Chakra Vinyasa Flows Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 3

Root Chakra: The Outer Legs

45 min - Practice


We continue our Root chakra series in a class designed to connect to the muscles of the outer legs. We visit Sun Salutes, Lunges, and standing poses to create length and strength in the abductors (muscles in the outer legs), with the option to fly in an arm balance. You will feel strong and spacious.
What You'll Need: Mat, Block

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to practice. Today's sequence, we're going to continue our work with the root chakra series, but we're going to focus a little bit on the muscles on the outside of the leg, so the AB abductors, right? We're going to work on some shapes to help us create some strength in those areas, but we're also going to do some stuff to create some space and length in that same kind of region of the body, okay? It may be helpful to have a block with what we're going to do, but at the same time, everything we do can be done without a block, so whatever you feel like you need to have near your mat, that's all your call, okay? Grab what you need, take your time, and then we'll get started. All right, so you're going to transition into a lying down position, okay? Bottom of the feet is on the mat, hands can come to the belly, or if you feel a little grounded with the arms down by your sides, let your arms be down by your sides, okay? And before we move, just take a moment in this lying position just to transition into your practice. Shift a little with the attention from the head, but gently getting down into the body, all right? Notice the sensations of the back of the skull, or the back of your back, the back, all right? Allow these spaces in your body that might feel a little lifted to ground down, and as heavy as you can be in your body, let yourself soften. Okay, and then before we move, just take a quick moment to lift the toes up off the mat, spread the toes, all right? And then place them back down just to bring a little awareness to the feet, all right? Again, we're going to do a lot in our practice to emphasize the muscles of the feet, but more so how they affect the muscles in the legs, so let them be a part of your awareness. Nice. So from here, we're going to transition. So I want you to take your right leg and extend it straight towards the ceiling, okay? And you're going to bend your knee, cross your leg over on top of the left knee, and then draw both legs up and into the chest, okay? Right arm is going to reach in between both the legs to thread the needle, and you're going to interlace the fingers on top of your left knee, all right? Once you got that grip, soften the head back down to the mat, soften your shoulders a bit, all right? And then feeling that little bit of release up top, all right? And then focusing on that top leg a little bit, I want you to press your top leg down into the bottom leg, so much so like you're trying to push your bottom leg away, but then feel like you're trying to resist that with the bottom legs in hand, so you want to pull back up against that effort, okay? Once you create that feeling, notice how that affects that right hip. Keep that pose, breathe as deep as you can. Nice, okay? So keeping that a bit, letting us feel that space in the outer hip. You're going to transition, so keep your right leg up, you're going to take your left arm, you're going to wrap it around your right foot. So think like you're trying to get your foot inside the elbow crease. Once you got that, stretch your left leg down towards the mat to extend that, thread the needle, okay? So now you're letting your hip get into a little more passive stretch, but that first one, we just squeeze a little bit and engage. So let this one be a little more free and open. Good, all right, take a moment. All right, and then one more deep breath in. Good, as you exhale, both feet down on the mat, pause for a moment, let that right side register. Good, okay, and we're going to do the same thing on the left side, so your left leg stretches straight up, all right? Cross your leg over on top of the right knee, and then draw both legs up and in, okay? Interlace the fingers on top of your right knee, and then once you got that set up, again, just try to feel like you can soften anything else that doesn't need to be lifted, all right? And then one more time, that top leg, you're going to press down into the bottom leg, so much so that you feel that effort in the hip. And again, with the bottom hand in, excuse me, knee, pull back up to resist. All right, so engage in that hip a little bit in your figure four just to help yourself create some strength, but also some space as well. Nice, okay? And then switching that grip, right arm is going to wrap around the left foot, stretch your left, excuse me, right leg down to the floor, left and right to crazy, and then take a moment, okay? Pretty common for like a head to lift or upper back to lift, especially if you have some really tight outer hips, but as much as you can, see if you can release a little bit of that effort and letting everything kind of soften down. Stretch that right leg a little bit more, take a deep inhaling. Good, as you exhale, both feet down to the mat, pause, okay? Take a moment before you transition. All right, and then slowly you're going to shift into down dog, so you're going to roll forward onto a seat, hands forward, or if you're like me, you flip all the way around, okay? And then once you're in down dog, just take a moment just to gently move and find any other space in your body where you need to give a little bit of motion or some love. All right, so continuing that work in the legs, it might feel nice to pedal out the heels, you can bend the knees as deep as you need to, all right? If you want to drop the chest a little more towards the mat as you press the hips to the ceiling, that might feel good across the back, all right? Spread the fingers in the hands, open up any space that feels nice, but feel that feeling of getting longer from feet all the way to hips, hips all the way to feet. Good, okay? And from here you're going to bend your knees, look forward, and then slowly walk your feet in between both hands, come into a forward fold. Nice, okay? And then taking a moment in your forward fold to really allow yourself to soften and relax a bit, all right? Again, if this is a space in your practice where you don't need to do any extra work, feel that feeling of doing less, feel that feeling of letting go, all right? If you want, bend the knees a few times, that might feel nice to continue that work and space in the legs, right? You could also sway a little bit in the upper body, and if you want to grab your elbows a bit, that might feel nice just to give yourself a release in the back, all right?

