Good Mitnick, and welcome. I'm so glad you're here. This practice is designed to touch all those kinda sticky, tight spots in the body, like the shoulders mostly. And then the hamstrings, the hips, the whole body. So join me in a sukhasana. And also for this practice, it might be nice to have Two Blocks with you nearby.
Come into sukhasana, shin to shin. Just start to ease, and let's take an inhale together, exhale soft in the face of the jaw. You might stay here. You might be gonna walk your hands forward ease into your strretch into your body a little side to side. It might feel nice to spread the fingers wide in how draw the heart forward, exhale soft, and then release the back of the head and neck.
Swap the hands over to the right feeling into the outer left hip and side body in how length and draw the heart forward. Exhale. Release. Walk the hands back to center. Let's roll up nice and slowly and reach the right arm out in how the left arm up. Take a moment to pause and just lengthen side to side reaching. You might stay here.
You might tip it all the way over onto your right forearm. Let your left hip and sit bone lift as you reach through the arm. We'll inhale and then exhale elbow to knee, draw it in inhale reach away lengthen x exhale, elbow, and knee. Let's do one more inhale. Exhale draw it in. Extend reach. As you're ready, inhale come all the way back Let's take a few shoulder rolls up back and down.
Oh, that feels nice. And lean back. Just switch the cross to your legs, easing your way forward again. Spread the fingers wide inhale draw the heart forward exhale soften and release. You might take a nice breath into the back body. Walking the hands over to your left, root through the fingers, inhale draw the heart forward, exhale soften and release, breathing into the outer right hip, and how back the center slow roll on up.
Bring the left hand out and held the right arm up towards the sky lean a little bit forward and back lengthening out of the waist. You might stay here to put on over to your left forearm. Reach through the arm and how lengthen Exale release. Ramirez in how we'll reach him and exhale elbow to knee draw it in and then feel how you can extend and lengthen inhale draw it in. Exhale extend reach.
One more. Jot in. Exhale reach and lengthen. Stay a nice full breath. As you're ready on the inhale, come all the way back up. And a few more shoulder rolls up back and down.
Let's transition into a tabletop coming on to the hands, the knees, spread the fingers wide cat, cow, inhale, lead with the heart feel that extension. Exhale, curl around, stretch your back chin towards the chest, inhale, lead with the heart lengthen, exhale, curl, and round. Maybe draw the hips back towards the heels a few more rounds, moving at your own pace, with the breath. Softening your gaze inward. You might tuck your toes under.
You might allow for any movement through the body. Maybe spinning the fingers out wide on the mat or spinning the fingers towards the knees wrist away, which can be pretty flavorful for the wrists and the hands, taking this time to move and explore. And then as you're ready, spin the fingers forward, spread the fingers wide. Let's extend back through our right leg. Tuck the toes under lean a little bit forward and back, waking up the back leg, coming into a side plank root through the left hand, stack the left shoulder over the left wrist.
Reach your right arm up. And just take a moment to pause here as you lengthen. 3 arm circles, sweeping the top arm down, overhead, and up. 2 more. Sweep it down, over, and up, down over, and up, pause as you lengthen. And then we'll draw it in.
Bend draw the elbow towards the knee and then re reach. Bend and re reach. Last one. Bend elbow to knee. Rereach pause from here. You might reach the top arm and begin to lift your leg up and see how that feels. Maybe bring the hand behind the head and then elbow to knee and reach 2 more elbow to knee for fun and reach last one. Elbowdeny, reach our leg, and then release it down.
Nice work. Cat cow a few times might feel nice for your body. In how length and exhale rounding. Easing into the other side, extend back for your left leg, tuck the toes under feeling into the back of the leg, root through the right hand, stack the right shoulder over the right wrist as you open side plank variation, extend up through the left arm. Reaching from the heart into the hands.
From here, sweep the left arm down over and lengthened. 2 more big circles, reaching and lengthening. Last one reach, lengthen. From here, we'll bend left elbow towards the left knee crouching and then extend and reach. 2 more reaching, lengthening, and then, Ben, last one, reach.
From here, you might lift your top left hand and leg, and then hand might come behind the head as you bring left elbow left knee. Extend. 2 more left elbow left knee. Reach. Last one. Playing with our balance. Extend. Reach the top arm and the leg. Inhale.
And then exhale. Release back into tabletop. Let's tuck the toes under this time. Walk our hands back towards the thighs, stretching the soles of the feet. You might draw the circles up back and down a few times circling out through the wrists might feel nice and fluid.
Both directions. And then let's meet in a downward dog. Spread the fingers wide, set your knees, tuck the toes, up and back downward dog. Pedal out through the feet, feel the back of the neck releasing here from downward dog, inhale forward into a Alana, shoulders over the wrists, reach back through the heels forward through the heart, Let's lower the knees and come down to sink pose. Walk the forms underneath you.
