From Root to Radiance Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 6

Living Truth

50 min - Practice


Join Emilie Perz for a transformative yoga class that explores the powerful connection between living our truth and physical freedom. Through a series of spine-focused postures, juicy shoulder work, and mindful self-inquiry, you'll discover how your body responds to authenticity and non-truth. This practice encourages curiosity about your physical, mental, and spiritual state, guiding you to expand into the flow of life and reinforce the positive impact of embracing your inner truth.
What You'll Need: No props needed
Optional: Block (2)

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Blessings beauties. I'm Emily, and welcome to class today. We are moving up the ladder. Or the wheels of the chakra system into a more subtle part of the body, the throat the 5th Chakra, Vashoda Chakra. And we are gonna tune into this ability to recognize where we need to speak a little more clearly, freely, intuitively, in touch with our authenticity so that we can allow our voice to be one of respect, honor, dignity, for who we are and how we show up to the world around us.

So let's begin sitting on the shins. Nies pointed forward sitting bones or rooting towards the heels and drop the arms for me, kinda give it a wiggle and close your eyes and take a moment to just pull the shoulders up towards the ears, back down to the back of the spine, and then drop the shoulders down into the sockets and just making these gentle rolls of the shoulders back and down to get into all the tension in the shoulder heads itself. So We all are carrying a world around with us, one that we've experienced from our own perspective, one that comes with its own unique set of circumstances. What we wanna do is be able to shake off some of that rigidity expectation, ways in which we've set things up in our mind so that we can start to just be more in touch and aligned with how we feel innately. Take those shoulders and roll them forward with me, not necessarily having to be in this place where we're following along with what everybody else feels, but how we uniquely feel deep within our own personal space and then moving from that.

So shaking off some of the rules some of the thought processes we've been taught so that we can hear more clearly Speak more truthfully and be more attentive to our own physical, mental, spiritual emotional needs. And then next time that you come forward with the shoulder heads, just hang for a moment, and give yourself this really little sway. You can even drop the chin a bit and feel into the side body, but just allowing the arms to do absolutely nothing, like you were shaking off again, anything that's no longer serving you, from the inside out from within. Then coming back to a place of stillness right at the center space. Take the hands to the heart with me and bow in to this realm.

Being able to hear yourself from the inside out, speaking clearly your needs, gaining clarity from your communication on what won't bring you happiness. Enjoy and contentment with it. I'm lifting up through the crown of the head. Open the eyes and and he'll sweep the arms up. We're gonna make a sweet prayer overhead.

And then from there, take the thumbs and tap them through the the third eye. So that's the 6 chakra, and we call that ajna, but then pull it down towards the mouth and into the throat as you take a little bow to yourself. And we'll do that again in house sweep it up to the sky. Make that prayer overhead and then tap the thumbs to the third eye, smudge it down towards the mouth, and stretch it bow to the heart as you close the chin and throw it off One more time, inhale sweep it to the sky, prayer overhead, tap the 3rd eye, down in towards the mall, and in towards the throat, adding on inhale, sweep it to the sky, exhale, smudge it all the way down and let the elbows go back as you pull the chin in towards the throat. Now let the arms sweet behind you beauties, interlace the hands, right fingers on top of the left, and then pull the arms back, lift your chest, and let the throat open.

And give it that little sway again side to side where we've seen any rigidity through the side body. Drop the fingertips behind the hip, lift up through the knees, feel the tops of the ankles, feel the feet, give them a little stretch. And then lowering that down, Baby camo. Press into the fingertips. Elevate the pelvis. Let your head go back and stretch your throat open.

Lower down super slow, and one more round like this, inhale sweep it to the sky. Make that prayer overhead. Dab the third eye all the way down into speaking the truth from our 3rd center. Arms, sweet back behind you. Left fingertips on top of the right.