And you could also shake your head yes and no, all right? Releasing tension in that upper spine, that neck space, all right? And a breath might feel good to just accompany all of that. So maybe you sigh, give yourself an exaggerated exhale, whatever feels good, okay? Letting go just a little bit. Nice, all right? And as you inhale, you're going to come into a half lift. So hands to your thighs and your calves, all right? Stretch the chest forward a little bit, and then I just want you to focus on the feet, okay? Feel this feeling that you can ground down through the feet, and then make the effort like you're trying to pull the feet away from each other. So the outer hips turn on a little bit in your half lift too, all right? Feel that effort in your body. Take a deep inhaling. Exhale, forward fold. Let the body relax down. Nice, okay? All right, and then on your next inhale, stand all the way up for mountain pose. Reach your arms overhead. Good. As you exhale, bring your hands down into your sides, all right? Pause it for a moment just to take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, try to re-soften everything that might have crept up, get a little softer, and let the tension go, okay? So we're going to take salutations so we can build that rhythm of the practice, just incorporating the breath and pairing that with the movement, okay? So half salutations first. You're going to inhale, stretch forward, and up. Good. As you exhale, forward fold. Let the body come down over the legs, all right? As you inhale, come into a half lift. As you exhale, fold forward. Let your body relax. Nice. Mountain pose. As you inhale, stand all the way up and reach. Good. As you exhale, hands come down into your sides, okay? One more time, try to breathe a little deeper, all right? Inhale, arms reach up. Good. As you exhale, take that entire breath into a fold so no need to rush, all right? Take an inhale for half lift. As you exhale, again, re-soften, take your time, all right? Mountain pose as you inhale, as smooth as you can, all the way to the top. Good. Exhale, hands come down into your sides, all right? One more time, maybe you close your eyes, all right? Inhale, arms reach up. Good. As you exhale, feel that feeling of softening down. Try to let go as much as you could. Good. Inhale, half lift, press the feet, pull apart to feel the legs. Good. Exhale, fold forward, relax one more time. All right. Mountain pose as you inhale, feel that reach through the fingers, everything lifted. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. Good, okay? So you're going to keep that rhythm, but we're going to also move through high learned salutations with cobra as well, okay? So one more time. Inhale, reach up and over. Good. As you exhale, forward fold, come down over the legs. All right. Inhale for half lift. Exhale, bring your hands to the mat.

