From Root to Radiance Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 4

Shift Happens

45 min - Practice


Join Emilie Perz for a transformative yoga class that harnesses the power of the third chakra to embrace change and manifest your desires. This Agni Chakra-focused sequence incorporates core work, hip flexor stretches, twists, and backbends to open your heart and ignite your inner fire. Through this practice, you'll tap into your own driving force, empowering yourself to turn dreams into reality and navigate life's shifts with grace and strength.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Blessings beauties. I'm Emily, and welcome to today's class. We are gonna focus in on the third chakra today, the Monte Porura or illustrious gem, and it's contained within the solar plexus region. So we started with the root tapping into the earth element and then moved to the sacral where we've got flow with water. And now we're moving into the fire, the heat where we have resilience and due diligence to move forward and act appropriately within our lives on the path to our purpose.

So I'd like you to begin on your shins like me sitting bones to the heels, thighs, nice, and long, and a squeeze of the outer hips in to contain those 2 lower chakras. As we move into the lustrous gem. Take your arms for me, and we're gonna reach them out to the side like cactus or I like to call this closing and opening the curtains in life because it's show time, guys. This is all about getting into the heat of things. And we're gonna do some kabbalabhati breathing.

So this breath of fire or kabbalabhati breathing typically goes very fast with a sharp exhale. As you pulse through the navel. However, for today, I want you to slow it down just a bit so you can really feel the squeeze of the belly up and in creating a little uddiana bandha in order to feel a corset around the spine. So you'll follow me. We're gonna take those arms out And then inhale sweep them up to the sky on an exhale, cactus the arms to the side. We're gonna try that 2 more times on an in breath hugging the outer hips and reaching the arms up overhead.

And then exhale. Cactus the arms and pull the elbows down in line with the shoulder heads one more time. Inhale. And Excel. Now as the arms come into that side point, close the eyes with me. Take a smooth breath in.

Exhale halfway. Breath of fire. Take a smooth breath in, reach the arms up overhead, and then exhale open the eyes and pull the elbows down one more time. Now tilt towards the right with that right elbow towards that right hip. Oh, feel into that left side of waist. And then inhale come back to center with me, exhale tilt towards the left pulling that elbow down and in.

Inhale back to center, exhale take it over to the right, and then drop that hand down and reach and extend that left arm up overhead. On an exhale, bring the left hand to the right knee, squeeze the knees in, and then teddy your right fingertips behind your back. Give yourself a nice little twist. In fact, drop the right ear to the right shoulder head and stretch into this left portion of the neck. And then inhaling lifting up through the crown of the head, Stay on the right fingertips.

Press down through the shins and toss your left arm up overhead towards the right to get a nice little side bend and upper chest opening. And then lowering the buttocks sounds super duper slow, bring that left hand towards the right knee, Take that right arm up and bring it down towards that left knee to round your spine for me. Take a smooth breath in. Excel all the breath out, bow in a little deeper if you can. Well, then toss the arms to the sky on and inhale, sweep it wide.

Excel cactus them again and take it over towards the left, squeezing the knees in, price pray place that left hand down in her right arm, sweet up and overhead. Find that reach. And then take the right hand towards that left knee, press down. Take the left fingertips behind your back and twist stood out, but dropped the left ear to the left shoulder head and now stretch into this right portion of the neck. Then inhale up through the crown of the head, stay on those back left fingertips, press down through the shins, and arc it into that. Subtle side bend and upper chest opening.

So my right arms are chain a bit towards the left. Lowering the hips down nice and slow, squeeze the inner thighs, right hand catches that left knee, sweep that left arm up, and find a little stretch for me, and then lower that hand down. Squeeze the knees in. Squeeze the inner thighs and bow to yourself. Take a smooth breath in.

Exhale. Let it out. And from here, Tossi arms to the sky, Lift your chest up high and exhale cactus those arms again. Close the curtains. Oh, round your back. Inhale, squash it open, exhale round for 2, inhale, open wide, A one more time. Exhale.

And then inhale. Open it up to the sides. Flip the hands down towards the ground. Oh, feel that internal rotation to the arms and then extend the arms back as much as you can lifting through the front of the chest. Drop the fingertips, elevate through the shins and pelvis, and stretch it open. And then lowering the sitting bones down.

