Yoga For Beginners Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 10

Affirming Meditation

15 min - Special
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Join Ashley Rideaux in a serene meditation practice, which invites you to observe your breath and mind. Throughout the session, you'll engage in affirming mantras to foster a deeper connection with your inner self. Welcome in kindness through this short but effective practice.
What You'll Need: No props needed
Optional: Round Bolster, Blanket

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Oct 10, 2024
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Hi. I'm Ash Thereidel. Thank you for joining me today for this brief mantra meditation. Most importantly, as we begin, find a seat that's comfortable for your body. If you're choosing to sit on the ground like I'm doing now, add enough height below your seat that your knees end up level with, or even better, a little lower than your hips.

If getting to the earth is not the thing, please give yourself permission to sit in a chair. Find ease. Now as you find the seat that works for you, if the mind is feeling a little busy right from the start, consider resting your hands, palms down on your legs to invite in a little more grounding. If it feels natural to do so your palms can be up and open to receive. What do you need today? As you settle into position, give a loving roll of your shoulders up and back.

And allow them to release onto your back, lower your right ear toward your right shoulder and breathe from behind your ear, down your jaw line, down the side of your neck. With your exhale roll just to center and pause rooted to the earth lift your heart and then invite your chin parallel to the floor. Let's take that to the sac inside. Just finding a bit of small movement. To release a bit of tension you may have carried with you into this moment.

This time breathing down the right side of your neck, your right side of your jaw line. And exhale roll just to center. Connect to the earth as you lift your heart and then bring your chin parallel to the floor. Either close your eyes. Or if you prefer, you can find a point to softly focus on.

On the Earth out in front of you. Maintain the beautiful lift of your heart, inviting the lift of the wisdom stored here, as you draw your chin ever so slightly back and down. Smooth out the mask of your face. And observe the quality of your breath. Not worrying about doing anything to shift or change it just yet.

Simply inviting yourself to observe what is Where does your bra seem most strong to? What is it shape? It's rhythm. And as you continue to observe with loving kindness, expand its reach. Let every breath in, fill in a few more of the blanks.

With every breath out, can you soften into the space you're creating? And as you take more space, as you take the space you deserve that is here for you, Slow down. Even the flow of your breath in And your breath out. Does you grow more and more even? Repeat silently to self with each breath in So and with each breath out, from silently to self, as you inhale, so And as you exhale, from The simple seed mantra, meaning I am that.

With that, is capitalized, letting us know that we're speaking of the highest aspect of self. So as you inhale, as you exhale, I am that I, divide. I, enough. So as you inhale from as you exile. If the repetition of the mantra within He's still present with you.

Allow it to soften. To release it, knowing that the beauty of this offering is It mimics the sound of the bra. That's sweet. Sort of so as you breathe in that natural soft as you breathe out. So that even without the words, This mantra stays with you throughout all you do.

Every breath now becoming a reminder. That I am that. I am not my job. I am not the size of my clothing. I am not that thing that happened at work or school or home.

I am divine. I am enough. Right there on the bra, So from Bring your palms together. And rub them generating a bit of heat, a bit of warm. And when you feel that warmth, cup your hands over your eyes.

You might feel a little buzz of energy between your palms and the eyes. Blink your eyes softly open into the sweetness of your hands. And then shift your gaze down toward the heels of your palms. Keep that subtly downward gaze as you join your hands at your heart center. Lift your chest.

We bow our chins and gratitude. Namaste. Thank you for spending a bit of time with me and meditation today, and thank yourself for making the space to show up for you, to breathe, and make this few moments of pause in your day create is through the rest of your hours. No mistake.


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