Good Morning Yoga with Alana Artwork
Season 8 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 8

1 min - Show Intro


Welcome to Season 8! From hip-opening flows to shoulder-freeing sequences, each class is thoughtfully designed to energize and prepare you for the day ahead. Whether you're seeking strength, flexibility, or mindfulness, this series provides a balanced approach to morning yoga that caters to various skill levels and preferences.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Feb 03, 2025
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A morning yoga practice is a beautiful way to set yourself up for the day. Some mornings we wanna flow and generate heat and other mornings we might wanna ground and center ourselves. Hi. I'm Alana. Welcome to season 8 of good morning yoga with Alana on yoga anytime. This season is designed to awaken self compassion, curiosity, and a sense of embodied awareness through mindful, feel good yoga strategies.

These practices are around 30 minutes, giving us the time and space to target the shoulders, the hips, the hamstrings, all the areas in the body that need our attention. Together, we create more breathing room around the sticky spots in the body offering release and inspiring a flow of energy and freedom with the invitation to meet yourself where you are wholeheartedly. Let's drop in.


Jenny S
6 people like this.
YES!!!  Alana is back baby!  I'm so happy you are here with a new season of one of my favorite shows 🥳. I revisit these practices all of the time and they never get old.  This is a bright spot in the midst of these "interesting" times for sure!
Alana Mitnick
Awe... Jenny S ! Thank you so much for the warm welcome back! I am SO over-themoon to be back with my Yoga Anytime family, sharing the teachings and practices of Yoga. I deeply appreciate your presence, positivity, and insight. You are such a GIFT to our online community! XoA
Beth F
1 person likes this.
Alana!!! So happy to see you back with some new practices. Really looking forward to trying these out! 
Alana Mitnick
Beth F - Hi Beth! Wonderful to receive your message. I am so delighted to practice Yoga together! I look forward to hearing how these practices feel for you. Love, Alana 

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