The Vinyasa Show Artwork
Season 7 - Episode 3

Flow to Dancer Pose

50 min - Practice


Sarah guides us through an invigorating flow, creating freedom in the shoulders, hips, and thighs in preparation for Natarajasana (Dancer Pose). We warm up the body with Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) and expansive lunge patterns to encourage spaciousness in heart. You will feel more open and inspired.
What You'll Need: Mat, Strap

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(crashing waves) Welcome back. So in this practice we're gonna work with really opening the front of the body, the shoulders, the heart and we're gonna work towards Dancer pose, so you might want to have a strap on hand with you. I have one here with me, and I already put a small loop in the strap, so you might want to go ahead and do that here, and then whenever you're ready, you'll meet me at the back of the mat, we'll come in to Child's pose to start. So go ahead and bring the big toes together, let the knees go wide here. And we start with our hands coming to a Prayer position, bending the elbows, and taking the Prayer right behind our head so that we can already start to come into that opening, that stretching, the tops of the arms.

I'm just taking a moment here to ground, to start by stopping, checking in. Finding your breath. And consciously starting to deepen the breath. Filling up the entire back body with air. Feeling the expansion on the inhalation and the softening, the grounding energy as you exhale.

You might choose to allow the breath to travel in and out through the nose. And slowly release the hands. And work your way up onto all fours, and we'll come into a Tabletop position. Go ahead and bring the shoulders right over the wrists, take your hips right over the knees, and find a neutral spine in to start here. And then when you're ready, just draw the right leg back, pointing the right toes down toward the Earth, and the right hip spins down toward the Earth as well.

So you want your hips even here. And then go ahead and bring the weight into your right hand, reaching that left arm forward, finding that balancing posture in your Tabletop position. Let's start with a little bit of core work. So inhale lengthen through that back heel and through your fingertips, and as you exhale draw the knee to the nose and hover. Good, inhale lengthen, reach the left arm forward, right leg back, and then exhale draw the knee to the nose and the elbow to the knee.

Good last one here inhale lengthen, exhale draw it in. Inhale as you lengthen, and then place that left hand down, right knee down, and just finding that neutral spine again. So we'll come into the other side, reaching the left leg back, spin that left hip down. And then bringing the weight into that left hand, reach your right arm forward. Find length, draw your navel to your spine, energize through your right fingertips and back through that left heel.

Good, allow a full deep breath in, and then exhale knee to nose, elbow to the knee. Good inhale as you lengthen, exhale draw it in. Good last one, inhale lengthen, exhale knee to nose, elbow to the knee. Good, and then lengthen here, lower the right hand down, the left knee down, and we'll find some Cat-Cows here. So inhaling as you lift the heart, lift the gaze and tilt the pelvis forward, and then exhaling, tugging the tailbone under, dropping the gaze, draw the navel to the spine.

At least two more, inhaling it, inviting an arch. Exhale as you round. Inhale arch. And exhale round. Good and then draw your right leg back one more time here, so reach the heel back, to the back of the room, spin the right hip down, and then reach the left arm forward.

Find that balance one more time, find length, and then you might stay here, or you might start to bend through that right leg. Reaching back with the left hand to take hold of the top of that right leg, and then start to lengthen, kick the foot into the hand, and maybe start to open up the heart, toward the left. Ooh, good. Full breaths. Nice, and then slowly release, come back through center.

Take the left hand down, right knee down, and we'll come to the other side. So reach that left leg back, spin the left hip down, reach the right arm forward, take a breath here and again find that stabilizing in the core. Navel to the spine, energy through the fingertips and the back heel. Inhaling, good. And then exhale, maybe you'll bend through that back leg, reaching back with your right hand to take hold of that left foot, and then kicking the foot into the hand, spinning that right shoulder back, and maybe taking the gaze toward your right.

Opening up the heart to the right side. Good. Full breath in, and then exhale, slow, release. Hands come down, tuck your toes, lift your hips up and back, Downward-Facing Dog. Good, so find any movement here in your first Downward-Facing Dog, maybe pedaling it out through the feet.

Just a few breaths to feel into the backs of the legs, you might step your feet a little bit wider than the hips, maybe put a soft bend in the knees here. Good and then on an inhale step the feet back to hips distance, and we'll shift the weight forward to Plank pose, coming into the top of a push-up. Good, shoulders right over the wrists, press back through your heels, allow an easy inhale, and then exhale, reach up and back, Downward-Facing Dog. Do two more like that, inhale shifting forward to Plank, exhale shift back Down Dog. Good inhale shifting forward, exhale Downward-Facing Dog, and this time shift forward to Plank pose, you're welcome to lower your knees here, otherwise we'll lower slowly all the way down, coming onto your belly.

