Inner Workings Artwork
Season 5 - Episode 3

Ha & Tha Bandhas

5 min - Tutorial
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In this tutorial, Jani breaks down the ways we might direct energy through the bandhas, or seals, where two muscle groups work against each other. He first discusses the difference between "Ha" actions, which are compressive and heating, directing energy toward the bandha, and "Tha" actions, which are expanding and cooling and direct energy away from bandha. He then demonstrates how each can be applied to the breath and encourages us to incorporate this subtlety into our asana practice.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jan 30, 2016
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Namaste. I can speak a little bit about Bandha and then Bandhas and how to apply ha and ta principle in the breathing exercises. So Bandhas, they are basically muscle locks or seals. We can use the Bandhas to direct energy in the certain kind of part of the body or away from that part of the body. And there's two different categories of Bandhas. There's ha Bandhas, ha means compressive heating Bandha. And that kind of Bandha you direct energy in that part of the body where you apply the Bandha. And then ta Bandha, ta Bandha which is cooling Bandha and expanding Bandha. You can use this ta Bandha to direct energy away from that certain part of the body where you apply the Bandha. And these Bandhas they help to stabilize the joints when you do asana practice. It also strengthens the muscles around the joint quite well and helps to build the muscle strength. And it makes asana practice a little bit more subtle and helps one to become more aware what one is doing by practicing these Bandhas. Okay we can start. So first bring the right hand on the stomach and then relax your abdominal muscles and then shift focus on your breathing. Just concentrate the observing breathing. Try to keep abdominal muscles relaxed. And then observe movement of your abdomen and you breathe. Without trying to control it just observe. You maybe notice how with an inhalation abdomen is moving out. And when you exhale abdomen is moving in and up. Okay and then you can slowly finish the practice. So this is good breathing exercise. Example for saba asana or if you do meditation. And then other breathing techniques is ha yathara pranayama active abdominal breathing. So and this is also more cooling exercise. So we can do it together. So bring your hands on the sides and first relax your breathing.

And then when you inhale try to breathe to the sides. Let your chest expand out to the sides with an inhalation. And when you exhale just relax your abdominal muscles. Try to lengthen exhalation through relaxation. Don't force. You can lower your arms. Still continue breathing to the sides. So inhale breathe to the sides. Exhale relax. Lower abdomen. So this is ha yathara pranayama. This is good exercise for the asana. When you do asana practice you can apply this breathing technique for the asana. Okay thank you. Namaste.


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