You're going to step the right foot back, keep the heel high, knee up. All right. Inhale, arms forward and up, high lunge. Good. Exhale, hands down to the mat, step back for down dog. All right. As you inhale, chest over hands for plank. As you exhale, come all the way down to the body, okay? So cobra pose, just inhale, chest up, soften the shoulders back. Exhale, down dog, tuck your toes, hips go behind you. All right. So stay smooth in the rhythm, no rush. Deep inhale. Exhale, right foot forward, back leg straight. All right. As you inhale, swing the arms over the head, high lunge. Good. Exhale, hands to the mat, step your back foot forward, forward fold. All right. As you inhale, half lift. Exhale, fold and relax. All right. Mountain pose all the way up as you inhale. Exhale, hands to your sides. Good. Okay. Same thing on the left side, just deep in the breath. Inhale up. Good. As you exhale, take your time. Again, feel that pace, that rhythm. All right. Inhale, half lift, press the feet a little and pull. Exhale, hands on the mat, step the left foot back, pause. All right. Inhale, stretch the arms over the head, feel that lift from the floor. Good. Exhale, hands on the mat, down dog, step back into it.

All right. Inhale, plank pose. Exhale, down to the body. Okay. So as you inhale, chest up, but be light on the hands. You might even play lifting the hands up. Okay. Down dog, tuck your toes, hips come back. All right. Stay smooth. Deep breath in. Exhale, left foot forward, strong back leg. Okay. Inhale, reach all the way up. Nice. Exhale, hands to the mat, step to the top, forward fold. All right. Inhale for half. Exhale, fold and relax. All right. Mountain pose as you inhale, deepest breath ever. Good. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. All right. Pause it for a moment just to smooth it out. Smooth inhale in. Exhale, soften down. Okay. One more time. Inhale, stretch the arms up. Good. As you exhale, come down over the legs. Try to relax your neck too. Good. Inhale, half lift. Good. As you exhale, both hands down, step both feet back. All right. You're going to pause and plank for a bit. Okay. So as a reminder, if you ever need any extra support in plank, your knees can come down to the mat. You could also take that if you're flowing through anything as well. So let the knees be a little extra support any moment throughout the practice. Okay. If you have it, spread the fingers in the hands a little bit more. Press the mat away and then try to round your upper back a bit more. Good. All right. Take a smooth inhale in. Exhale, come down halfway. All right. And then up dog, inhale over the over the feet. Chest forward, soften the shoulders back down. Feel that space. Good. Down dog, tuck your toes. Hips come up and back. You pause. Okay. So to me, this spot in your practice is like a little reset button. All right. Reset your focus. All right. Notice if anything popped into your head in that little bit amount of time to take you out of your body, to take you out of your practice. All right. Check in. All right. How's your breath? Can you soften anything in your body right now just to let go of any extra? Reset the focus. Good. Okay. Bend your knees. Look forward. You can slowly walk or hop your feet in between the hands. Okay. Take an inhale for half lift. Exhale, fold forward and relax. All right. Mountain pose all the way up as you inhale. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. Okay. So the big ask is that you just keep your breath with everything that we do throughout the practice. Okay. Last one. Inhale, arms overhead.

Good. Exhale, fold forward, relax your body over legs. All right. Take an inhale for half lift. Exhale, fold forward, hands on the mat. Step both feet back. Down dog. Okay. And from here, you can take whatever flow you like. So if you want to come over the hands and come down for a cobra, welcome to it. If you want to take traditional up dog, down dog, it's the usual jam, but just know that you can change it through any moment throughout the practice. And also feel like you can skip it if you need to pause and collect yourself and reset the focus one more time. Okay. Wherever you are with back and down dog, you're going to smooth it out for a moment. Breathe. So from down dog, you're going to inhale, stretch the right leg up and back. And then bend your knee, turn your hip open, make a little bit of space.

All right. It might feel good to roll the ankle. All right. Flex the toes. All right. Big circles with that right leg is welcome, but don't feel pressured to. Right. It also might feel good in your practice just to be still a bit. All right. And that's also another aspect just to explore if that helps you feel grounded. Okay. Take an inhale, stretch the right leg back. And as you exhale, you're going to send the right leg forward for pigeon. Okay. So knee by the right hand, lay your leg across the mat. Okay. And then to set up for a little bit, check with the back leg so it's not too far left or too far right, but it's somewhere centered where it's a little more supportive and at the middle of your mat. Okay. And instead of this being a traditional like restful pigeon, I want you to work. Okay. So walk the hands a little further forward. All right. And feel like you can press the mat away with the hands, but with the front shin, press the mat away so much so that you give yourself like a little lift out of the hips. Okay. So you're not sinking, but you're a little more engaged and lifted up. Okay. And then focusing on that front leg a little bit more, feel as if you can press the leg into the mat and then create this feeling like you're trying to drag your front hip back behind you. Okay. So that little bit of rotation is going to give you that engagement in the hip. Keep that effort, press the floor away, lift everything else up.