Untuck the toes. And then take your hands out to either side of your mat, so you come to the wood on the side of your mat, to give forehead down to the Earth. Press through the tops of your feet. And then bending the elbows on an inhale, find this modified Cobra, so we start to lift the heart just slightly this first time. Keep the chin tucked, and then exhale lower all the way back down to the Earth.

Let's do that two more times, maybe getting a little bit higher this time. Inhale pressing to the tops of the feet, press through the hands, start to lift the heart, and then exhale lower down. Good last one here, press through the hands, inhale as you lift the heart, lift the gaze, and then exhale lower all the way to the Earth. Next, bring your hands back in, palms down, hug the elbows in, tuck your toes, firm your thighs and lift your knees, and then as you inhale come all the way back up Plank pose, top of a push-up. And then exhale, lift your hips up and back, Downward-Facing Dog, nice work.

And then come high up onto the toes, bend your knees, look forward, step or lightly hop front of the mat. Good, inhale come half-way up and lengthen, exhale folding. So as you're folding here, you might take the hands behind the back, clasp the fingers and interlace the fingers behind the back. That feels okay in the shoulders, maybe grab your strap here, that feels better for you, the softness in the knees, might even step the feet to hip's distance. Just allow a few full deep breaths here.

Bring that stretch in the shoulders. And then slowly release the hands down to the Earth, inhale come halfway up and lengthen, exhale fold right back in, and then root to rise, sweep your arms all the way out and up coming to a stand. And then exhale, draw your hands to your heart center. And let's do some Moon salutations here. So inhale, sweep the arms forward and up this time, and then exhale draw your prayer through your heart center coming into a Forward Fold.

Good, step your left foot all the way to the back of the mat. For this first one lower the back knee down, inhale sweep your arms up, and then take that Prayer again right behind your head like we did in Child's pose, wrapping the triceps in, lifting the heart. And then exhale hands come down to the Earth. Step back, Downward-Facing Dog. Good, inhale, shift your weight forward to Plank pose, lower the knees down, bend the elbows, and then bring the chin and the chest down to the Earth.

Inhale Cobra pose, roll the shoulders back, press into the tops of the feet, hug the elbows in, nice, and then exhale Downward-Facing Dog. From here just step the left foot all the way forward between your hands, lower the back knee down. And then again sweeping the arms all the way up, take the hands in Prayer, go ahead and tap down behind the heart, lifting the heart maybe lifting the gaze. And then exhale hands come down, tuck your back toes, and then you're gonna step to a Forward Fold at the front of the mat. Good weight through the feet, inhale lift all the way up, hands come forward and up, and then exhale draw your hands to your heart.

Good, we'll come to the right side. Inhale arms sweep forward and up. Exhale Folding Forward. Step your right foot to the back of the mat, lower your back knee down, arms sweep all the way up, inhale, take the hands in Prayer, good, right behind the head, maybe tap the back of the neck or the heart, and then exhale hands come down, step back, Downward-Facing Dog, good. Shift your weight forward to Plank, lower you knees down, and then bring your chin and chest down to the Earth.

Inhale Cobra pose, hug the elbows in, roll the shoulders away from the ears, draw the navel to the spine. And then exhale right back to Downward-Facing Dog. Good, look forward, step your right foot to the front of the mat, lower your back knee down, inhale arms sweep up, good, bending the elbows, Prayer behind the head, lift the heart, nice, and then hands come down, tuck your back toes, step to a Forward Fold. Root through the feet to rise, inhale arms sweep all the way up, exhale hands to heart center. Good, so we'll move through one more round.

This time working with Crescent pose. So coming together here, we'll inhale sweep the arms up, and then exhale fold all the way down. Good, step your left foot to the back of the mat. This time stay on the ball of that back foot, and sweep your arms up here, coming into Crescent pose, soften through your back knee and bend toward 90 degrees in that front leg. And then again you might take the hands in Prayer, you might reach the hands back, soften the shoulders and lift your heart, good, inhale here, and then exhale hands come down to the Earth.

