Good Morning Yoga with Alana Artwork
Season 8 - Episode 2

Morning Hip Stretches

30 min - Practice


Immerse yourself in an overall feel-good hip focused flow that perfectly balances stretching and strengthening with Alana Mitnick. Experience a flow of sweetness, freedom, and ease as you explore your 'appropriate' edge of sensation. This practice invites you to discover new depths of flexibility and strength in your hips, leaving you refreshed and energized for the day ahead.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Good morning. Welcome. I'm so glad you're here. This is a feel good, stretchy, and strengthening hip focused flow. As you're ready, join me in a child's pose. Just sink back towards the heels, walk the hands forward.

If child's pose doesn't feel good on your body, might come onto your back and draw your knees into your chest, and rock. Just allow yourself to sway a little bit from side to side as you arrive and settle into your practice. Just allow for an inhale breathing into the back body. As you exhale softening the jaw, softening the belly, just allowing yourself to settle. As you're ready from child's pose, walk your arms over to the right for a side stretch through through the left fingers.

And just begin to let your left sit bone reach away as you take a nice breath into the left side body. Exhale softening. As you're ready and how walk your arms back to center and over to the left, root through your right fingers, let your ride, hip, get heavy. Take a nice full breath into the right side body. And then inhale back to center.

As you're ready, inhale, tabletop. Spread the fingers wide, shoulders over the wrists. You might tuck your toes under stretch and opening the soles of the feet as we ease into cat cow, inhale drop the belly lift the heart. And as you exhale, curl round, stretch your back, press the earth away, navel to spine. Let the head release. And as you inhale lead with the heart, feel your extension, the space through your collarbone, sitting bones, exhale, curl, round, stretch, releasing the head a few more fluid rounds at your own pace with the breath.

Now you might soften your gaze inward as you feel into your body. Feeling into those areas that might feel a little sticky, tight, or amazing. As you breathe, you might stay with this. You might begin to circle through the hips and the ribs, bringing it up into your neck, just allowing for this fluid movement through the spine. Few more moments here.

I'm breathing into where you feel the stretch. And then as you're ready, come back into tabletop position. Let's extend out through our right leg. Bring your right foot out in line with your right hip, and then just begin to lean forward and back and feeling into the inner right leg and hip. If this feels a bit much on your wrists, you might lower onto your forearms. Now from here, what would it feel like to tuck your left toes under and begin to draw your hips back?

You might play with walking your arms forward as you kinda soften your forehead towards the floor, taking a nice full breath here. As you're ready, rise back up tabletop through the arms shoulders over the wrists. Let's ground through our left hand and how reach your right arm up to the sky and pause here as you reach from the heart into the hands. Bring your hand behind your head, inhale open, exhale elbow to inner arm. Inhale reach up, exhale elbow to inner arm.

Let's find 3 more together, inhale, rotate, exhale, inhale at your own pace with your breath, inhale reach, open exhale draw it in. Inhale reach. Let's stretch the arm up and release. Nice. Bring that right leg back in. You might circle through your hips a few times. In the other direction.

And then as you're ready, shoulders over the wrist, extend through your left leg. Left foot out in line with the left hip point the toes forward. And let's just start by easing in forward and back feeling into the left, inner thigh, and hip, hamstrings. You might stay with this. You might tuck your right toes under. Feeling into this sensation.

You might walk your hands forward, maybe softening your forehead towards the floor. Notice the quality of your breath. Notice the sensation through your body. You might stay here a bit longer as you're ready in how rise back up shoulders over the wrist, ground through your right hand, inhale stretch your left, arm up, feel that thoracic rotation, reaching, opening, And then exhale. Bring the hand behind the head.

We'll bring the elbow towards the inner arm. Inhale. Backhale. Elbow to inner arm. 3 more.

Inhale. Exhale, inhale open, exhale, inhale reach, exhale draw it in. Last one inhale reach up, extend through your left arm. In the exhale, bring the hand back down to the earth. Draw your left leg back in a few more hip circles might feel nice for your body or cat cow.

Breathing into where you feel it. From here, easing our way back and up into downward dog, spread your fingers wide, tuck your toes under inhale, exhale lift dot And in this first downward dog, you might come high up onto the balls of your feet, bending your knees, reaching up through your sitting bones. Feel the back of your neck release as the head drops. It might feel nice to peddle out your feet, bending one knee and stretch the calf, feel to the earth, then the other knee stretch, calf, feel to the earth. Nice. Pauseing in your downward dog.

As you're ready, inhale forward into your plank pose. Take a moment to pause and plank, feel your strength, reach back through your heels, forward through your heart. Press the earth away, strong legs, inhale. Exhale might lower the knees as you come down 3 rounds of baby cobra, point the toes, draw the shoulders up back and down, inhale, press through the palms, lift the heart. Exhale lower.