Nice. Okay. Staying with that feeling for a moment. Proud chest, soften the shoulders. Good. Okay. Last inhale here. Now as you exhale, you're going to tuck the back toes and the right leg back, down dog. Okay. If you want to flow, you're welcome to come forward. All right. Either all the way down or halfway or skip it. Nice. All right. Pause it for a moment. All right. And then second side, when you're ready, you're going to inhale, left leg up.

All right. Bend your knee, turn the leg, make some space. All right. So again, this is a spot where you're exploring, you know, we're getting into a little more of the structure of the sea cleanse, but at the same time, this is free space for you to just make some room. So feeling what you need to feel. Do your thing. Good. Okay. And then left leg forward for pigeon when you're ready. Okay. So one more time, instead of coming to here, which I know might be amazing to just boom, lift up. Okay. Walk the hands forward, press the mat away, press the front leg. Again, giving yourself that lift. All right. Once you feel that lift, stay on the hands, pressing that front shin one more time, feeling a little bit of that feeling of dragging back through your left hip a little bit more. Okay. Every time I come into this pose, I think of an actual pigeon and they're not like, they're proud. So lifting through the chest, feeling that space of like opening through the heart, shoulders relaxed and back. All right. Press the floor away, give yourself a little more lift.

Nice. All right. So take one more inhale just to lift through the heart. Okay. Feeling that space. All right. And as you exhale, tuck your back toes, step back for down dog. Right. And again, if you feel the need, come forward the plank all the way down or halfway. Okay. Cobra up dog or any other variation. Okay. Nice. And as you exhale, tuck your toes, hips go back. Nice. All right. And if from down dog, you're going to bend your knees, look forward, slowly walk or hop your feet in between the hands. Nice. Take an inhale for half lift. Exhale, fold forward and relax. All right. As you inhale, mountain pose, stand all the way up. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. All right.

Stay for a breath. Smooth inhaling. Smooth exhale out. Nice. All right. So from here, you're going to open up the feet a little wider on the mat and then hands come to the heart for a moment and then paying attention to the feet. So similar to what we did in that half lift earlier, I want you to create that same type of engagement in the outer hips. So press down through the inner arch of your feet. So much so the outer arches might lift up just to feel that difference. Okay. And then relax the foot, but keep that same press. Ground the foot, pull the legs away from each other. So feeling that little bit of squeezing the outer hips. All right. Keep that feeling, sit the hips down and back with your chair. Okay. So as you sit low, feeling like you're grounding through the roots of your feet, but again, pulling apart a little bit so you can include the hips in your chair pose. Say low, lift the heart up. If you want a little more of that work, you might stretch the arms over your head, but keep the biceps by the ears. Keep the active reach through your fingers. All right. Sit a little bit lower because I know you can lift the chest up, feeling that feeling in the hips for three. Good. Pull the feet apart for two. All right. Deep inhaling. Exhale, forward fold.

Let the body relax. Okay. Softening for a moment. Letting this be a space in your practice where you can feel in between the work. Like you can feel the space to relax. Nice. Inhale, half lift. Good. Exhale, hands to the mat. Step both feet back. All right. And then take yourself through a flow. Inhale, chest over hands. Exhale, halfway or to the body. Up dog, cobra, any variation. Good. Down dog, tuck your toes, hips go back. All right. Smooth. All right. It's like I said earlier about like the reset button, right? Reset the focus. How are you breathing? Where can you let go? All right. Stay smooth. All right. So from down dog, softening your knees down to the mat for a bit. Okay. And I want you to grab your block. So set that up. Maybe more towards the left side because we're stepping right foot forward first. But let it be nearby so you can let it be a part of the next sequence. All right. Hips up and back. Pause. Good. And then take an inhale, stretch the right leg up and back. All right. As you exhale, send the right leg forward. All right. Pause with the hands on the mat. Twist your back heel down.

