Yoga for Vitality Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 7

Power Full

30 min - Practice


Robert Sidoti invites you to embrace challenges and emerge stronger through a dynamic power yoga flow. This transformative practice encourages practitioners to lean into intensity while maintaining mindful self-care, creating space to expand beyond comfort zones. Through a sequence featuring warrior 3, half moon, side plank, fallen triangle, and twisting side angle poses, this energetic flow guides students into a state of empowered movement and focused awareness.
What You'll Need: Block

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Hey there. Welcome to yoga Anytime. My name is Robert, and this might feel like a bit of a power yoga class. What this class might ask of you and I is to lean into some of the challenges. So you may be challenged at certain moments. Let's lean into them while taking good care of ourselves.

Alright? That's the my encouragement today. Because if we can kinda lean into the challenge, we might just feel a little bit better on the other side, a little more stronger, a little more accomplished and confident. So Why not? Right? But before we begin moving, let's center ourselves and really like connect to our mat, to our space, to our breath, to our body, and intention. So Organize your seat in a way where you can sit nice and tall. You can pull the shoulders back and open up the heart a bit.

Find more space for the lungs to breathe. So I encourage you to inhale always through the nose, unless you have some restriction and exhale through the nose, unless you need a big releasing exhale, and that way you open the mouth. Okay? So Let's take a few breaths together roughly three or four seconds on the inhale and three or four seconds on the exhale. Continue with that, find a little rhythm and a flow, bringing the palms up to receive. Inhale, and exhale. One more because we can, reason, nice and full, and exhale it all away.

Okay. Now, almost reluctantly, we'll start moving. I feel like I'd like to sit a little bit longer, but we're gonna move into downward dog and we'll begin this Nice opportunity to stretch and move and breathe and put it all together. Alright. So bend your knees. Push the chest toward the knees, tailbone nice and high.

And like straighten the right leg, bend the left, then straighten the left leg, bend the right. You can straighten the right, bend the left and send your hips deeply to the left, opposite sides have been the right leg straight and left, and send your hips to the right. Now, lift your right leg high, Give it up as, like, as high as you can, and as straight as you can, point through the toes, lower it about halfway, keep the left leg kind of bent, and exhale lift the right leg. So you can kind of feel that right glute start to activate. And the glute is the butt muscle region. Just do a few of those to turn those muscles on.

Those Musculos. Good. Now, open the hips. So, bend the right leg. Open the hip. Maybe come up onto the right fingertips. Find some space.

Through there. Take advantage of the space you're creating in your body to breathe into it. Right knee to right elbow plank. That's the exhale. Inhale, open up to where you just were, that three legged dog open hip, and then exhale square the hips and knee to elbow.

Just a couple more. Get a little heat going. Exale, knee to elbow. Up high, hip open, feel the stretch, the opening, and then a little bit of work here, plank knee to elbow, pause, slide that knee up a little bit higher, look at your right pinky and step your right foot to your right pinky. So nice and wide.

Take the right arm, reach it up high. Open up here. Good. Bring the right hand back down. Flirt with straightening the right leg a bit, maybe lifting the upper portion of your foot off the mat, and driving through the heel. Then bending back deeply into that right leg, right knee, adding the twist again, open up, breathe in.

Good breathe out. Maybe straighten that leg again. When I say straighten, just straighten it to your degree. Doesn't have to lock out. Or be super straight.

Bending, straightening. One more twist. Open up. Maybe even drop that left tip down a bit. Open that right knee out to the side. Perfect.

Bring it on down. Back to that three legged dog with the hip open. Step the right foot back behind you, flip your dog. Right leg stays bent, left leg. Straight, press up. Open up. Reach back behind you.

Good. Maybe come up and down a couple times. And inhale down, exhale up, or reverse the breath, exhale down, inhale up. Okay. Back over to three legged dog. Now, bring the right knee toward the left elbow and shoot the right leg out toward the side as you pin the left heel down, fallen angel, Think they call it that. So many names for different poses, but let's lower down, bend the left leg and press back up. Good. Lower down and press back up.

