From Root to Radiance Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 2

From Seed to Sprout

45 min - Practice


Join Emilie Perz for a nourishing yoga practice that connects you deeply to your lower body, exploring the intricate kinetic chain from feet to legs. This class emphasizes our relationship with the Earth as a powerful tool for cultivating resilience, inner strength, and a strong sense of security. Through the use of the unshakable trust mudra, you'll build a foundation of support, helping you rise up to life's challenges with grace and confidence.
What You'll Need: No props needed
Optional: Block (2)

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Hi, beauties. I'm Emily Purs, and welcome to yoga Anytime. And today's class is from sea to sprouts. And this is a 1st chakra class where we're working with the subtle body energy of the Moladara chakra, which governs the tailbone all the way down to the feet with our nervous system and our ability to use the somatic exercise of yoga asana to ground and regulate our nervous system. And I'm super excited to be with you today. We will need 2 block for our practice. And I recommend having one block forward and one block back just so you can grab them when you need them. And then join me. We are gonna start in Sukhasana, and we're gonna take the right shin and cross it forward of the left flex the feet underneath the knees, and right away do a little shift so you can find your sitting bones grounding down, lift up through the low belly because stand through the spine and then take your hands with me, and we're gonna practice a little willing hands.

So oftentimes when we starting to settle within our body. We noticed that there's some tension. And willing hands is about releasing that knee to grip and make fist and keep tension within the hands themselves. So take the pongs and open them towards me. Close the eyes for a moment.

And as you sit and you open the hands, I want you to just take this moment to find your seat within your body. And closing the eyes right away takes you into this internal landscape. And as you find the seat, I want you to become present by tuning in with how you feel. So take a smooth breath in and open the mouth and let it out. Let's do that again.

Take a smooth breath in. Open through the mouth. Let it out. And one more round. Take a smooth breath in.

Then let it out. And as you release the breath, I want you to close the mouth and Just quietly begin to breathe in and out through the nose, allowing the breath to make you more present with your body with this space. And then checking in with how you feel today. So how do you feel physically? Mentally, energetically, emotionally as you start to connect to your body.

With the hands open such as this, I want you to take this opportunity to tune into the first chakra. And your support systems, your connection to earth, your connection to the world around you. To your social settings, to your loved ones, to the things that bring you joy and happiness, and provide you a sense of stability. Gathering in all the facets that support you within the palms of the hands, Let's take the hands and conjoin them at the heart space. And I want you to rub the palms right away.

Just delicately feeling the skin the temperature around the fingertips. And this ability to rub the palms starts to turn on the brain right away. Turing on the neural pathways of the brain, getting those fingers to light up where we have a ton of neurons so that we can hug and touch and really grab for our loved ones. And as you rub the hands with me, I want you to just start to think about how this class can provide you a sense of inner likeness for your day ahead. As you rub those palms, set an intention for today.

Let's start to bring the hands up towards the sky. And as you feel the heat within the fingertips, open the palms towards me and send out that intention. Then bring the hands back down to the heart and take a bow to yourself. Lifting up through the crown of the head, let's open the eyes. And interlace the hand.

So Mudra of unshakable trust. I love this one. Bring it to a seatbelt like your belly for me. And then lift up through the spine, and we're gonna exhale and round and push the breath out and press the hands forward towards me. On an inhale, take the arms up to the sky.

Lift your chest. Feel a little backbend as you gaze up. And then exhale round and press all the breath out. Two more times. Inhale. Sweep it to the sky. Lift your chest up nice and high.

Turn gaze. Up to the thumbs if you can't. Exhaling round, press all the breath out and drop the thumbs down towards the knees. One more time. Inhale. Sweep it up for me. Lift your chest to the sky.

Exhale. Press the breath out and round. Folding down to the south. No. We're gonna add on inhale. Sweep it up to the sky and then take my hands behind the head. So I like the thumbs towards the nape of the neck and lift your chest up as much as you can. Cracking the collar bones wide, opening the heart space, and then exhale twist over towards the right. In the hell back to center with me.