Arms about shoulder width apart. Feel how you can use your arms to draw the chest forward traction the spine. Nice and broad through the chest. Lengthening out of the low back. You might stay here.
Draw your chin to your chest. Maybe roll the right ear towards the right shoulder. Rolling the chin back to the chest, roll the left ear, left shoulder. And you might do this a few times. Just scratching, breathing into your neck.
As you roll the chin back to the chest will inhale together and then exhale slow, release, draw the hands and tuck the toes under press up onto the knees, and then back into downward facing dog. Let's lower the knees for a moment, find a child's pose, walk the hands forward. From here, you might find a prayer pose with the hands, drawing the elbows towards each other, softening the forehead towards the earth, press the palms together, breathing into the shoulders. You're welcome to stay here. Release the hands.
Easing our way back and up, downward facing dog. From downward dog, walk the feet towards the hands. Nice and easy. Bend the knees forward fold. Feel the weight of the head drops off. Bend through the knees.
Let the arms dangle here. You might roll the shoulders up back and down a few times. And as you're ready, soft bend through the knees, tune into the chest, low. Just let yourself roll up, stacking the bones, feeling the heart, Feeling the shoulders, feeling the head, take a moment to pause, let the blood, then drop back down into the feet, into the earth. As you're ready, we'll interlace the fingers, stretch the arms up towards the eye and feel how you can ground through the feet, just length and through the side body.
Maybe a soft bend through your elbows will inhale and just take it up out and over to the right. Press through your left foot, reaching up. And how back to center over to your left ground through your right foot. In how back to center release the arms, roll the shoulders forward, find the interlace, and how lift the heart stay here, or exhale bend your knees forward fold. Chest towards the thighs. Let the head go.
Stretch the arms up out and over. A nice full breath into the shoulders as you lift the shoulders up towards the sky. Beautiful. As you're ready, just slow, release the hands down towards the earth, soft, and through the knees, we'll roll up together, stacking the bones, feeling the heart, Feeling the shoulders, feeling the head. Again, take a moment to pause, find a centering breath at the top of your mat. From here as we move it through sun salutations, you might set your two blocks up on either side of your mat, bring the hands together at the heart spread the toes.
Let's inhale together. Exhale release. As you're ready in house circle the arms up, exhale forward, full release ahead. Inhale half arch, lengthen the spine, exhale, bend your knees to back Alana pose, pause, and your Alana, inhale, exhale, lower down. Point the toes, inhale COBRA roll the shoulders up back and down. Lift the heart.
Exhale. Release. Check the toes. Press up. Downward facing dog. Three breaths here. Softbend through the knees.
Look forward. Walk the feet forward. Once you arrive inhale half arch, Exhale forward full ground through the feet in house circle the arms up. Gather and reach. Exhale hands together at the heart, pause for a moment.
Adding on inhale arms reach up. Exhale forward fold release. Inhale half arch lengthen. Exhale then the knees step back Alana pose, pause in your Alana, inhale, exhale lower as you choose point the toes, inhale, cobra, or up dog, lift, exhale, downward facing dog. Pausing here as you breathe.
Together, we'll inhale reach the right leg high, and then exhale step the right foot through between the hands for a lunge. And here's where the blocks might be nice as you bring them in. And then press for the ball, the right foot Mitnick, extend through your right leg, exhale, bend your knee runner's lunge. Press for the ball, the foot pyramid, and lunge. One more.
Press and reach, extend, lower down. Let's lower the back left knee down, finding the hamstrings, inhale. Draw the hips back half split, exhale sink into your lunge. 2 more inhale hips draw back. Breathing into the hamstrings, exhale sinking to your lunge. Last one. Inhale.
Drop back. Exhale. Sing in low stay here. Your inhale. Reach your arms up low crescent lunge. Feel that lift from the back of the heart, cobra through the back of the heart.
Palms face forward inhale exhale cactus the arms. Inhale reach up, x hale cactus the arms open the chest. One more inhale. Exhale cactus. Inhale reach the arms up.
Exhale release the hands. Tuck the back toes. Lift the back knee. Twisting lunge. Sweep that top right arm forward and up.
Reach back for the ball of your left foot forward through the heart by no wonderful twist here in the ankle. Excel release the right hand down. Let's come over to hammock. So walk your hands, your feet over to the left, root through your fingers, and begin to draw your hips, sitting bones away from your hands, softening the heart towards the earth, feel the back of the neck release. It's a nice stretch for the hamstrings, the spine.
As you're ready, find the shape of the lunge again, walk the hands forward, spin onto the ball of the back left foot, You might bring your blocks to the side as you step back downward facing dog. From downward dog, inhale forward Alana. Post pause in your plank. Exhale lower the knees or Chaturanga, inhale cobra or up dog, exhale downward facing dog. From downward dog as you're ready and now lift the left leg high, exhale step it forward for your lunge. Pause.