Drag and pull the arms back as you lift up through the heart. There's that 4th chakra. Open through the throat, give it a little sway side to side, and then dropping those fingertips behind your back with those knees one more time. Who he's the inner thighs together, drop the shins, and elevate the pelvis, and get a nice stretch through the front line of the chest. Are you lower your hips this time? You'll lengthen the hands forward and cross the shins, either which one? Just so you can sit right on to your buttocks. Take the hands forward for me.

Take the feet down hips distance apart. And then roll the knees over to the right, pick them up, and take them to the left. And just moving them very gently side to side, feeling in to the outer hips. And then from here, what I'd like you to do is start to see if you could use your core with this. So adding those shakra elements.

Take your hands off the ground and notice the first, second, third, 4th, And now adding in that 5th chakra, no. So really moving up to that spiritual realm realm of the crown of the head. Next time you take it over to the left, we're gonna pause and breathe. Bring that left hand down. I'll leave it your hips and give it a good stretch out.

Then lower it down super slow. Pick up those knees. No hands, if you can. Take it to the right. Over to that second side.

And then drop your butt down. Swing your hands behind you, and let's break the soles of the feet together now and grab one block. So take that block on its lowest level directly to the mid spine so that as you go back, your shoulder blades, those two flat bones on the upper back, hit it, and then let those inner thighs open for me. Get a stretch through the inner groins. Take your arms wide and let your head go all the way back. And if that's not comfortable, just slip that second block underneath the nape of the neck.

From here as the chest expands, take a smooth breath in, Next, hell. Let it out. Let your shoulders relax. Let the heart open. Glide the hands behind the back of the head and interlace the hand so that the thumbs cradle the nape of the neck. We're gonna add some core here to wake up the thoracic spine. So take a smooth breath in ribs expand on an exhale lift up pulling the chin towards the throat, lengthening the gaze forward, and closing off the rib cage.

In how lengthen it all the way back Let your head tap the ground if you can. On an exhale, curl on up, lift your right leg this time and feel a connection to the core center. Inhale. Take it all the way back, potentially tapping the head to the ground, exhale. Come on up and lift your left leg now. Feeling that course shake.

I love a little belly work right away. Inhale. Tap it down. Let your head go back. Exhale. Come on up with the right again. One more round like this inhale.

Take it back. Lower the leg. Exhale. Plit up with the left. Squeeze your belly back. Let's add on. So lower the left leg down, inhale.

Take it back on an exhale. Curl up and lift your right leg. Now stay for a moment. Right knee turns in and how extend Ex help. Bend. 2 more times. Inhale.

Extend. X Help Bend. And you'll feel that belly shake. 1 more round. Extend it out, exhale bend the knee, turn it open to the side again, and then lower it down. Inhale. Head goes all the way back. Exhale. Curl on up.

Flute your left leg off the ground. Spin the knee in and then extend the leg out and exhale bend it again. So I keep my head up. Two more rounds in, he'll extend. Excel Bend for 2, belly in.

One more time. And how extend? Feel that little shake? Excel Bend for 3? Reopen the knee and set it down. Final round, inhale take it all the way back on an exhale curl on up squeeze the belly and ribs in, float up through that right leg. Turn the knee so that it faces you and inhale extend it out. Exhale bend, but twist left elbow right knee.

Maybe you can tap it in how chest to center extend the leg. Exhale tap for 2. One more time. Inhale. Extend. Exhale. Top for 3. Kick your right leg to the sky.

Inhale back to center for me and feel behind the back of the thigh. Flex the foot in how lower it down. Give it a tap. Point the toes. Lift it right back up. Feel your belly shake.

2 more in, how lower down nice and slow, flare the toes, lift it up for 2, and then one more time, flex the foot lower down nice and slow, flare the toes lifted up for 3, rebend at your right knee, and then externally open it to the side. Set it down, inhale take it all the way back. Oh, you feel the belly open and expand. Last round, exhale, curl on up. Bring the ribs down and float that left leg high. Turn the knee in towards you and then extend out there the leg.