Come onto hands and knees. I'm just gonna spin around into a quadruped position and inhale into a cow. Sorting the fingers out, shaking the hips side to side, and then exhale round drawing the belly in and dropping your ears in line with the biceps. Two more times in hell reaching the chest forward for me, and then exhaling. Go the opposite way around up through the belly.

And then last time here, inhale, lengthen the chest for me. As you exhale, I want you to press into the hands, round the back, but push into the top of the feet and lift the knees and inch Oh, yeah. Get the belly to turn on immediately. Lower down nice and slow. Tuck your toes downward facing dog.

So going back right away, petal press the legs if you'd like, but knee, one knee straightening the opposite. And then feeling the heels kiss the ground as much as you can so you roll through the entire foot. On your in breath, I'd like you to lift those heels up nice and high. Put a bend to the knees and take your rib cage back towards your thighs as you drop your head and close your eyes for a moment. So really elongating through the tailbone, and then inhale come forward into a plank pose pause in the plank, lift through the belly strength, and exhale tap your right knee down. Inhale, pick it up, exhale, tap the left.

In how left lifts, exhale tap the right again. Inhale right leg lifts, exhale tap the left. One more time, inhale lift the left, exhale tap the right. Inhale lift the right, exhale tap the left. Now inhale lift the left, drop that right shin down, spin your left heel to the right, turn your right shin out and take your left arm up and overhead and give yourself a little elongation in how left arm to the sky, pause and breathe.

Squeeze up through the belly and float your left leg up, catching it right away from the core. Bend your left knee reach back, grab that outer ankle with your hand, and press the thigh back curling yourself into a very, yummy little backbend right away. And getting a little stretch through the core. Left leg's gonna go back and straight, take the left arm up, bring the hand down to the mat. Keep the hand shoulders distance and tuck the left toes as you draw your right knee to the nose and step it forward.

Inhale right arm goes up for a big twist. Exhale, lower your left knee down, reach back and grab the inside of the ankle or outside now. And pull it in for a little quad stretch. I like coming to the pinky edge of my right foot and letting the knee fall to the side and sinking down through the hips as much as can. I think that feels nice. In hell, right arm comes up.

Bring the hand forward with me. Roll back over that left knee and stretch that right leg, getting a nice stretch through the back of the hamstring in helping your right knee. Sweep your arms to the sky. Excel cactusum, and how arms go up. Hands come down, and you're stepping right into a downward facing dog.

That'll press the legs right away and Feel that out again through the back of the knee and the hamstring. Now from here, I'd like you to take that same right leg up to the sky. Bend the knee and open it to the side this time. Keep the shoulders even in alignment and drop the left heel down as you externally rotate that right knee. And then inhale glide into a plank and tap your right knee to your upper right arm.

Now twist it over towards the left Put that shin down. Drop onto your butt and find a side bend as you bring the right arm up overhead and lengthen that right waist out. In hell, right arm up to the sky, bring the hand down for me, and lift up onto the shin to stretch and through the front line of the body. Now we're coming onto our butts, but we're gonna spin around, right, like next to the left, flex the feet, Bend the knees put the heels down and find that reverse table top. Lower your butt down towards the mat.

And then pressing into the feet, sweep your arms to the sky, and exhale lower onto your back softly. Keep your hands reaching towards the ceiling. Press into the heels. Take a smooth breath in. Exhale. Lift your hips up off the ground.

Squeezing your outer knees in, inhale. Tap the back of the pelvis and then squeeze your butt and exhale. Lift it up for 2. One more time inhale lowering down, tap the low back to the ground, and then press into the feet and exhale elevate it for me. The stay elevated, push down through your left leg and float your right leg up into a tabletop. And notice right away the shaking through the hips, the groundedness through that left foot. So really kicking in those chakras. From here, inhale lower your hips, and exhale lift it up forward, inhale lower down and tap, and lift it up for 2.

One more time. In how lower in tap, exhale, lift her 3. And then in how lower the pelvast out, and exhale pull your left leg into a tabletop now. So I'm keeping the leg's hips distance. They're not together. Inhale.

Keep your hands where they are on an exhale. Squeeze your belly in. Lift up through the head and reach towards the ceiling as high as you can. So starting to turn on the upper rectus abdominals, the upper rib cage muscles, and how low it right back to You'll feel a little shake. We like shaking.