Bross through the palms inhale. Lift the heart. Exhale. Lower. Last one. Press. Lift. Feel how you can draw the heart forward.

Traction in your spine. Exhale, release, draw your elbows, and tuck your toes under press up and back downward facing dog. Few breaths here. Peddle out through your feet. Walk your feet a little closer together.

As you're ready in house, stretch your left leg to the sky, bend the knee open the hip. You might stay here. Make some big circles through the knee opening up through your left hip or circle out through your ankle. Can find what feels good for your body. As you're ready, stretch your left leg back up to the sky, exhale, release it down, other side, inhale, stretch your right leg up, bend the knee. Open the hip.

You might stay here. You might circle your knee, your hip, or circle out through your ankle. Breathing. Extend your right leg back up. Release it down, downward facing dog. And from here, just begin to walk your feet nice and slow towards your hands, toe heel your feet wide for a Alana squat pose, heels and toes out take a moment to pause in your melasana. Sinking down, softening through the jaw, relaxing the shoulders a bit.

From here, ground through your left hand and how reach your right arm up and find that nice extension as you circle out through your wrist. Opening the hip. Nice. And how exhale, release the right hand down, stretch your left arm up, circle, and open. Might look down towards the earth or up towards the sky. Yeah. And then release, toe heel, the feet, closer together, uttanas standing forward, fold soft, bend through the knees.

Inhale, half arch length in your spine, exhale, bend your knees forward fold, release through the head and neck. So off, bend through the knees, chin into the chest, begin to roll up slowly stacking your bones. One vertebrae at a time. Press for the feet. Feel the heart. Feel the shoulders.

Feel the head. Just take a moment to pause here in Alana, mountain pose as you spread the toes, lengthen up through the spine, bring the hands together. Let's find a centering breath, inhale. Exhale, Surayanamascara, a, sun salutation as you're ready and how circle your arms up, exhale forward fold. Maybe there's a soft bend for your knees as you release your head.

Inhale half arch fine length in your spine. Exhale, bend your knees, ground your hands, step back into your Alana, pause, and plank fill your strength. Inhale, lower knees, or Chaturanga. Point the toes, inhale cobra, lift the heart. Draw the elbows in. Exhale lower. You might press it onto the knees or tuck your toes under squeeze the elbows and firm the legs. Inhale.

Exhale, press up and back downward facing dog. Let's find 3 breaths together. And lifting up through the sitting bones. Feel a thigh bones drop back and up as the head releases. As you're ready, bend the knees, walk the feet forward.

As you arrive, inhale, half arch lengthen, exhale forward fold, ground through your feet, bend your knees, and how circle your arms up lengthen. Exhale hands together at the heart. Take a moment to pause. Feel your breath. Adding on together as you're ready and how arms reach up.

Exhale forward, fold, soft bend as you release. Inhale half arch lengthen. Exhale, bend the knees. Find your Alana, pause, and Alana. Inhale, exhale lower as you choose.

Inhale, cobra, or maybe up dog lifting the heart. Exhale downward dog. From downward dog inhale, lift your left leg up, exhale elbow, left knee, left elbow, inhale up, exhale step forward warrior 2 feet ground through the legs and help sweep your right arm up. Find your warrior 2 foot pattern, left heel in line with the right inner arch pausing here. Warrior dance and how extend through your left leg arms reach up.

Exhale warrior 2. Inhale, gather in lengthen. Exhale warrior 2, 3 more with your breath. Inhale reach. Exhale ground and open.

Inhale. Exhale. Last one. Inhale. Exhale open, pause, reverse, peaceful in house sweep your left arm up. Exhale side angle, left forearm onto your left thigh pause here. From your in house sweep your right arm up.

Feel how you can ground through the outer edge of your back foot as you find length. Let's take 3 more full breaths here. Breathing, lengthening, opening, Stay low and strong in the legs as you're ready in, how back into warrior 2 peaceful warrior come up? And then exhale cartwheel your hands down, spin onto the ball of your back foot, toe heel your left foot wide for twisting lunge, drag and fly twist, inhale sweep your left arm up, reaching from the back heel to the crown of the head, inhale. Exhale. Release your left arm down step back downward facing dog. From downward dog, inhale forward to your plank.

Exhale lower as you choose. Inhale, cobra, updog, lifting the heart, exhale lower, press up, and back downward facing dog. Taking a few breaths here. As you're ready, inhale, lift your right leg up, exhale, knee to elbow. Pause in here.

Inhale reach up. Exhale step through. Warrior 2, grounding through the feet and how sweep your left arm up. Find your warrior 2 foot pattern, right heel in line with the left inner arch sink down. As you're ready, warrior dance, inhale sweep the arms up, press into the ball of your right foot, exhale, bend the knees, warrior 2.

