30-Minute Vinyasa Yoga Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 5

Envision a Dream Life

30 min - Practice


Get ready to dream big in this creative class designed to help you envision your dream life. As we flow through Sun Salutes, we visit Warrior poses with Eagle arm variations, find focus in balance poses, and call in the feelings connected to the things you want to call into your life. You will feel hopeful and excited.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hi, and welcome. This is Lara. Happy to be in class with you today, and today's class will be really focusing on envisioning a dream life, just calling in your desires, calling in that clear vision. Today, we'll go ahead and get started on our backs. Come down onto your back, and you'll have your knees bent up as you come down onto your back And taking your feet wider than the hips may be about as wide as your mat, let your knees rest against each other, dressing in towards each other.

Place one hand on the heart, one hand onto the belly, just touching your hands, gently down onto the body. Feel free to let your eyes, relax, close as we begin. And as you start in these first few moments, tuning into the body, tuning into the breath, allow yourself to settle into this space. And you can start to see what it is that you'd like to call into your life. And more than what it is that you see also calling in the feeling. So if you're wanting that new job or a new relationship, maybe a new home, some travel, what are the feelings that you're calling in with it?

Do they make you feel secure, comfortable? Happy, joyful, full of love? What are the feelings with your dream as well? We'll take a full breath here in through the nose, through the mouth, sigh it out, let it go. You can reopen your eyes.

Take your feet your knees about hip distance apart now. With your feet planted, heels are right about underneath your knees. Taken inhales, you reach your arms all the way back behind you. Palms will face towards each other as you reach your fingertips back. And then as you act tell, reach your arms back up towards the sky.

We're gonna curl up to a little crunch, tuck your chin in towards your chest, head, neck, shoulder blades lift up off the mat. And we're gonna do this movement with the breath. Roll down the spine, inhale reach your arms, your fingertips all the way back. And then find that crunch again nice and slow, nice and controlled, lower belly hugging in, with the head, neck, shoulders up, we're gonna make this fluid, reaching the arms back with the inhale, reaching the arms forward with the exhale finding that crunch. If you want to intensify this a little bit, you can lift your feet off of the mat, flex your feet, and find a crunch here.

So just go at your pace. You can have your legs lifted. You can have your feet grounded. Find this crunch and find this flow. Make it almost meditative.

And every time you come up, feel like you're reaching. You're reaching towards whatever that dream is, whatever that feeling is that you're calling in. There's a few more rounds here. Nice and smooth connected with the breath. And then the next time that you crunch up, just let this round be complete.

Come all the way back down onto your back, and then go ahead and hug your knees in towards your chest. Give yourself a little rock side to side or circle your knees around gently just to massage out through the mid and lower back. And as you come back through center, take your hands to the space behind your knees. And we'll start to rock forward and back, forward and back a few times, just building some momentum, rocking up and down the spine. And we'll rock all the way up to a tabletop position so you can cross your shins, roll over your knees, or simply sweep your feet, your legs around to one side, as you make your way up to a tabletop and find your foundation, wrists underneath the shoulders with the fingers spreading wide. Knees and feet about hip distance apart.

And we'll start to stretch out through the core with your inhale, let your belly melt down, take your gaze forward open through the chest to your cow pose. As you exhale rounding up through the spine, chin to chest, belly draws in to cat. Go ahead and flow through cow and cat on your own. Stretching all along the spine, moving with the breath, that your inhales, opening through the front of the body, with their ex husband cat, opening through the backside of the body. And after your next round, we'll come back through to a neutral spine.

Walk both of your hands just a couple inches forward of the shoulders, keep spreading into the fingers and grounding to the palms as you tuck your toes, lift the hips all the way up and back to your downward facing dog. And from your downward facing dog, take your right leg, and float it up and back. You'll start to stack your hip open and bend your knees. At least turning your hips open towards the right side. Moment here to stretch you the front of the hip.

Extend your right leg straight back, hug your knee into the chest step it all the way through between your palms, lowering your back left knee down to the floor, rise up to a low crescent, super arms all the way up. With your exhale, open through the elbows in wide and through the chest. And pause here for one more inhale, widening across the arms of the chest. With your exhale, squeeze your forearms, your palms together, stretching into the space between the shoulder blades. 2 more in how opening up across the arms the chest exhale squeeze your forms, your palms together, and just one more inhale sweeping the arms, elbows up to the sides.