That's good. Excel come on up for 2. It means those muscles are working, so it's good for you. Inhale, lower it down, and then exhale come on for 3. Now here's where it's gonna get tricky. Rock towards that outer right hip with just the pelvis and feel your core kicking. So I'm not taking my arms to the left.

I'm keeping them straight up. Inhale lower it back down, exhale curl it up for 1 inhale lower it down, Curl up for 2. No one more round inhale lower down. Curl up for 3 stay. Left arm goes out to the side, bring the hand to the crown, and extend your left leg long for a moment.

Feel that little shake in the belly. Exhale. Pull that left leg right back in. Try that 2 more times. Inhale. Extend your left leg. Exhale. Pull it in for 2.

And then one more round, inhale extend, exhale. Pull it in for 3. Keep where you are through the legs, but add your left arm back up with me. So you feel that little shake in the belly. Inhale back to center with the hips, exhale lower your feet, and your head. Inhale arms sweep up overhead.

Excel arms go wide. Grab your knees, pull them into your chest, and give yourself a squeeze. Use your belly to rock forwarding up, maybe do that a couple times, feeling up the spine, getting some cerebral fluid moving, and then cross your shins for me. Keep your right leg forward and take your left leg back and feel just a little stretch in the hip. So it's like a a single pigeon, but we're not going all the way into it.

And then press into the hands downward facing dog. Take a moment to feel all that out On an inhale, I'd like you to glide forward into a very strong plate, lengthening through the belly strength. And then x, I'll take it back downward facing dog. Moving on to that second side, we're gonna glide a forward into a plank Stay steady this time and exhale tap the left knee down and inhale, pick it right back up. Tap the right.

Inhale lift. Exhale lift. Exhale. Right. Inhale lift. Keep your eye steady. Exhale left, lift it up, and to the right.

This time, lower that left shin down. Spin your right heel towards the left and then sweep that right arm up overhead and find the length again. And how right arm up to the sky, here's where we brace the belly back as we lift up through the right leg. Ben the knee. Grab that outer ankle with your hand and then turn your chest into this beautiful little backbend that requires some core strength. To hold you upright in the position.

Right leg is gonna extend, take the right arm back up, Bring the hand down so that their shoulders distance apart, tuck the right toes at the back of the mat, and pull your left knee to the nose. Step forward in between your hands, soften your right knee, sweep your left arm back and grab either the inside or outside of that foot as we find a little quad stretch. Now, again, I like coming to the pinky toe mound of the left foot to open through the hip and thigh a bit more and to sink my pelvis low. But do what feels right for you in how left arm comes up? Take the hand forward for me.

Shift over that right knee and find that tiny little hanumanasana to get into that left hamstring. And then bend that left leg. Pull the chest forward and up. In how arms to the sky, Excel cactus of wine, and how arms go up to the sky. Bring the hands down for me and step it back downward facing dog beauties.

Left leg's gonna come up. Let's bend the knee and open the hip. Turn to the side, but keep your shoulders nice and even this time. And then inhale come forward. Take that left knee towards that upper left arm.

Give it a tap. And then swing it over towards the right. Bring it down. Spend onto your buttocks. Reach around. Grab your right foot with your right hand.

Take your left arm overhead. Find that reach. Feel the side body. And how left arm comes up bringing the hand down flat, and then take the right arm up overhead to stretch the front line of the body again, getting into this whole juicy area, right, that needs to be stretched. And then lowering your butt to the ground, we're gonna swing the hands back and bring the legs together again.

Bend your knees. Put your feet down. Reverse tabletop. Reach your chest to the sky. And then exhale lower your buttocks to the ground in how arms go up and then exhale. Hold on down. Keep your arms reaching towards the sky and help heal your hips off the ground.

Paul's for a moment. Exhale it. Let it out. Feel the back of those hamstrings turn on, and then inhale drop the hips. Exale lift up for 2. One more time like this inhale drop the hips, exhale lifted up for 3.

A pause and breathe. Root your right heel. Stay steady through that second chakra. And then squeeze your belly back and float your left leg up and feel into that. So you will get a sense of movement here. Inevitable.

The pelvis is heavy. The legs are heavy, but keep them strong. In health, drop the back of the pelvis down, exhale lifted up for 1. And help drop it down, let it just tap, exhale, push off that right foot, lift it up again. And then one more time drop it down and tap and lift back up.

