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This show has Seasons that can be taken as courses.

Your Body on Yoga

You are so much more than the sum of your parts and Your Body on Yoga is so much more than an anatomy course. Join Kristin Leal and reconnect, reintegrate and find joy and reverence for your muscles, bones, and heart.

Season 1 - Introduction to Anatomy

In Season 1 of Your Body on Yoga we dive into an introduction of the bones, muscles, and movement through the context of yoga philosophy. You will feel a spark of curiosity as we continue into an exploration of the magnificence of the body. This is so much more than an anatomy course.

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Season 2 - Torso

In Season 2 of Your Body on Yoga, we explore the many intricacies of the torso. We begin with the anatomy of the spine—its development as well as the details of the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spine. We then dive into the sacrum, pelvis, glutes, psoas, and pelvic floor before bringing it all together with a posterior chain yoga practice.

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Season 3 - Lower Appendage

In Season 3 of Your Body on Yoga, we unpack the anatomy of the lower appendage including the legs and feet. We explore our habitual movement patterns and how we can invite more balance into our bodies.

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Season 4 - Upper Appendage

In Season 4, we dive into the anatomy of the upper appendage—the collarbones, shoulders, arms, and hands. We explore safe and integrated movement, as well as some common problems with postures like Downward Facing Dog and Chaturanga. We finish the season with a sweet practice to hone in on all the lessons this season.

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Season 5 - Nervous System

In Season 5, we dive deep into the anatomy of the nervous system or the main communicating and controlling system of the body. With the underlying reminder that everything is connected, we explore the importance of striking a balance between the dualities and how this relates to our yoga practice.

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Season 6 - Anatomy of Breath & Heart

In Season 6, we explore the magnificence of our ever-present teachers—the breath and heart—so that we can move into a fuller expression of our yoga practice and our lives.

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