Yoga for Vitality: Daily Practice<br>Robert Sidoti

Yoga for Vitality: Daily Practice
Robert Sidoti

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Martha K
3 people like this.
This is a gem of a practice. Soothing, releasing and feel good. My shoulders thank you! 
Robert Sidoti
Martha K ✌️🤗🙌🏼. I’m so happy you enjoyed the practice and that your shoulders are happy :))
Thanks for being here!! 

Jenny S
4 people like this.
Robert is in the house!  I joked on your show intro comments that with Alana and you both back with new shows it’s as if Yoga Anytime is getting the band back together lol.  Anyway, I’ve really missed you and your laid-back, pleasant demeanor.  This class was deep and grounding and so GOOD!  Looking forward to practicing these new classes with you this season! 🎸🎶🥁❤️🙏🏻
Kristin P
3 people like this.
I liked this class a lot as a gentle way to de-stress after work.  I can also see it being a good morning class, too.  As he says, good anytime!
Robert Sidoti
Kristin P Good Anytime :)) Appreciate your comment here Kristin 🧘‍♀️🙏🏽🤗☀️
Robert Sidoti
Jenny S !! Always appreciate you being here - I’ll be seeing you on the mat soon again too, until then my friend! 🙌🏼🧘‍♀️🤗☀️
Fabian H
1 person likes this.
love this practice :))
Robert Sidoti
Fabian H Yay!! Nice to see you here again! 
Christel B
3 people like this.
You're back!  It's been a while. I always enjoy your sessions.
Robert Sidoti
Hey there Christel B  - It HAS been awhile! Nice to see your name and comment pop up! Always happy to have you here practicing with me/us!! 
1-10 of 19

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