As you lower the pelvis down, Exhale your right leg flutes off the ground and you keep the legs in a tabletop. Take a smooth breath in, Exhale just lift up through the crown of the head squeezing in through the upper ribs. In how lower the head and neck down. Exhale reach up and squeeze for gym. 1 more round in, how lower it down.

Lift and squeeze a first 3. No. In hell, lower down, but roll onto that outer left hip for a moment. Keeping your arms straight up to the ceiling. So they're not going towards the right and then exhale curl on up. Inhale lower down.

Feel that little shake. Excel lift over too. So pelvic floor muscles, core muscles, muscles of the legs. Here's 3. I want you to stay. Take your right arm to the side, bring it down to the ground, extend through your right leg.

Feel that reach. And then exhale put right back in. And you're still balancing on that left hit? In hell, extend. So a lot of oblique inside body. And a little shaky, exhale, pull it in for 2. So great training for the body in Hell extend.

Excel 3 to build strength and equanimity. Stay right here. Bringing that right arm back up with me. And then twist back to the center line and exhale lower the feet and how arms go up overhead. Excel each round.

Grab your legs. Pull them in. Rock and roll a couple times. Getting into the spine should feel quite nice to just rinse it out. Then when you come up, you can cross the shins. Left shin forward to the right.

Bring the hands for it and send you a right leg back for a moment so you feel into this not so aligned single pigeon, more like just a purposeful stretch for the glutes. Press into the hands downward facing dog. Send it all back. And then take a moment to fill it out. Can you start to get steady here from side to side?

You to ripple forward into a plank, finding that belly straight, setting your gaze forward a bit, pulling the belly in and really strengthening through the legs and then exhale squeeze the belly back and find that downward facing dog again. Draw all the feet together, inhale right leg goes high, bend the knee, open it to the side, keep the shoulders nice and square. Slide into a plank, tap the right knee to the upper right arm right away, inhale, elongate it up to the sky. Look up towards your navel this time. And then gaze as forward step it all the way in between your hands. Oh, and how arms come up, find a crescent.

Cactus the arms bend your left knee. That's your back leg. Inhale straighten through both legs as much as you can. Arms go up. And then you can gaze towards me belly tight. I take it to a Skandasana on the left side.

Pivot the right toes in. Pivot the left leg out. Or your 2 spin your right arm back behind you and then sink into those legs with me. Ungrip your toes from your sticky mat and pull in and up through the belly. Flip your left palm and he'll reverse that left arm up overhead.

On an exhalation, right hand comes down inside that left leg. Some are a little sore all in space, spin your right heel up. Take your left arm up to the sky. Left hand comes down. Left leg goes all the way up to the sky.

Bend the knee. You're on the second side right away. Sync the right heel down, open through the left leg. Come into a plate. Tap the left knee to the upper left arm with me.

Inhale. Slide ahead of the sky. Look towards your navel, guys, and then follow the foot all the way in between your hands. In how come on up into a crescent arms go overhead, exhale cactus the arms and bend your right knee deep. And how shoot it up to the sky. Look towards me.

It's a Skondasana over to the right side. Hey, inner left thigh. How you doing? Pivot around on those feet. So I find that the strength through my legs to pivot into warrior 2 on that second side. Extend that left arm back, sink into the thighs, hug that right hip in, and lift up through the right waist, flip the right palm, inhale, reverse it up and overhead. And then from that core with that left hand drop down inside that inner right leg, right arm up to the sky.

Find that twist. We're moving right on. Right hand down. Right. Like, sweep it up again. It's straight this time so you can glide into a plank and just tap your upper right knee to your upper right knee to your upper right arm and help sweep it to the sky and look towards your belly. And then follow the foot all the way in between the hands and how arms come on.

Find that crescent, exhale. Bend that left leg. In help take it to the sky. Wambo it over. I'm calling it a rainbow now because look at these colors. Right? And then pivot around warrior 2. Take that right arm behind you. Flip that left palm reverse it for me.

Okay. Forum to the thigh. Right arm extends. Extended side angle. Take a moment and cactus that right arm.

Pull it back. In fact, flip the hand and wrap it to your left hip, grab a hold of it, push the left hip in, sink into the left thigh, and then use that left arm to help you twist opening the front of the right chest. So this whole peck compartment gets a nice little stretch. In fact, I like taking that left arm forward. That's pretty saucy. Feel the fire in the legs.

Feel that heat. And then, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, take it overhead. And find reach. So length and length and length in the side body. Press into the left foot in how reverse your warrior. Straighten your left leg so reverse your triangle.