All right. And then coming into revolve side angle, keep the left hand on the block. You're going to stretch your right arm towards the ceiling. Okay. So subtle feeling, but as if your foot is doing the same thing that you did in chair pose in that half lift, in your left hand is your left foot. Ground down and then pull them away from each other. All right. So right foot is pulling to the right, left hand is pulling slightly to the left to help get that outer hip in line. All right. At the same time, feeling light on that left hand that you can use that front leg to support yourself. All right. Take a deep inhale. And then as you exhale, straighten out the front leg. So now you're lengthening through the leg, but you're getting that stretch from the back of the leg all the way through the hip. Nice. All right. Same subtle feeling. Ground the front foot, pull to the right, let your outer hip work. All right. Take one more inhale, lift up through the top hand. All right. As you exhale, both hands down to the mat, step the front foot back, down dog. All right. Take a flow, inhale chest over hands, halfway or all the way. Up dog cobra, any variation. Good. Tuck your toes, hips up and back, soften. Okay. It's the same thing on the left side. If you have to move that block over a little bit, you take your time. All right. Inhale, left leg straight up and back. Exhale, step the left foot forward, back heel down. Okay. So right hand to a block, even if you can bring the right hand to the mat, cool if you don't have a block, but even if that's like you're good in that one, use the block, like it's okay. All right. Left arm up. So that way you can focus on other things. All right. More so that left leg. So ground down through the foot and then feel that feeling like you're trying to pull your foot to the left, little press through that right hand to pull to the right. Okay. Okay. Keeping that chest is open. Top arm is active. Okay. So feeling a little bit of the work in that left hip, ground that front foot, lift your body up. Again, be a little light on that right hand. Like even though you're working it into the mat, it's not there to bear weight. Take a big inhale. And as you exhale, you're going to straighten out the front leg for Revolve Triangle. All right. So even more so now you emphasize like rooting down through the front foot. Keeping that effort, slight pull to the left, but give yourself that feeling from the back of the leg all the way through the hip. Good. All right. A little more space across the chest. Take an inhale, reach the top arm up. Good. As you exhale, both hands to the mat, you might move that block to the side and then step back for Down Dog. All right. Full flow or you skip. Whatever you choose, I just want you to come back into your breath. So you either flow into a rhythm just to establish that inhale and exhale, or you're pausing in your Down Dog just to smooth out the cadence as well. Good. Okay. Bend your knees, look forward. Slowly walk or hop to the top.

All right. As relaxed as you can be for a moment. Inhale for Half Lift. Exhale to fold and relax. All right. Inhale Mountain Pose, stand all the way up. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. All right. Stay for the inhale. Smooth exhale. Okay. So open up your feet a little wider. We're going to set up the block towards the left side of the mat for this one because we can use it if you need a little extra support. Okay. And then you're going to sit down and back as if you're coming into a chair. I'm going to take it in a different variation. So right leg is going to cross over on top of your left knee, just like we did like figure four at the start of class, or that thread the needle posts. And then your right arm is going to swing down underneath your right knee. So your forearm is underneath like where the knee is. Left hand is either to the sole of your foot, all the way down to a block or the mat if you have it. Okay. And then with that right arm, I want you to create the feeling like you're trying to pull your right leg up. All right. But with the right leg, I want you to resist that and try to press the right arm back down to the mat. All right. Using that as a little bit of an engagement in the hip, sink the hips down and back, but keep that press through the right leg. Okay. So even in something like chair, we're given a little bit of emphasis to that muscle on the outside of your leg. Okay. Hold what you have. Take one more inhale to lift up as you press down. Good. All right. Release the foot, forward fold, let the body relax. All right. As you inhale, mountain pose, stretch up.