Spine is nice and tall, exhale length, twist again towards the right. A little more time inhaling back to center, lifting up through the crown of the head on an exhale twist towards the right. Now stay. Keep the right hand behind your head and take the left arm up to the sky and then take the back of the palm to that right knee and use the hand as a lever to twist your upper body towards the side. Let your gaze be nice and soft. But keep pressing the head into the hand to open the chest.

Now rooting down through the sitting bones, inhale your right arm up to the sky, flip the thumb down and wrap the back of the palm to your left hip using both arms as a lever to twist as you turn your head past your right shoulder, breathing into the upper back, starting to awaken the spine itself. Then keeping your left hand to the right knee on your next inhalation, guide your gaze forward towards me. And then sweep that right arm to the sky. Turn the palm down and reach it towards your front left knee to get a little side bend. Opening from that right waist all the way through the shoulder head, through the head, maybe add a little gentle wave.

Take that top right hand down towards the left knee, hook the back of the hand to the knee, and then lift your spine and bow in towards your belly. Now here's a fun part. I'd like you to take those hands and reach around and embrace yourself. Why not? Give yourself a hug and then lift up through the chest and maybe move it side to side. So, again, we have so many neurons in the hands that connect us to the external world around us. To the ones we love or maybe even here to ourselves.

Let's eagle bind the arms. Elgo's forms, wrist, Take it up towards the sky and breathe. And then I'd like you to use the elbows over towards the right. We're gonna go like a pendulum. Let's swing down and around, getting a little bit more into the spine, but then notice right away your sitting bones.

So you wrap side to side and feel out that first chakra physically, feeling it root into the ground and how everything else gets lighter on top of that. So the stability and connecting to the element of the first chakra, which again is the Earth. Next time you sweep it up towards the left, come all the way back to the center line, root the sitting bones down and lift your chest to the sky. On an inhalation, let your arms sweep. And then we're gonna get a little funky.

Left hand goes down. Piece with the right. So my fingertips are gonna reach down and hook my right big tail and then swing it out to the side. Oh, no. Feel those inner thighs right away and move the leg around. So waking up now the hip socket itself, also the knee and the ankle. So getting into the joint spaces themselves.

Take your right leg and swing it to the side. Maybe take your left arm up and feel those sitting bones root down. And then let's extend that right leg out and down, flex through the heel, and take the left arm overhead and find a side bend. I like lowering my right forearm to the shin and then using that to turn my chest to the sky and open through the side body again. On your next inhalation, left arm goes high. Bring the hand up and around as you release the right big toe. Plant the hand underneath the shoulder, and then come on to that left shin.

Point the right toes and take your head and chest back for a little back bend. But opening through the front of the pelvis. So feel into that. It should feel nice on the front line on the front of the skin. And then dropping down back onto your seat, slide the hands behind you, turning the fingers in towards your booty and lift up through the chest.

Bend your right knee, take your right foot to the left and open through the legs with me, feeling a little stretch through the inner thighs. Lift the knees to the sky, plant your feet to the ground, root them down and inhale lift up through the hips, coming into a reverse tabletop, pressing into the hands. I love adding a sway side to side so I can just feel like Beyonce tossing my hair around and getting into my body and my skin. And then lowering those sitting bones down, stake them into the earth and cross your left shin forward to the right this time. And help take your arms up to the sky, interlace those hands into that mudra of unshakable trust and pull it back down like a seat belt So you're right to be here in life and to be present with yourself.

Exhale round. Press the breath out and drop your head down. Inhale arms to the sky. Lift your chest up nice and high. Maybe look up. Exhale round. Press the breath out and drop it down.

2 more times. So look a little cat and cow waking up the serpent of the spine. Exhale round. Press the breath out. And one more time inhaling, elongating the chest, looking up if you can, and then pouring the breath out and taking a humble bow to yourself. Inhale. Arms sweep. Stay lift at this time.

