From Root to Radiance Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 8


45 min - Practice


Join Emilie Perz for a transformative yoga class that connects all the chakras, bringing you into the present moment and nurturing your individuality. This full practice explores the concept of Svayada, encouraging you to trust your intuition as you flow through inversions and other poses. Using the lotus mudra, you'll delve deep into themes of consciousness and self-expression, empowering you to embrace your authentic self.
What You'll Need: Block (2)


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Blessings, beauties. I'm Emily, and welcome to class today. We are gonna give it up for the 7th Chakra. The crown, this luminous place where our radiance unfolds so we can really embody becoming our best self and let's face it. That means practicing consistently and working with our yoga to allow us to regulate our nervous system in two different ways.

So one way is that we wanna be able to calm ourselves down and distress ourselves whenever we're feeling a little anxious or have feelings of doubt. But then there's the other side of the nervous system where we wanna use classes to up regulate our bodies and really turn things on. And the crown is about this. So in order to have that Moxtra, that liberation with ourselves, we need to be very focused in. So for today's class, we're gonna begin with a little interoceptive work, focusing our eyes on a single pointed place so that we can use that to wake up the mind and wake up the brain.

So two blocks for today's practice, and you're gonna use them right away. I'm gonna begin on the shins. I would recommend that for you as well. And then place the blocks on their 2nd highest level, right outside the knees so you can easily place your hands on top of them in a moment. We're gonna begin with a little mood or mash up.

Because I love using Mudras as a way again to allow the brain to focus in on something. So our first mudra that we used for the Moladara, the first chakra, was unshakable trusts. And we're gonna turn this then into a lotus for the crown chakra and take it overhead. So unshakable trust to a lotus, bringing the thumbs, the pinkies together, And then unfolding the flower heads so that we've got that beautiful flower in our hands. So let's begin by bringing that unshakable trust Mudra, right to the solar plexus, pull the elbows in, sort of super tall through the spine, close the eyes, And let's take a moment to just draw ourselves into the body, into this internal landscape.

And right away, as you find your seat for your practice today, tuning into how you feel. Physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally, there are so many layers to ourselves. Each time we step on a mat, it's an unveiling peeling away the layers so we can truly turn in and find a sense of deeper connection as you sit for a moment, I'd like you to recognize where the mind is. And right now, it might be focused on the past. Could be racing towards the future, but we wanna use our practice as a way to become present.

That in itself can be a very difficult practice. So start by noticing the breath, not changing it in any way, just feeling the breath as it starts to move into that internal landscape. Recognized by focusing on the breath. It will naturally start to deepen, widen, expand, allowing you to tune into deeper areas and notice any sensations you feel In the body, in the feet, in the knees, thighs, belly, shoulders, potentially the neck and head, and then go in and suss out energetically where you're at. Do you feel fatigued today? Do you feel ready to tackle your day?

How have things been going for you lately? Have you felt like you're in a state of flow Have you felt stagnant? Whatever you're bringing to the table, Well, that's part of your experience, and it's super important to witness that, not judging it, just observing, and allowing the practice to help you to connect. Let's begin by taking a smooth breath in. Open through the mouth, let it out.

And do that again. Take a smooth breath in. Open through the mouth, let it out. And a one more round. Take a smooth breath in.

And release it. I'd allow the breath to just anchor you here in the present. When opening your eyes, look straight ahead. Find that point of focus where you can just keep your gaze It's okay to blink, but then take that unshakable trust and in house sweep it to the sky. Overhead without looking towards the hands, turn it into a lotus, a little crown, and exhale pull the hands right back down.

Do that again. Inhaling unshakable trust. Flip the palms to the sky. Lift up through the arms. Exhaling, turn it into a lotus and pull the hands right back down.

Few more times inhaling, sweep it up to the sky, focusing your eyes. Exhaling, turn the hands into a lotus and draw them back down again. And 2 more rounds, inhaling. Reach it up to the sky. Feel the heart lift.