X. I'll pull it in and twist. Right elbow left knee and held back to center with the chest. Extend the leg. Ex. I'll pull it in for 2. So really feeling the ribs, but feeling the support of the block underneath you and then a exhale twist for 3. Let's stay right there.

Extend that left leg straight up to the sky Bring your chest back to center elbow super wide, flex your left foot in how lower down with control of that belly strength, point the toes and lift it right back up. So adding in those lower chakras to the upper chest to now the throat chakra right by the crown of the head. So making her way up to the face and these spiritual realms that are a little harder to get into. Next time that left leg comes up where you bend the knee, Open it to the side and then set it down beauties. Inhale. Take it all the way back. Oh, spread your ribs.

Exhale curl one up. Close the knees, reach arms forward for me, and draw the legs in towards your belly. Give yourself a squeeze, and then rock on them. Perfect. Take that block out of the way, or you can set it to the other side of the mat. So you have two blocks to support you today.

And then crush your shins. Come on to hands and knees for a moment. And let's take a couple rounds of cat and cow. So inhale lengthen your chest. However, as you exhale, lower your forms down and drop through the 3rd eye center.

In how pull the chest forward up into a little baby cow and then lift your elbow simultaneously as you round into a have, dropping your head down. Just try that again. Inhale lengthen the chest forward and up for me. On an exhale forms down and release your third eye towards the ground, inhale pull the chest forward and up. Elbows lift, exhale round into a cat dropping your tailbone as much as you can.

One more round, inhale full cow. Forms come down, exhale baby cat, tapping your 3rd eye to the sticky mat. Inhale lengthening the chest forward and up. And then pressing into the hands, lift those elbows as high as you can and round your back squeezing the navel in. Now sink your sitting bones down and feel that out.

Hand slide towards your knees. We're gonna lift up onto the shins and sweep it up to the sky. Make that prayer. Dab the third eye smudge it down into the mouth, into the throat as you lower back, and then spring up and step your right foot to the top of the mat, finding a lunge. Arms are up, lift your chest to the sky.

On an exhale, let your arms sweep back lean forward over that front leg. Interlace the right fingertips on top of the left, tuck your left toes, and lift your left knee as you come into a modified crescent pose. Hugging the right hip to the midline. Lower your left knee down super slow. Untuck the left toes and inhale arms come right back up.

On an exhale spin your left shin in, drop your right form to the right thigh and find a modified extended side angle this time. Inhale. Left arm comes up. Take it to the back of the mat. Turn and spin your right leg to straight like a gate and toss your right arm overhead. And then right hand will come down.

Let's just even out the knee. So spin the left knee around, add the right to it in how fine that cow. Forms come down, dab your third eye to the grow. Inhale. Length in the chest forward and up. Excel lift your elbows and round into your cat now.

Inhale chest reaches forward for me. As the sitting bones go back, let your heart open as you bow in looking towards your hands and then glide the hands back this time. Up right through the sitting bones. Elevate your pelvis on the knees. Take the arms to the sky.

Doub your third eye and wind as you sit your sitting bones back and then explode on up and take your left foot to the top of the mat and lunge into it. Excel arms sweep back. Let your ribs come towards your thighs. Interlace left fingertips on top of the right this time. Pulled the chest strongly forward for me.

Tuck your right toes, lift your right knee, and then hover, hover, hover over that left leg. Hugging the hip in, keeping the knee forward right away, pulling the belly back. Lower the knee safely to the mat? Inhale. Drop those hands. Sweep them up to the sky.

Modified extended side angle. Turn the right leg in. Drop your left arm to the left thigh and then reach a right arm over your right ear. Inhale right arm comes up. Take it to the back of the mat.