Bend your elbows wide and take the hands behind the head. Pushing your head back. Opening the chest. Take a smooth breath rounding down through those sitting bones and then exhale twist to the left. In help back to center with me. Exhale twist for 2.

Really nice and tight. One more time. Inhale. Back to center with me. And then exhale. Twist for 3 and stay.

So push your head into the hands. Keep your left hand behind your head, but take your right arm to the sky right away. Now latch the outer hand to the knee and then use that to turn your upper chest, keeping the length through the spine, and the groundedness through the sitting bones. Inhale. Take your left arm up, and let's flip the palm down and latch it to your right hip, and then use both arms as a lever to twist. And I like turning my head as well because that too is a part of the spine.

And stay connected to those sitting bones. Keep your right hand where it is. Take your gaze. Turn it forward towards me. And let's take that left arm back up to the sky and reach it towards that front right knee to find that side bend. So from the outer waist, all the way up through the armpit in hand. And then back of that left hand comes down to that right knee. Push, push, push with your spine around and dropping towards your body.

2nd time, take those hands around and give yourself a nice little hug, a little embrace. Feel your fingertips, grab your back, and then lift up through the chest and maybe move it around a little bit. Feeling into the sides of the waist. So giving yourself a hug because you support yourself through your life, and you deserve a hug today. You go bind those arms with me, elbow forward, Marissa, lift your chest nice and hot, and then with swirl towards the left this time, and take it around a few times so we can just get into the sides of the spine, waking up everything before we even begin, waking ourself up to the present moment.

Next time you come up towards the right, come all the way back to the center line with your chest. And then sweep the arms out to the side. Right hand's gonna come down peace with my left hand. Let's reach down and hook that big toe mound. Press off that right hand and take it to the side, and then feel around for a moment.

So oftentimes when we're starting to get into the legs in the lower body, we can feel the tension and tightness that's accumulated there. So rinsing it right away, put that left leg down for me, flex down through the heel, Drop the form to the shin and then take the right arm up overhead, but use the arms to create that twist turning your chest up again. And notice the stretch through the side body. How does it feel to get into those areas today? Inhaling your right arm up to the sky, release your left toe, bring the hand down flat underneath the shoulder, and then come up onto that right shin, point that left toe and give me a little side bend to open the front line of the body.

Drop your sitting bones down nice and slow. Take the hands behind your back. Fingers turn in. Let's lift the chest. Ah, breathe into that heart space with me.

Rebend your left knee and draw all the soles of the feet together one more time, opening those inner thighs before we begin. And then lift the knees, put the feet flat, root them into the ground and inhale reverse tabletop. Lift your hips to the sky, maybe do a little sway side to side, waking up those hands and feet. For a big old practice with me and then drop the city and bones down. Cross the shins, and I'm gonna transition to the side.

So join me on hands and knees in a quadruped position, turning the fingers out to the side, knees underneath the hips on an inhalation, Find a cow and give your hips a little sway side to side. Exhaling cat around your back. How do the navel in and use the energy from the Earth to really round through the upper chest. Inhale lengthen the chest forward and through. Exhale round, pressing into the hands, pulling up through the inner thighs, and letting the head drop in between the armpits.

One more time, inhale finding that length for me. On an exhalation round through the back, but tuck your toes beauties. And then send your sitting bones back towards the heels for a moment. Lift the knees a couple inches off the ground and get that nice little stretch through the back of the achille tendon. Which is all the way at the back of the heel and also maybe through the front of the shins and thighs.

And then from there, lift your hips and come into a down dog opening the feet hips distance for me, and then pedo pressing the legs right away. So bending one knee, straightening the opposite leg, and allowing this little dance cycle side, filling up the calves, the hamstrings, maybe some step crackle pops in the joints today. And then drop your head. Give it a little shake so you can release any tension through the upper back through the upper chest itself. Now lifting your heels up nice and high on an inhalation gaze forward for me and slide into a plank so you can right away get into the foundation of the hands and the feet, lengthening the chest forward, pulling the belly in, lengthening the tailbone, and then squeezing up through those quadriceps.

