The Vinyasa Show Artwork
Season 3 - Episode 3

Warm up Your Day

10 min - Practice


This sweet, simple flow can start your day or be a warm up to a longer practice. Jessica invites us to luxuriate in how good it feels to be in your body.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jul 20, 2015
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(waves crashing) Hi, welcome to Warm Up Your Day. You can use this practice as a way to start your day, short, sweet, simple, get going, or you can use it as a compliment, as a beginning to add on to any of the other sequences, as they're more distilled down to their essence. So, we'll start in Child's Pose. Bringing the hands forward, let the seat move back towards your heels, lowering the head on down. Extend the arms out nice and long, let the elbows lift off the mat, and even tent up the fingertips here, start to walk the fingertips forward so you get some nice opening along the side body.

Breathe here (breathing deeply), and then we'll relax the hands down but keep the energy strong through the arms. Start to tuck the chin in towards the chest and as you inhale, round and roll it forward. As you exhale, bend into the elbows, lowering your self all the way down. As you inhale, press into the hands, little baby Cobra. (inhales) Exhale, soften.

(exhales) Inhale, press into the hands, you're lifting yourself on up, and then exhale, shift on back Child's Pose. I'm doing that same thing, two more times. Inhale, rounding forward. As you exhale bend into the elbows, lower yourself on down. Inhale, press into the hands, little Cobra.

(inhales) Exhale, soften yourself back down. Inhale, press through the hands, lift up. Exhale, Child's Pose. Last one, inhale rounding forward. Exhale, lowering all the way down to the belly.

Inhale, Cobra. Exhale, soften to the belly. Inhale, lifting up, and then back Child's Pose. The next inhale, press yourself on up to all fours. Take the right arm out to the side, and then as you exhale, thread it on underneath the left, lowering the head on down.

You can stay here with the hand right by the face, supporting the neck, or you can walk the hand forward. And I like to press into the ground and reach just a little bit further, and get into the back of the heart. (breathing deeply) And draw your left hand back by the face, unthread, lift up, And exhale, lower the hand on down. And then other side, left hand comes out, inhale, exhale, Threading the Needle, other side. You can keep your right hand by the face-line, otherwise you can walk creep it forward, tent up onto the fingertips, press into that right hand, and reach with the left.

(breathing deeply) A breath or two here. And take the right hand back by the face, unthread the left, lift up, and lower the hand on down. Tucking the toes, lift the knees, coming to Downward Facing Dog, and then slowly start to walk the feet towards the hands, coming to the front of your space, Forward Folding Uttanasana. Find a few breaths here, shake the head out, yes and no, yes and no. I like to bend into the knees even, let the belly move towards the thighs, you can always add in more straight legs later.

(breathing deeply) And then a slow rounding rolling all the way on up, take your time, don't get dizzy. Inhale, reach the arms on up overhead, and exhale hands come to the heart. Take your feet at a comfortable distance for you, Hatha Surya Namaskar, we'll inhale, take the arms on up, Upward Salute, and then as you exhale pass your center line, so move third-eye heart down towards the floor. Inhale, extension through the spine, as you exhale the hands ground, your right leg goes back long, lower the knee, release the toe, and then inhale arms come all the way up. Exhale, hands come down.

Step back, Plank Pose. Push forward into the toes, lower the knees, the heart, and chin, Ashtanga Namaskara. And then inhale, releasing the toes, pull forward, Bhujangasana. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog (breathes deeply), inhale the right leg comes high, step through, Anjaneyasana, back knee is down. Release the back toe, inhale, arms come on up.

Exhale, the hands come down. Inhale to step forward, left foot meets the right, Forward Folding. Inhale, arms come all the way on up, Upward Salute. Exhale, hands to the heart. Inhale, Upward Salute, arms overhead.

Exhale, folding on down, Uttanasana. Inhale, extension through the spine. Exhale, hands ground, left foot moves long, lowering the back knee, releasing the toe. Inhale, arms come on up, Anjaneyasana. Exhale, hands come down, step back, Plank Pose.

Push forward into the toes, lower the knees, the heart, and the chin on an exhale. Inhale pulling forward, Cobra. Exhale as you Downward Dog. Inhale, take the left leg high, step through, Anjaneyasana, back knee comes down. Inhale, the arms come on up.

Exhale, hands come down. Step forward on an inhale, front of your space. Exhale, fold on in. Inhale, rising on up, Upward Salute. Exhale, hands come to the heart.

Take a few rounds of Surya A. Inhale, arms come on up. Exhale, center line. Inhale, extension through the spine. Exhale, grounding the hands.

So, you can take straight into Chaturanga. You can also modify and come into Plank. Upward Facing Dog (breathing deeply) as an inhale. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Breathe here, good five breaths.

If you need it to be stationary and solid, right staying here, breathing, if you need a little bit of movement, feel free to explore that as well. (breathing deeply) Come back to your breath. (breathing deeply) On the next inhale take the gaze forward. Exhale, bend into the knees, if you're a hopper, hop, otherwise step, walk yourself forward to the front of your space, inhale, exhale, release. Inhale, rise on up, Upward Salute.

Exhale, hands to the heart. One more time, just like that. Inhale, arms come on up. Exhale, fold on down. Inhale, extension through the spine, can modify, coming into Plank, or straight back into Chaturanga.

Upward Facing Dog with the inhale. Down Dog with the exhale. Breathing here. (breathing deeply) The inhale, gaze comes forward. Exhale, bend into the knees, step or hop, front of your space.

Inhale when you get there. Exhale, fold. Rise all the way on up, Upward Salute. And exhale, hands to the heart. Take a moment here, ground through your feet, plug the thumbs into the sternum, the gaze be soft or the eyes close.

A moment, collecting the breath, coming back home. (breathing deeply) Opening the eyes, you're all done, have a great day.


Kim Detamore
1 person likes this.
This is great. For me, it fits at the beginning of a morning before work when I may not always make enough time for a longer session. Thank you
Kathleen F
great warm up first thing in morning when time is limited....
Jessica Garay
Thank YOU Kathleen & Kim! Happy that you enjoyed the class! I have a few more of these coming your way in season 7! Stay tuned :) xoxo
Simon ?
1 person likes this.
Whoosh! A good clean flow. Thank you for guiding, Jessica.
Jessica Garay
Thank you Simon :)
Catherine N
thank you, needed that!
Jennifer L
Perfect for a busy morning!!
Elle H
1 person likes this.
I'm new here, I loved this and intend doing for my wake up session Thank you, Jessica, I love your style
Erika Z
1 person likes this.
That was my first yoga class EVER. I enjoyed it so much and I intend to do a different exercise every mornint! Thank you!
Haley M
Thank you! Perfect little afternoon pick me up! :)
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