Feel the ribs expand. Exhale. Draw the belly back and lower down through the hands. Final round in house. Sweep it up to the sky. The exhale, turn it into a lotus and draw it down.

Now we'll start to move our gaze and eyes in house sweep it to the sky. Take the hands behind your head with that unshakable trust this time and Push your head up and turn your gaze up on an exhale. Let's twist towards the right, drawing that left elbow towards the midline. Pause and breathe. Feel that turning through the naval center, and then keep that left hand behind your head. Sweep your right arm back behind you, tent the fingertips down behind your hips, press in to the shins, and elevate your pelvis, holding onto the back of the head, turning your gaze up and feeling a nice stretch through the front line, lower your sitting bones down nice and slow, focus your gaze forward. Inhale.

Take that right arm right back up. Hands behind the head. Lift your chest and gaze up again. Exhale twist towards the left. Push the back of the head into that right hand as you draw all that right elbow forward with me.

Squeeze the inner thighs and then reach your left arm behind you, drop the fingertips down, tent them to the ground, and press strongly through the bottom of the legs. To lift the pelvis and find that stretch again. Lower the sitting bones down super duper slow. Keep the belly tight inhale. Left hand behind your head and exhale pull it back to the midline. Now inhale push the hands up to Scott, and then sweep the arms wide with me.

We're gonna lower the gaze down towards the knees, bring the hands on top of those blocks, drum closely next to the thighs and then push down and see if we can lift the knees up. Lower down inhale gaze for straight ahead, see if you can find that point of focus right away, press into the hands, look down, and pull the knees right back up. So you start to turn on a little heat in the belly one more time. Drop the shins, inhale, gaze, straightforward, and ahead. Maybe lift your hands. Exhale, press down and see if you can lift the knees, maybe lift the feet and just hang for for a moment, which is pretty hard, but it'll wake you up right away. And then lower it down.

So like a little dose of caffeine. I'm gonna turn to the side so you can see how we're gonna add on to this. So we're gonna try that one more time, but I want you to this time, see if you can get those legs underneath you, which is quite a neat trick. So inhale, hands come down onto the blocks on an exhale. Take that gaze towards your knees.

Push down into the blocks. Lift up. Through the lower legs, then pull up through the feet, take them forward with me, drop the heels down, push into the feet, anchor them into the ground and come into a reverse tabletop. Now press into your hands, push into the feet and elevate the pelvis rolling the shoulders back and getting a huge sense of expansion through the upper chest, so right in that heart space right away. On an exhalation start to lower the hips down, take that gaze forward right away, find that point of focus and pull the hips back maybe straighten through the legs and pick the feet up if you can. Drop it down. Try that two more times. Push into the feet.

Elevate the pelvis up as high as you can. Let your gaze come forward as you sink down through the hips. Pull the hips back, and you might just play with lifting one leg and alternating that or, again, picking up the feet. One more round. Drop it down. Inhale. Lift it up.

Let your gaze go back and then exhale find that gaze coming forward for me and see for just a moment. Could you potentially lift those feet. Okay. Lower yourself down. Shake your wrist out. And then feel right away how the heart rate started to speed up. Your breath sped up, and that's great.

It wakes you up. It wakes up the brain. Take those blocks with you now, and we're gonna do a little bit of core work. So we're gonna bend the knees and place one block the long way in between the inner upper size. And then take the second block and hold it in between your hands, not gripping it, but keeping the fingertips nice and light. On an inhalation.

Squeeze the block. Squeeze your feet and take the block up overhead on an exhale roll down super duper slow. One vertebra at a time until your entire spine hits the mat. Draw the feet in a little bit closer with me. And let's inhale that walk up and overhead as we elevate the hips firming in through the inner thighs on an exhalation, roll down super slow start to lift that that block and then tuck the chin in towards the throat and reach the block towards the knees.

So tiny, tiny little sit up to begin. Lower down nice and slow pressing to the feet. And the on and inhalation lift your hips as the block soars up overhead. On an exhalation, press down through the feet, lower onto your back, and then take that block all the way towards the knees as you tuck your chest and chin in. One more time inhale.