Exhaling push the earth away, feel the energy come up the arms today and settle back into a downward facing dog. Now let's join the feet together and on an inhalation, take your right leg straight up to the sky, circle out the ankle a few times. And then take all 5 of the right toes to the back of the left ankle bone, hook and latch it on, and sink that left heel down. So feeling a little squeeze from my outer hips through my inner thighs through the knees on an inhalation taken back into a plank right away. And with your right heel up towards the sky, we're gonna spin the heels over towards the right side.

Drop it down. Take your left arm up and gaze up towards the thumb, and then look down towards your mat and lower your right shin directly underneath the hip. Press into that. Take your left arm up overhead and give you that same side bend, but a little bigger. Than what we did in the beginning. In how left arm goes up to the sky, bringing the left hand down for me, tuck the left toes at the back of the mat, and then draw the right knee to the nose and hug your belly in. Step it forward in between your hands and take your right arm up for a nice twist.

On an exhalation, I want you to lower your left knee down. Spend your left shin in towards the right bring your right forearm to your upper right thigh and then hug that right hip in, swing your left arm overhead, Look at your hips and lunge into that pelvis. So dropping down right away into those inner thighs to get a very good stretch in that first chakra. That's a vibe stretching out those inner thighs is a vibe. In how left arm goes up to the sky, bring the hand back down underneath the left shoulder head, spin that left shin back, and take that right arm up again. From here, I want you to bring your right hand down, back your hips up, and as you come into a little hakana flare those toes towards the shin activating the back of the leg.

Now I like to add a little pulse to this to start to just feel out the hamstrings from the glute to the connection in the knee. And then you might need block for this, but hug your right hip in. Take both hands and cruise them over. They're gonna make a walk to the right. So outside that right foot, all the way to the side.

Whoo. And right away, yeah, you'll feel that. That's called your IT band. Say hello to it. On your next inhalation, let's walk the hands back to the top of the map. Bend your right knee.

Pull your chest forward into a low lunge with me. Open up through the front of the hard space. And then planting the hands, tuck your left toes, send it back into a downward facing dog, and pedal press those legs again. So just gently starting to feel out everything going on in the back line of the body. Let's keep the feet together.

And on your next inhalation, left leg up to the sky, circle up the ankle a few times. And then take all 5 of those toes and hook it behind the right ankle bone, latch it into place and sink that right heel down right away. Squeezing up through the inner thighs on an inhalation glide forward into a plank. Feel into that and look take those heels over towards the left. Take the right arm up to the sky, find that reach. And then on the exhalation gaze down and lower our left shin to the ground.

Take your right arm up and overhead and find that reach so you open up through the side body. Mun in hell right arm comes back up to the sky, bring the hand down to the ground, tuck the right toes, and pull your left knee to the nose hugging your belly in. Step it forward in between your hands and take your left arm up right away. Feeling a nice stretch through the heart space. Lower your right knee down to the ground.

Spend that right shin to the left Take your left forearm to the left thigh, hug that outer left hip in and glide your right arm up and overhead, but take a moment sink that left heel and drop deep into the pelvis so you get that nice stretch through the in or upper thighs again. Breathing into that lower belly. And then inhale rider comes back up to the sky. We'll bring the hand down to the top of the mat underneath the shoulder head, spin the right shin in, and take the left arm back up again. Left hand's gonna come down outside the leg.

Let's straighten that left leg and back the hips up for a little hanumanasana. But add a pulse to this. Again, just sussing open a little space through the back of the hamstring and leg. And blocks if you need, but let's take the hands and walk them over to the left outside the foot as much as you can turn from the belly and start to feel that IT band. It's gonna give you some feedback right away. Then on the next inhalation, we'll walk those hands back to center at the top of the map. Read that left leg and pull your trust forwarding up for me. Oh, yeah.

