Guided by Breath Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 2

1 min - Show Intro


Sadia welcomes us to Season 2 of Guided by Breath. Together we will move through 60 minute Hatha-Vinyasa sequences centered on a peak pose, but guided by breath. Our goal is to return the body to the breath, and to remember that prana is flowing through us always supporting us from moment to moment. You will feel grounded, strong, clear, and alive.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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(Pace N/A)
Mar 09, 2021
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(No Desires)


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Well, hello, my friends. Welcome to season two of Guided by Breath on Yoga Anytime. I'm Sadia Bruce. Together, we'll move through 60 minutes of hafa vinyasa sequences centered on a peak pose, but guided by breath. Our goal is to return the body to the breath and to remember that prana is flowing through us always. And because of this simple fact, you're not only alive, but very well supported from moment to moment. You will feel grounded, clear and strong.


David G-
I didn't know there was a second season!  Strengthy! 

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