Yoga for Kids with Ms. Stix Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 8

The Alphabet Yoga Sequence

25 min - Practice


Combining her previous lessons, Ms. Stix leads us through the entire alphabet sequence from A to Z. With enthusiasm and playfulness, she introduces 26 animals to help young yogis connect letters and sounds by using their bodies.
What You'll Need: Mat

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(waves crash) Oh, I'm so glad you're back. Now we're going to do the whole alphabet, all 26 letters. Wow. Let's start in armadillo, A is for armadillo. So tuck your knees under, bring your forehead to the ground, rock a little from side to side and take a few deep breaths here, armadillo.

Deep breaths through your nose. Breathing in. Breathing out. Breathing in. Breathing out.

Feel your soft tummy, safe, supported. And feel the ground underneath you. It feels good like this, all tucked up. Slowly come up. B is for butterfly.

So bring the soles of your feet together. Hold onto them and make some wings. Let's fly, see where you wanna go. You might some antennae and look around. What a beautiful world.

Take a deep breath here. When you're ready to rest, bring your feet out in front of you. Deep inhale. And bring your forehead toward your feet. Just go as far as feels good for your body.

That's perfect. And when you get there close your eyes. Picture what color your wings are. Maybe they're rainbow wings today. So beautiful.

Rest here, butterfly. Breathing. Slowly come up. C is for cat and cow. So let's come up to our hands and knees.

Spread your fingers wide. Cat cow is really good for your spine. So let's stretch it, get round in cat. Rock a little from side to side. You can come up onto your fingertips, your cat claws.

And then from here bend your elbows, inhale up. Find a cow. Maybe you even moo. Moo. Rock a little from side to side.

You can swish away a fly. Take a deep breath. And then do that a few more times. Notice what you wanna do. You might pause and feel the cow.

You might pause and feel the cat. Breathing. And then from here, D is for dog. So spread your fingers wide, curl your toes, straighten out your legs, and bend one knee. Bend the other, walk your dog.

Feel the stretch in your arms, your legs, your spine. Take a deep breath here. Doggies, wag your tail. Breathing. From here, doggies, let's lift a leg.

Oh, that feels good. Bend your knee, rock a little from side to side. Feel that really nice doggy stretch. Perfect. Straighten up that leg, lower to the earth.

And other side, bring the other leg up. Let the knee bend, rock a little from side to side. Oh, it feels so good to stretch like a dog. Take a deep breath in. Straighten out that leg, bring that down to the earth.

And then let's move into elephant pose. E is for elephant, walk your feet up towards your hands. Clasp your hands back behind your back. Make a trunk and then stretch your trunk. Oh, it feels so nice to stretch your shoulders.

Rock a little from side to side. Feel how strong you are, little elephant, important. Take a deep breath here. And then bring your hands down to the earth. Let's find frog pose, F is for frog.

Rock a little from side to side. It's good to do frog every day. Put one hand on your knee, open up your frog leg. Take a deep breath. Other side.

So nice. From here, press into your frog feet. Stand up, and G is for giraffe. Bring your hands together. Reach up, make a giant neck, wow.

Take a deep breath in. And let's stretch to one side, little giraffe. Oh, that feels good to stretch your legs, your waist. Wow, deep inhale, exhale. Come up.

Other side. Breathing, you might even close your eyes. To really notice how it feels in your body. Deep inhale. Exhale.

Beautiful, inhale up. Bring your arms down by your sides. H is for horse. Are you ready to ride? I am, place your hands on your waist.

Open up your legs wide, bend your knees. Hold onto your reins, and let's go riding in the forest. Inhale up, exhale down. Do that a few more times. Feel the strength in your legs, little horse.

Breathing. So nice. And then sit down in your saddle. You might even give a pony a hug. Oh, that feels good.

And then slowly stand up. I is for impala. A beautiful animal who lives in Africa. Impalas run so fast. Turn towards the front of your mat, bringing your hands down by your foot, and then rock forward and back a few times, stretching your legs.

You're ready to go. Take a deep breath here. And then we'll change sides. Do the same thing, rock forward and back, feel your body, your legs, your spine. Perfect.

Take a deep breath here, little impala. Beautiful. Then from here step your back foot forward. Stand up. And J is for jaguar, a beautiful animal who lives in the jungle.

So we'll open up our legs wide. Turn one foot open. Bend this knee, bring your arms wide. And feel yourself in the jungle. Strong.