Clamp the hands, tuck the right toes, downward facing dog. And continue that pedal press or start to settle into stillness and having this moment to feel out the energy from the earth and how it's supporting you in the practice of your movement, giving you stability support inhale. Let's glide into a plank stacking the shoulders right on top of the wrists hugging the belly in, and then lowering the knees down right away. Untuck your toes, bend at your elbows, and drop your chest and shin. Pull your heart forward and up for me, and then lift your hands. Flowed up through the feet, but draw them together.

So big toe mounds in our ankles, in our knees, and then place the hands to the ground. Underneath the shoulder heads. Drop the feet roll over the knees into a child's pose, getting quiet for a moment, and just tuning in. Noticing your breath. And again, noticing the support of the earth underneath you, to provide you stability.

It's right to be present in our lives. And then letting the hands slide towards your knees. You're gonna upright your spine, but those fingertips go all the way back behind your hips. Don't lift your hips. Lift your knees and feel out the tops of the feet so they can get really tight.

And I want you to exercise your right to get a good range of motion back into the joint space of the feet. Drop the shins down, lower the knees, Say on the fingertips and then lift your hips and pelvis and arch it into a tiny camel position. Lowering your sitting bones back to your heal bones, hands come forward, inhale find a cow. Next hand. Tuck the toes downward facing dog. Suddening in right away.

Gazing towards the naval space, dropping the head and feeling the strength from the fingertips all the way up through the hips. Right leg's gonna go high to the sky, bend the knee this time, open it to the side, maybe circle it around. I like to make big circles with the hip and leg. This is called circumduction just to get into that joint space and lubricate it right away. The next time the knee comes towards the belly, close it off, glide into a plank and pull the knee towards the upper chest right away.

Step a forward in between your hands and take that right arm up. Big twist. Lower your left knee down, right forearm, right upper thigh. Spin that left shin in. Take the left arm overhead and sink into the hips. Oh, yes. This tie inhale left arm to the sky, we're gonna take it to the back of the mat.

So left hand comes down, spin the right toes around, and toss that right arm overhead. Feel off that whole right side body. Right hand comes down at the back of the mat, hands are shoulders distance tuck the right toes and then switch and pull your left knee up and in, sweep it to the sky. Open the hip to the left and then circle that around a few times, making that circumduction again. So lubricating the hip space right away. Next time that left knee comes to the center line, glide into a plank, pulling the knee to the nose, and step it in between the hands.

Left arm goes up, find the twists, lower your right knee down, left forearm, left upper thigh, spin that right chin in, sink into the hips and, ah, stretch into those inner thighs again. Pushing down through that left leg right arm up. Sweep it to the opposite side of the mat, root down through the hand, and toss that left arm overhead, get a good stretch. Left hand will come down. Make it shoulders distance for me.

Tuck your left toes. Pull your right knee to the nose. Step it forward this time in how lengthen your spine. Grab a block if you need and find a little standing split. So take your left leg up swirl it around, lowering that left hip in line with the right. Now cross, left ankle behind the right So I crisscross my legs, bringing the pinkies in line, squeeze your knees, and then cruise your hands over towards the right walk them out long towards the upper corner of the mat.

Push your hips to the left and get a good stretch through that left IT band. All the way down the side of the leg. See all into that. Again, notice what the body is telling you about how you feel in it today, physically, energetically. And then hands will walk back to the center of the mat.

Look forward for me, inhale, and then lunge your left leg all the way back. Stay grounded through that right heel. Stay on the left toes and climb up into a crescent pose, pulling the right hip in, taking the thumbs back, lifting up through the chest, and maybe gazing towards the hands. And then hands will come down to the ground, block if you need, have your left foot in a bit, spin the toes to the left, and a pyramid pose folding over 2 straight legs. Now I like to get a little bit more sensation out of this. So pull the right toes towards the shin bone.