Excel squeeze your forearms or palms together. And with your inhale, reach your arms back up towards the sky right coming to a standing splits, guiding your fingertips forward of your right foot, pressing left leg up to the sky as you fold your chest in over the right leg. Not too long here, but feel both legs pressing towards straight and strong. Take one more inhale. And then as you exhale this lifted left leg, will cross behind the right leg.

You'll land the pinky toe edge of your left foot by the right into this fold with your legs crossed. And start to walk your hands over towards the right side of your mat to get a stretch. To the side of the body, the outer hip, can have a little bend into the knees. Bringing it here. And start to make your upper body come back through center, uncross your legs, and bring yourself back to this forward fold and rise up halfway with your inhale.

Fold with your exhale plant in your palms. You can step it back to a plank position. And just press straight back to your downward facing dog. Lift the hips all the way up and back. And from your down dog, take your left leg, float it up and back, stack your hip open and bend your knee gently turn your hips open towards the left side. Take a couple of breaths here. As you inhale extend your left leg straight back.

You need to chest, step it all the way through between your palms lower your back, right knee down to the floor, rise up to your low crescent, sweep your arms all the way up. And this time as you exhale, just opening through the elbows and widening across the chest. Good. Inhale, reach your arms all the way back up towards the sky. Reach the fingertips forward of your left foot, pressing off the ball of the right foot. Right leg lifts your standing splits, folding your tests in.

And from your standing splits, take one more inhale. As you exhale, lifted right leg crosses behind the left leg, thinky toe edges of the feet meet, and this fold with the legs crossed, Walk your hands over towards the left side of your mat. Find that stretch. Let your upper body make its way back through center, unwinding from the twists, uncross the legs, bring the feet back. Fordfold, Utonasana.

And rise up halfway, Arda, exhale folding back down. And as you root through your feet, rise all the way back up to stand, sweeping arms left, touching palms overhead at the top of the breath, exhale bring your hands down to the space of the heart, and we'll move through a few rounds of Surinamescar a From here, rooted through the feet, sweep your arms all the way up, and fold forward with your exhale melting in. Rise up halfway inhale. Exhale in full, plant your palms, step it back to plank position. This first round, inhale shift forward in your plank at tell lower all the way to the belly, keep your elbows close as you lower down.

Toast point back, let's rise to a cobra pressing down through the tops of the feet lift the heart space. And exhale float your chest back down. Tuck your toes. We'll press back up to plank. You can use your knees if you'd like.

Exhale to downward facing dog, pressing the hips all the way back. And step or hop your feet back up to the top of your space, back to your forward fold, rise up halfway inhale. Fold back down with your exhale and root through your feet, rising all the way back up to standing, sweeping arms up, touching palms, hands to heart space. Round 2, sweeping the arms all the way back up, fold forward with your exhale melting in, rise up halfway, Ex Helen Fold set it back to plank position again, pause and plank briefly, inhale shift shoulders forward and lower all the way back down to floor keeping your elbows close as you lower down. Toast point back.

Bring your fingertips off your mat in line with your shoulders. Come up high to the fingertips. Press down through tops of the feet as you lift the heart, and exhale float your chest back down towards the floor. 2 more of these high cobras lifting through the heart space, exhale release and one more with the breath lifting up and exhale release back down. Bring your hands by your low ribs, tuck your toes, we'll press back up to plank, and exhale downward facing dog, press the hips all the way back. Take a couple of breaths in down dog.

Step or hop your feet back up to the top of your space, rising up halfway, deep fold with your exhale. Move through your feet rise all the way back up to stand, sweeping arms up, touching palms, exhale hands to heart space. And one more round, sweep your arms all the way up. Fold an exhale. Rise up halfway with your inhale, exhale, and fold, plant your palm, step or float it back through a vinyasa of your choice, Chaturanga.

COBRA or upward facing dog, into your downward facing dog, pressing the hips all the way back. And from down dog, take your right leg, fluid it up and back reach back through the heel. Hug your knee into the chest. Step it all the way through between your palms. Keep the base of the feet, hip width apart as you rise up to a high crescent sweep your arms all the way up alongside your ears.

Finding your balance as your chest, your hips point towards the front of our space. Take one more inhale reaching up through the fingertips, and as you exhale, press your leg straight, and reach your arms down alongside the body. Feel a lot of length and height and openness through the chest. And start to re bend into your right knee, sweep your arms all the way back up, coming back here crescent. And then spin your back left heel down as you open it up to warrior 2.

