Wake Up with Yoga Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 9

Awake and Focused

30 min - Practice


Birgitte leads a dynamic flow class to open the hips and gain upper body and core strength. We begin in Sun Salutes, weave in standing postures to challenge the balance, strength, and stability, and play into Dolphin pose before returning to the floor for Bridge pose. You will feel empowered and ready to take on the day.
What You'll Need: Mat, Block


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Good morning, welcome to our practice. So this practice we're going to integrate a lot of what we've done so far. It will be a dynamic flow practice and we are going to start standing this morning. So please come to the top of your mat and you might want to have a block nearby so that you have it ready for the standing poses. So standing at the top of your mat in Tadasana and let's start with the feet hips width apart. Parallel your feet toes pointing straight ahead and stand up as tall as you can palms with the hands facing straight ahead and just take a couple of centering breaths breathing smoothly in and out through your nose. You can bring the sound of the breath more to the back of your throat ujjayi breathing creating that whispering soothing ha sound to the breath and then when you're ready inhale circle your arms overhead look up and just for now keep your hands shoulder width apart and as you exhale hinging from your hips and just for now put a bend in your knees and inhale open your chest reach your sternum away from your navel and then exhale fold uttanasana inhale spread your arms out to the side leading with your chest lift up look up hand shoulder width and then exhale back to Tadasana let's do one more inhale circle your arms overhead reach up and out beyond your fingertips exhale hinging from your hips fold again fine to have a generous bend in your knees inhale open up your chest arda uttanasana exhale bow uttanasana inhale spread your arms out to the side rise up and as you exhale this time gather your hands in front of your chest hands and anjali mudra and we're going to add on inhale circle your arms overhead maybe seal your hands exhale fold forward uttanasana inhale open up your chest arda uttanasana and as you exhale step your right foot back into a high lunge take a deep full breath in here and as you exhale come into downward-facing dog from downward-facing dog from adho mucus vanasana inhale plank pose pausing at the top of the inhale and exhale downward-facing dog inhale raise your right leg behind you three-legged down dog and as you exhale bring your right knee to your chest step your right foot up between your hands inhale here high lunge exhale step your left foot forward still with the feet hips width inhale open up your chest find space exhale fold inhale press your feet into the floor rise back up and exhale arms back in tadasana out to the side palms of the hand spacing straight ahead inhale circle your arms overhead pause exhale fold uttanasana inhale arda uttanasana open your chest exhale step your left foot back high lunge inhale here and exhale downward-facing dog inhale plank pose pausing at the top of the inhale exhale downward-facing dog inhale raise your left leg behind you exhale bring the knee to your chest and step the foot through inhale here exhale step your right foot forward inhale arda uttanasana exhale uttanasana feel free to step your feet all the way together see if you can bring the sides of your big toes to touch inner heels slightly apart inhale stretch the arms out to the side rise up and exhale hands to your heart and take a couple of centering breaths allow your gaze to be soft receptive even smooth breath we're going to add on lower your arms inhale circle your arms overhead exhale fold uttanasana inhale open your chest exhale step into plank pose inhale here you're welcome to set your knees down come forward with your chest look forward and then slowly just for now lower all the way down inhale stretch your fingertips towards the back wall lift your shoulders lift your feet lift your legs and holding here for two to three breaths draw the chin in slightly breathing smoothly in and out through your nose lower your feet place your hands by your lower ribs either stay in low cobra or high cobra or if you feel ready to come into a birch facing dog exhale downward-facing dog let's stay here for three full breaths align your ears with the inner upper arms a little bit more weight into your fingers firm your triceps in the bottom of your next exhalation look between your hands either step or lightly hop your feet up between your hands inhale open your chest arda uttanasana exhale fold inhale spread the arms out of the side rise up and exhale tadasana palms of your hands facing straight ahead inhale circle your arms overhead exhale fold uttanasana inhale arda uttanasana exhale just simply step into plank pose use that exhale to either lower all the way down or chaturanga dandasana inhale cobra or up dog exhale down dog for three full breaths so if you've tied hamstrings just put a little bend in your knees to more easily lengthen your spine shifting more weight into your legs at the bottom of your next exhalation step or lightly hop inhale arda uttanasana exhale bow inhale spread the arms out of the side rise up exhale this time hands to your heart anjali mudra take a couple of centering breaths again and again allow your gaze to be soft so whatever point you're looking at imagine that point coming towards you lower your arms inhale circle your arms overhead exhale fold uttanasana inhale arda uttanasana exhale again just simply step back into plank pose you can always skip the vinyasa and simply step into down dog otherwise slowly lower down inhale cobra up dog exhale downward-facing dog inhale raise your right leg behind you exhale step your right foot up between your hands place your block by the outer right ankle set the back foot flat pin the right hip in and then windmill the left arm overhead coming into Virabhadrasana two warrior to keep firming the outer right hip in tracking sitting bone to need to second toe on that front leg take two more breaths here you