Grabbing on lean back And then pivot your left toes in. So your feet are parallel to the short ends of the mat and feel a little side bed. Inhale. Left arm starts to sweep down to the left. Take your right arm out to the side. Heels and toes out, we're gonna eagle behind the legs and squat into a temple pose and move it around.

So starting to connect to the feet. There's that first, Shakra, all the way into the sacral region. Oh, here's the water. Here's the flow of the second. And then the fire of the belly helping you to stay in those legs, not containing that heat, but moving that energy. Letting it dissipate.

Press into the feet, inhale. Come up to stand. Spin the heels back. Take the arms out wide on an in breath. Pivot the right toes to the top of the mat and come into a triangle pose.

Maybe grab me the block if you need with that left arm up. Take a moment. Pause and breathe. My knees turning forward. My left heel's rooted. My arms are nice and strong.

Let's look down and bend the right knee. Take a block with you if you need and transfer into half moon right away. Bend your left leg, grab that ankle, find a Chipasana today, pressing the foot back, turning the chest to the side, maybe from the strength of the belly gazing up towards the ceiling. Then inhale. Extend your left leg back.

Oh, left arm up to the sky. Exhale in left hand comes down, and we're gonna close the hip off now. So pull your left knee towards the right. Inhale lengthen it all the way back. Cress and pose. Arms come up.

Exhale cactus. Na twist. Over towards the right. Hook your left elbow outside that right knee. Just use the elbow, not the hands.

In fact, you can do a little jazz hands so you'll know who you're not using your hands here. And the left arm is this lever helping you to pull the right hip to the midline. And elevate through that back left eye. Take a moment. Stay or open the arms like a t left hand can go to the block. Right arm straight up to the ceiling.

Let's lower the left knee down to the ground super gently, please. Untuck the toes and take this top right arm and reach it back, grabbing the back of the thigh as your left arm sweeps overhead. And then hands can come down to the ground. Pause and breathe. Stretch into the front of the pelvis and just take a moment to sink. Let your belly soften.

Back it up. Find a little half on him on. And then I'd like to play with this a bit. So bend your right knee. Draw the chest forward and not exhale, find that little hanuman. 2 more times in hell going forward.

Excel, taking it back. One more time in now. And taking it back. And then bend the right knee. Two blocks if you need How about a pyramid pose?

So tuck the left toes this time and really hover over that right thigh. Feeling an evenness to the hips as they pull to the midline. High runners lunge, bend your right leg, lift up through the chest, And then giant step left foot next to the right at the top of the mat in how elongate the heart with me. Take the blocks forward if you need. And then exhale forward fold over your legs.

Hook your big toes. Bend both elbows. And drop your nose to your knees. Closing your eyes for a moment feeling all that length through the back of the leg, Noticing the difference from the right to the left side, whether it's in the low back, the hamstrings, the knee, On an inhalation. Let's glide the chest forward and, plant the hands.

Right leg lunges. Hold the way back. Followed by the left leg going up to the ceiling again. Left knee. Tap that up our left arm for me. Sweep it to the sky.

Step it in between your hands. Boom. Come on up. Catch that crescent. Maybe fix your pants, exhale cactus the arms with me. Bend that right knee low. Inhale. Shoot it up to the sky.

And then think like a rainbow, you wash it over towards the right. Pivot around, find that warrior 2 taking that left arm behind you. And flip that palm and inhale reverse it for me. Form to the thigh, but left arm goes up and you cactus it on this side. So I'm really leaning back with that left chest.

In fact, flip the palm and then take the back of the hand to the right buttock and draw it in. Now stay. Turn your chest from your left shoulder head hug your belly in, feel the legs. Add your right arm straight in front of you. If you look towards me, it's like I'm reaching for a piece of fruit. And then take that long right arm and extend it over that front ear and find that reach.

In fact, keep your left hand to your right booty and then reverse the warrior again and then proceed to straighten through the knee for a reverse triangle. Inhale. Take your right toes. Flip them in. My feet are in line with the short ends of the mat and then side bend towards the left. Now we're gonna take those arms and swirl them around. So right arm goes up.

Left arm goes out. Heels and toes out wide. Squat down, eagle bind your arms, and move it side to side. So instead of staying static here, I want you to move dynamically. Again, feeling into those chakra wheels that we're continuously building.