And from warrior 2, cross your front right arm over the left and find your variation of eagle. And that might be hands to your shoulders. Maybe you wrap your arms hands back to back, or you find another wrap at your wrists. And if you have the eagle wrap in the arms, lift the elbows to level the shoulders, press the forms away from the face, and then find this little turn of the chest of the arms towards the top left corner of your mat. Read here.

So you can stay with your chest upright If it feels good in your body, you can start to lift up through the arms, the fingertips, the chest, the forearms, taking your gaze up Feel a little bit more openness into the shoulders in the back. Take one more inhale wherever you are. And then as you exhale, you can start to dip your upper body down on the inside of the right knee. All the way back up on your inhale, back to your warrior 2 with eagle arms, and then with your exhale, bring your arms back out to the tee with your palms facing down. And breathe here in VERA too.

Flip your right palm to face up, reach it back to reverse warrior, big, long, stretch back. And as your inner reverse warrior, lift through the sternum, let your shoulders release away from the ears, take one more inhale breath. And with your exhale, circle your hands all the way down around your front foot, step it back to your plank position. Through your vinyasa, or straight back to your downward facing dog. And take your left leg, float it up and back reach back through the heel.

Need a chest, step it through between your palm, setting up for Chris, fit feet our hip width apart, rise up to your high crest and sweep your arms all the way up. And again, here, just finding your balance stacking shoulders above your hips. Take one more inhale as you reach up. And then as you exhale, press both of your leg straight. Reach your arms down alongside the body.

Feel that tall height through the spine, the openness through the chest, and start to re bend into your left knee, sweep your arms all the way back up, And let's spin your back right heel down, open up to warrior 2 opposite side. We'll come into that equal arm variation, crossing left arm over the right find your version, either holding to the shoulders, wrapping up the arms, maybe a double wrap at the wrists. And if you have the Eagle wrap elbows lift the level of the shoulders. Press the forearms away from the face and then find that little turn of the elbows, the chest towards the top left corner of our space. Staying rooted through the feet, you're welcome to stay with your tall spine just as it is, or you might find that lift that upper back bend, lifting up through the fingertips, the forearms, the chest, the gaze, dipping back just a bit.

Breathe, be present wherever you are. Take one more inhale. And then as you exhale, you can stay upright, or you can start to dip your chest in on the inside of the left leg. Inhale, we'll bring you all the way back upright, and then exhale, bring your arms back out to a tee back to your warrior 2. As you focus your gaze, you're just you over your front fingertips.

Imagine you're still looking forward over towards your vision. What is that thing that you're calling in? What is that feeling that you're calling in. Flip your left palm, reach it back to reverse where your big long stretch back, circle your hands all the way down around your left foot, plant your palms, Step it back to plank, then yasa, or straight back through to your downward facing dog. Take a few breaths in down dog. So come through that flow one more time, a bit more fluid, breath to movement. From down dog, take your right leg, inhale, reach it up and back Need a chest step it through between your palms, and inhale bringing yourself up to your high crescent super arms all the way up.

With your exhale, bring your arms down as you press your legs towards straight, open through the chest, rebend through the knee as you inhale, reach your arms back up to your high crescent. Excel, open it up to your warrior 2, and find your eagle arm variation, right arm crosses over the left, find that little rotation towards the top left corner of your mat with your inhale option to lift the chest. The arms fingertips up. As you exhale dipping your upper body down on the inside of the right knee. Inhale, coming all the way back upright.

Excel arms back open to your warrior 2. Reverse warrior on your inhale. Xcel circling hands down around your right foot plant your palm, step it back, then yasa, or downward facing dog. And onto the left side, take your left leg, inhale, stretch it up and back. Need a chest, step it through between your palms, rising up high crescent sweep your arms all the way up with your exhale pressing the leg straight as you sweep your arms down, opening through the heart space.

Revent into the knee, and he'll sweep your arms back up to high crescent. Excel landing open into your warrior 2 and find your eagle variation in your arms, left arm crosses over the right. And find that rotation of your chest towards the top right corner of your space. And with your inhale option to lift the arms, the chest, the gaze, up. And with your exhale dipping upper body down on the inside of the left leg.

