Find a little Faith to fuel the flame. Faith is the belief that the things you are seeking in life are possible for you, that you are worthy of all that you desire. Enliven our inner fire with the breath of Faith by opening our heart center, the energetic store house of the element of air in our bodies. This energizing class flows through Sun Bs with hip and shoulder openers mixed in to prepare us to bloom our hearts in Dhanurasana, Bow Pose. You will feel uplifted, confident, and worthy of all of your dreams coming true.
Journaling Prompts: What do you truly seek in life? What holds you back from believing you are worthy of all you seek? What would it feel like to find it? What does it take for you to believe that it is possible for you and that you are worthy of it?
Hi, and welcome to day 11, fuel the flames. So for today's practice, you'll need a bolster, you may want a blanket nearby as well. Come meet me. Line down on your front body. Make a little pillow with your hands and turn your head to the right so that your left cheek is down. Take a full breath into the expanse of your back and exhale down and out through your legs.
Open your right hip, skimming the earth with your inner right thigh, like a little frog leg. And if my words are confusing, take a peek up, bend the right knee so that's a little closer to the line of your hip. Lift through the pit of your abdomen and direct the tip of your tailbone slightly down to help you maintain some length through your lower back. Leave your right hand where it is. Open your left arm straight out to the side.
And now take your right fingertips and place them right next to your chest. And if your head coming to the ground, here creating any strain through your neck. This is a place where you may wanna grab your blanket or a towel and put it underneath the side of your head. Leave your left hand straight out to the side and slowly slowly roll to your outer left hip. Bend your bottom knee hugging both knees toward your chest as though you were sitting in a chair and it got tipped on its side.
Breathe into the left side of your chest and exhale sweetly down the length of your left arm. Out to the tips of your fingers. If this is enough resistance in your body, honor this resistance, stay here. Otherwise, explore pointing your right knee to the sky, put the base of your right foot down behind the line of your left foot. Give a little scoop of your abdomen in elongate through your lower back as though you're trying to smooth the top of your butt away from your waist.
Breathe into the left side of your chest and once again exhale down and out through the length of your left arm. If you feel steady doing so, take your right hand straight up to the sky. Rotate your right arm internally so your palm faces the wall at your back And then slip your forearm along your back waist. Finding a half spind. Draw your navel gently toward the spine as you firm your shoulder blades against your back.
And in how top hand back up to the sky, exhale both hands, or in this case, your right hand back to the mat. Lower your top knee if you picked it up, Keep your top knee bent and now straighten through your bottom leg coming back onto your front body. Yep. Keep your right hip open. Prop yourself up on your forearms.
Elbows right underneath your shoulders. Lift the pit of your abdomen again, direct the tip of your tailbone slightly down as you draw your heart forward and up. Take your left hand thread it behind your right arm. And once again, roll on to your left side. Let your top hip follow you.
Turn open through your chest, reaching your right arm out to the right. Now if this feels stressful on your lower back with your bottom leg long, you're more than welcome to bend your bottom knee, stacking your knees, stacking your hips instead. Breathe into the fullness of your heart and exhale lovingly through the length of your arms. Come right back onto your front body. Restrain through both legs.
Make a pillow with your hands and turn your head to the opposite side. This time, open your left hip. Skim the earth with your inner left thigh, like a little frog leg. Smooth your bum away from your waist to elongate through your lower back. And then open your right arm straight out to the right, so your hand is about the height of your shoulder.
Bring your left fingertips right next to your chest. And then slowly roll to your outer right hip. Bend your bottom knee, stacking your knees stacking your hips, again, like you were sitting in a chair that got tipped on its side. Draw your chin slightly the neck. And at this point, if you'd like a little support underneath your head, place a folded blanket or towel. Breathe into the right side of your chest.
And exhale down and out through the length of your right arm. If you'd like to increase the resistance and can do so without strain, point your left knee to the sky, put the base of your left foot on the ground behind the line of your right foot. Scoop your abdomen in as you smooth the top of your bum away from your waist. If you feel steady doing so, Stretch your left hand up to the sky. Rotate your left arm internally so palm faces the wall at your back.
And then slip your forearm along your back waist. Finding that half bind. Draw your navel in, maybe moving back waist against your forearm a little bit more as you broaden your chest. In how top hand to the sky, Ex. I'll hand down where you got it from. Restock your knees.
Keep your top knee bent. Rest straighten your bottom and roll back onto your front body, left hip still open. Prop yourself up once again on your forearms. Smooth bum away from your waist, lift your heart, open your chest. This time, take your right arm, thread it underneath your left roll once again all the way onto your outer right hip.
