Good Morning Yoga with Alana: Morning Hip Stretches<br>Alana Mitnick

Good Morning Yoga with Alana: Morning Hip Stretches
Alana Mitnick

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7 people like this.
I've have missed you so much, Alana! I've been waiting for your return! As always, I love your yummy practices! Keep them coming and hope you enjoy being a mom! 
Jenny S
6 people like this.
So happy for the gift of your presence 👋🏻!  Of course I loved everything about this class: a thorough wake-up for body and soul, with your signature sweetness and calming delivery.  Sharing an “Om” to seal the practice brings us all together.  It’s my favorite part ❤️🙏🏻✨✨✨✨✨
Kit & Dee Dee
Alana, we are so grateful and excited to have you back!
Catherine R
I really enjoyed this practice. Thank you!
Sheila C
3 people like this.
Thank you for this practice! I feel like it moved very well and appreciated your instructions
Christel B
4 people like this.
Wonderful morning practice! Glad that you're back. I liked that initial kind of a gate pose variation stretch.
Ron M
3 people like this.
Welcome Alana I am so looking forward to this season, namaste for the seasons you gave us. You are my main online yoga teacher, and you have taught me so much.
Kate M
2 people like this.
This just felt so goooood on every level. Thank you, dear Alana! You are truly a gift.
Alana Mitnick
Dearest Yoga Family, I am SO happy to be back in Yoga with you! Thank you for your heartfelt words. It is such a gift to hear from you. Please stay close and keep me posted! Love, Alana 
Alana Mitnick
Lisard3 - So delighted to hear from you! I'm excited to share and whole new season of Good Morning Yoga practices, with a new season of Gentle Yoga filming soon! I love being a mom, AND it's a test to see if my yoga practice is really working. Ha! 
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