Inhale coming all the way back up right, Excel arms come back open to your warrior 2. Flip your left palm, inhale reaching back to reverse warrior, and with your Excel circling hands down around your left plant your palms, step it back through a vinyasa, or straight back to your downward facing dog, we'll all meet up there. And step or hop your feet up to the top of your space. Come back up to your forward fold at the front. Rise up halfway with your inhale.

Take a deep fold with your exhale. We're sitting back to utkatasana chair. Bend your knees, and he'll sweep your arms up and sit down low. And from your chair, keep your core engaged, keep your ribs, contain, drawing in. Take one more inhale here and chair.

And stay in chair as you exhale, open your elbows up to the sides. And from here, we'll find equal wrap in the arms. Crossing right arm over the left, find your variation, and I'll start to also find you go in the leg. So feel your weight shift into your right foot your left foot up and you'll cross up the thigh squeezing your thighs together, your left toes can act like a kickstand. You can just wrap out your legs or maybe your toes can wrap around the ankle.

You can stay up right here, or you can start to hook your upper body forward. Elbows will hook forward over the knees wherever you are. Find your balance. Find your focus. And as you find this focus, Again, ask yourself, what is it that you're calling in? What is that thing? And what is the feeling behind it? Well, allow yourself to find that focal point, and we'll start to come out of this shape the way that we came into it.

So if you hook your elbows down start to come back up right through the chest. You're gonna press this down in the right leg as you hug your left knee all the way up to the level of the hip. I'm gonna start to unwind the arms as you take a big step back, bending into your right knee big step back with the left foot. Arms will unwind and will land into warrior 2. Landing the back foot down and opening up through the chest.

Let's flip your right palm to face up, reach it back to reverse warrior. Then coming to an extended side angle, you can bring your right forearm on top of the side to start. Take your top left arm, stretch it all the way alongside the ear, feel the left side of the body, opening up and extending from the back heel all the way through the top fingertips, and steady breaths. If you'd like to adjust your right hand to the ground, you can do that or take a different variation. We'll breathe here. And keep the upper body open.

Keep the lower body grounded. As we reach it back to reverse warrior, sweep your arms, your chest all the way back, and then circle your hands down around your right foot, plant your palms, step it back through a vinyasa, or straight back through to a downward facing dog. Step or hop your feet back up to the top of your space, back to your forward fold at the top, rise up halfway. Deep fold with your exhale. Coming back to chair, bend your knees, sweep your arms up and sit down low.

From your chair open through the elbows wide and through the chest. Take eagle arms opposite side, rocking left over the right. And start to make eagle legs as well, feeling your weight shift into the left foot, lift your right foot up off the floor so you can cross at the thighs and take your variation of balance. The toes can ground down, You can squeeze the legs together. Maybe you can wrap the right toes around the ankle. You can stay upright or start to hook your upper body forward elbows in front of the knees. Breathe wherever you are.

Find your balance. Find your focus. And find that energy of, again, what is it, the feeling of that you'd like to call in? Coming out of this the way that we came. So if you hooked yourself down, start to lift the chest back up right.

And as you come to stand on your left leg, hop your right knee towards the chest. We're gonna unwind to a warrior 2, big slow step back with your right foot as you land your arms open. Breathe into warrior 2. Flip it back to reverse warrior, super arms, or tests all the way back. And we're coming into our extended side, form to the top of the thigh, take your top right arm, stretch it all the way forward alongside the ear.

Feel this nice, long reach. Breathing here. Take any variation that you'd like. Staying rooted through the feet. Bottom half the body stays pretty much the same. Upper body flows back to reverse.

I'm circling your hands down around your left foot. Plant your palms. Step it back to plank. Your choice, Vinyasa, or straight back through to downward facing dog. From down dog, take a full breath in And side out through the mouth, let it all go.

And gently lower your knees down onto your mat. Coming back to a tabletop position. And I'll start to set up a tabletop onto our forearms, bring your elbows right underneath the shoulders. And if you can keep your forms parallel, spreading through the fingers, pressing into your palms. If you know you're tighter in the shoulders, you can take this option where you lace up your fingers.

So either way, grounding into the forearms, pressing to the palms, as you press down through the forearms, you'll feel the shoulders engage. And this might be a great place for you to stay working into the shoulders, opening through the chest. If you wanna take it deeper into dolphin, you can tuck your toes. Lift your hips up and back. Kinda looks like a downward dog, but on our forearms.