can gaze softly beyond the fingertips of the right hand soften your shoulders turn the palm of the right hand to face the ceiling inhale reverse the warrior lightly bring the left hand to the back of the left leg open up your chest a bit more towards the ceiling inhale back to warrior two and as you exhale straighten your right leg inhale raise your right arm exhale triangle pose this is where I like to use the block underneath my right hand press a bit more strongly through the ball of the right big toe as you move the outer right hip in lengthen the right side of the torso reach up and out through the top hand two more breaths triangle pose you're welcome to stay right here otherwise we'll move into Arda Chandrasana half moon bring your left hand to your left hip look to the right footstep the back foot in a little bit closer reach your right hand forward at least a foot in front of the little toes out of the right foot it'll raise your left leg until it's about parallel to the floor Arda Chandrasana roll your left shoulder back and reach your left arm up three more breaths here I'm choosing to look down it's easier to balance that way if you feel really steady you can turn your gaze towards your top hand one more breath now bring your left hand back to your left hip we're going to transition into Parsha Vakvanasana extended side angle pose so bend your right knee reach your left foot way way back and take the block with you bring your right hand by the outer right ankle squeeze the right knee against the right arm and then turn the palm of the left hand to face the ceiling reach the arm over your cheek if this is too much you can always choose right form on top of your right thigh okay so a couple more breaths here squeezing the right knee against the right arm firming the outer right hip in a little bit more weight to the back foot and then from here come into a high lunge move the block out of the way step into down dog for a moment you can consider staying here or maybe taking child's pose or you can slowly inhale plank exhale either Chaturanga or maybe lower all the way down inhale cobra or upward facing dog exhale downward facing dog let's do the second side inhale raise your left leg behind you exhale step it through place the block by the outer left ankle set the back foot flat make sure you turn the back foot in slightly pin the left hip in inhale windmill the right arm overhead coming into warrior to the Virabhadrasana to keep firming the outer left hip in tracking knee to second toe sitting bone knee second toe a little bit more weight to that back foot place the right hand to the back of the right leg turn the palm of the left hand to face the ceiling then reverse the warrior turn your left chest up a little bit more towards the ceiling inhale back to warrior to exhale straighten your left leg inhale raise your left arm up exhale triangle pose trikonasana and perhaps you choose to use the block underneath your left hand so if you can laying the left side of the torso two more breaths you can stay in triangle pose or coming into half moon place your right hand to your right hip bend your left knee step the back foot in a little closer reach your left hand forward at least a foot in front of the little toes out of the left foot transition into half moon raise your right leg flex your right foot roll your right shoulder back and extend your right arm up so again I'm choosing to look down if you like a bit more of a challenge and slowly turn your gaze towards the top hand one more breath bring your right hand back to your right hip we're going to transition into extended side angle pose the bend your left knee reach your right foot way way back and place your hand by the outer left angle maybe on a block turn the palm of the right hand to face the ceiling reach the arm over your cheek squeeze the left knee against the left arm maybe choose to look up in front of the right arm two more breaths parshva kvanasana and bring your right hand down come back into the high lunge step into down dog you know your options right you can stay here child's pose or inhale plank exhale lower perhaps chaturanga inhale cobra up dog exhale down dog three full breaths see if you can deepen your inhales and lengthen your exhales the bottom of your next exhalation step or lightly hop inhale open your chest exhale bow inhale spread your arms out to the side rise up and exhale hands to your hearts pause here just for a moment breathing smoothly in and out through your nose soften your gaze now we're going to come into a balance pose maybe even to take your hands to your hips and then bend your knees and then with your knees bent you're going to shift the weight into your right foot come on to the ball at the left foot pin the right hip in then lift your left foot and cross the left leg over the right and if this is plenty for you stay right here you can also wrap the foot around the lower leg square the pelvis straight ahead draw your navel in maybe this is enough or you can take the arms out to the side cross your right arm over the left bring the palms of your hands together lift your elbows about shoulder height squeeze your hands away from your forehead if this is not possible maybe the back of the hand or you walk your fingers onto your upper back couple more breaths here maybe bending the right knee a little bit more and then please come to standing on both feet and let's do side number two bend your knees a little bit come on to the ball the right foot pin that left hip in lift your right foot cross the right thigh over the left and for most people this is enough right for some of you maybe wrapping the foot around the lower leg draw your navel in square your pelvis straight ahead perhaps stay right here or take the arms with you stretch your arms out to the side cross your left arm over the right Garudasana yeah I the palms of the hands touching or backs of the hands or you give yourself a hug okay I can feel wobbly today maybe you feel wobbly too one more breath every day is a little different and come back to standing on both feet and I like that okay I'm going to step back to the top of the mat standing in Tadasana feet together if