Pressing down through the feet on an inhale. Come all the way back upright. Turn your toes in. Let your arms sweep out wide. And externally rotate your left leg forward for me.

In how lean forward, hand to the shin, block if you need, You find a triangle position as you keep your knee externally rotated and you right heel grounded. Feel those arms and let them stretch So they get nice and long as the chest opens. From here, Looking down towards the ground, bend your left leg. Grab that block if you need, and we're stepping into half moon. Bending the right knee, finding that ankle, and finding our trepassana position.

Now I encourage you on the first side to look towards the side and potentially up to date. So playing with your practice, playing with your balance in all these multifaceted ways. Why not? Right arm goes up. Right. And it goes back.

It's how we build confidence in our standing poses and in ourselves. Right hand comes down and then turn the right knee down towards the left. Oh, yes. Close off the hip and lunge it all the way back. And how arms come up. Find that crescent. Excel cactus's arms for me.

Keep your right look straight this time. And let's twist. From the belly and hook the right elbow outside the leg. So not the hands. I I think jazz hands here instead. But I'm pushing the knee into the arm, the arm into the leg, and then upright your back right thigh and take your arms and maybe extend them.

Could always have a block underneath that hand if you need. Feel into that. Take a moment to find the twist, rinsing through the belly, and building confidence in these balancing postures. Right knee is gonna come down very gently to the ground, untuck the toes. Use that left arm come up and back and find a little backbend as well as a little twist again. Hands will fall down to the ground, sink into the hips for a moment. Oh, let that all out.

But your belly just relax. For a second, and then pull the hips back and find that little hanomonesnug in. So in and out of the legs three times, we're gonna inhale it forward into a low lunge lifting our chest to the sky. And then exhale take it back and straighten that left eye. 2 more times.

Inhaling with me. Exhale. One more time inhaling. And excel. Inhale.

Take that left leg forward a bit. Drop those blocks. Hello, pyramid. Spin it back and forward fold down to the thigh. So building things from the ground up.

From the roots all the way up through the crown. Finding those chakras and that subtle body energy that helps us to reregulate our nervous system, our inner wiring, vendor left leg, and he'll find that high runner's lunch, And then move the blocks out of the way. Plant your hands. Plank. Oh, belly nice and tight.

Feel that. Excel lower all the way down. And how arms sweep back, lift your legs for me. And then take the arms out to the side like cactus. Ah, like you're closing the curtains on life.

In fact, think about close the curtains, which means those forms come down. It gets really, really tight. Put the forms onto the ground, put the palms down. Tuck your toes and then form plank pose. So tricking you right into more core work.

Which is a good thing. Grip the fingers back, lengthen through the crown of the head, and the belly, and then find where you can really squeeze those quadriceps. And then keeping the fingers down. Let's walk it into a dolphin, letting the toes come closer towards the elbows, pitching the hips to the sky and then pushing our chest back, gazing up towards the navel relaxing the head. Feeling that strength of the upper body on the strength of the core to hold us in this positioning. I'm gauging all the way forward towards the thumbs, lower the knees down simultaneously.

Untuck the toes in how a baby cow and then a baby cat. Press it back into a child's pose and let it go. Look forward towards your hands. Let your hands slide towards those knees. Take them all the way back and find a little camel when you're ready.

Drop it down. Hands come forward downward facing dog. So take it back and take a moment to feel that downward facing dog out. Maybe there's a gentle sway through the hips. Maybe you squeeze the belly back and feel into the center line for a moment.

Lingualiding forward into a strong plank. Lower yourself down all the way. Untuck the toes, reach the arms back, bend the knees, grab those ankle bones, and then press up. Into a down your ass center. So try to connect the legs to the center line like we began lifting up, broadening through the collar bones, letting the gaze extend and feeling the thighs come off the mat from the strength of the belly pressing down.

So using that third chakra to ground, you know. I'm letting that go. Release the thighs, shake it side to side. Hands underneath the shoulder heads. Press on to hands on these precautions.

Set it back when you're ready. Yay. Okay. Send those legs forward for me. Give them a little bit of a shake.

Then bend your right knee and find a little tree positioning Flexing your left foot, left hand right knee, my fingertips behind you. In fact, drop the right ear to the right shoulder again and feel out the left portion of the neck. Then lifting up through the crown of the head. Plant your right hand behind your hip. Turn the left toes to the side and come right back up into that front little side bend to get into the front of the sides.