One more time. Press. Good. Now, lower with control back over to downward facing dog, and then gradually lifting your right leg high. Breathe in, breathe out, step it through to your right thumb. High lunge, organizing your way from the ground up, rise up, softly bend your back knee, draw the tailbone down.

Let's cactus the arms. Reach the arms high. Breathe in. Breathe out. Open arm twist. Good. Nice and strong through the legs.

Palms up, palms down your choice. Reverse that softly bend the back knee, maybe look back toward the back of the mat, graze the left leg with the right fingers and send the left arm high. Good. K. Back over to center. Find your focal point for warrior three.

Launch up. Find the stability and balance in that right leg and then extend into the posture. Extending the left leg back, point through the toes, lengthen the spine, steady. Now a little no hand half moon, let's try. If it feels natural to bring the hand all the way down to the mat, do so.

We're gonna take that left hip, open it up, and bring the right hand down in the direction of the ground, steadying your focal point, balance. Balance. Left arm high. I'm gonna try to cook this leg a little bit. Bring your hands to your heart.

Steady, steady, steady, come all the way up to stand. Wow. Nice. Bring your left knee high, high, high. Option to bring the arms overhead. Keep that core nice and engaged.

Option to straighten the left leg. With control, bend the left leg, softly bend the right, hands to heart, step back into your high lunge. Power lunge reach the arms overhead, lengthen the spine lean forward. Hans to heart, breathe in, a little more length in the spine, breathe out, turn and twist to the right without hooking. So hover that left arm over the right thigh, then inhale back to center exhale, twist and hover.

Good. Inhale back to center. Exhale twist. Now try to hook the left elbow over the right thigh. Okay. I like to use a little assist there always. Palms together, thumbs toward the chest. Guh, gaze, comfortable, breath.

Make sure you've got some freedom in the neck. Okay. Slowly come back out. Bring the arms overhead, inhale. On the exhale, plant the palms down onto the mat, step back into plank pose, exhale lower, inhale for your back bend, Exale downward dog. Moving to plank.

Shift the heels over to the left, stack or stagger your feet, side plank. Try bringing the right hand behind the head, maintain the side plank stability, but bring the right elbow down in the direction of the left forearm, twisting a bit through the thoracic spine, open up. Thoracic meaning kinda upper mid. Bring it down. Inhale it up.

One more time. So exhale, twist. Inhale rise. Super good, back to plank, shift over to the right side. Left hand behind the head, inhale open up, exhale, twist and rotate. Inhale up, Exale twist and rotate.

Inhale. And exhale. Inhale up. Back to plank. And to downward facing dog.

Alright. Left side. So left leg lifts. Keep it pretty straight as you kind of pulse the left leg up and down a few times. Point through those toes, keep your left leg pretty active and try to find that engagement of the left butt muscle region, the glutes. It's like trying to find a way to turn those muscles on, get them engaged.

Open the hip, square the hip, and work the left knee toward the left elbow and plank for five, inhale up and open. Exale for, inhale up and open, exhale three. Exhale two. Get that full extend and open. Oh, exhale one.

Send it up one more time. Open up, look at your left pinky and step the left foot up toward the pinky. So a nice wide stance here. Take the left arm, reach it high, so a lunge twist option. Bring the left hand down on the inside of that left foot and begin to flirt with what's available in those hamstring muscles on the left leg there, by straightening and bending.

Add the twist again, reach from the bent left leg, lunge position, twist open. You can even drop that right hip down a tiny bit, open the left knee. Get a little more spacious here. Bring the left arm back down. Send the left leg back up into three legged dog, open the hip and step back into flip dog, just like the other Sidoti.

Extend the right leg, press up for three down, press up for two. Good job. And up full expression of that flip dog. Good with control, come back over to a little knee hover table top into dog pose, lifting the left leg high, left knee toward the right elbow, so crossing, now pin the right heel down, shoot the left leg out to the side, fallen angel, press up for three. Four, two.

