Welcome to Ashtanga: Finding Bandhas<br>Dylan Bernstein

Welcome to Ashtanga: Finding Bandhas
Dylan Bernstein

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Kate M
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I like to focus on the way these bandhas (mula, uddhiyana, jalandhara) are present in "normal" breathing. We might choose to exaggerate these actions, but they are, actually, entirely natural.
Dylan Bernstein
Yeah! Thanks Kate , there's a bit of debate in terms of pedagogy. Should we teach bandha at all?! Or should they just naturally occur without an over focus? I suppose like all debates, the middle way is probably best.
Kate M
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My personal experience is that a "too tight" focus on breathing techniques, and bandha, seems to "mess up" that natural flow of energy and breath... I like to use adho mukha svanasa to teach mula and uddhiyana bandhas because they just naturally manifest there... I agree with you - the middle way! As I get older, what is less intrusive, and more gentle, seems to make more sense : )
Katarina V
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Thank you once more, Dylan for a very good practice and tutorial. Look forward to following my own development.
Susan J
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I really like the pranayama explanations. Well demonstrated too.
Tracy C
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Thanks so much for this.... did the last three videos in a row. Very fun,,, I loved the sense of expansiveness and felt that my energy filled the entire room... Big cheers!!And Big Smile to you....
Dylan Bernstein
Tracy C What a wonderful testimonial! So glad that the tutorials and practices are working together to expand your awareness of prana! Big cheers, blessings and a huge smile to you! D
Janet F
I love your teaching.
Sarah K
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I’m really enjoying your class. But I wanted to ask if you could please revisit the way you address menstruation. It’s probably more of an individual preference these days than any real issue with blood flow. Traditional yogis did not have as much access to medical science as we do now. And I think it’s ok to update the language to encourage women to practice if they are feeling up to it because it can be quite helpful actually. 

Thank you again for your teachings. 
Elizabeth M
Dear Sarah K - We love your viewpoint on practicing Uddiyana Kriya during menstruation, and agree that these practices can be approached on a more person-by-person basis. As Dylan mentions, the general teaching has been to avoid it. But some individuals might find relief from menstrual cramps through the practice of Uddiyana Kriya. The invitation is always to listen to ones own body, and do what feels right. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to refresh our viewpoints on these practices. We are really grateful you are here 🙏 
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