Feel that hamstring. Feel the hips. And then I actually like adding a sway to this as well to lubricate through the pelvis. Right foot will go flat spin your left heel high, re bend your right knee. So a high runner's lunge, and then plant your hands. Sweep that right leg back and hold it in a plank.

Squeezing leg to leg. Right toes go down next to the left, knees will lower to the earth, and then gazing forward, drop your chest and chin. Pull your heart forward and up for me. Roll the shoulders back, lift your hands, float up through those legs. From here, take you right forearm, and bring it in line with the top of the mat.

Take your left hand next to your hip and waist and then spin onto your outer right hip right away. Stacking your legs, pushing down through the hands on an inhalation for your left leg to the sky. Woo hoo. Then think that circumduction away. And then think that circumduction and take it forward down and around, making some big circles with it right away. So I'm pressing into my hands and using that to sweep into the leg, opening through the hip opening through the lower spine.

Next time that leg goes up to the sky, pause, and breathe, bend your left knee and put your left foot into a tree. So I place the foot into the upper right thigh. Now lift the bottom right waist away from your sticky mat, And maybe take your left hand to the left knee and just push it open a little bit more, creating a little bit more stretch through the inner groin feel into that. And then without tilting back or rolling forward, take that left hand, hook the left big toe and then pushing down through that bottom right ankle bone, elevate your left leg back up again. And I love, again, just pulsing the leg towards me to feel out the inner thigh to feel out the hamstring, but do what feels right for you.

Mortgage bend the left knee. As we bend and release the big toe, you're gonna reach with your hand and grab the outside of that ankle bow, draw knee to knee as you lower the left knee to the right, but then press the thigh back and start to get into the quadriceps. In fact, we're gonna use that right forearm onto the ground and our belly to gently roll right back down. Drop your forehead to your forearm. Pull the left heel in and find a quad stretch.

Closing the eyes for a moment and going into the sensations you feel on the leg, the hips, the pelvis, and potentially even the lower spine. And release your left leg. Let it go back to the right. Crressing down to the forearm inhale, lift your head, slide your left hand underneath the shoulder head, slide your right hand underneath the right shoulder head, and press into a child's post again. From here, let's glide those hands back to the knees all the way past those feet lean back, lift those knees, get a nice stretch through the top of the feet.

Drop the shins back down, point the knees 4, come on to the fingertips, elevate the hips, and find that little camel again. And then lowering the sitting bones back down, Hands come forward for me. Inhale. Into a cow. Exhaling. Tuck the toes downward facing dog.

Gaze up towards the navel, drop the head, push the earth away, get a good stretch, right leg goes high to the sky, bend the knee. Open it to the side. Draw the knee to the nose, glide into a plank pose, and step it forward in between the hands. Inhale, right arm comes up. Find that same twist. On an exhale, lower that left knee down, right forearm to the top of the thigh, spin the shin in and take that left arm up overhead, find that reach.

Inhale toss it up to the sky, left hand to the back of the mat, reach that right arm up overhead and then bring the hand down, top the right toes, pull the left knee to the nose. Step forward in between the hands, elevate your chest with me, and then exhale standing split tilt right into it, lifting the inner right thigh, dropping the hip down and getting a good stretch through that left hamstring, though. Cross right ankle behind the left So I crisscross my feet, bringing the pinky toes in line with one another. Grab that block if you need and walk your hands over to the left. Outstretching those fingertips and getting a good stretch through that right IT band, maybe even in this upper right shoulder head.

Then walking the hands back to center on an inhalation along get your chest on an exhale lunge your right leg all the way back. Stay on those right toes, hug the left hip in, crescent pose, inhale arms come up, sink into that left heel, lift your chest, Look up, maybe see your thumbs with the belly nice and tight. We're gonna bring in the hands back down to the ground. Hop your right foot in, spin the toes to the side, and find that pyramid pose as you take a little bow to yourself. In fact, do you know me? I like flipping up those left toes like I was popping a wheelie, sinking through that left heel and feeling that beautiful, robust stretch through the back of the leg.

