Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 1: Light<br>Ashley Rideaux

Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 1: Light
Ashley Rideaux

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Ashley R
Steve P , thank you I’m excited to have you here for the journey!
Ashley R
Thank you, Mona A 🥰. As far as I’m concerned, you’re right on time! Glad you enjoyed class and happy to have you along for this series!
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Thank you Ashley. Really appreciated your knee friendly instructions!
Ashley R
Kay S, you are so very welcome 🤗 Thank you for popping on here to share a bit of love and I’m happy that the knee friendly instructions were helpful😘
Tracy C
Thanks! That was fun!!!
Ashley R
Tracy C, thank YOU for joining me on this journey💫
Laura G
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Ashley - thank you! You have SUCH a beautiful voice! I absolutely loved what you said at class end about embracing life's detours.... "frustration doesn't get you where you're going faster, now you're traveling to the same place but slower, and you're mad about it!" OMG SO TRUE. Looking forward to continuing the journey. Hugs from England X
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My first session turned my after work boring evening to a fantastic one, Big thanks to Ashley …
Ashley R
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Laura G ! Thank you for the lovely compliment about my voice . I'm so happy to have you on this journey with me! Sending hugs back your way from Los Angeles!
Ashley R
Somi , I'm really happy to hear that I was able to add a little excitement to your after work life!  Thank you for sharing and I'm glad you enjoyed the class
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