Take the block up overhead. What's lift the hips, feel a squeeze, or your buttocks, and on the exhalation lower down. Block will reach towards the knees. However, this time, I want you to lift the legs up for a moment. Drop it down and help block those up overhead. This time don't lift up into a bridge, but come into a twist.

So the block will go to the outside of the right knee and your left hands on top. So you feel a nice little reach and a twist through those obliques in how block goes up overhead. Let's exhale over to the left with the left tend down, the right hand on top, push into both blocks and feel a nice twist through the obliques. Inhale block goes up overhead on an exhale, twist it over to the right. However, this time draw the legs into a tabletop as low that right knee could touch that upper left arm. Feet go down and help walk those up overhead, keep the squeeze from the hands to the knees and exhale twist towards the left, pulling the legs into a tabletop so that left knee comes high towards that upper right arm.

One more time, feet go down and help walk those up overhead. On an exhale, bend your elbows this time. Draw the legs into a tabletop and let's connect. Needs to elbows as we pull the belly in, squeeze the blocks, and you'll feel the entire core really turned on. You'll start to shake rattle and roar, and that's what I want. And then lower the feet down nice and slow.

Inhale reach that walk up overhead. On an exhale, drop the block. You can keep it to the back of the mat. And then keep the walking between your knees, but exhale, reach around, grab onto the knees with the block, and pull it in. Let's rock and roll the length of the spine a few times, finding the tippy toes rolling back to the shoulder blades, and then rock yourself up.

Place that second block to the top and let's cross the shins and come on to hands and knees right away. So as we come into a quadruped position, for today, let's turn the fingertips back towards the knees. Spread your fingers wide so they fan across your mat. And then inhale into a cow, letting your belly drop down, maybe wiggling your hips, Exhale into a cap, stretching the front of the forearm skin as you drop your head in between your biceps. Two more times in how lengthen the chest.

Forwarding up, could you take your gaze to that point of focus right away? Exhaling, round your back. Draw all the navel in, but feel that generous stretch across your forms. In one more round, inhaling, pressing to the feet, press into the hands, lift up through the crown of the head. On an exhale, take it the other way bowing into the heart space and dropping the crow.

From here, All I want you to do is start to send your sitting bones back, and it could feel quite intense as you lift up through the wrist. So getting right into that carpal region, but this is a great one for stretching out the skin around the forms that we use all day. When we're using our hands and then flip the palms forward for me and sink it down into a child's pose, lightly pressing the hands into the mat. Take a breath and just allow your belly to relax as you stretch the skin to the back line of the body. From here on your next inhalation, I want you to gaze forward towards the hands.

We're gonna come onto the crown of the head So I'm pulling my elbows back towards my knees and then sliding the hands close towards the knees. Once they come in, I drop to the crown of the head and then take the arms to the sky, interlace the fingers and pull your knuckles up and overhead to get a good stretch through the front of the shoulders. From here, you're gonna start to lower your sitting bones back down. You'll roll towards that forehead, lift the crown off the ground, and pull yourself right on up, lengthening your gaze to the sky and drawing the shoulder blades down the back to open the chest nice and wide. Hands will come to the top of the mat in Haikau, On an exhale, cap look back and stretch your right leg to the back of the mouth.

So tucking the toes and pressing back through that right heel bone. From here, I want you to take your bottom left shin, spin it out to the left, spin your right heel to the left, push down through that left hand, and sweep your right arm up right away, but please take the hand behind the head and turn your beautiful chest to the ceiling. So opening through that heart space, In hell, rider, right back up to the sky. Right hand's gonna come down to the ground. And as it does, spin your left shin in, but pick your right leg up and take your left arm forward for me.

Finding some balance. Excel left elbow right knee. Connect. Underneath the belly. In how left arm forward, right, leg goes back, find the focus here. Left hand comes down.

And then blossom to the side and take that right arm back up with that right leg high. Right hand comes down. We're gonna do that again. Swing your left shin in, kick your right leg back, add your left arm forward for me, and then see if you can connect, exhale, elbow to knee. Inhale expand, grow along. Let's bring that left hand down, spin the left shin to the side, and blossom right back open with the right arm high.

