Everyday Somatic Yoga: Somatic Psoas Flow<br>Lydia Zamorano

Everyday Somatic Yoga: Somatic Psoas Flow
Lydia Zamorano

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Martha K
This class has become medicine for my chronically tight left side psoas muscle. It has changed my life! It is a regular practice for me to keep standing straight and tall without pain. You are my teacher. : )
Lydia Zamorano
Martha K I'm delighted to hear that this practice has supported you so much. You showing up has likely been the key component. Thank you for this message! Warmth and care, Lydia 
Lenise Jay
Thank you for the practice! 🧘🏾‍♀️🙏🏾
Lydia Zamorano
Lenise Jay You're so welcome Lenise! Thanks for commenting. Warmly, Lydia 
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