And then find that gate pose as you toss your left arm overhead, extending your left leg. Both hands will come down. We do a little pivot on the So I pick up the knee, spin it around, set my left leg down in Hellkow. The exhale forums come down, dabbed that third eye. Inhale, lift your chest, big old cat, lift your elbows, and round through your back.

In health chest comes forward. One more round like this, but adding on, sink your sitting bones back and down. See your hands. Glide them back. And then from the chest start to take it all the way up through the pelvis, open your throw down the third eye and bow down and in.

Explode back up and send you right foot to the top of the mat as you find your lunge. Exhale arm sweep back belly. It's tight. Interlace right fingers on top of the left. Lift your left knee and squeeze the shoulder blades back for me.

This time fingertips come down. Grab that block if you'd like and find a little pyramid pose stretching through the right toes maybe giving it a shake side to side, feeling out the side body. Bending your right knee and how lengthen the chest forward and through. Keep that block with you and find a little tilt towards a standing split. Just enough to bend your left knee and cross it behind the right.

So I crisscross those legs, take the block over towards the right, and push your hips to the left, getting a nice stretch through this entire left side of the body, opening the sidelines. So our joints do lie on the periphery, and they can get really tight. I'm drawing that block back to center with me. Well, have a little fun with this. So look at your feet. Pick up your heels, walk your hands to the left, and uncross the ankle bones.

As you twirl it all the way around in how elongate your chest, exhale forward fold. Drop your head. Let it go. Shake it. No. Shake it. Yes. Open that throat center, inhale lengthen your chest, and then walk those hands all the way out into a downward facing dog, planting your hands, pushing your hip back like an a frame, hugging the belly in, dropping your head, and shaking the head no. Shaking it yes to release the neck.

Let's glide it forward into a plank. Chins come down to the ground, and he'll find that cow, exhale sink it back into that child's pose. See your hands. Go ahead and back to the knees. One more time, lift your hips. Take it up to the sky with me.

And then dabbed that third eye as you bow on in. Inhale, explode it right back up. Left comes forward. Find that lunch. XL arms sweep back.

Interlace left fingers on top of the right, lean over that front thigh and pick up that right knee and get steady. So finding the strength from the first chakra all the way through the pelvis core, heart space, and unlinkening the chest. Finger tips come down. Grab that block if you'd like. Appearment pose now, stretch the left toes to the sky and spin your right heel to the left side.

Feeling behind the back of the thighs, and you know me, anything intuitively, that feels good. Move. Let it be dynamic. That's how you tune in to the subtler parts of your body. Bend your left leg lengthen the chest forward. Find a little standing split just for a moment so that you can bend the right knee and hook it behind the left.

Drawing the toes in alignment from their walk that block over to the left, but push your hips to the right and go for a big generous stretch. Like, a banana shape through that right side body and breathe into that. So detangling some tension in the periphery. As you look inwards and become the witness to how you're feeling. And then block comes all the way back.

Here's our fun little pivot. Please hands are gonna walk to the right, pick up those heels, uncross those ankles all the way around. And then forward fold. Drop your head. Shake it. No. Shake it. Yes.

Moving around. Inhale lengthen the chest. Excel downward facing dog. Take a moment to pause and bring finding your hands, finding your feet. And then gliding forward into a nice, long plank, pulling up through the belly strikes, knees come down.

Chest and chin go down. Pull your heart forward and up for me, and then take those arms and sweep them back and lift your legs when you're ready. Tuck your toes, knee bones high, squeeze your quads this time, end your elbows, and bring your hands down, and then use your strength to press into a big plank. Downward facing dog. Right leg is gonna go up.

I'd like you to bend the knee and open the hip feeling in to the side body. Then take that right knee. Pull it into the nose. Step it in between your hands and sweep your right arm up into a twist. Take your right arm back down and around, maybe grab a block, but I'm gonna grab my shin, spin your left heel to the right triangle pose from the ground up, left arm to the sky, and then sweep that left arm up overhead.