One more time. We're gonna bring the right hand down, spin it back to the midline, add your left arm forward for me. And then exhale elbow to knee. So finding the sense of focusing in on the intelligence of the body. Left hand comes down, spin that left shin back, blossom to the side, bend your right knee this time, grab the ankle, and find a beaut a little backbend to pluck the heart open. Right arm will go up to the sky.

Look down. And draw that right knee all the way to the top of the mat. You're gonna step it forward when you're ready. Spend that left shin back and find a lotus with the hands going overhead into a low lunge. On an exhale, sweep your arms back, fold your ribs to your thighs, and start to bow towards yourself. Finger tips will come down to the ground.

Hips go back, straighten that right leg, and feel the sensations behind the right hamstring down into the calf. So tuning in to the sensory receptors of the body. What's the body saying? Bend your right knee. Pull the heart forward for me.

Plant your hands and take your right leg back. In how cow, lengthen your chest. On an exhale, find that cap, but tuck your left toes and take it to the second side. Send that heel bone back. Stretching out the back of the thigh.

Right shin's gonna spin to the side for me, spin that left heel down, sweep that left arm high and take the hand behind the head and right away crack your heart open as you turn and lift up through the gaze. So finding a little side body before we focus in on balancing and how left arm goes up to the sky bring the hand down, and we're pivoting around. So as the left hand comes down, spin that right shin in, Get the left leg to lift as you lift up through the right arm and then exhale, tap it underneath the navel. Inhale expand, grow long, keep the left leg up, bring the right hand down, blossom open to the side, spinning the right shin and lifting up through the left arm to find your balance. Now focus in hand comes down, You spin it around and add that right arm forward for me.

And then notice how the body starts to build the balance It's tuning into the sensory receptors of how you're feeling. So it's intricate It's deliberate, and it's training the brain and the body to work together in harmony. That's what we want for the chakras for our life. One more time, right hand down, spin it open to the side, pause, and break, Your left leg is high. Let's bend the knee, grab the ankle, and find that delicate little backbend as we hug the belly in and start to crack the chest open.

Left arm will go high to the sky. Gaze down. We're pulling that left leg forward this time to step it to the top of the mat, spin the right shin in, and then find a lotus with those hands as you take it overhead. And notice if those mudras are even hard, they can be finding this place where we proprioceptively can tune into the hands. Exhale lean forward, let the ribs hit the thigh and then let the arms sweep back so you find a little delicate forward fold here.

Finger tips will come down, back your hips up, straighten through that left leg and feel behind the back of the thigh. So all these things starting to wake up and grab our attention, and allowing us to focus in on what's going on deep in the insides. Bend the left knee. Pull the chest forward and up. Plant the hands.

Take the left leg back in. And on that cat, tuck your toes and come into a downward facing dog. Peddle press the legs if that feels okay and Just notice what's going on right away. Drop your head, see if you can relax the back of the neck, and then take your gaze towards your navel today so you find that point of focus. I'm gonna inhale and lift the heels up nice and high, glide into a plank, and then send the gaze forward right away.

Exhale, hips up and back downward facing dog feel the deliberate press of the hands as you relax through the head. Two more times inhaling gliding forward into a strong plank, lengthening through the crown, lift up through your gaze. Exhale, take it back. Let your gaze go to the navel as you root down strongly through your hands. One more time inhale gliding forward into that strong plank.

This time, I'd like you to spin your heels all the way over to the right stagger the feet take the left arm high for Avashi. Lower the right chin down if you need a modification, but bring the left hand behind the head and lift up through the chest. On an exhale, left elbow starts to go down towards the right, bringing the hand to the grounds, spin the heels to the second side and take your right arm up right away. Squeeze the hips in, lower that left shin if you need. Right hand behind the head, open up through the chest, and then exhale pull that right elbow towards the left.

