Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 1: Light<br>Ashley Rideaux

Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 1: Light
Ashley Rideaux

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Kate M
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Thank you for this lovely practice, Ashley R ! Celebrating Light!
Ashley R
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You are so welcome, Kate! Thank you for joining me on this journey🤗❤️
Lisa P
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Ashley R thank you for being perfectly human :) 
Sarah-Jane Stephens
A beautiful class to restart my practise after the holidays . Loved your delivery it was just like having you in the room with me. Happy New Year from the UK
Ashley R
Lisa P ☺️🙏🏾💕
Ashley R
Thank you, Sarah-Jane🤗 I’m honored to be a part of your restart. Happy New Year to you too🎉
Rachel S
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Great class! I'm so excited to do this challenge with you!
Ashley R
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Rachel S thank you so much ☺️ Happy to have you embarking on this journey with me and so many other amazing yogis on this site🤗
Steve P
1 person likes this.
I like your teaching style, great class, many thanks. Looking forward to the remaining classes.

Mona A
1 person likes this.
Thank you much for a superb class! I'm looking forward to continuing even if I'm late starting your serie, in fact I would do this specific class another 2 or 3 times! A joyful 2024 to you ❤️
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