you normally work with the feet apart hips with maybe bring them just a little bit closer if that's comfortable standing in Tadasana now inhale bend your knees Utkatasana chair pose fierce pose lift your lower belly in and up move the lower ribs in maybe sit a little deeper more weight in your heels place your right hand to your right thigh inhale lengthen from the tailbone out through the crown of the head and as you exhale twisting to your right and place your left elbow to the outside of the right knee bring your hands together draw the outer left hip back and in if you work with the feet apart just keep your knees apart inhale broaden across your collarbones by pressing the top hand against the bottom hand one more breath inhale chair pose exhale fold Utkatasana stay here for one breath let your head dangle thank yourself for practicing hard inhale open your chest exhale step into plank pose or simply step into down dog if you're in plank slowly lower down inhale cobra or up dog exhale down dog now inhale raise your right leg behind you exhale this time bring the right knee to the left elbow see if you can touch the elbow hard to talk in this pose inhale three-legged down dog exhale step the right foot through now you're going to bring your hands on top of your right thigh if you feel that this position is a bit unstable you can bring the left knee down and work from the low lunge now inhale stretch your left arm forward lengthen from the tailbone up through the crown of your head draw your belly in as you exhale revolve to your right maybe stay right here or take the left elbow to the outside of the right knee press your hands together just like you did earlier so inhale press out through the left heel lengthen your spine exhale press the top hand against the bottom hand one more breath press your feet into the floor inhale now come into crescent pose and you welcome to bend the back knee lift your chest maybe arch back a little bit and then exhale you know that you can skip the vinyasa simply step into down dog I'm going to step into plank pose and this time personally I'm going to low all the way down inhale cobra or up dog sometimes just doing cobra feels really good in my body okay let's meet in down dog and then from downward-facing dog step or lightly hop your feet up to your hands inhale arda uttanasana exhale uttanasana inhale utkatasana now place your left hand to your left thigh sit a little deeper lean forward a bit more inhale lengthen exhale twist your left hook the elbow to the outside of the left knee hands together and draw the outer right hip in press the top hand against the bottom hand broaden across your collar bones two more breaths if you feel this in your thighs you're not alone now inhale chair exhale fold inhale arda uttanasana exhale step back plank chaturanga or low all the way down inhale cobra up dog take your time exhale down dog from downward-facing dog inhale raise your left leg behind you exhale bring the left knee to the right elbow see if you can touch inhale three-legged down dog exhale step the foot through and bring your hands on top of the left thigh so you can do this with the right knee down if you prefer inhale stretch your right arm forward lengthen exhale turn your belly chest to your left hook the elbow bring your hands together three breaths please so press the right heel back as you inhale lengthen out through the crown of your head press the top hand against the bottom hand broaden across your collar bones one more breath and then inhale crescent pose and exhale step back into plank or you skip the vinyasa slowly lower down inhale cobra up dog exhale down dog and then please come on to your knees take a well-deserved rest child's pose now press your hands into the floor and sit up so we're going to do dolphin with the block between our hands so take your block karate chop the floor so coming on to your forms and have your elbows shoulder-width apart firm your triceps in so it's helpful to think about kind of pulling the elbows towards one another then tuck your toes under and move into dolphin pose so starting up onto the ball of each foot maybe even bending your knees a little bit so that you can more easily lengthen your spine keep karate chopping the floor keep firming the outer upper arms in and kind of gently draw the upper back in towards the chest you're not rounding and puffing the upper back and then maybe slowly any amount straighten the legs and I'm going to give you an option some of you might want to walk your feet in a little bit closer it does require a lot of hamstring flexibility but just make sure as you walk your feet in your shoulders are not coming in front of your elbows so keep your shoulders stacked above the elbows couple more breaths here so this becomes a bit more of a strengthening pose and then when you're ready come on to your knees just pause for a moment in child's pose and then please go ahead and sit up find your way on to your back in preparation for bridge pose so have your feet hips with ankles underneath your knees feet parallel and then bring your arms into robot arm position press your elbows into the floor lift your chest wiggle the shoulders under relax your throat lengthen your tailbone forward and up and then slowly lift up into bridge pose come up onto the ball of each foot especially pressing through the balls of your big toes kind of spin the inner thighs down to lengthen your tailbone forward and up press your elbows and shoulders into the floor with the option to interlace your fingers and now see if you can stay this tall in your pelvis as you slowly bring your heels down there's any discomfort in your knees walk your feet forward a bit five more breaths gonna feel your hamstrings working your buttock muscles your thigh muscles working relax your throat two more breaths one more breath and then slowly lower down once you're down bring your knees into your chest and cross your ankles and make circles up in the ceiling with your knees so just go ahead and kind of massage the area around your sacrum and change the direction and take a happy baby pose maybe rock a little bit from side to side bring the soles of your feet together so