Bring the hand down, pivot back around to plank downward facing dog. Let's draw the feet together. Take the right leg up and bend the knee, open it to the side right away. Spin your left heel down to the ground, so that you can feel that back of the leg stretch all the way up. Pull the knee to the nose as you glide into a plank pose and step it forward right away.

Lower your left knee and find that lunge with the lotus as the arms go. On an exhale, lay your ribs to the thighs sweep the arms back, but lift your left knee this time hugging the hips and fingertips come down. You may grab that block. Paramid pose, again, sink your left heel back and down, but pull up through the right toes. Bend your right knee, put the right foot flat swing your left heel to the right, bring your right forearm to the thigh, and sweep your left arm overhead for Parjwalkanasana.

Left hand behind the head, open your chest a little bit more for me, and then exhale. Think that left elbow towards the right as you squeeze back through the belly. Left hand comes down underneath the shoulder. Spin the left heel. Hi. Take the right arm to the sky and give me a full twist through the upper spine.

Right hand will come down and right leg will go back into downward facing dog. Left leg goes up to the sky Ben, the knee open it to the side and slam that right heel all the way down to stretch the flesh of the right leg out. Pull the knee to the nose, drop down the midline, and step it in between your hands, lower your right knee down. Find your lotus again as you take your blossoming crown overhead. Exhale ribs to the thighs, arms, sweep back, tuck your toes on the right knee, and lift it up, vigorous Lee as you hug your belly and hips in.

Finger tips will come down, lengthen the legs to straighten a pyramid, and sizing that right heel pressing down again. Inhale, bend your left knee, put the foot flat spin your right heel to the left and put the left arm to the thigh as you inhale your right arm up and overhead for parsvokhanasana. Let's exhale the right hand behind the head and then inhale turn your chest up a little bit more and open through the chest on an exhale right elbow towards the left knee. Curl back through the belly. Right hand will come down, firm it into the ground, lift your right heel high, Take your left arm to the sky and give yourself a nice twist to rinse.

Left hand comes down, step it right back downward facing dog again on an inhalation glide it forward into a strong plank. And this time, spin the heels to the right Left arm goes up, hand behind the head, lift your chest on an exhale, left elbow towards the right, but bring your form down this time. Oh, spin all the way to the second side. So heels to the left. Right arm goes up. Hand behind the head, open your chest.

On an exhale right elbow comes down towards the left, let it hit the ground. Come into a foreign planks, spin back to the midline and lower the thighs right away, untucking the toes in how low cobra lift your chest. Focus your eyes. On an exhale, I want you to tuck your toes and come into a form plank pose. Drop the thiobones down in health.

Find that cobra for me. And this time, quick shift, hands back to the elbows, exhale you lower down just a bit more. Now stay for a moment. My chest is up. My hands are firm. Tuck the toes and see if you can Keep your gaze forward as you push yourself into a plank pose.

Use your knees if you need downward facing dog. Take a smooth breath in. And let it out. Right leg will go high. Synch the left heel down.

Open the knee to the side. Exhill knee to the nose. Step it in between your hands. Take your right arm up for twist. And then forearm to the thigh, parsvulkanassana spin your left heel to the right and sweep the arm up overhead.

Left hand behind the head, pause, and breathe, turn your chest. And now we're gonna get super funky. So take that right hand behind your head too. Oh, feel that in those obliques, hug in through the side body. Push your head back and inhale lean back starting to open through the waist. On an exhale straight in through that front right leg.

So it's a nice reverse triangle here in how lift the crown of the head pivot your right toes in. So the legs open wide on an exhale externally rotate through that left thigh. And lean forward towards a straight leg. Left handle come down, find a triangle pose for me, and push your head into that right hand to turn your chest up towards the ceiling on an exhale, right elbow towards the left, start to bend that left knee and bring that right hand down. Spend your right heel up. Grab that left ankle for me and come into a standing split at the back of the mat.