Let your left hip follow you. So hips stack Turn open through your chest and reach your left arm to the side. Again, if this feels a little too aggressive on your lower back, bend your bottom knee, stack your knees, stack your hips instead. One more full breath to heart center. Exhale through the length of your arms, and then roll back onto your front body.
Straighten both legs. Peel your heart forward and up one time low cobra and exhale back to the earth. Tuck your toes under, walk them in, inhale to plank or hands and knees, and exhale, shift your hips up and back. Downward facing dog. Inhale to your tippy toes, exhale deep into your knees, look to your hands, and walk your feet forward to meet them.
Inhale heart straightforward and exhale forward forward. Press down, use your inhale to rise all the way up, reach Skyward, and exhale hands to your heart. Alright. Sit heavy to your heels, bend your knees, circle your arms overhead, utkatasana, chair pose. Acts, how folded in half, in how lengthen, art, bing your knees, plant your hands, step back to plank pose, rock forward, lower halfway.
Brush your toes back as you open your heart for up dog or cobra if you prefer and exhale it back. Downward facing dog. Inhale lift right leg from inner thigh, so toes point down. Ex, how right knee to nose, step your foot forward between your hands. Pivot your back heel down, heel to heel, or a little wider for added stability.
Bring right thumb to right hip crease, guide your right hip back as you reach heart and left hand forward. Move right hand to the top of your bum, Smooth your bum away from your waist, keeping your back long as you rise up, reach up. Straighten your front leg, draw elbows down open your heart. Rebing your front knee. Reach up.
Keep the knee bent. Interlace your hands behind you. Soothe your bum down as you lift your heart and open your chest. X. How fold into self? Bother virabhadrasana, bound or humble warrior.
Press into the Earth lead with your heart hinge from your hips rise up, reach up. X, how hands right back to the mat. Find the ball of your back foot step to plank and choose the vinyasa your body needs in this moment. Inhale. Lift your left leg. Exhale. Me to your nose.
Foot shoulders over your wrists. Step your left foot forward between your hands. Stack knee on top of ankle, pivot back heel down, heel to heel, or a little wider for more stability. Bring left thumb to left hip crease, guide your left hip back in in, scoop your abdomen up and in, and reach your heart and your right hand straightforward. Slide left hand to the top of your bum and smooth your bum down to lengthen your low back as you rise up, reach up.
Straighten your front leg, draw elbows down like you could bring them to touch behind you. Use the muscles of your back to relift your arms. Keep front leg straight, interlace your hands behind you. Switch to the less natural grip. Straight in your arms to the best of your ability as you shine your heart skyward, exhale fold into self, humble warrior, and stretch your heart straightforward move from the hinge of your hips, rise up, briefly reach up, and exhale hands to the mat.
Step it to plank. Take the vinyasa you need in this moment, and back to your downward facing dog. So we've talked about patience and devotion. Practice becomes firmly grounded to for a long time without break and in all earnestness. Inhale hide it to be toes, exhale deep into your knees, Look to your hands, step or hop your feet to meet them.
In how draw your chest straightforward. Acts how full forward. Said heavy to your heels, bend your knees, utkadasana, press down to rise up, lower arms by your sides. Right back in. Take a seat. Utasana. Exhale and fold.
In how lengthen, bend your knees, plant your hands, step or flow chaturanga, vinyasa. Step your right foot forward. Stay on the ball of your back foot. Root down, inhale, rise up, reach up, lift the pit of your abdomen, and then exhale hinge forward sweep your arms straight back like airplane wings broaden your chest. Little bend to the back knee, coil your abdomen in, lift your heart, relift your hands.
Tap your back knee down, inhale, bring it up. X. Hinge forward. Sweep it back. Little bend to your back knee, coil your abdomen in, lift your heart, lift your hands. This time, bring it down.
Leave it down. Uncurl your back toes, right hand to the top of the thigh. Shift forward. Take left hand to the earth or a prop. Inhale up the front of your body. And as you exhale, turn and gaze over your right shoulder.
Bend your back knee And if accessible without strain, reach back with your right hand, grab pinky edge of your left foot. Ship forward so you're on your thigh above the knee as opposed to the kneecap itself. Lift your heart. Let your back foot go. Replant your hands.
