatever you encounter move the breath into the opening move the breath into the resistance create the space transforming from the inside out three two two big inhale and slowly we need on the earth breathing soles of the feet together knees falling open right hand to heart left hand to belly take a soft gaze or maybe even let your eyes close and let the whole body begin to soften relax settle notice if there's a little bit more mobility through the hips in this passive stretch for the inner thighs after all that you've done to facilitate that opening and then just continue to breathe into it gently draw the knees together hug the knees in towards the chest wrap your arms around your legs and rock yourself a little side to side and let's counter with just a simple twist on the back you can keep the legs just as they are we're going to go to the left first or you can wrap either leg on top then let the knees fall to the left maybe left hand to that top knee a little added weight and the right arm reaches out to the right okay let the gaze gently follow the right fingertips so the nap completes the twist of the whole length of the spine three two two slowly inhale draw the legs back to center if they're bound unwrap them move the hips to the left a little and then take the other bind and let them fall to the right the twisting of course is ringing out the back after those deep back bends it's also ringing out the energetic body okay after a deep challenging practice just kind of want to clear it all out we showed up we did what we could let the rest go allowing it all a couple more breaths here there's never any state of perfection there's never any grand culmination where it's all seamless and realized we just kind of live in the journey in the messiness some poses we can do some we can't some days we can do them some days we can't again the deeper practice is the quality of mind and heart that we bring to it all are we treating ourselves and one another on the inhale back to center exhale hug the knees in towards the chest rock the body side to side releasing that low back and then just finding stillness take a really big inhale and exhale shavasana your favorite shavasana maybe support the knees maybe cover the body or cover the eyes let it be supported let it be warm and nourishing and then just lay it all down now the body relaxes so too the mind and the heart and the subtle energetic body and let's stay soft and just gently together take a big expansive inhale and open the mouth exhale let it go and just wrap it Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. the desire, maybe you should stay in Shavasana for a little while longer, the body will know when it's ready to emerge, ready to join me and just begin to deepen the breath, draw some awareness back, bring a little movement into the hands and the feet. And then on an inhale, extending the arms up and over, reaching out through fingers and toes. And then with your exhale, bending the knees, feet to the air, you can roll to either side and you can pause there for as long as you'd like, that feels good. Just slowly transitioning up to a comfortable seat as you feel ready. And when you arrive, maybe prop up the sit bones, make any adjustments you feel forward. We're going to sit together for just a moment or so, feel comfortable.

And then find that soft gaze or close the eyes, let the hands rest. Let the shoulders ease back and down and just kind of feel into, is there any more opening or space there? I'm not aware of this, follow breath. And then gently drawing the hands to prayer at the heart center. Thank you so much for joining us for the flow. Thank you for your patience if you encountered any technical issues. Thank you for showing up again and again for yourselves, for your practice, for this whole wide world. Close with a gentle exhale, empty it out through the nose, big inhale. And gently inhaling the soft thought forward with the exhale. Namaste.


3 people like this.
Just what I needed! A fun Friday flow :) Thank you Rosemary!
Rosemary Garrison
Thanks, Monica ! So glad it hit the sweet spot! Be well. 
Kate M
1 person likes this.
Lovely to be practicing with you again, dear Rosemary Garrison !! (Re. getting into BofP: I have discovered that a block placed under the foot of the leg that is being raised allows me to get into it much more easily. It's that first 4 inch elevation that are sooo difficult for me!)
Rosemary Garrison
Lovely to know you are practicing with me again, dear Kate ! Agreed on the block, thank you for sharing that. It's been ages since I've tried that, such a helpful reminder! I hope you are well. 
Jenny  P
2 people like this.
Thank you for a nice flow. 
I have a question. For someone that hasn't tried before the bird of paradise should just stay to the low poses? And eventually, keep going?  Or go all the way to see how it feels? 
And Rosemary I love your classes the way you explain and the option you offer are helpful.
Rosemary Garrison
Thanks for the feedback and question, Jenny P . I would say go slowly through all of the preparatory poses and pause when you feel you're at your edge. If your body feels good in each stage, carry on. You may find yourself in bird of paradise! If not, just continue with the process and eventually the full pose will unfold. Enjoy!
David G-
1 person likes this.
Loved this class! Bird of Paradise is a work in progress, but I have so much progress the last few weeks. 
Rosemary Garrison
Yay, David G- ! It's all about being right where you are. That's the pose- whatever shape your body is in, that's the pose. Enjoy!
1 person likes this.
Well, this was awesome. Thank you!
Rosemary Garrison
Yay! Thank you, Lori 
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