Yoga for Vitality: Daily Practice<br>Robert Sidoti

Yoga for Vitality: Daily Practice
Robert Sidoti

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Sandra Židan
Thanks for this beautiful and relaxing practice, Robert! I am so glad to see your new practices here on Yoga Anytime and to be able to practice with you again! Best regards! 🙏🥰❤️
Robert Sidoti
Nice to see you here Sandra Židan !! I'm glad you enjoyed the practice! Hope you doing well! 
Michelle F
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Good day to you Roberto!
How thrilled was I to see your cheery face this morning!! Thank you yogaanytime.....  and to get on the mat to your encouraging tones - exploring the thing i most love - the basics! always the same, always different.
looking forward to spending some quality virtual time with you!
have a beautiful day
Robert Sidoti
Michelle F !! My friend - how are you?! Thanks so much for this super sweet comment - so nice to wake to this today! 
'the basics, always the same, always different' - that's for sure! Hope you enjoy the season - hugs from Argentina!  
Dezi O
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Such a wonderful practice,thank you so much!
Muz M
Fantastic session Robert.  Just what I needed this morning.
Robert Sidoti
My pleasure Dezi O  :)) Nice to see you here and glad you enjoyed 🙏🏽🙌🏼
Robert Sidoti
Sometimes a good ‘daily stretch’ is all we need to feel gooooood 🤗🙏🏽
Robert Sidoti
Sometimes a good ‘daily stretch’ is all we need to feel goooooodMuz M  ☀️🙌🏼🤗
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