Anatomy for Yogis Artwork
Season 3 - Episode 4

Pelvic Floor Anatomy

5 min - Talk


With the help of Mr. Bones, Renee introduces us to the boney landmarks of the pelvis, pointing out the bowl and cylinder concept that she refers to in the Pelvic Floor Sensing video.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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May 15, 2016
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Welcome, thanks for joining. I wanted to introduce the skeleton as an assistant to talk about what the bowl and the cylinder are in skeletal anatomy. So in the pelvic floor video when I was talking about the bowl of the pelvis, what I was referring to when I talked about the false bowl was this ridge right here. So here is your bony hip point. In your body you might be able to feel bony hip point in front. And then the crest, so the top of your hip crest, that travels from front to back and where your hips meet your sacrum. And here we have the front of your sacrum is at what's called the SI joint, the sacroiliac joint. So this is the ilium, that's the name of the bone, and this is the sacrum. So when I talk about the bowl, I'm talking about from this ridge around the front. Here we have the soft tissue of the lower abdominals. And then when I talk about the cylinder, I'm talking about this area in here. And this skeletal model has a pelvis that's kind of grossly anteriorly tilted, so a lot of tail wagging that the skeleton is doing. Your pelvis probably is a little bit more posterior tilted. But this area here, I'm moving my hand through it, is kind of you can see like more of a cylindrical shape. So if we think about this being the cylinder, the insides of the sitz bones, that's these bones right here, the front of the tailbone, it's your tailbone right there, and then the backside of the pubic bones, and those are the pubic bones here. And then when I was talking about the weld where the Pringles can and the salad bowl come together, it's this ridge right here. So on the model, it's kind of the top of the sacrum, this ridge of the ilium that then becomes continuous with the pubic bones. Right? So there's a little visual representation of the bowl and the cylinder and the skeleton, the pelvis. Thank you.


Janci B
Thank you that was helpful!

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