Maybe let your hips sway side to side, loosen up any tension through the pelvis. And then left foot goes flat. Bend the knee straightforward for me. Lift your right heel. Find that runner's lunge.

Oh, yeah. And then planting the hands, we're gonna take that left foot back and hover it in line with the right, squeezing the belly nice and tight. Left toes go down, knees to the ground, and then chest and chin lower. Pull your heart forward and up for me. Lift up through the hands and take your left forearm now to the top of the mat in line with that shortened.

Right hand comes down. We spin onto the outer left hip squeezing the belly in. Press down through that left forearm and inhale slide that right leg up to the sky. And then circumduction again, we make big old circles without leg, filling out the hip joint. You might get some Snap crackle pops out of it as those joints loosen up today and starting to get in a little bit more through the belly and the waist. Right? Like, we'll go up to the sky with me, bend the knee, and then place the foot into a tree.

So anchoring the foot to the inner thigh. Now push down. Lift your bottom left waist away from the ground and take your right hand and press that knee out so you can find that stability through the core through those outer hips firming in. And then peace out. Hook that right big toe. Let's push through the outer left ankle bone and elevate the right leg up.

And find that little pulse pulling it in. Feeling out those inner thighs again. As we rebend the right knee, we'll release the big toe, grab the outer ankle bone, pull knee to knee. So the knee stack And then press that right leg back, open through the front of the chest. Smooth breaths.

You're gonna use this left forearm as well as your core to roll slowly back down to the floor, drop your head to the forearm, pull that right heel in, and get a nice stretch through the quadriceps. Opening through the knee and all these tight areas on the front line of the pelvis. Right. Like we'll go back. Extend it to the left. Inhale. Lift your chest up.

Right hand underneath the right shoulder head. The left hand underneath the left. Press back onto hands and knees into your child's pose one more time, beauties. Like lighting those hands all the way back. We're gonna come into a bigger camel this time, so fingertips go back.

Start by pressing through the shins, elevating the pelvis and rolling into that back then. Then dropping it down. Keep those inner thighs squeezing together. Sweep your arms to the sky and lift on to the shins. Arcing up the through the upper heart lines.

XL, take those arms out to the sides, flip the fingers up, but towards the back of the pelvis, place the hands so that the heels of the hands come to the buttocks and then glide the thighs forward as you arc your chest to the spine. Make sure you can breathe comfortably here. Keep in the hips right on top of the knees as you press down firmly through the top of the feet and the shins. And then tuck the chin into the throat, push into the hand, start to elevate the chest, Let your buttocks go back and sink all the way to your heels again and how arms to the sky. On an exhale. Take those hands forward for me, inhale into a cow, and then lower all the way down onto your belly.

Let your arms sweep back this time. As they elevate off the ground, start to curl the chest forward into a backbend, and then lift up through your legs hugging the inner thighs in. Let's bend the knees and draw the heels towards the booty and try our hardest to grab those ankles simultaneously to keep the low back even. Flex your heels strongly. Let the toes flare.

And then elevate the heels towards the ceiling, spinning the inner thighs up, outer hips firm in, and then gazing forward as you press. The ankles into the hands, getting a nice back bend, and then lowering down super slow. Release your heal bones and give it a little shake. Hands underneath the shoulder heads, tuck your toes, lift your knees, firm your thighs, and this can press it into a plank pose. Let the heels rock over to the left, push down through that left hand, take your right arm up to the sky, and then sweep it overhead and give me a really big Vashi Stasana. So arcing up through that bottom waist like a little crescent moon today.

Or a little rainbow shape. Right hand will come down, spin back onto all ten toes in that plank pose. And then exhale downward facing dog. Separate the feet, hips distance for me, sink the heels down. Take a smooth breath in.