Pull your right knee to the belly, hug in, and then bring your right foot down. Bring your right hand to your hips so you fasten the hips in. Lift that left heel for me. Put a little bend to your right knee and start to draw yourself up to a tree from the ground up, which I find really helps with balance, but is much harder. Once you fasten your left foot to your inner right thigh, take your arms out wide to the sides and focus your eyes. Have the palms down for a moment and push the shoulders back as you lift up through the crown of the head.

And then draw that left knee forward towards the midline and up and in towards your belly. Put the left foot next to the right, Bend your knees and find an utkatasada as you get low into a chair pose. Hands come down to the ground, Drop your head. Take a bow and shake the crown out. Inhale lengthen the heart for me. Let's lunge the right leg back plant the hands, downward facing dog.

Take a smooth breath in, open through the mouth. Let it out. Glide forward into a plank. I want you to spin your heels all over towards the left right away. Take your right arm high to the sky.

Right hand behind your head. Turn your chest up. And then exhale start to lower down with that right elbow, but bringing the right forearm to the ground. Swing your heels all the way to the right. Take the left arm to the sky this time.

Left hand behind your head. Open your chest. And on the exhalation start to fold that left elbow towards the right, bringing both forms down this time and spinning around to the midline. And then lowering those thighs, pressing into the hands, untuck the toes in help find your cobra pose. On an exhale, tuck the toes, lift up through the knees, elevate the pelvis, and find that forearm plank.

Drop the thighs down again, press into the hands, inhale lift your chest. And then quick shift, you slide the hands, underneath where the elbows were. Keep that lift to the chest. Tuck your toes. Elevate your thighs and press into a plank pose.

Downward facing dog. So any expression of plank that you can, feet together, left leg goes up, bend the knee, open the hip, sink the right heel down. Pull the left knee to the nose, step it in between your hands, take your left arm up, find the twist. Form to the thigh, spin your right heel to the left side, and let's take that right arm up and overhead. Hand behind the head.

Open your chest with me fire up the belly, fire up those feet, and then play with the balance by taking that left hand behind your head. Now use your obliques and ribs firm the heal bones and then inhale reverse it with the spine, exhale straight, and through that left thigh lean back into that triangle sensation. Up right the head and help pivot the feet in. So you've got that nice stance on an exhale, externally rotate your right leg, hinge the hips back and start to lean over that thigh. Keep the left hand behind the head.

Drop the right hand down. And then open into that triangle on the second side. Left elbow is gonna start to fold towards that right knee. Let's bend that right leg deeply, bring that left hand down, spin your left heel high, and standing split with your left leg this time. Left knee. Pull it into the belly. Squeeze up. Put the foot down.

Place your left hand to your left hip. Lift your right ankle. And let's take it from the ground all the way to stand. Notice the intricacy of finding the balance from the ground up. And then inhale take the arms out right away. Focus your gaze today with the palms down, shoulders, relax, but everything kicking in from that root chakra through the crown of the head. Pull that right knee forward and in towards the midline as you lift it up.

And then right foot next to the left, utkatasana, sink the heels down, sweep the arms to the sky, exhaling fold over your thighs with the hands kiss the ground and shake the crown out. Inhaling. Your left leg's gonna lunge all the way back. Let's root our hands vigorously and step into a down dog. Glide it forward into a plank. We're gonna lower down into Chiranga.

So use your knees if you need, but gaze forward and bend your elbows. And then curl over the toes, press into the hands, elevate the chest, lift up through the gaze, follow it to the crown of the head, Excel downward facing dog. Sync the heels down. Spread the toes out. Right? Like, we'll go straight up to the sky.

Need in the nose. Step it in between your hands this time. Find that pyramid post. So hop your left foot in a snidge, sink that left heel to the right, and squeeze your hips in. Grab one block. Put it outside your right leg.

And then inhale lengthen the chest with the leg straight, hands to the hips, exhale. Pull yourself up from your belly and ribs. Arms sweep to the sky. Find the lotus overhead. Okay. Can't see my hands, but I can find a back vent. Now interlace into unshakable trust drop the hands behind the crown and lift up, letting your gaze follow to the sky.