Step back right to Plank pose here. And then your welcome to lower the knees, otherwise we'll come half-way down, Chaturanga, and then maybe Cobra, or maybe Upward-Facing Dog straightening out the arms, lifting the thighs and reaching the heart forward and up, good. Exhale Downward-Facing Dog. Good, inhale sweep the left leg up and back behind you, exhale look forward, step the left foot through between your hands, stay on the ball of the right foot, and then coming right back up to Crescent. Take the hands in Prayer, bend the elbows, lift the heart.

Good, hands come all the way back down to the Earth. You might lift through that back leg, coming in towards Standing Split, and then step the right foot next to the left, Forward Fold. Inhale come all the way forward and up with the hands, stand up nice and tall, and then exhale hands to the heart. Good, right side, last side here. Inhale arms sweep forward and up, exhale Forward Fold.

Good, step your right foot to the back of the mat, stay on the ball of the back foot, Crescent pose, inhale reach your arms all the way up, soften through the back knee and bend into that front leg. Keep the hands in Prayer, bend the elbows, lift the heart, maybe lift the gaze, and then exhale hands come down. This time step back Plank pose, your choice to lower the knees otherwise come half way down, Chaturanga, Cobra or Upward-Facing Dog on the inhale. Exhale roll over the toes. Downward-Facing Dog, and sweep the right leg all the way up and back behind you.

Exhale step the foot through between your hands. Stay on the ball of the back foot, Crescent pose, inhale arms sweep up, take the hands in Prayer, bend the elbows, lift the heart, nice, and then the hands come all the way back down to the Earth. This time you might lift through the back leg, Standing Split, and then lower the left leg down, Forward Fold, good. Inhale root to rise, come all the way forward and up, and then exhale draw your hands to your heart center. Nice work.

So from here we're going to come into Pyramid pose, so step your right foot back just about three or four feet and straighten up both legs. So you're welcome to take your hands to your hips, you might take the arms behind you, holding on to opposite elbows, or maybe take reverse Prayer behind the back, taking the hands to Prayer behind the back, opening up the heart, softening the shoulders, and as you inhale slightly lift the heart, maybe lift the gaze, exhale hinge forward at the hips, keep drawing your left hip back as you fold. Taking a few full rounds of breath here, release and bing, into the ball of that left foot, and grounding through the outer edge of the right foot. Then inhale, keep the length in the spine, come all the way back up to stand. Good, release your arms, and step to the front of the mat.

Nice, we'll come to the left side. Step your left foot back, and then again whatever you did on that first side you might hold onto opposite elbows here, or take that reverse Prayer behind the back, pressing the palms together, rolling the shoulders open, and lifting the heart. And inhale as you lift, and just keep the softness in that front knee so that you're not locking anything out. And then exhale, hinge forward at the hips, draw the right hip back, find length in the spine as you fold. Nice, and then keep the length, look up, lengthen, press into the feet, come up to stand.

Release the arms and then come to the front of the mat. From here we'll come into (speaking foreign language) here, inhale arms sweep all the way out and up, exhale Forward Fold. Inhale come halfway up and lengthen, offer the heart, exhale step or lightly float back, Chaturanga, Cobra or Up Dog on the inhale. Exhale Downward-Facing Dog. Inhale sweep your right leg up and back, exhale step the foot through between the hands, spin your back heel down, reach your arms up for Warrior One.

From here we're gonna bend that left arm right at the elbow there, and so that the left hand comes right back behind you, and you're patting yourself on the back. So you can stay right here, soften the shoulders, or maybe you'll take that right hand, flip the palm toward the back of the room, and then take your right fingertips to your left. So Gomukhasana arms, this is also a really nice place for a strap. Can use the strap in both hands here. Full breath in, and then keeping the arms if you can, most are too, fold forward coming into Humble Warrior.

Rooting through the feet, inhale come all the way back up to Warrior One, and then release the arms and open it up to Warrior Two. A few full deep breaths here. Good, flip your front palm, inhale reach all the way up and back, reverse Warrior, and then keep the legs how they are, find Extended Side Angle pose either elbow to the top of the thigh or maybe the fingertips come down toward the Earth, maybe to a block. Reach with the left arm over your ear. And keep rotating the heart, chest, toward your left.

Good, root through the feet, come all the way back up to Warrior Two on an inhale, and then flip your front palm, reverse your Warrior but start to straighten through that front leg for reverse Triangle. Good, you might heel toe that back foot in just a bit. And then reach up and over for Triangle pose. Right hand comes to the shin, maybe the ankle, maybe the floor block, and left arm lifts up. Couple breaths.