your feet are above your belly or your chest it's a nice way of kind of broadening the lower back just be here for a few breaths relax your shoulders or unwinding not working terribly hard at this moment then bring your knees together bring your feet down and just shift your pelvis a little bit to your right straighten your left leg out onto the floor extend the right arm out to the side palm of the hand facing the ceiling and then as you exhale take the right knee across spinal twist and it's not about necessarily bringing the right knee all the way to the floor but more important to keep your right shoulder on the floor you can also support the right knee with a block or even a blanket if you have that available to you if this is too much you can bend both knees and stack your knees just a few more breaths here just unwinding and then inhale back to center bring the pelvis back to center hug your knees into your chest and then bring your feet back down and shift your pelvis a little bit to your left straighten your right leg out extend the left arm out to the side palm of the hand facing the ceiling and you can take the right hand to the left knee and then coming over on to your right side so again keep in mind that it's more important to keep your left shoulder on the floor then getting the right knee to the floor you can turn your head to the left if you like just take a few more breaths here see if you can get a sense of breathing up into your left shoulder one more breath and then please come back to center hug your knees into your chest and then curl up into a little ball for a moment some of you may be able to kind of wrap your arms around your shins give yourself a nice hug and then bring your feet down stretch your legs out onto the floor bring your feet a little bit wider apart than your hips bring your arms a bit out to the side palms of the hands facing the ceiling allow your eyes to close here for a moment and just notice how you feel allow your eyelids to release towards your cheekbones and bring your mind side to the center of your chest now feel free to stay here or you can join me in a seated position in a moment so I'm going to bend my knees and roll over onto my right side you can do that as well I'm going to sit up but again you more than welcome to stay in Shavasana if you have time thank you so much for joining me in this practice I hope you feel that you got a little bit of a workout and that you are awake and focused namaste everyone


David G-
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Thank you! I will do this again tonight and with better aplomb, strength and attention to breathe. I was very stiff in the lower back, but by the end I was limber. Is there a mental trick to float instead of “just” hopping to forward fold? I want that big of magic in my practice.
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David Goldstein Hi David, To "float"....is not easy and does depend on the amount of hip flexion that you have...though, you can have tight hamstrings and be able to float. From Downward Facing Dog, bend your knees, firm the outer upper arms in and wrap the shoulder blades around the side ribs (shoulder blade protraction), kind of pull the mat back with your hands in order to get more of a momentum to jump forward. You really do not have to jump high. You can practice with hands on blocks to make it a little easier..just make sure the blocks are firmly planted on the mat! Proportions matter as well...some people have long torso and shorter arms. Lastly, make sure to be playful and have fun....and also, stepping is always a great option, especially if you have some injuries. Let me know how it goes. Warmest, Birgitte
Emma M
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Really lovely practice, thank you Birgitte. I don't have blocks but was fine to do the practice without any.
Jenny S
3 people like this.
This practice has an “old-school yoga” flavor - that is meant as a high complement…it hit all the right notes for me and as in all your other classes I’ve practiced here on Y/A, it flowed seamlessly from each asana to the next. I'm feeling fantastic and enjoying my “glow” (sweat lol). Thank you Birgitte 💐
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Emma M Dear Emma, Great to hear. Thank you so much for leaving me feedback. Warmest, Birgitte
Jenny S, Hi Jenny, I appreciate and like your compliment. My classes are indeed sometimes called "old school yoga"......yoga straight forward, no frills.  So happy to hear that it left you feeling good. Thank you for your feedback..so appreciated. Namaste, Birgitte
Christel B
Thank you for the well rounded practice; my joints are feeling lubricated and I am alert ready to face my day.
Namaste, Christel
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Christel B Hi Christel, That is wonderful to hear. Yoga in the morning can be such an amazing start of the day. Namaste, Birgitte
David G-
1 person likes this.
Satisfying second time through! Can you explain “not being on a tight rope”? Did that apply to today’s moves too? I have a center line on my mat and during the high lunge moves today I used that line as a way to be sure I am bisecting the front foot through the back angled foot.
David Goldstein HI David, Good question. Many times I see that students are on a tight rope in high lunge, meaning that the back foot is directly behind the front foot....feet need to be about sitting bone distance apart so that you can level the sacrum....some students with wider hips even need a bit more space. In Warrior one, we were always taught heel to heel....however, most alignment instructions were designed for teenage boys ( boys have very narrow hips!) who were practicing under the guidance of some of the original teachers who brought yoga to the US and Europe. So, for most of us, unless you have very narrow hips, need more width in order to move the back hip forward. I do think rules can be important to create some kind of clarity/container, but we have to understand that there are so many different bodies. I hope this made sense...if not, happy to continue our conversation. Warmest, Birgitte
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