Exhale twist to the right side. So left elbow comes forward for me. Open your arms just like that tree. Palms are down. Reach for it on an in breath as you pull your right hip back at the same time, exhale left hand down to the block right arm to the sky, twist high.

So I'm pushing into my feet and into my left hand and then turning my chest and following my gaze to the right thumb, if you can. On an exhale, hands will come down towards the ground. Stretching everything out and taking a bow. Bend your right knee, lift your left heel high, Move that block out of the way and step into your downward facing dog on an in breath, travel it forward into a plank, Lower down halfway. You can use your knees, curl over the toes for a big upward facing dog.

And then downward facing dog. Left leg will go high to the sky, knee to the nose, pull it down the midline, step it in between your hands and hop that right foot in as much as you need to spin the heel down and find flat flat feet. So I straighten through the legs and pull my chest forward for a pyramid on an in breath hands to the hips on an exhale, come on up. Same thing. Arms will sweep. Find a lotus overhead.

On an exhale interlace, bringing the hands behind the head in your chest up to the ceiling. And then twist from your ribs, right elbow towards the midline left arm goes back. In fact, keep that squeeze. Let your arms go wide. And then inhale, reach, reach, reach, your right hand forward past that left eye.

Bring the hand down. Grab that block. Place it outside that left foot and anchor your palm as you turn your chest up. So as I draw that left hip back and squeeze in from the roots, from the second chakra, I stabilize with my core and turn up from my heart, my throat, my gaze to see that left hand. On an exhalation, we're gonna bring the hands down and forward fold right over that line.

Following the crow. Bend your left knee, lift your right heel high, and step it back to your downward facing dog. Final time here, we're gonna go hide into a plank. Knees, if you need, skip the vinyasa if you'd like, but lower halfway. If you do, and then curl over the toes for your upward facing dog on an exhale downward facing dog.

Take a smooth breath in, gaze up towards the navel, truly drop the head. And on the exhalation, let's place the knees to the ground. And sink our sitting bones back and down. I'd like you to grab your block for a dolphin prep. So take the block to the top of the mat on its lowest level for me and then envision you are holding it again like the beginning of class So my hands hold on to the sides of the blocks.

Now keeping that with your gaze towards the block Turn your palms down so that the index and thumb is now making an l. Hug your elbows in super tight close to the midline, and then keep the gaze forward and inhale lift your hips. Keep your gaze forward, tuck your toes, come into a dolphin pose, and then drop your head and gaze up towards the navel. From here, you can stay. This is such a great inversion for today.

If you'd like to play, keep the toes together for me and elevate just your right leg, but turn your gaze forward towards the block so you're not dropping down to the ground. Right foot can come down, and you play with that second side as you anchor the right toes, take your left leg high. And then left foot can come down, lower down through the knees, and untuck the toes to press right back in. To your child's pose. We're gonna do that one more time.

And this time, you might add a little hop So as I gaze forward, bring and melt the elbows down. Keep that point of gaze today. So I look forward towards the block as a focal point tuck the toes, elevate your knees, find your dolphin, and let your gaze shift towards your belly. Now from here, you can stay or gaze forward as you lift your right leg and maybe add a hop. Right foot can come down.

Left leg can come up. Maybe you add a hop or you grab your pincher, myrasana. Now if you come up flare through the toes, hug in through the navel with me, Squeeze the hips and feel from the toes through the crown of the head. The entire chakra system helping you to float. And find balance.

As you come down, whether it was dolphin or that pinch of my erosna, please lower the knees. Sync it back, elevate your elbows, and find that child's pose. Hands will Slide back to the legs. Bough your head all the way down. Have a moment to just relax through the crown.

We'll then roll to the crown of the head. Sweep your arms behind you. Interways and take those arms forward today to stretch your pecs. And then rolling back. Come on to the forehead with me.

Elevate your hips and lift. So from here, you might play with coming into full headstand to end. So arms to the sky. Again, it could be a dolphin. Find that lotus overhead in her lace. Bring the hands behind the head and lift up as high as you can.