Get a good reach feel the side body. Bend your right knee. Reverse the warrior right away. Left hand down the left leg right arm up overhead. And then exhale let the hands fall gently to the ground.

Step it back into a plank. Knees lower. Excel chest and chin right away. Pull your heart forward and up. Let your arms sweep back and lift your legs up.

Tuck your toes, keeping your knees elevated if you can. Squeeze your quadriceps, bend your elbows, bring the hands down, and see if you can press into a strong plank. Downward facing dog. Left leg goes up. Let's bend the knee.

Open the hip to the side. Keep squeezing and firming to the midline. And then pull the knee to the nose, draw it right down the center space, and take it in between the hands. Left arm goes up, and let's make a big circle with that ticket all the way back for me as it starts to lower down, block if you need, or grab that shin spin your right heel to the left and climb yourself into a triangle pose from the ground, feeling your feet root feeling that energetic lift through the legs and then turning your chest. Right arm goes up overhead.

We're gonna bend to that left knee and come right on up into a reverse warrior right away. Feeling a little length through the side body. Hands will come down to the ground, step it back into a plank, and then these come down. Chest and chin down. One more time. Let's pull our heart forward and up for a little Shalumbasana action. Take the hands back, lift the legs.

Tuck the toes, bend at the elbows, and then use your strength to press into a plank downward facing dog. Take a smooth breath in and let it out. I'm lifting your heels high for me. Bend your knees, hop to the top. Inhale. Along get your chest.

Exhale lean forward fold and drop your head. Let's sweep the arms and rise up to stand. Heels anchor into the ground lean back. Find that prayer. Doubt the third eye, down to the mouth, close off your chest.

Let's bend the knee. Zut Catasana arms, sweep up. And then take your right foot and dance it behind your left for a little cosmic courtesy. Hands come down. You're gonna spin it back around with those left toes and then pull your right knee in towards the nose.

From here, gaze forward at the top of the mat, walk it into a downward facing dog with your right leg nice and high, exhale knee to the nose. Step it in between your hands, right arm up, big twist, sweep it all the way back and around, triangle pose, grab the shin, and take the left arm up overhead now. Bend your right knee inhale. Reverse when you're ready. Maybe left hand comes forward for a little Avaya Mudra.

No bad vibes when we're speaking our truth guys. Straighten through that right thigh, lean it back, flare those right toes, and then bend your right knee, half moon pose. So there's a block there. See if you can step right into it. Let's bend the left leg and grab that ankle for a little Chapasana action pulling the toes back, lifting the heart as much as we can, hugging the belly in. And then left leg's gonna extend, find that reach.

Slowly, slowly. Start to bend your right knee and take it back to extended side angle when you're ready. Form to the thigh, left arm overhead, look at the left thumb, and really turn your chest and throat open. Left hand comes down to the ground, spin your left heel high, take your right arnold to the sky, twist it out. Right hand comes down, find that pyramid pose, back it up into a forward fold.

And then bend your right knee. Pull the heart forward when you're ready. Plant the hands. Kick it up. Find that three legged down dog. Glide into a plank.

Lower down halfway and curl over right and left for an enormous upward facing dog. Excel downward facing dog. Take a smooth breath in. And release all the breath out. Check your head out.

Let it out. Mhmm. Lift your heels high. Let's see your thumbs. Bend your knee step or hop it up in how length and the chest. Forward fold. Plant the hands if you can.

Drop your head, bow,wind. Sweet the arms rise up. Rooting your feet, letting the arms expand. Prare overhead. Dap the third eye.

Bring it to the throat. And then close it off. Bend the knees. Arms go up. Oh, Ticatasana. Let that left foot go behind the right. Find a little cosmic courtesy as your arms go back this time.

We're gonna spin it around. So my hands come down, and I pivot my right toes and kick my left leg up so the knee comes to the nose. And then inhale lengthen the chest let that left leg go back as you walk it into a little three legged down dog. Needed in the notes? Step it in between your hands. Left arm goes up.