Good. As you exhale, hands down by your sides. Okay. So same thing on the opposite side. If you want to switch the block over to the other side, welcome to set it up. Okay. Hands at the heart, sit the seat down and back. Left foot is going to cross over right knee. All right. So sit and low. Left arm is going to reach underneath that left knee. So forearm is under the knee. Right hand, shoulder the foot, or to a block of the mat. All right. As you sit low, that left arm is feeling that feeling of like pulling up, but the top leg, you want to press back against that just so you can get that engagement in the outer hip. All right. Stay in low, lift the chest, feel that work. Good. All right. Take one more inhale just to lift and lengthen. Nice. Both hands down, both feet down, forward fold. Nice. All right. Soften for a moment. All right. Even if it's just for a breath, feel that softening, that letting go. All right. Inhale, half lift. Exhale, both hands to the mat.

Step both feet back. Down dog. All right. Inhale, chest over hand. All the way down or halfway. Cobra, up dog, any variation. Nice. All right. Down dog. Tuck your toes, hips go back. Good. All right. And then from down dog, you're going to walk your hands back towards your feet. All right. So now you're at the back of the mat for a moment. Let your body rest in forward fold. Okay. And then we're going to set up for an arm balance. I'm going to take that pigeon that we did on the floor, kind of elevate it a little bit. So fine. Right. Because pigeons fly. Right.

So cross right leg over to the left knee, or if you want to set it up, come into like chair pose. Excuse me. Weight into your left foot. Right leg is going to cross over left. All right. And then from here, your arms are going to set up in front of that front leg. And then taking that top foot and feeling like you can hook it on the highest part of your arm. So flexing the toes back towards your knee, give yourself that little hook, but lock that in. Okay. Even if you don't fully get into the full arm balance in this one, that's not what I'm fully asking for. But if you feel the feeling of shifting your weight into your hands, it's really good arm strength. And it also allows you just to get that same space in the hip that we've been working on.

Okay. So bending the elbows, shifting the weight forward onto the hands. And now as if your shin is pressing into the floor, like we did in pigeon earlier, or pressing into your knee, like we did in that thread the needle, now they're pressing into your arms. And you're going to shift the weight forward. And again, even if you just load up the hands, you can stay here and build that strength. This is already hip open. If you want to float up, that back foot might lift. All right. You can join me here, bouncing on the hands. If you feel the need to stretch that back leg out, you go all the way for it. Again, even if you're here, good. All right. Foot down, forward fold, pause. Woo. Taking a moment, feeling the after effect of the pose without feeling like you need to get like too engaged. All right. Let the feelings come, give them a space to watch. Okay. Second side, hands come to the heart, sit the hips low. All right. Left foot, outside right knee, or excuse me, on top of right knee. And in both hands on the inside of that front leg. All right. Same thing. Hook in the big toe, high up and onto the right arm. Okay. That lock kind of allows you to feel a little more secure, but that's just going to keep you locked in. Okay. Bend the elbows, shift the weight forward. So now your elbows are like a little platform for the shin. Okay. Pressing down into the shins, you're going to lean forward. And again, even just loading up the hands, maybe the toes float up. Even if you hold this right here, a lot of value, same hip opening, same strength in the hands. Extend that leg if you want. Good. All the way down. All right. Forward fold, soften and relax.

Good. Inhale for half lift. Exhale, fold and relax. Walk the hands all the way to the front. Down dog. Okay. Pause it for a moment just to collect the breath. If you feel the need to come forward, all the way down or halfway. Pigeon the lift. Excuse me. Cobra. Good. Exhale, down dog. Okay. So from down dog, you're going to bring your knees into the mat. Okay. And then just simply swing your legs out from underneath you so you're on your seat. You're in a seated position. Okay. And then setting up for either ankle to the knee or you're going to come in a full lotus. The right leg is going to set up on top of left knee. And if you're coming into full lotus and you know where you're going, you can pull that front foot in and try to pull that left leg on top. And I'm going to show ankle to knee. All right. And then try to set it up to where if your ankle to the knee, that left leg is right under your right knee. And if your right leg is super lifted up off the mat, that's perfectly fine. It's common, especially if you have tight hips.