You can walk your feet as close as you can towards your elbows to get the hips up high. Keep pressing down into the forearms and breathe here. As you're ready, we'll meet back into a child's pose, gently lowering your knees down, shifting your hips back towards your heels, and letting yourself rest just for a few rounds of breath. Burns can be forward or back. And as you're grounded in your child's pose, take another full breath in through the nose, slide out through the mouth, let it all go.

Let's start to make your way up to seated. And as you come up to seated, you'll take your hands out in front of you, tuck your toes, lift your hips all the way back into your downward facing dog. Step or hop your feet up to the top of your space, back to your forward fold, rise up halfway, inhale, deep fold with your exhale. Will come down to seated and come all the way back down onto our backs similar to how we started sitting towards the middle of your mat with your knees bent up. You can use your hands, your arms, your elbows to porches, you come all the way down onto your back. And as you come onto your back, walk your heels right about underneath your knees, and cross right ankle above the left knee on top of the thigh.

So coming into this shape, stretching into the outer right hip, you can stay right here. If you wanna take it deeper, thread the needle, taking your legs in towards you, wrapping up your hands, lacing up the fingers behind the left thigh, or around the left shin. Try to relax you, the head, neck, or shoulders. You can start to release your hands, plant your feet back down, and we'll switch sides. Getting that stretch other side cross left ankle above the right knee on top of the thigh.

Again, you can stay right here. This might be a great stretch for you already. Or you can take your hands around the back of your right thigh or shin, lacing up your fingers around either. Drying in, relaxing through the head, neck, shoulders, through the face. You get this stretch into the outer head.

Let me start to release your hands, pat your feet back down, open your arms up and we'll cross the right thigh all the way over the left, crossing at the thighs, and pick up your hips, bump them a little bit over towards the right side of your mat, let your knees fall over towards left side into a twist. You can look over your right shoulder if that's comfortable. It's letting your legs be heavy as you wrap open into this twist. And gently bring your head, your knees back through center, uncross your legs, and plant your feet down, bring your hips back through center. And cross left eye all the way over the right, bump your hips a little over towards the left edge of your mat, and let your knees fall across over towards the right side. Maybe taking your gaze over your left shoulder.

Bring your head, your knees back through center, uncross your legs, and bring your feet back down, bring your hips back through center. If you shifted them at all, hug your knees into the chest one more time. Just give yourself a little hug, a little squeeze. And then start to relax your arms, your feet, your legs down for your final rest, Shavasana. Take your time as you set up for your most comfortable grounded resting shape.

Feel free to let your eyes relax close as you drop in. Take one more full round of breath here, big inhale through the nose, expanding, opening through the body, Side out through the mouth, let it all go. Feel that full release as you settle into slowness, as you settle into rest. And you're welcome to stay in Shavasana as long as you'd like. If you're ready to wrap up your practice, start by deepening your breath.

When your next inhale, stretching your arms all the way back behind you, opening up from end to end, bending your knees up, planting your feet down, rolling over to your side, passing through a fetal position just for a few moments, feeling that grounded energy. You can use your hands, your arms to press yourself gently up to your meditation seat, your most comfortable seat, whatever that looks like for you today. You can rest your hands gently to the tops of the legs, sitting up nice and tall, and just as we started on our back, you can bring one hand, one hand to the heart, and one hand onto the belly. And allow yourself to tune in. And through the work that you've done in today's practice, again, seeing if you can find that thing to focus on, to call in.

Focus on the feeling that you're calling in with it. Allow that feeling to exist in your vibration, in your life, in your vision, as if it's already true, really feel it into every cell, into every part of your body. Hold that vision clear. We'll close our practice here with one more full breath in through the nose, through the mouth, let it all go. Alright. Thank you so much for sharing your practice with me today.

Almost day.


Horst R
3 people like this.
thank u, beautiful, dear 
Christel B
3 people like this.
Enjoyed your creative flow.
Kate M
3 people like this.
Again, lovely flow sequence here. The theme of "reaching"... "envisioning"... is always timely.
Laura M
3 people like this.
Such a beautiful class thank you!

Sandra Židan
Nice practice! Thanks, Lara! Namaste! ❤️
Vedra R
1 person likes this.
I just started following your practice's and they are just right for me. I feel like I gained and learned a lot in this 30  minute practice. Thank you so much Laura!

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