Full twist. Take it all the way back and around. Triangle pose, grabbing the shin, right arm overhead now. Open your chest. Open your throat.

Right arm can sweep up overhead. No bad vibes as we come into reverse warrior this time. In the next stand out through that left leg lean back. Feel into that for me. Half moon, I grow my left foot, grab a block on the way if I need, and step right into it.

Bend your right leg, reach back, wrap that ankle, and try a little Chapasana today. Feeling into the strength and opening through the throat as you turn your chest. Notice where you can gaze and hold your focus. Super slow. Let's take this top right leg. Extend it back out.

Bend your left knee. And as slowly as we can, extended side angle, take it right on back, forearm to the thigh, right arm over your head. Right hand will come down, twist it out. As it comes to the ground, lift your right heel. Take your left arm back up with me. And then left hand down into a pyramid, you might have to scooch that right foot in a bit to forward fold over that left leg beauties.

We end that way we start to bend your left knee, root your hands, kick that left leg high, throw you like a down dog, and then glide into a plank. Lower down halfway curl over left and right for a big upward facing dog. Downward facing dog. Let's pause. Breeze.

Take a moment. Tune into how we're feeling. Tuning into areas in our life where we aren't connecting to the truth of ourselves. Then recognizing the second we get on our mat, it's time to walk the path again. And tune back into the spiritual connection.

Please lift your heels, gaze towards the hands, up to you, step, or hop it up. In how lengthen and exhale forward fold. Maybe rooting the hands as you bow in to the body like a temple. Inhale sweep your arms, rise, rise, rise, feet, root, heart to the sky. Dabbed the third. I and drop the throat in.

Benjourneys, utkatasana arms sweep. Let's find the tippy tippy toes as our arms go back like wings this time and then drop those cinnamones way down to the heels with me. Open those knees wide, and let's do a crow. So take the hands forward. Just hands. And then root the triceps to the knees.

Now lift your chest. Lead from the throat as you elevate your hips and bring the hands down squeeze the elbows in. Your third eye looks forward past your fingertips. And then as you pull those heels up, you let your throat open as you flare your toes back. Feel a rooting through the thumb in the index.

Feel a push in through the hands as you pull your rib cage off your upper arms and then step, float, or bring it back. Chutaranga, curl over the toes for an enormous upward facing dog. Downward facing dog. Let's take the right leg just straight up to the sky. Need in the nose. No variation.

I know. For me, that's something. Right arm goes up. I got a variation for everything. Take that right arm back and down. Find a little pyramid post. So hop your left foot in straighten your right leg, but keep the foot rooted this time.

Let's go. And then bend your right knee, warrior 1, and how arms sweep up. Exhill streaking your right leg and interlace the hands behind your back. So right fingertips on top of the left and drag the chest to the sky. Pivot your right toes in, pivot your left leg out devotional warrior, bend the knee, and take a big buck.

So look back. See your right heel. Root it into the ground. Hug your left hip in. Drop your head. Shake it. No. Shake it. Yes.

And then drag your thumbs overhead to stretch your pecs. Right hand's gonna come all the way down to the earth with me. Spin the right heel up. Take your left arm to the sky. Find that same opening through the chest. And then looking down, push down through that left leg, grab a block if you need a little press up into parvita Ardichendrasana.

So I'm pushing through that left foot, kicking through the right, hugging that left hip in left arm to the sky. Bend your right knee. Take it behind the left, and then give this a try. Hook the knees. Bend your left leg.

See if you can take your right hand off the ground and lower super slow onto your mat. Left hand goes back in help, right arm comes up. Excel hook it outside that knee and then turn. Drop your left ear to the left shoulder head. And breathe into the right side of the neck.

Close your eyes for a moment and feel it out. All this work you do on yourself. It doesn't go unnoticed. We see it. That sense of safariya self study turning us into people who can really walk truthfully on our path in life.