But just to start, give that right leg a little press. Okay. So taking your time just to soften into that space of the outer hip, a little gentle press just to slowly make room. Okay. And if that feels like nothing, or if you feel like you want to explore deeper over time, all right, hands are going to come in front of that front leg. So again, even half or full lotus. And then you're going to slowly come into a forward bend with that ankle over knee. All right. So taking your time out to rock forward. All right. As far as your body allows you to go, you might come down to the elbows if that feels nice. But feel that subtle little feeling that we've been playing with all class. The top leg is going to press down into the bottom leg. And then as if you can ground yourself through the seat, send your right hip back a little bit more. Nice. All right. If it feels good, you might inhale just to lengthen the chest forward a bit. Keep some of that length. You might refold one more time. All right, take a moment. And as you exhale, you're going to slowly walk the hands back up. All right. Stretch both legs out front just to wake them up. Make sure we still got them. Okay. Loosening up that right hip a little bit before we take it over to the other side. Okay. And then the same thing. All right. This time, right foot is going to come in. Your left knee, left ankle is going to come on top of your right knee. Okay. So again, common, as you can see. All right. But if you can, let this be okay. All right. And then eventually you might add on that a little extra weight, pressing down through that top hand. If you're coming into full lotus, do your thing. Okay. So that little bit of weight just to gently warm everything up.

Okay. Then eventually you might stay with the hand on the leg or take it into a forward bend. Okay. Thinking as if you're coming into that like flying pigeon that we did earlier, that little hook of the toes. So that little activation, you're pressing the heel out, flexing the toes back towards your knee and then take it forward and down. Okay. Subtle little feeling. All right. It might feel like a little bit. It might feel like a lot. Press the top leg down into the bottom leg, little bit of a squeeze. And then that little feeling of working the hips back and down. Draw the effort back. Good. All right. Take your time. All right. Walk the hands back to the body. All right. Unravel both legs. Kick them out front. Take a moment just to let them loosen up. Okay. All right. And then swing the legs or if you are where you are, be where you are. But we're going to come down into a lying down position. Okay. If this block is in the way, you could definitely move the block out the way. But take a moment with the body long just to settle and feel the back a bit. All right. And enjoy your right knee up and into your chest. All right.

Interlace the fingers on top of your right knee. And then once you got that grip, resulfing the head, resulfing your shoulders, try to keep that effortless feeling of like letting go. All right. And then take a deep inhale in. As you exhale, pull your knee closer into your body. All right. Do that one more time. Deep inhale in. And as you exhale, you're going to draw your knee down and in. Might come out to the side a bit. Nice. All right. And then cross the right leg over to the left side of your body for a twist. All right. And that right arm might come out to the side, but letting this kind of release come and twist into the lower back. Good. Okay. As much as you can, feel as if you can soften your upper back down into the floor. So you're not super lifted to get this twist, but you're a little more relaxed and grounded. All right. Let the breath be a little deeper. All right. Take your time. Slowly come on to your back.

All right. And then one more pull on that right leg just to seal it off. Nice. All right. And then switch. So your right leg is going to relax. Bring your left knee up and into your chest. All right. So again, once you got that leg up, like straighten out the right leg so it's active a bit, but soften everything else. Everything is relaxed. All right. Deep inhale in. As you exhale, pull the knee down and in. All right. Do that one more time. Inhale. Exhale in the end. You might pull it out to the side a bit. All right. Left leg over to the right for a twist. All right. Take your time, but see if you can allow your breath to make space. So you're in the pose. There's no need to like shift and fight the pose, but allow those exhales to soften you and just feel whatever room your breath allows you to have. Good. Slowly come on to the back. All right. Left knee is going to pull just one more time.

