30-Minute Vinyasa Yoga Artwork
Season 4 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 4

1 min - Show Intro


Welcome to Season 4 of 30-Minute Vinyasa Flows with Erin Grossman, where you will bridge the gap between on and off the mat. This series brings Yoga philosophy into your asana practice, highlighting how it is a living, breathing practice you can take with you into your daily life. Embrace an element of play as you explore inversions, backbending, and twisting, enhancing both your physical and mental well-being.
What You'll Need: No props needed

About This Video

Dec 16, 2024
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Hi, everyone. My name is Erin Grossman, and this is the 30 minute Vinyasa show season 4. Bridging the gap between on and off the mat. My intention behind creating these classes was to really bring in your philosophy into your yoga asana practice so that the little bits of wisdom that we find on the mat can come with us, and we can hold on to what we've gained. In our practice so that it's not a start and stop, but it's a living, breathing practice that we can take with us into our daily lives. So we'll be exploring themes like finding strength within connecting to your inner guidance.

There's an element of play as we explore inversions and shift our perspective upside down, we'll be playing with twisting and back bending to connect to your inner joy. So there's a variety of classes that I've crafted for you, and I really do hope that you enjoy. And I look forward to seeing you on the map.


Jenny S
2 people like this.
Welcome Erin! You're going to LOVE it here 😬 Thank you for bringing us a new season of 30 Minute Yoga flows.  I'm looking forward to practicing with you (once the never-ending holiday to-do list is over 😉!)
Erin G
2 people like this.
Jenny S thank you so much for that warm welcome! I can’t wait for you to practice with me this season. The first class is the slowest and most basic but as the season goes on, the episodes will  definitely increase in difficulty and flow. Enjoy your holidays and good luck with your to-do list :) If you need something more slow and grounding, the first episode is absolutely created for exactly that. 

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