Morning Yoga Flows: Coffee Medium<br>Shelley Williams

Morning Yoga Flows: Coffee Medium
Shelley Williams

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Martha K
2 people like this.
Handstands are a little beyond my ability, but I have fun trying! That was super fun!
Christel B
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That was a delightful cup of coffee with little nuances to keep us satisfied in it's simple deliciousness.I'm enjoying this series.
Kate M
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That was lovely, Shelley. Thank you for this wonderful sequence. I love the handstand progression! I'm excited about introducing that to my yoga class. There's something for everyone there!
Lindsey D
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This is one of my all-time favorite classes.  Fantastic cues and I really enjoyed the handstand sequence. Thank you! 💖
Jenny S
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Terrific class!  As I get older, my once top-5 go to pose handstand has become more intimidating to me.  I really enjoyed the various ways you demonstrated to enjoy “handstand”.  I felt safe and secure, so thank you for that.
 Also, my husband has worked in Manhattan for the past 30 years and you nailed his coffee order and work attitude perfectly 😂🤣😅
Laura M
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I do feel amazing!! Thank you for the wonderful practice  

Shelley Williams
Martha K Its great to work with things that are slightly beyond us sometimes, as there is always a "piece" of the pose we can do! And having fun is key. Glad you are enjoying and keeping it light!! 
Shelley Williams
Christel B Yaay! So glad you liked it, its a go-to for me!! 
Shelley Williams
Kate M Awesome to hear you found it both enjoyable and useful to share with your students. Progressions are key, as you know, and its fun and empowering to share with our students! Thank you Kate! 
Shelley Williams
Lindsey D So glad you enjoyed it Lindsey, handstands are such great reset and mood elevators!! 
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