Bring your blocks in if you'd like. Pearment. Press for the ball of your left foot straight in the left leg. Exhale, bend the left knee, find your runner's lunch. 2 more. Pyramid, press through the ball, the left foot. Exhale lunch.
Last one. Pyramid. Extend. Exale lunge. Lower the back knee. In how draw the hips back half split. Exhale sink low. 2 more inhale hips drop back. Extend.
Sinking. Last one inhale hips drop back. Exhale sinking from here in house sweep the arms up. Feel that leg through the eyed body that lift through the back of the heart. Point the hands forward.
Inhale reach exhale cactus. Inhale arms reach, exhale cactus. One more inhale arms reach. Exhale cactus the arms, inhale arms reach, sweep the hands down, tuck the back toes under, twisting lunge, sweep the left arm forward as you reach back through the right heel forward through the heart, Heart the hands, inhale, exhale, come into the hammock, walk the hands, the feet forward to the right. You might walk the hands forward as you soften the hips towards.
The back, softening the heart towards the earth. Easy in the net. Take your time as you're ready. Travel back to the top of the mat, shape of the lunge, and then step back downward facing dog. From downward dog, inhale forward into your Alana.
Exhale lower as you choose inhale cobra or upward dog. Exhale downward facing dog. Three breaths here. Soft, bend through the knees, reaching up through the sitting bones, back to the next soft. As you're ready, bend the knees, walk or hop forward.
Once you arrive, inhale half arch lengthen, exhale forward fold. Bend the knees in house sweep your arms up, lengthen, and exhale hands together at the heart. Take a moment to pause and notice. From here, let's find a variation of Srianamaskar b. As you're ready, chair pose, utkatasana, bend your knees Sweep your arms forward and up.
Inhale. Exhale. Forward full. Release the head in the arms. Inhale. Half arch lengthen. Exhale.
Bend the knees. Find your plank and pause. Inhale and plank. Exhale lower inhale cobra or upward dog, and then exhale downward facing dog as you're ready. Inhale reach the right leg high. Exhale step it through for your lunge, and this time we'll lower the back knee down.
You might bring your blocks in if you'd like. Inhale rise up low crescent lunge. You might stay here, bring the hands behind the head as you open the lungs, the heart, inhale, exhale, reach the arms up. Exale release the hands, and then draw the hips back again half split. Ben, then you will set up for a warrior 1.
Lift the back knee, pivot onto the outer edge of your back left foot. A low and strong on the legs as you inhale rise up into your warrior 1. See how you can draw the right hip back, lengthening here, draw the front ribs in, the tailbone draws under. Let's begin to straighten straighten out through the leg, front leg, reach the arms out, and then we'll bend the knee, front knee, and bring the hands to the heart, and then open up through the arms, straighten the front leg and bend. Open and bend. One more.
Press for the ball, the right foot, open the arms. Bend, bring the hands together, reach the arms out wide straight, and the leg room to roll the shoulders forward, interlace the fingers behind the back, bend the knee open the chest, stay here, or devotional warrior, lean forward, bring that inner right shoulder to the inner right thigh. Feel like you can hog the outer right knee in, releasing the head, breathing, stay low in the legs as you inhale rise back up warrior 1. Release the hand spin onto the ball, the back foot, sweep that right arm up, twisting lunge, release the hand down, walk it over for hammock to the left, turn the toes, and walk the hands forward. Reach the hips back soft and the heart towards the earth back of the neck releases.
Now as you're ready, walk the hands forward shape of the lunge, step back downward facing dog. You might stay here or inhale forward Alana, exhale lower, inhale cobra or updog, lift, and lengthen, exhale, release, downward facing dog. As you're ready, inhale. Lift your left leg up. Exhale. Step it forward for the lunge.
From here, lower the back knee down, crescent lunge, inhale arms reach up. Lengthening. You might stay here. Bring the hands behind the head as you open. Inhale. Exhale release.
Straub hips back. Extend half split. Artahane Munasana. Setting up for a warrior 1, bend the front knee pivot onto the outer edge of your back foot. Stay low in the legs as you inhale rise up. Warrior 1, drawing the left hip back, right, hit forward. Lengthen.
And then press through the ball, the left foot, open the arms. We're gonna inhale, exhale, bend the left knee hands to the heart. Inhale. Open lengthen. Exhale bend, inhale open, exhale bend, and more inhale open, and hands together, straighten the legs, reach arms out roll the shoulders forward interlace, maybe opposite, knockle on top, bend the left knee in how lift the heart, exhale root through the outer edge of the back foot devotional warrior, left forearm to the inner left leg.
