Posing Artwork
Season 3 - Episode 3

Pigeon Pose

5 min - Tutorial


We look at variations of Kapotanasana (Pigeon Pose), with the help of Juna, Sarah, and Matt.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Feb 13, 2015
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Welcome back. Thank you Matt and Sarah and Juna for being here. And so we'll take a look at a shape that usually gets called pigeon. Okay, my friends. And just watch. Again, the benefit of another allowing you to watch is to learn. Okay. And you'll notice that Juna has decided to stay upright a little longer. Okay. You'll notice that as Sarah has come down she's chosen to put her hands flat down on the floor. And you'll notice that Matt has chosen to turn his palms up. And just because of the greatest variety here is happening really between Matt and Sarah, we'll take a little bit more of a look at them. And Juna, you're welcome to stay there and bake in there or find your way towards child's as you would like. And so just notice, like just take a notice and a moment to notice, like the relative relationship of Sarah's hips to the floor and the relationship of Matt's hips to the floor. And if you've been hanging out with us for a while, you would have seen the way their different triangles looked or revolving side angles. And so just like, again, like an instruction, if the insistence is for Matt's right hip to be on the floor, Matt, can you show what you need to do to get your right hip to the floor? Like Matt needs to roll basically onto his right hip and it takes it out of the stretch. Okay, will you come back into the shape? And sometimes, you know, it'll be the implication that you want to have some support under here. The reason that you might have a prop under here, like a blanket or a bolster, it's just simply so Matt's hip can relax a little bit more and he might be able to find more stretch, he might not. That seems to be a very individual personal yogi decision. Okay, a couple more moments each of you. Sarah, just for fun, just notice, like just a copy Matt for a moment, notice how it feels if your palms are turned up. Okay, and so just you might try this at home too, like palms down can sometimes really feel like a sense that you're gonna make your way through it and palms up sometimes it can just create just a gentler sense of vulnerability and offering. Okay, okay, well all of you find your way out of that, maybe towards child's pose and rest. Nice, beautiful. Okay, so again the play here is to find out what your body likes and what your body does and it's nice to be able to see what other people's bodies do and appreciate it. The difficulty is that it's so easy to move into a comparative judgment and decide that we are either better or worse than others. The play is to be an embrace of each other.


sometimes Kira's voice gets too soft, can't hear her
but nice to see three variations.
Kira Sloane
Hi there KeeperOfTheStars, thank you for letting us know about the volume mischief on this one. Glad you are here. xokira
June S
I am having trouble with the comparative judgement of being worse then others, Kira. Especially after trying to do Sarah’s classes. I think there are some things I will never be able to do since I am starting yoga at 53 and I have trouble accepting that. I understand that is contrary to what yoga is trying to teach me but my competitive nature keeps stepping in. 
Kira Sloane
Hi June! You're on the right track as seeing what's happening clearly changes what's happening. Comparison is one of our great skills, and I am not sure it ever goes away.  It does, however, get less sticky and confirming of being less than. The moment of comparison is in itself, not usually a problem.  It's all the thoughts and feelings that follow that steal from us. (It's amazing how fast we can for from a simple, "her pigeon is better than mine" to "I'm fat, I owe the IRS, and my life is meaningless.")

* Continues in next comment
Kira Sloane
June, desire is such an important alignment fuel to move us to do anything. It may seem petty to want to "be better" at a yoga pose, but we have to start with something. The closer attention to how we actually feel moving in, being with, and out of the shape, the richer our experience becomes. The more curious we are about the immense subtleties of our breath, mind and heart, the less it will matter how the shape looks on the outside.  Just like rose is not intimated by an iris, so we do not feel less than another perfect human being in their unique bloom. 

Grateful for your inquiry this morning. xo Kira

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