Root through the feet, come all the way back up to Warrior Two, bend through that front leg, and then just circle the hands down on either side of the right foot. Come onto the ball of your back foot, and then drop your back knee down to the Earth, good. So flatten through that left hand, I'm gonna come into a quad stretch here, and you're gonna start to bend through that back leg, again you might want to have your strap here to take it onto the back foot. Otherwise we'll inhale the right arm up, and reach it back toward that left foot, and start to open up the heart to the right side. Couple full breaths.

Breathing into wherever you feel the stretch. Good and then releasing slowly, bring the right hand back to the Earth, and then straighten through that right leg coming onto your right heel for half-split. So keep a softness in that right knee, keep the length in the spine, energize through your toes. As you inhale you might come halfway up, and then exhale. Folding, and just keep drawing the right hip back, feeling the stretch in the hamstring, calf.

Nice, and then slowly start to re-bend through the right leg, tuck your back toes, lift your back leg, and then step back to Plank pose, and your choice to lower through halfway Chaturanga, Cobra or Upward-Facing Dog on the inhale. Exhale roll over the toes, Downward-Facing Dog. Nice, right to the left side, inhale the left leg up and back, exhale step your foot through between your hands, spin your back heel down and reach your arms up Warrior One. Good. This time we're gonna bend the right elbow, take that right hand and just go ahead and pat the back here, just feeling that stretch in the outer of the right arm, good.

Then you might stay right here, this could feel like enough for you, this is a really nice stretch, or maybe you take that left arm out, flip the palm, find that internal rotation, and then take hold of your right fingers finding Gomukhasana arms, keeping the bend in the front leg, in hasta start to shine the heart up toward the sky, and then exhale folding, Humble Warrior, keeping the arms, and taking a few full rounds of breath. Good, root to rise, inhale come all the way back up to Warrior One, release the arms and then open it up, Warrior Two. A few full rounds of breath. Nice, and then go ahead and flip your front palm, keep the legs, inhale reverse Warrior, exhale Extended Side Angle pose. Reach the top arm over the ear, and really draw that right shoulder back, maybe gaze up toward the ceiling, start to spin the pinkie of the right hand down toward the Earth.

Good, and then strong in the legs as you lift all the way back up, Warrior Two. Flip your front palm, inhale reverse, straighten through that back leg, reverse Triangle, and then exhale, reach all the way up and over. I usually heel toe that back foot in just a couple of inches, and then hinge forward at the hips. Right hip shifts back, finding Triangle. Few breaths.

Good, and rooting through the feet, look down, come all the way up, Warrior Two. Circle the hands down to the Earth, back knee lowers, pause in here. And again, we'll find that quad stretch, if you want to grab your strap go for it. And keep the right hand down, and we're gonna bend through that back knee, I'm gonna circle that left arm up and over, to take hold of the top of that right foot, spinning the chest open, lifting the gaze, finding that nice stretch in that right quad. Breathing into the stretch.

And slowly release the foot. Bring the hand back down to the Earth, and then half-split straighten through the left leg coming onto your left heel, lift the toes, and then notice the hips here. See if you can draw the left hip back, so that the hips are even, and you might come halfway up, and then fold, soften through the left knee bent, with the head and the neck relaxed. Nice, a couple breaths. Good and then slowly re-bend, plant the palms, tuck your back toes, step back to Plank pose, and then your choice, slowly lower through to Chaturanga maybe the knees lower, Cobra or Upward-Facing Dog on the inhale.

And then exhale Downward-Facing Dog, nice. We'll take a full breath in, and then open the mouth, side out, let it go. Good lower your knees down and take a Resting Child's pose. Big toes together, shift the hips back, forehead down, and just check and notice. From here meet me in Tabletop and we'll come into Sphinx pose, so forearms lower, fingers spread wide, and just start to straighten out the legs, lowering on to the belly, bring the shoulders over the elbows, pressing through the tops of the feet.

We're going to come into another quad stretch here. Start to bring your left hand in a little bit, so that the left elbow swivels out, and then you're gonna bend through that right leg, and reach back with the right hand, take hold of the top of that right foot, and just start to find that stretch. So you might have the hand on the inside or the outside of the foot, or maybe the fingers spin and you grasp on to the toes, and find that stretch. And wherever you're at, maybe you soften the head and the neck, definitely deepening the breath. Good and then slow release.

We'll come in to the other side. So right hand swivels in, start to bend through the left foot, sweep the left arm back, take hold of the top of the foot, and then just gently draw the leg in toward you. Maybe take the fingers, warp 'em around the toes, find that nice opening, the left thigh. Last breath here. Good and then slow release.