Releasing the weight of the head. Strong for the legs as you're ready, inhale rise back up warrior 1, exhale, release the hands, twisting lunge, reach the left arm forward as you circle it. Inhale. Release the left hand. Walk the feet. The hands over to the right hammock.
Root through the finger softening towards the earth. From here, walking back, travel top of the mat shape of the lunge, step back downward facing dog. We might stay here in hell forward to plank pose, Exhale lower as you choose knees or chedaranga inhale, cobra, or up dog, exhale downward facing dog. Pausing here for 3 breaths. As you're ready, walk the feet forward, the top of the mat.
In how half arch lengthen exhale bend the knees forward fold, utkatasana chair post spread the toes, bend the knees in hell, reach the arms forward. Inhale, exhale, press through the feet, come all the way up reach, releasing the arms, bring the hands together at the heart. Just take a moment to pause here. Finding a sun salutation to the earth, inhale arms reach, exhale forward fold, soft, and release, inhale rise, half arch length, then Exhale, bend the knee step back Alana. Front plank. Let's lower all the way down.
Cool, bra. Point the toes. Roll the shoulders up back and down. Inhale. Lift the heart. Exhale, really stretch the arms alongside the body. Draw the feet in for Shalabasana Locust. In how begin to lift the heart, lift the legs, reach the fingers towards the toes.
And drawing the back body into the spine, feeling your strength in how it brings you up, exhale lower down, and before head or one cheek, ear to the earth. Stay here second round. Forehead finds the earth, inhale rise up. You might reach the fingers. You might interlace the fingers behind the back as you lift and open.
And hell brings you up, exhale, lowers, maybe forehead or opposite cheek and ear to the earth. As you feel into your body, you might find a third round you might set up for Donna Alana Bo pose as you bend the knees, reach back for your feet, draw your legs towards each other. And as you inhale lift the heart kick into your legs and begin to lift the chest, the heart up, off the floor, will twinkle through your toes. You might rock forward and back here, long through the neck, inhale, brings you up, exhale, lowers you down, child's pose, bring the hands underneath you, round, round, round. Nice little counter pose here releasing towards the earth. Giving yourself permission to stay a bit longer as you're ready, shoulders over the wrist, setting up for a thread, the needle for the shoulders.
In how reach your left arm up, exhale, thread, the left arm all the way through coming onto the left side of the head. Press down through the right palm. You might stay here. It might feel nice to extend out for your right leg. Bring the right foot out in line with the hip.
You might begin to stretch your right arm as you lengthen overhead. Oh, pressing through the top of the left hand as you open the chest. Breathing here. Breathing into your left shoulder. Say as long as you like as you're ready to release, slide the right palm underneath.
You press through the hand. Draw the right knee in and head heavy. Just slowly unwind back to tabletop. Other side in house. Stretch the right arm up to the sky, exhale thread it through.
Stay here. Extend out for your left, but maybe stretch the left arm overhead as you root through the fingers. Spy, really rotating the heart, the lungs, breathing. Might play with pressing down through the top of the right hand a bit. Breathing. Honoring your timing as you're ready, slowly unpack the pose, bring the left hand underneath. You draw the left knee and press through the left hand slowly unwind.
Spread the finger swine. You might take a few rounds of cat cow after that. Moving the spine. We'll meet on our back. Just transition onto your back.
Draw your knees into your chest rock a little bit from side to side. You know, it's set up for our bridge pose. Bring the heels underneath you in line with sitting bones, arms down alongside the body, inhale, exhale, draw the tailbone under and up, press through the feet, lifting up. Maybe you draw the shoulders under the back as you find that interlace again, opening up through the chest. Feeling the strength and support of your legs, your bones, feeling that buoyancy up through the heart and the lungs, As you breathe.
When you're ready to release, release the fingers, come high up onto the balls of your feet, lift the heel. Stretch your arms up towards the sky. And then slowly round through the spine upper back, mid back, low back as you stretch your arms overhead. Feeling that nice, sweet traction, To heal the feet wide, windshield wiper the legs side to side. Find that ease in your neck as you breathe into where you feel it nice and fluid.
Through your hips, through your spine, lengthening the side body, feeling that nice stretch through the diaphragm down through the thigh, so as Nice. You might stay with windshield wipers a bit longer. If there's anything else, your body is calling for taking the time to round out your practice. You feel ready. Might draw your knees into your chest and rock from side to side.
And then extend the legs out for Shavasana. You might choose to rest in Shavasana today. We're easier way up for a seat. It's closing your practice with a short seat, centering, meaning the alignment of your body just right for you. Softening your gaze and word.
Are you resting within? You're right. Where you are, begin to join your hands together at your heart, breathing in with an exhale soft bow, forward, and in towards the heart. Namaste. Thank you so much for joining me. Have a beautiful day.
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