Inhale reach. Exhale. Open. 3 more inhale. Exhale. Inhale.

Extend and lift. Exale warrior 2. Last one. Inhale. Exhale. Pause.

Reverse. Peaceful in house sweep your right arm up. Take a nice breath into the side body, exhale side angle pose, right form onto the right thigh, sweep the arm up. Feel how you can root and reach and lengthen. Reconnecting with your breath. 3 more full breaths here.

As you're ready, stay low in the legs, inhale, peaceful, and exhale cartwheel the hands down, twisting lunge, toe heel your right foot, wide ground through your left hand, inhale sweep your right arm up Exhale, really. Step back downward facing dog. From downward dog inhale to plank from plank exhale lower. Inhale, cobra, or updog, exhale, downward facing dog, 3 breaths here. Nas you're ready, soft, bend through the knees, walk, or hop forward to the hands. Inhale. Half arch lengthen.

Exhale. Bend your knees forward fold. Ground for the feet in house, sweep your arms up, lengthen, exhale hands together at the heart, taking a moment to pause, feeling your heartbeat, feeling the warmth within. Yeah. As you're ready, let's step our feet wide on the mat for star pose. Turn your toes out, heels in, and reach your arms up and wide and just see how this feels as you reach and extend. Nice. And then from here, bend your knees.

Bring your hands onto your thighs as we come into god, I suppose, or horse stance. Feeling into your hips as you lean a little bit from side to side. And then coming into a a goddess stance. So low through the legs as you're ready again. Inhale. Reach your arms up and then exhale.

We'll bend lower inhale. Reach. Exale 3 more inhale reach. Exhale lower. Inhale. And lower. Last one inhale lift. And then bend the knees, bring the hands together at the heart, pausing here, opening the chest, sinking down low, feeling that burning sensation, that heat through the hips, through the thighs, press through the feet, Bring the hands to the hips, turn the toes forward, heels out a little bit, inhale, lift the heart, exhale forward, fold, releasing through the hands. Turn the toes out a little bit heels in for Skandasana, bend the right knee, sink down low, and then over to the left.

Back and forth, a few times as you wake up, the inner leg line, the hamstrings, the hips, notice what you choose to do with your hands. And then coming back to center, release the hands underneath the shoulders. Let's ground through the left hand in house, sweep the right arm up feeling that thoracic extension as you root through the feet, lengthen through the spine inhale, exhale, release the right hand down, ground through the right hand inhale if the left arm up open. The side might feel different as you extend and reach. Inhale, exhale, release. From here, let's toe heel to feet a little closer together. Melasana again, heels out, heels and toes out, sink down low.

You might sit on a block. You might bring your hands up towards your heart together, feeling that length in the spine, easy in the neck. Inhale. As you're ready exhale uttanasana forward fold. To heal the feet a little closer soft, bend through the knees, drop the head. Soft, bend through the knees chin into the chest. We'll roll up together slowly, feeling the heart, Feeling the shoulders, feeling the head take a moment to pause.

Mara, let's make our way towards the top of the mat. Let's find a centering breath, bring the hands together at the heart. Flowing to the earth as you're ready and how circle the arms up. Exhale forward fold release. Inhale. Half arch lengthens.

Exhale, bend your knees, step back, plank pose, pause, and your Alana, last vinyasa here, inhale, exhale, lower all the way down, point the toes, cobra, inhale, lift the heart. Exhale, release. Let's stretch the arms alongside the body for Locust. Shalabasana. Bring the legs a little closer together as you're ready. In how lift the heart, lift the legs.

Feel how you can draw the back body into the spine as you lift Alana through the neck, inhale, lift up, exhale, lower down, bring the hands underneath you, tuck the toes under press up, and let's round back towards a child's pose for a moment, softening the hips towards the heels, breathing into the back body. Rising up, downward dog in preparation for pigeon, ground through the feet, and how lift the left leg high, exhale draw forward pigeon pose. And we go back through the right leg, you might tuck a blanket or a block underneath your left tip, finding your edge in how lift the heart, exhale, easing your way forward. Finding that appropriate edge of sensation for your hip, inhale, exhale softening the eyes, the jaw, just notice what you choose to do with the weight of your head. Breathing into where you feel the stretch and sensation.

You are welcome to stay here a bit longer. When you feel ready, just slowly ease your way up. Now as you're ready, tuck your toes under, lift back and up downward facing dog, pedal out the feet, allowing for any movement that would feel good, easing into our second side, inhale, lift your right leg up, exhale, drop forward, pigeon. Might toe heel, that right foot, forward. You might bring a block or a blanket underneath your hip.

This side might feel totally different. Just exploring the landscape of sensation through the hip. Listening to the breath, softening the jaw, the eyes. Yeah. Notice what you choose to do with your head. Notice the quality of the breath where can you soften?