Open through the mouth and release the work of your practice. Let's lower the knee slow. Cross your shin bones and then sit back. Take those legs forward for me. Flex the feet, bring your hands to the lower shins, push them down and circle out the ankles, right and left.

Inside out whatever feels right. No mathematics to this. It's just getting into it. Let's grab behind the back of the knees. Let the knees go to the side and find a baddha konasana for me, pressing the knees down with the hands, maybe moving side to side so you can get right on top of the sitting bones again in how arms come. That tell. Forward fold down.

Bringing the fingertips to the ground, dropping your head, closing your eyes for a moment. Letting those knees just hang heavy to the side as you stretch those inner thighs one more time. And then inhale pressing down through the hands for it to come on up. As you go back, let's hook those big toes to end. So leaning on to those sitting bones, feel them side to side.

Roochock revives, ground them into the ground, maybe take your right leg out to the side see if you could find a little balance. It's like a little Nike switch sign and then pull it back in and try the left. Oh, how's that? Pull it back in roll the shoulders down the back and then see if you can extend those legs. Straight out to the sides, lifting your chest super duper high. You could release drop those heel bones down for me and then forward fold right down the midline. So As you fold on in, think about really pressing those heels out today to elicit that length we made, that space we made in the legs, flipping the toes to the sky, pushing down through those heels, rooting the sitting bones, and feeling those inner thighs.

And then inhale walking the hands back in, grab behind the knees, but draw the legs together, and I'm gonna turn to the side to end. So flexing the feet, grounding down through the sitting bones, and how arms come up. Exhale, forward fold, hook the big toes, grab the ankle bones, and do a little humble bow to yourself. And then inhale and lifting up through the head. Slowly, roll down onto your back.

To let it all out in a shavasana as we end. So toes can just flop to the sides. Setting your body up in a comfortable way today so you can receive the gifts and support of the Earth's energy, holding you up in life, giving you strength to walk through this journey and the right to take up space. Take a smooth breath in. And exhale.

Shavasana. Start to deepen your breath. Stretch through the fingertips, spread your toes open, give yourself a little wiggle for me. Take the arms, reach them overhead, and feel a sweet stretch from end to end opening up through the body. Let's bend the knees, put the feet flat into the ground.

Take a moment, lengthen your tailbone out and then reach around, grab the knees, and pull them in as you give yourself a nice, big, humble squeeze. Rock your way up into a seat and turn to sit for a moment the way we began in Sukhastana feet underneath the knees, grounding your sitting bones to find your seat, bring the hands to the knees, lift up through the chest, allowing yourself to root into your body again. Into your support systems into the stability of your life. Drawing the hands to the heart space connecting to the intention that we made in the beginning of class. Rub those pumps.

Wake up those hands. Wake up your brain so you can tackle your day and Let's take those arms up one more time, setting our intention out into the universe again. So smooth breath in. Open the hands with me and then pull the hands to the heart and take a sweet bow to your body, to the self. Now must stay.


Kate M
3 people like this.
I appreciate the creative transitions in this practice! Thank you : )
Lise G
3 people like this.
I really like the transitional flow of this class! Feels very grounding. Thank you, Namaste : )
Emilie P
2 people like this.
Thank you Kate M and Lise G! I love fun transitions and let me know if you like the other videos in the collection. 
Laura M
Great class, I’m sure I will be coming back to this one!
Emilie P
Yay Laura M I'm thrilled to hear this. Please let me know what you think of the other classes. 
Laura G
Just perfect: Emilie your sequences are so buttery smooth and intelligently delicious, this was a delight, thank you so much!
Emilie P
Thank you so much Laura G! I truly hope you enjoy the entire series. Please let me know if there is anything else you wish to see in the future.

Lauri K
Created and athletic. I like it.
Charlotte M
Beautiful and so creative - very inspiring!
Lina S
A creative yoga practice! Thank you!
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