Asana Studies Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 1

5 min - Show Intro
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The body is the field for focusing the mind. In this season, Chris offers us practices that promote connectivity, support, and a dynamic embodiment that is fueled with an awareness of the breath. He encourages us to allow support and change to occur, and to play with actions that enliven what arises naturally. Through this play we can make what is already occurring alive in our awareness.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Apr 18, 2015
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(waves breaking) Hi, what we're going to look at in these series is how we can be embodied in our practice. We're going to look at and play with actions that promote connectivity, support, and a dynamic embodiment that is fueled with an awareness of the breath, and looking at how the breath plays in with these actions to bring us to a sense of presence with the body. The body being the field for focusing the mind. The body being the field for letting the mind be fully present in the moment and let us experience the wholeness of being within our body with our mind and the spirit underlying that. We want to allow support to occur when it occurs naturally.

Allow our breath movement shape change to occur when it occurs naturally. Want to allow the elements that arise in the body, the qualities that arise in the body to occur naturally. But we also want to play with actions that enhance those, that enliven those and bring those more fully present in our conscious and our awareness. We want to, looking at how, with these actions and putting these actions together, let the mind be like a mist in the forest where the consciousness, the awareness settles in all parts of the body at the same time. From the muscles to the bones, to the skin, to the circulatory system, to the respiratory system, to the endocrine system, to the nervous system.

And then from there to the subtle areas and awareness, a sensing we have within our body to a cellular level, and even more subtle. It's a practice. We want to be empowered with the practice and be assured that if we practice consistently we can be spontaneous and we can cultivate a sense of ease within the practice and benefit fully, thank you.


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