Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 21: Flexibility 3<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 21: Flexibility 3
Nathan Briner

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Nathan Briner
Christel (continued) 
I hope I’ve hit the right issue. If I’ve missed it, let me know and we can look at some other ideas. 
Victoria B
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I’m finding the challenge hard but enlightening, I really value your explanations and despite being a novice feel I’m growing in ability and confidence with every theme, thank-you 
Nathan Briner
Victoria, thank you! I love to hear that you are connecting with lessons. It sounds like you are building strength and a new depth of feeling your body in the poses. This is the gold of practice. The ever-growing connection to our experience. 
I hope to hear more about what you’re learning! 
Danielle G
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WoW. I can’t believe how tight my side body is. That was fabulous! As always I enjoy how you break everything down to the smalllest élément   
Nathan Briner
Thank you, Danielle. I’m with you, discovering new things through the practice is always exciting. It opens the door to a deeper view of our potential. 
Lisa M
Getting the inner feeling...not easy to tap into but your approach helps so much. You don’t by any chance have/recommend a Spotify playlist to go with this? Don’t always like music but this class had me craving some .
Nathan Briner
Lisa, yes, that inner feeling is something we have to work for. But it is the gold of yoga :)
Playlists...hmm. What kind of music do you like? Have you listened to Emancipator?
Lisa M
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Thanks Nathan! Awesome music suggestion.
Jane W
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These classes have been transformational for me! Your easy, encouraging style and outstanding cues have opened up a new yoga understanding. And, like the comment of 8 months ago, I would like a longer class with you. Sure, I could do two 30 minute classes back to back but each class is a such a  well thought out nugget, I'd hate to upset that pacing. Any thoughts? Thanks Nathan! (or who/what ever is responding to these posts)
Nathan Briner
Jane! Thank you sooo much :)
Have you seen my other series called Aligned and Awake? The lessons are each an hour long. There is some work at the wall in the earlier lessons to really guide students to a deeper experience of the actions in the poses. Check it out and let me know what you think :)
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