Quiet. Listening. Take a deep breath. Bring the top arm up, stretch your side. Oh, that feels good.

And then from here, let's go on the other side. Turn your other foot open, bend that knee. Open up your arms and pretend you're a jungle cat. A jaguar. Quiet.

Watching. Deep breath. Bring that top arm up, breathe wide in your side. Oh, that feels so good. From here, straighten out both legs.

K is for Kangaroo. Kangaroos have really strong legs. Turn the first foot open. Open up your arms wide, reach. And then bring your hand to your shin or your calf.

Take a deep breath here, perfect. And then place your hand on your waist. Step your back foot in, feel your really strong kangaroo legs. Bring your hand to the earth. And you might even lift your back leg.

Feel the balance. Just go as far as feels good for you. You're a perfect little kangaroo. Take a deep breath. Lower.

Perfect and let's find the other side. Turn the other foot open. Reach the arms wide, lengthen. Oh, so nice. Breathing here, kangaroo.

Feel your feet on the ground, grounded. Hand finds the waist, step the back foot in. Plant your hand, take your time. And you might even lift your back foot. Feel the strength of your standing leg.

Take a deep breath and feel your kangaroo body. It feels good. Bring that back foot down, feel your balance. And then from we'll move onto the ground. L is for lion pose.

Bend your knees. Sit down on your legs. L is for lion, one of my favorite poses. It's great for your jaw, your face, your eyes. So spread your claws wide.

Take a deep breath, we're gonna stick our tongue out and open our eyes. Inhale. (roars) Ooh, that was scary. Let's do two more roars. Take a deep inhale.

(roars) Awesome, one more. Inhale. (roars) Oh, so good, little lion. That's a good pose if you ever feel like you're getting sick, do that. It really helps.

M is for monkey. So from here let's bring our hands to our mat. Stretch back to downward facing dog. Walk it off for a few breaths. And then walk your feet towards your hands.

Monkeys have very loose shoulders. So let's bring our shoulders underneath our knees. You might bring the crown of your head toward the earth and stretch your back. Breathe, little monkey. From here, bring your hands forward and walk your feet back.

Bring your shoulders over your wrists. And let's come all the way down to our tummies. N is for newt. Newt is a kind of salamander, a lizard. Release one ear on your pillow.

Rock your hips from side to side. And feel your belly soft, relaxed. Peaceful. Then bring your other ear to your pillow. Feel the earth giving your belly a massage.

Oh, that feels good. O is for octopus. Let's bring our arms wide, our legs wide. Pretend you're an octopus swimming in the ocean. Move all your limbs, take a few deep breaths.

This is great for your tummy, your back. Stretch wide. Beautiful. Take a deep breath here. And then push into your hands, slowly come back.

P is for pigeon, one of my favorite poses. Bring one leg forward, rock a little from side to side. You might even look up and make a little coo. (coos) And then walk your hands forward, little pigeon. Make a pillow and rest here.

Pigeon is a great stretch for your hips and your spine. Breathe and rest. When you're ready, slowly come up. Find another little coo, coo. Press into your hands, step back to downward facing dog.

And if we do one side, we wanna do the other. Staying balanced, bring your other leg forward. Rock a little from side to side. You might find that coo. (coos) Then walk your hands forward, find your pillow.

Notice what feels good for your body. Perfect. Now rest here, little pigeon. Get soft. When you're ready, come back up.

You might look up towards the sky. Oh, that feels nice. Pushing back, come back to your downward facing dog. And then from here we'll find quail. Quail's another bird.

Rock a little from side to side. Quails like to move around and find some seeds. So let's walk around here. Find a little quail circle. Nice for your hips.

Oh, that's fun. Then rest for a moment, little quail. Tuck your beak. Get quiet. R is for rabbit pose, so let's bring our knees to our mat.

Bring your hands down. Let's bring the top of our head, our crown, onto the mat. Come up onto your fingertips, curl your toes. Imagine that you're a rabbit out in a field. Rock a little forward and back.

Might even take a little nibble of the grass. Oh, that's good. Rabbit pose it really good for your face, your brain, you neck. Rock a little from side to side, notice how good that feels. Lift your hips up towards the sky.

And then from here we'll slowly come down onto our tummies. S is for snake. Bring your forehead to the ground, spread your fingers wide. Point your toes back away from you. From here we'll slither up.