Okay. And then left leg all the way down. And then from here, you're going to draw the knees up into the chest and then grab the elbows around the legs if possible, or if it's more accessible, you grab the wrist of the fingers. All right. And this last little bit is what we're going to do before we wrap up. So take a moment just to roll around a bit on your back. You might have a little fun with this part. I don't know how many times you roll around on your body throughout the day, but try to massage anything that feels a little more just like love, you know, like give your back a little bit of love in a space where you can kind of roll, tumble, you know, but get the lower back, get upper back, get that space in the middle of your spine. Anything that feels good to roll into right now. Take a moment. All right. And you're going to pause. All right. Re-relax the head. Re-soften through the shoulders. All right. Pull the knees in a little closer to the chest. Take a deep inhale in. And then as you exhale, squeeze both knees down and in this time. Okay. Do that one more time. Inhale. Exhale. Squeeze. Pull. Squeeze. All right. And then stretch the legs down on the mat. Hands can rest on the sides of the body, or if it feels good to bring the hands to the heart or belly, welcome to it. And these last few moments, it's going to take a moment to just practice your Shavasana.

So notice that there isn't much to do right now. All right. You did a lot of work in your yoga. You put a lot of effort into a lot of things. Now you get that space in your practice to not work, to relax the effort. If you notice anything in your mind or anything in your body that's just active, see what it feels like to do the opposite for a bit. And while you let go, register that feeling of letting go. Okay.

Nice. So you're welcome to stay here as long as you need. All right. But when it feels good, start to gently bring a little bit of movement back into the body. Okay. So you might start by flexing the toes. If you want to bring a little movement to the fingers and the hands, you're welcome to flex. All right. Also might feel nice just to rock the head a little left to right, move around in the neck. But take your time. You're going to gently draw your knees up and into the chest. Give yourself a hug around the legs just to feel that close and it's just to feel that squeeze one more time. And you're going to roll over to the right side of your body for a pause. All right. Take your time. Stay gentle. If you can keep the eyes closed, keep your eyes close. Press yourself up to a C. All right. Legs can be crossed along whatever feels comfy and in hands are either going to rest on your thighs or you're going to press the palms together at the heart to end. Okay. And without any rush, all right, try to register this feeling of this awareness, this pause, this little bit of stillness before you get back into the motion of your day. Greatful to share with you. It's a blessing to have this opportunity. All right.

Until next time. Namaste.


Jenny S
5 people like this.
Lovely opening for the outer legs and for my very tight hips. I find your voice to be quite soothing. I’m feeling very “chill” right now (as my kids would say). Thank you for this practice 🙏🏻
Catherine A
Another great class! Many thanks, Quamay. Looking forward to joining you for the rest of this series. C X
Kate M
5 people like this.
Thanks, Quamay! The isometric engagement in some of these shapes is interesting. And challenging. Lots for me to play around with here!
Corinne M
3 people like this.
Great practice, I really enjoyed this. Thank you!!
Annabelle B
loved this class thankyou
David G-
4 people like this.
That pigeon pose was powerful and really beneficial. The tempo you set was exactly what I needed. I found energy during the practice, and I could watch it grow while still being engaged. I appreciated the Down Dog reset. My mind had wandered away a bit. The arm balance stuff is beyond my abilities right now. I am really discovering new flexibility in the forward folds thanks to your cues.  Look forward to the next class.  
Lisa B
3 people like this.
What a beautiful practice!  Thank you for your sharing your amazing gift of teaching.  It was so graceful, strengthening, empowering--it made me feel so powerful and grounded.  I look forward to your practices.  Thank you , Lisa
Quamay S
1 person likes this.
Jenny S You are very welcome Jenny! I'm happy to support the "chill" vibe lol. Your kids sound really dope btw hahaha 
Quamay S
1 person likes this.
Catherine A You are welcome Catherine! It means the world that you enjoyed. Looking forward to our future practicing together.
Quamay S
2 people like this.
Kate M I'm glad you can feel that detail! That awareness is powerful and I hope that it continues to add a different layer to your practice to explore. Welcome Kate! 
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