And one full expression, your expression Good. Now slowly come back out that hovering knee position, right, table, dog pose, lift the left leg up, breathe in, step the left foot up to the front of the mat, high lunge. Reach the arms overhead, bend the elbows, cactus the arms, pause, find your breath, find your ground, on your alignment. Now inhale reach the arms high, exhale open arm twist to the left. Exhaling, continuing to twist from the core, now softly reach back and reach up with the right arm. Feel that stretch up through the right side.

Back over to center, press the palms together at the heart. Warrior three. Shorten your stance just a tiny bit just to make it a little more accommodating for the transition, find your drifty and launch. Find the balance and then fully extend into the pose. Softly bend that left knee, open the hip into a no handhold, half moon, Exand and open while grounding with control, hands back to the heart, squaring off the hips, coming to stand tall, lifting the right knee high, Inhale here, bring the arms overhead as you do that, exhale straighten that right leg out, nice and strong, hands back to the heart, with control, step back into high lunge.

Wow. Nice landing. Perfect. Arms overhead breathe in. Power lunge, breathe out. Hands to heart.

Breathe in, lengthen the spine. Breathe out twist to the left, hover that elbow over the thigh. Good. Inhale back to neutral. XL.

Twist back to center. Last one. Twist and hook that right elbow across the thigh. Pull those belly muscles in. Get a nice good grip there.

Find some space in the neck. So powerful lunge with the twist. Good for your spine, your midsection. Slowly come out. Reach the arms up inhale.

Let's exhale. Hands to the mat. Step back into plank. Lower down, vinyasa upward, cobra, or dog, downward facing dog. Good. Blank pose.

Side plank once again, stack your feet if you can. Let's flirt with lifting the right leg up a tiny bit. Just asking a little bit more from those legs. Good, back over to plank, shift over to the right side, stack the feet, lift the left arm, engage that right leg like crazy, and lift the left leg. Good. Back over to center.

Dog pose, exhale. Grab a few breaths. I'm gonna walk to the front of the mat. Perfect, half lift, breath in, and breath out fold. Slowly rise up.

Reaching the arms up overhead as you inhale and exhale hands to heart. Bring the arms down by your Sidoti. Walk your feet out toward hip width. Now, send your hips back like you're coming into chair pose. So sit nice and low or like we're skiing. Right?

Now take the left hand, wrap it around the right knee, and place the left forearm on top of the left knee. So this ensures that your hips stay nice and centered as you take the right arm and reach it high. So you're strong in the base, and you get that lovely rotation and opening. Now bring the right hand down and kind of switch it. Grab hold to the left knee, rest it on the knee, the four or the elbow on the knee, and then lengthen the spine and twist to the left.

Good. And we'll go back and forth. Inhale up with the right, then switch it up, inhale up with the left. Switch it up, inhale up with the right. Switch it up. One more left. Breathe in.

And breathe out. Good. Now, forward fold, half lift inhale, and fold exhale. Rise up inhale, reach the arms overhead, stretch your entire body, exhale hands to heart. Good. Now he'll toe your feet together So this will be your traditional chair pose position. So, arm's gonna go straight out in front for now, send the seat back chair pose. Hands to heart, Take the left elbow, cross it over the right thigh, make sure the knees stay nice and centered with one another. I like to again use my right hand to kinda stabilize and hold.

Good. So look down. Everything's even, feet, knees, etc. Press the palms together and smile. Good. Try to keep that hook so that we can lean a little bit to the right leg and step back into the lunge. Super nice.

Now come out of the twist up into high lunge, bring the back heel down, open up into what would be a warrior two stance, extend the arms, bring the right forearm down onto the right thigh, extended side angle. Left palm facing down, strong in the legs. Reverse as you're reversing, you're straightening that front leg. So like a reverse triangle, reach up with the right hand. Breathe in.