Tuck your back toes under. Lift the knee. Step to plank. Come through your vinyasa. Remember that maybe moving straight to down dog or taking a beat as you need child's pose. Step your left foot forward, stack knee on top of ankle, stay on the ball of your back foot, root down in house rise up on Jenny Awesome, Crescent pose.
Exhale. Reach your heart straight forward. Sweep your arms straight back. Open your chest. Little bend to the back knee, coil your abdomen in as you lift your heart, lift your hands. Top your back knee down.
Inhale. Bring it up. Exhale. Heart forward, hands back. Again, little bend to the back knee lift. Fueling the flames.
Tap your back knee down, uncurl your toes. Take left hand to the top of your left thigh. Try to touch the ceiling with your right hand, and then exhale, shift it forward, place hand to the earth. As you take your hips forward, draw your abdomen back, lift your heart, maybe turn and gaze over your left shoulder. You can stay here.
If accessible without strain, bend your back knee, reach back with your left hand, find the pinky toe edge of your foot. Shift forward so you're on your thigh just above the knee. And, again, as you're taking your hips forward, Keep smoothing your bum away from your waist and lifting your heart. Let your back foot go if you have it. Bloring both hands to the mat.
Tuck your back toes under. Lift your knee. Step it back to plank. Vinyasa. And glide it forward.
Lower all the way onto your front body. Brush your toes back, sweep your arms back, rotate them so palms face down. Come onto your fingertips like you had tennis balls below your palms, smooth bum away from your waist as you lift your heart, and open your chest. Reach back for your legs so much. They come away from the earth.
Spend inner thighs up, so tops of the feet parallel to the floor. And now offer your hand straight back. Maintain the width through your chest as you turn palms to face the side body. And exhale, set it down. Bring your hands back alongside your rib cage, tuck toes under, press to hands and knees.
Come take a seat on your heels. Find your bolster. Take your bolster horizontal on your mat. We're gonna set this right underneath the abdomen. So laying your lower belly right onto your bolster. May feel a little odd at first, but it's purposeful.
It's gonna help us create and maintain length in the lower back here. Right? Set your elbows underneath your shoulders like you would for sphinx pose, uncurl your toes. Smooth bum away from the waist and find a little lift through your heart. This may be your spot. You can stay right here.
Perhaps you bend your right knee, reach back with your right hand and see if you can grab your front of your ankle from the outside. Test the waters. Pick up your left hand. If you spill forward, it means you need to scooch a little further back on your bolster. From here, maybe you've been the second me.
Where are you foot? Come be part of this party. Negotiate. Yes. Got it. Spin your inner thighs up, smooth your bum toward the back of your knees.
Kick your feet back against the hands and allow that resistance spot to be what lifts and expands your heart. A fire needs air to grow. So breathe into the expanse of your chest and exhale. Let right foot go. Let left foot go. Drape yourself over your bolster.
Breathe into its resistance. And allow that resistance to fill and expand your back. I get excited. So in all earnestness is the last piece of this recipe for a firmly grounded us. The first two elements, again, were patience and devotion.
This last piece is faith. Press yourself to your hands and your knees. Move your block. Bolster, which is just a giant block if we think about it off to the side and confined a cross leg seat. Root into your sit bones, and I'll reach up to the sky.
And as you exhale twist, To your right, root down, lengthen through your spine, let your exhale revolve you a touch deeper. So when we talk about faith here, it's not in a religious sense. Axcel unwind Inhale sweep up, reach up, exhale twist to the left. Get longer through your spine with the exhale revolve. Though it can be, if that's what is of service to you, But really the faith we're talking about here is a belief that the things you are seeking in life, you are worthy of, and they are possible for you.
Exhile unwind, uncross your legs, and come lie down. Consider a lost hug of your knees to the chest, or I like a happy baby pose, to open the hips, following all of that neutrality through the legs. In your own time, return feet to the earth. Feel free to stretch the legs out long. If the back is craving added length, you can slide a bolster underneath your knees.
To help you keep your low So what if you made the choice today? To believe that there is a plan for you. To believe that what it is you are seeking in life is also seeking you. It is possible and you are worthy of all that you seek. Can you find a little faith to fuel the flame.
Feel free to stay here as long as you'd like. If you're ready to move on, sweep your arms overhead. Bend your knees and place your feet on the ground. We'll carefully onto your right side and give any leftover effort from the practice to the earth below. As you press the floor away, making your way up to seated.
Join your hands at heart center. Lyft your chest, bowing to the wisdom of the heart. Namaste. Thank you for once again sharing your practice. Have a beautiful day.
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