Pull the elbows in down towards the belly and ribs. And let's lower the elbows, lower the forms, and come right into that hair position. Now from here, there's many ways to set up, but tucking the toes and just lifting the knees is a great place to start. Maybe you walk the toes in a bit and play with the drawing the heels towards the booty to find a little balance. Maybe you start to stack those hips with me, squeeze in, and take it all the way up into your headstand practice.

Focusing your gaze, finding length, and more than anything, just playing with the sensations, of getting out of your head and into your body. So noticing all these components to the yoga practice that help us to shift our perspective on things. You can hold this headstand for a moment if you are upside down. But when you do decide to come out, come out nice and slow. Let's be mindful to lowering with control.

Bringing the toes down, lowering the knees, and right back into that child's pose like nothing happened. Take a moment and feel what happens to the body from just trying to balance or finding that balance. It's a lot of work, and it's something we have to do consistently in order to really find the benefits. In hell case for it. Take that block out of the way if it's still at the top. And then roll on to your belly with me.

Bend your right knee like a tree. Take your right hand to the ground. Take your left hand to the right knee and twist it out to end. Getting a nice little stretch through the front of the chest, the hips, everything, you could even straighten that right leg if you'd like. And then right hand will come back around.

Bring the hand down. Come on to your belly with me, and we'll switch. So left leg comes into a tree. I slide my right hand underneath to grab the knee and open it. As you open to the side, even feel the differences from right to left. Making this relationship with how it feels in the internal walls living in your skin And then left hand can come down, roll back onto the belly with me Slide that right hand out. Sweep the arms back.

Lift your legs. And then hands come down. Roll over the knees. Cross the shins, and we're setting up for Shavasana. So legs are gonna come forward.

Flex the feet. Sink the sitting bones down and now arms to the sky. Make a lotus. Find your flower crown, and then exhale forward fold, grabbing the big toes, ankle bones, and taking a bow. So it's like we come on our mat and We strip away all these little hairs to ourselves so that we can find our sparkle again. All the tools of breathing, focusing, moving, inhale lift your chest.

Excel rollback start to add a little bit more glitter in glam to our nervous system. Allowing us to truly embody ourselves again. Open the palms up to the sky, close the eyes, Make any adjustments you need to just allow the body to be. Take a smooth breath in, and let it out. Begin to deepen your breath.

And I'd like you to stay on your back today and slide one hand to the belly and one hand to the heart space. And with these willing hands open and ready to see taking a moment to feel from the tailbone through the crown, a sense of equanimity, from working with the subtle layers of our body as a way to connect to ourselves. Take a smooth breath in, open the mouth, let it out. Namaste.


Lauri K
3 people like this.
Wow but def not beginner!!
Catherine A
Hi Emilie, I have so enjoyed this whole series. But it's challenging at times and I agree with what Lauri posted above - more appropriate for Intermediate practitioners I'd have thought. Having said that, I have done most of the classes twice and felt amazing after them. Many thanks.......Catherine
Emilie P
1 person likes this.
Thank you for the feedback Catherine A. I will ask that they be marked as intermediate as they were intended to be! 
Emilie P
2 people like this.
Thank you for the feedback Lauri K! I will ask that they be marked as intermediate. xoxo
Kate M
3 people like this.
Glad to see that these will be classified as Intermediate, especially as that was Emilie's intent : )
I enjoyed the creative sequencing here, and the imaginative and evocative use of the hasta mudras.
Thank you Emilie P !
2 people like this.
Hello! Lauri KCatherine A and Kate M Angel from Yoga Anytime here. I'm so happy that your are practicing with us!  Thank you for your feedback, you are all correct, these classes are meant to be labeled Intermediate and that change has been made accordingly. Hope you are enjoying this challenge! 
Christel B
1 person likes this.
I'm delighted by the creative sequencing and the satisfaction of a full well balanced class. I'm excited for the future classes.
Lenise Jay
Thank you, that was wonderful!
great flow, just what I needed after spin class this morning!
Oh my gosh! I loved the revolved pyramid near the end! That reach forward first gave me so much more room than I'm used to! 

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