Push into your hands. You can even look up towards the sun. Open up your mouth wide and find a hiss. (hisses) It feels good to be a snake. Take a deep breath in.

And then from here tuck your knees up. Sit down. T is for tortoise. Tortoises move very slowly, one foot at a time. Bring your feet forward.

Walk your hands forward and then bring your arms underneath your legs. Flex your feet. Now, this might be perfect for your body. Remember, if it doesn't feel good, stop. If it feels good, you might even straighten out your legs.

You back is your shell, you can drop your head. Go inside, notice how warm and safe it feels in there. And then you can lift your head, stick your head out of your shell, hello. Drop back down. One more time, little turtle, inhale up.

Hello. And then drop back down. From here slowly come back up. And U is for unicorn, a magical animal. So let's bring our bottoms onto the ground.

Let's pretend we're a unicorn in the forest. Make a horn, reach your arms out. This is really good for your tummy. Pretend you're running through the forest, little unicorn. Breathing, isn't it fun?

Do that a few more times. And then pause. Notice how strong your belly is, wow. Take a deep breath here. And then from here we'll move into vulture pose.

V is for vulture. We're going to bring our back to the earth. Slowly lie down. And then we'll lift our hips up off the ground. You can hold onto your hands underneath your back.

Push into your feet. Vultures fly high above the sky, they can see everything. Take a few deep breaths here and feel that. Release your hands, release your back to the earth. W's for whale.

It's fun to be a big whale in the ocean. Let's lift our legs. Hold onto your back. Pretend your legs is your whale tale and bend your knees. Let's find some swimming.

Doesn't it feel good to swim in the ocean? Notice how strong you are. Wow. And then pause, hold onto your hips. This is a really good pose for your belly and your mind.

Quiets us down. Deep breath here. Slowly lower yourself back to the earth. And then we'll move into x-ray fish pose. So bring your legs to the earth.

Push into your arms and we'll bring our crown, the top of our head onto the earth. Make a fish with your body. See the shape. Take a few deep breaths here, rock a little from side to side. Breathe into your lungs, your gills.

Bring in some energy. Oh, that feels good, deep breath in. Slowly release your head. Then Y, Y is for Yak. Yaks have really big mouths.

Let's open up our yak mouth wide, take a deep yawn. Stretch your jaw. Here bend one knee, hug it into your chest. Bring it over to the other side. Stretch your spine, twisting, reach your hands away from you.

So nice for your spine. Breathing. We will find the other side, hug that knee in. Other side. Perfect.

Feel the twist in your back as you reach your arms wide. Feel the earth underneath you. And then our last pose, Z. Z is for zebra. So lie down on the ground.

Feel your arms, your legs, pretend you're a zebra. Feel your stripes. Notice how beautiful you are. And pretend you're asleep in the grass with all your zebra friends, your zebra family. Relax here and feel the peace.

The earth underneath you. The sky above you. Relax. Little zebra, stay here as long as you would like, enjoying your body, yourself. When you're ready, bend your knees.

Roll onto one side. Use your hands and slowly sit up. Keep your eyes closed for a moment and bring your hands together at your heart. Press your palms together and take a deep breath here. Notice the peace, the space.

The yoga. You did such a good job. Thank you for practicing.


Cristina C
1 person likes this.
i am 45 and i enjoyed doing your yoga today it was fun and made everything simple and not so complicated! just what i needed! helped me to see yoga in a new way thank you ms styx
Jennifer T
1 person likes this.
This was a great overall stretching routine that helped me cool down after a long walk. Thanks!
Christy Li
1 person likes this.
I enjoyed the sequence. It would be great if you could have some little children with you. I turned this on for my kids but when they didn't see any children, they didn't want to do it because they just thought it was mommy's yoga class.
Kira Sloane
Dearest Christy, thank you so much for this great suggestion. xok
Rebecca S
1 person likes this.
i like how you do the alphabet and stories like goldilocks and the three bears in yoga, me and my brother really like the stories! Hector and Rufus (6 and 3)
Kit & Dee Dee
We did this with our 6 year old when she wandered in on our morning session. Perfect for our family morning.
Betsy Stix
Thanks so much, Kit and Dee Dee! I'm glad that your daughter enjoyed the series!
Fatimah B
I taught this to my little students and they loved it!! Thank you soo much
Betsy Stix
1 person likes this.
wonderful - thank you, Fatimah, for teaching your little students!  Beautiful!  xox Betsy

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