Being authentically created to our own expression listening deeply connecting to ourselves and the world around us. Lift up through the crown of the head, And open the eyes so you can do a counter twist. Oh, feel into that. A little little counter twist. And then keep going.

Just let those hands walk all the way around. Pick up your right leg. Oh, downward facing dog. Inhale glide into a plank, lower down halfway, then you set out if you'd like, curl over those toes, big upward facing jaw. Downward facing dog.

Same the heels to the ground. Spread the toes out. Drop your head. Give it a little shake out. And then left side, left leg's gonna go high. So take it straight up for me.

Need in the nose. Step it forward when you're ready. Left arm goes a big twist circle that arm all the way back and around. Pyramid pose spin your right heel to the left. And take that bow to yourself.

This time, keep your left foot anchored on the mats. We start to set it up for that warrior one. Bend your left knee, hug that outer left hip in. Guide your chest forward. Press into the right foot and come on open to it.

On an exhale, lengthen your left leg to straight, sweep your arms behind you and interlace your left fingers on top of the right, dragging the chest to the sky. Pivot your left foot in, pivot your right leg out, and devotional warrior to the right leg now. So dropping the head, looking back and seeing that left leg, that heel of stability as you release the entire upper body inside that right thigh. Take a moment, squeeze that right hip in, drop your head a little bit more as you tuck the chin. Left hand's gonna come down to the ground.

Spend that left heel high. Take your right arm up now. Then take that left hand. Grab that block with me. Think those twists from the core and step into twisted half moon.

So I turn from my open heart, from the strength of my core, from the fluidity of my hips, and the stability of my tailbone, allowing me to stand strongly in that right leg. Notice all those shakras aligning here. And then bend your left knee. Take it right behind the right. Give it a squeeze.

So I'm squeezing those legs together, start to bend your right leg, float your left hand up, and see how slow with control, you can lower to the ground. Right hand comes back in, hell, left arm up. Exhale hook, elbow to knee twist, and then drop your right ear to the right shoulder head. Breathe. Take a moment to let all this movement settle in.

Scanning the body and how it feels from the physical somatic movement. It has such a deep effect on our perspective, and it doesn't have to change the circumstances of anything. But truthfully, every time we practice, it changes how we feel mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to these circumstances. And that's that shift in perspective. Flipped up through the crown of the head, gaze towards the left, and take a counter twist to let it go.

Rinsing the spine, and then we're just gonna keep spinning those right toes to the left. Flip it around. Walk it out. Downward facing dog. Inhale glide into a plank.

Lower down all the way. Arms sweep back. Lift your legs for me. Interlace those hands and then reach the knuckles towards the feet lifting up through the gaze and the hard space. Then lowering that down nice and slow.

Let's take the hands underneath the shoulder heads. Press on to hands and knees. Draw the knees together, inhale, sweep the right leg back. Pull the knee to the nose, and then let's set it up for a little single pigeon actions. So right foot over to the left wrist shin bone parallel to the short end of the mat, and then tucking the left toes, staying on the fingertips and lifting the chest.

In fact, if you wanna use a block for this, you certainly may. So little sphinx in the upper back and chest. Feeling into it. And then potentially adding on to this. So I like the block over towards the knee.

And then shifting my weight back towards the left hip. I pull the right hip in, bend that left leg and reach back to grab the ankle. Keeping the right hand on the block, you can start to elevate the chest and open through the throat and maybe setting the right arm up. So finding a nice little backbend that's supportive that allows this turning open through the heart space. And then lowering down nice and slow hand to the ground or the block.

Release that left leg. And fold over the front eye. Closing the eyes for a moment. Letting the belly relax and becoming the witness again. Go in Without judging anything, just recognize how you're feeling.