And then as you lower down left hand, congrats that left ankle, right arm up and overhead. Find the side button. Inhale. Arms come behind your back. Switch. Right. Look forward.

Bend your left leg into a tree. Take your right hand to the left knee. Left fingertips behind you and give yourself a twist. Drop the left ear to the left shoulder head, stretch into the neck. And then left hand can go flat, come on to the shin, turn the right toes to the side and lift up again.

So stretching through the waist in the front. And then lower it down, super slow, right hand, right ankle bone, left arm up overhead. Inhale. Arms go back. Both lets together. Let's do a forward fold to end.

So inhale arms to the sky, exhale forward fold. Grab your feet. Grab whatever you can. Drop your head. Close your eyes for a moment. Feel into it.

All the work you're doing on yourself. To, again, just find this ability to regulate yourself and to notice areas that need some good old attention. Pressing down through the legs, inhale, elongate your spine. An exhale. Let's roll on to our backs. Draw the knees in.

And then pull them into your belly first sweet little squeeze and take the legs up to the ceiling. So a little inversion, getting those legs over the heart a bit. I'd like you to take your hands and make little fist and just tap behind the back of the legs. So a little lymphatic drainage because Let's face it. We need to do a little rinse after such a heating practice. Tapping all the way towards the shins, towards the calf through the back of the knee where you've got some lymph nodes all the way down the hamstrings to the booty.

And I even like, getting right into the flesh of those outer hips that meet max and minimus and then bending the knees back into the chest. Let's take a twist to end. So take the knees over to the right, but take your left arm into that cactus position And as the shoulder goes down to the ground, turn your head and look towards that left arm now so you get this whole twist from the cervical spine through the thoracic through the lumbar. So all these portions of the core and trunk. And then please use that course.

So hug the belly back, push into the left arm, and inhale back to center again. To drop the knee gently to the left, and then take your right arm into that cactus swing and turn and gaze towards it. So offering a little twist through all these segments of the spine as well. Let's see if you can even notice a difference from side to side in that twist quality. Then using your belly, take the knees back to center, and let's put the feet down and Start to lengthen ourselves to Shavasana if we'd like, or let your knees fall to the side in a bottle kronasana if that feels nice.

But setting yourself up in a position where you can receive the work of your practice. Lowing the eyes to close so you can soften in to a place of stillness. And I'd like you to just bring your vocal attention to the belly today. Filling that slow rise and fall. Of the breath in the belly.

That's a way to slow you down to shift yourself to the change you feel. Every time we come on our mat, inevitably, we use the postures to make shifts happen. That internal shift from the external world in is one worth paying close attention to. So as the breath slows down, as the body dwells in this space. Let's end taking a smooth breath in and letting it out.

Slowly begin to deepen your breath. And then stretch your fingers, stretch your toes, circle out through the wrists, swirl around through the ankle bones, and come back into the body again. It's reaching to elongate the arms overhead, letting the ribs flare the low back lengthen bending the knees to put the feet flat. Either rolling to the right or rocking up and finding a comfortable seat again to take in this internal landscape. We're inevitably connecting to the 3rd chakra will give us the assertiveness to step confidently into action into our purpose, allowing for shifts to happen, that lead to a glorious life.

Take a smooth breath in. Exhale. Let it out. Bring the hands to the heart and take a bow to yourself. No mistake.


2 people like this.
I went from feeling stressed out to feeling like a noodle. Great class! 
Emilie P
3 people like this.
Thank you Lindsey D! I hope you enjoy the entire collection!
Kate M
I actually did this one over 2 days! Thoughtful sequencing - it really does stir up the fire!
Thank you Emilie P  : )
Catherine R
I enjoyed the end result of this practice, but found it a little hard to follow in places.  
Clara S
1 person likes this.
What an amazing practice!! I had so much fun:)
Christel B
I'm really enjoying this collection of chakra inspired practices. I'm appreciating the amazing variety within the basic poses
Lise G
Thank you for another lovely class, I am enjoying moving through the chakras! Namaste
Lina S
Great flowing class!
Just finished day 3 this morning, my favourite part was when we were on the floor and exhaling to push ourselves up - strengthening and grounding. Thank you again! Looking forward to day 4 

Great flow, helped loosen tightness I have from yesterday's short run!  I LOVE working with the chakras.

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