Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 1: Light<br>Ashley Rideaux

Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 1: Light
Ashley Rideaux

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Karen E
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Beautiful way to end the year and start the new one!  Love your spirit!
Ashley R
Thank you, Karen E ! And, yay! I'm so happy you're here
M Angela C
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I really benefited from this practice Ashley. I appreciate your cues and sprinkles of other teachings along the way. Looking forward to this journey and I am leaving the mat today with  a lot of joy. Thank you. 
Lisa P
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Thank you for this nourishing practice that was so sweetly and intentionally guided! Looking forward to the rest of this series
Ashley R
M Angela C it really warms my heart to hear that you left your mat with joy today❤️ Thank you for sharing! I’m happy that you’re here🤗
Ashley R
Lisa, thank YOU so much for joining me on this journey and for your kind words☺️ I’m excited that your here!
Ashley R
Lisa, the grammar nerd in me just noticed that I used a “your” in my comment to you when I meant, “you’re.” Okay, now that I cleared that up I will be able to sleep tonight😂
Tara L
Ashley, thank you so much for such a beautiful class. Your voice is soothing and nurturing- I truly felt at home within my body. Thank you!
Beth F
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Wonderful with flow sequences that were new to me! Looking forward to more. Thx Ashley!
Ashley R
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Happy New Year, Beth🥳 And, thank you for the warm welcome❤️
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