Keeping a slight bend in your right knee. Pull the right hip back. Extend the right side of the body for a triangle pose. Ground the feet evenly. Search out the necessary stretch and tension.

Find the gaze, your breath. Bend into the right knee, reverse warrior, peaceful warrior, inhale, exhale, bring it all the way down, frame the front foot downward dog. Plank, five times each Sidoti. Just right knee, left knee, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left dog pose. Walk to the front of the mat, inhale half lift, and exhale fold.

The inhale rise up again. And exhale hands to heart. Try the other Sidoti, bring the arms down by your side, heel toe the feet together, sit down into your chair, bring the arms out in front for now, now bring the hands together at the heart, use your hand, whatever you need to do to hook that right elbow across the left thigh. Look down at the feet, even, yes, right knee pulled back to join the left. Palms together, prayer, twist, chair.

With control, step the right foot back. Adjust deepen as desired. Slowly with control out, reach up, inhale, high lunge, warrior two type stance just for a moment. Extended side angle. Hello there.

Nice. So the palm faces down. The right arm extends long. And you try not to lean too heavy on that left leg. Find some space. If you wanna work the core a little bit more, reach out. Reverse triangle pose. So reversing the straight leg, front leg, Good.

Triangle pose might shorten your stance a tiny bit for more stability. Pull the left hip back. Reach long through the left arm and side body. Left fingertips to the shin, calf, foot, or floor, right arm extends up. Breath is live.

In tension still present, leaning into the challenge, Good with control, bend the left knee, reverse warrior, reach up and back, big breath in, inhale, exhale, circle the arms down, downward facing dog, plank pose, finish off the strength here with five push ups. Inhale down, exhale up. Two, Three, four, five. Now, breathe in here. Breathe out, lower down. Left arm extends out.

Roll onto that left arm. Get a little shoulder stretch or a big shoulder stretch. Good. Twist over as far as you can. Releasing low backness.

Slowly back over. Go to the right side. Back over to center, cobra pose, up and down just one or two times here. Perfect. Child foes. All the way up. Last bit of effort here.

Camel reaches, lean back, raise the right heel with the right hand, reach the left arm high, come out of it a little bit, and then extend up and back. Perfect. Left arm. Man the right. Good. Now, come out of it, curl the toes under, reach for the right heel, reach for the left heel, Draw the tailbone, downward, push the hips forward, nice, and pull up on the heels, camel pose.

Open the shoulders a bit there. Good. With control, slowly back out. Back into tabletop. Gentle cat cow, emphasizing a little bit more of the cat.

One more time. Needs together point the toes back, child's pose. This will help to sort of create some space in the low back after some of the camel stuff. So breathe your belly into your thighs. Good. Slowly out. Come on to your seat.

Roll to your back, hug yourself, grab hold of the legs behind the behind the calves. Like, grab hold of the hamstrings and give yourself a big deep stretch for the low back. Rock and roll a little bit side to side. Take a moment to bring the feet down. And then pay close enough attention to see how you feel. And if there's anything else that's desiring that you're desiring and you wanna extend your practice, continue on by listening.

To the body. But if you're ready, come down into relaxation. Let's rest together for a few moments. If you put your hands on your body for this resting moment, right hand on the belly, left up on the chest, to the heart. Feel the heartbeat.

Your pulse, you're alive. We leaned into a couple challenges. We're on the other side of it. You showed up again. Let the body relax and rest.

Get full permission. Release the hands down by the sides. Pong freezing, let go. Rest as long as you'd like, or join me to sit and close. Right back where we started, seated, upright, breath, fluid, spacious, relaxed, palms up, to receive all of that gratitude.

So bring it into the palms, bring it into the heart, into your body, grateful for whatever just happened. Good, the bad, the falling out, the strong, the weak moments. We'll close with thank you and namaste.


Fabian H
1 person likes this.
maybe a little too much for me, but you always remind this 72 year old to challenge and have fun :))
Christel B
Ah nothing like a little invigorating practice. Feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. Thanks Robert.

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