How the practice shifts your perspective of things, giving us more mental clarity, the ability to focus and concentrate on what we are uniquely trying to draw into our lives. And then inhale. Come on to your glutes onto your butt. Right foot's gonna come into the shin and just find a little length over that leg. So side bend.

Lynn right arm will come up again, hand towards the upper right hip, push off, come onto that right shin, and toss that left arm overhead. Then bring it back down and draw it into downward facing dog. Lied into a plank. Lower down all the way. Arms sweep back.

Lift the legs. Squeeze interlace, left fingertips on top of the right, and really drag the knuckles and the chest back, open the front of the throat, lift up through the head. Let it all go on the exhale. Bring the hands down. Passant to hands and knees in Haqel.

Exel cat left leg in towards your chest, and then we're taking it into a single pigeon on this side. So foot comes outside that right hand. Take a moment to set it up. Shin parallel to the front of the map as best as you can. And then walk your right foot back.

Stay on the fingertips. Again, I like a block because I love how it assists with the lift. I think that's quite nice. And then breathing into the outer hips, breathing into the inner thighs, lift your chest for a moment. That certainly might be fine.

You might stay here. You might take that block outside that left knee and then feel the shift. So I shift my weight to the right pull the left hip back, tuck the right toes, bend the knee, and reach back to grab the foot. As you grab that outer ankle bone, chest goes up, Maybe the left thumb reaches the arm off and you look towards the hand and find the ability to focus in Getting a nice little back then. And then lowering down.

Super slow. Take your time. Hand to the block or the ground. Release and forward fold over that hip for just a moment. Feeling out all the work you do. To be you.

It's consistent work every day to show up Challenge ourselves, challenge our beliefs, challenge our mental state, and have that shift in perspective. Coming back onto the hands, we're gonna shift onto the left glute. So that we can grab that right leg and find that side button. And any expression, it's up to you. Each time you do these practices to add in your own creative outlook so you can really tune into your own intuition.

You're an intelligent being. You don't need me to tell you how to live your life. You just need to be on your mat and breathe, and the answers will come to you. Drop it down. Take your left leg to the right now. So I spin around.

Flex your feet in how arms go up, and then exhale dive your spine over your thighs. Grab anywhere you can. And humbly allow yourself to just drop in. I'm pressing down through the back of the legs. Use your hands. Pull your chest forward a little bit more and then inhale to lengthen through the crown of the head.

On an exhale. Let's tuck the tailbone. Tuck the chin to the throat and start to lengthen our soles all the way back and down. Super slow into a Shavasana. Low in the arms to fold to the sides with the palms, open wide, allow the legs to flop. And then feel the heaviness of the body as it anchors down.

Take a smooth breath in, and let it out. Begin to deepen the breath. Let's really reach through the fingers and toes, feeling the body start to wake up and open. Sweep your arms up overhead, find reach, length, and everything, and then bend the knees, and Put the feet flat to the mat, lengthen out your little back, grab the knees, give yourself a squeeze. Making little gentle circles before you rock up to a seed or roll to a side.

Maybe stay on your back if that feels right. But wherever you land, let's take a moment. To bring the hands to the heart and to thank this beautiful life, to thank the subtle body for showing us the light, the truth, the ability to be you. And all the beautiful characteristics you come with to the 5th chakra for allowing you to tap in to your ability to communicate freely, openly with discernment. Showing the world who you are from the inside out.

Take a smooth breath in. Let it out. Bow the chin. To the self. No. Must stay.


Kate M
1 person likes this.
Again, inventive sequencing. Thank you, Emily : )
(I kind of question this being listed as a "beginner" sequence!)
Christel B
1 person likes this.
Just wonderful and empowering.
Shawn M
I loved this class! A new favorite.. Thank you! So juicy and sweet
Wow, thanks Emilie, I love this series. Today's theme living truth resonated with me. Your wisdom and thoughts you share throughout the flow add a special bit of magic to the practice. Thank you. Now I feel ready to begin my work day. 

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