And you are welcome to stay here longer and linger. Your own timing. Lock your hands underneath you. Tuck the toes. You might find one last downward facing dog. From downward dog, let's lower for a moment.

Child's pose. Knees wide, big toes towards each other. Just saddling here. Your own time will meet on our back. So transition there.

Roll on to your back with a little bit of abdominal work. We're fun. Drop your knees into your chest. Rock a little bit side to side. And then go ahead and float your knees in line with your hip and interlace your fingers.

Bring your hands behind your head. We'll do some bicycles here. Inhale. And then exhale. Right elbow to left knee extend through your right leg and how back to center Left elbow, right knee across, extend the left leg back to center, and a few more rounds at your own pace, inhale center, exhale, elbow to knee, inhale center, exhale, elbow to knee, Let's go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 in house center, draw everything in, elbows, knees, and then just slowly release. Setting up for bridge pose, feet hips width apart, heels in line with the sit bones, arms down alongside the body, inhale.

As you exhale, curl the tailbone under press through the feet. Lift the pelvis up. Feel the front body lengthen. You might keep your arms here. You might roll and tuck your shoulders under the back.

Maybe finding the interlaces you lengthen through the front of the hips, the thigh bones, opening up through the chest, Breathing here, feeling the strength of your lags, hug the muscles into the bones. Inhale. As you're ready releasing the fingers exhale, roll the spine down, upper back, mid back, low back, sacrum paws. Draw your knees into your chest. Set up for a spinal twist to the right, rolling the knees over, stacking the arms, and then circling the top arm up out and over.

Might bring the right hand onto the left thigh. Inhale. Exhale twist. Just finding a place where the neck feels good. Notice the quality of your breath, softening the belly with each exhale.

You might stay here a bit longer when you're ready, inhale sweep the top leg up and then exhale over to the left pausing here as you circle the top arm opening. Inhale. Exhale soft and the belly twist and find that ease in your neck. You might stay here a bit longer when you're ready and how sweet the top leg up. Good. And then throbbing for the feet or the inner legs.

Let's find a happy baby symmetrical shape rocking from side to side on the sacrum, the low back. Softening the shoulders down. If your head is dropping back, you might tuck a blanket or a block underneath your head for support. Relaxing through the face and jaw. And how here exhale slow, release the feet to the earth. Let's bring the soles of the feet together knees wide and arresting butterfly, badoconos, and you might bring the hands onto the belly here.

Yielding the sense of the breath in the belly. You might stay here for Shavasana. Begin to stretch your legs long. If there is anything your body is calling for craving, follow the inner guidance. You need to relax the effort through the body, relaxing any effort around the breath of the mind.

Receiving the support beneath you. Giving giving yourself permission to stay and rest as long as you'd like soaking in the sweetness of your practice. When you feel ready to transition, you can draw your knees into your chest. Might roll to your side. Pause there.

Curula. Keeping the head heavy as you slowly press your way up towards the seat. It's taking a few moments to sit together. Rasting in the space. You've cultivated in your practice.

Sharing the sound of home, bringing the hands together, breathing in. Namaste. Thank you so much for your practice.


7 people like this.
I've have missed you so much, Alana! I've been waiting for your return! As always, I love your yummy practices! Keep them coming and hope you enjoy being a mom! 
Jenny S
6 people like this.
So happy for the gift of your presence 👋🏻!  Of course I loved everything about this class: a thorough wake-up for body and soul, with your signature sweetness and calming delivery.  Sharing an “Om” to seal the practice brings us all together.  It’s my favorite part ❤️🙏🏻✨✨✨✨✨
Kit & Dee Dee
Alana, we are so grateful and excited to have you back!
Catherine R
I really enjoyed this practice. Thank you!
Sheila C
3 people like this.
Thank you for this practice! I feel like it moved very well and appreciated your instructions
Christel B
4 people like this.
Wonderful morning practice! Glad that you're back. I liked that initial kind of a gate pose variation stretch.
Ron M
3 people like this.
Welcome Alana I am so looking forward to this season, namaste for the seasons you gave us. You are my main online yoga teacher, and you have taught me so much.
Kate M
2 people like this.
This just felt so goooood on every level. Thank you, dear Alana! You are truly a gift.
Alana Mitnick
Dearest Yoga Family, I am SO happy to be back in Yoga with you! Thank you for your heartfelt words. It is such a gift to hear from you. Please stay close and keep me posted! Love, Alana 
Alana Mitnick
Lisard3 - So delighted to hear from you! I'm excited to share and whole new season of Good Morning Yoga practices, with a new season of Gentle Yoga filming soon! I love being a mom, AND it's a test to see if my yoga practice is really working. Ha! 
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