Come back to Sphinx. Tuck your toes, lift your hips, come back to that forearm Plank, shoulders over the elbows, just building a little strength in the core. So press back through the heels, draw the navel into the spine, last breath. And then you might start to walk your feet in toward you, lifting the hips up, coming into Dolphin. Hugging the elbows in so the elbows are right under the shoulders, keep the fingers spread nice and wide, and draw your chest back toward your thighs, let the heels get heavy, last couple breaths.

Nice, lower the knees down, Child's pose, take your hands back behind you. Rest the forehead down on the Earth. Beautiful. Start reaching the hands back in front of you, we'll come to Downward-Facing Dog, tucking the toes, lift the hips up and back, and then inhale, come high up onto the toes, bend your knees, look forward, step or lightly hop to the front of the mat. Inhale lengthen come halfway up.

Exhale folding in, and then root to rise, arms sweep all the way out and up. Exhale hands together at the heart. Moving into Dancer pose, start to bring your weight into your right foot. And then we're gonna bend through the left leg, lifting the left foot up off the Earth. Just go ahead and hold onto the outside of that left foot.

And then first thing here, squeeze the knees together. And you might hold onto the ankle or the top of the foot. Squeeze the knees together, draw the shoulders back, navel to the spine, lifting the heart, and then as you inhale reach your right arm all the way up, and then slowly start to tilt forward as you lift that left leg up and back behind you. Focusing the gaze. Good last breath.

And then slowly come all the way back up ooo, and release the left side, bring your hands to your heart. Beautiful, so coming into the next side. We'll start to bring the weight into that left foot, really feel that grounding energy first, and then we'll bend through the right leg, reach back with the right hand, take the outside of your right foot, and then inhale, reach the left arm up, and then start to tilt forward, focusing the gaze, lifting the leg up and back. Last breath. Nice, and then come all the way back up, release, bring your hands to your heart.

Okay so for this next version I'm gonna grab the strap, so that we can move into the full version of the pose using the strap. So go ahead and grab your strap, and like I said at the beginning of the practice, I already have this small loop, in this strap, so go ahead and do that if you haven't already, and then I'll meet you at the front of the mat. So you're gonna take the strap and put it around the ball, the sole of that left foot. And then from here, it's a little bit to get situated, but you'll bend through the left foot, and then take this strap over your left shoulder. You wanna make sure that strap is right in the center of your foot.

And then hug the knees in, start to ground through that standing leg, and then inhale reach that right arm all the way up and then as you start to tilt forward this time take both hands to the strap, bending the elbows, and start to walk you hands down the strap so that you're walking, bending the elbows, tilting, gazing. And feel that nice stretch in the shoulders. And then slowly release. Whew, nice job. And then we'll come to the other side.

So take a moment, shake out the sides, and then we'll take that loop right on the bottom of your right foot this time, and then again, just takes a little bit of figuring out like how the heck do I get this strap over my shoulder? But I start by bending the knee, and then taking the strap over the shoulder so that the length of the strap is in front of me, and then I hug the knees in, find my grounding through that left leg, find a gazing point, something that you can focus your gaze on that's not moving, so try not to look at the waves. (mumbling) reach the left arm all the way up, start to tilt forward, and then go ahead and take that journey of walking the hands down the strap, lifting through that back leg, bending the elbows, hugging the triceps in. Nice, last breath here. And then slowly release.

Whew, release the strap, you can put the strap off to the side. Just take a moment, hands to the heart, close the eyes and notice where in the body the posture starts to settle, the residue of the pose. Good, and then we'll take one clearing Vinyasa here, so inhale reaching your arms all the way out and up. Exhale dive forward, folding, inhale come halfway up and lengthen, you're choice maybe hop back through Chaturanga, or step it back, we'll meet in Down Dog as you inhale, come to Upward-Facing, exhale Downward-Facing Dog. We'll come right to a hip opener, inhale the right leg up and back, exhale draw the knee to the nose, setting up for Single Pigeon.

Parallel the shin toward the front of the mat, slowly lower, left leg straightens, hips lowered down, good. So you're welcome to come right into the hip opener here, Folding Forward, or we're pretty well warmed up for Royal Pigeon, so if you'd like to do that option, you'll hang up top here, lift up through the heart, and then you're gonna start to bend through that back leg, reach back with your left hand, take hold of the top of the foot, and you might stay here or you might find the full version, reaching the right hand back, left hand back, and finding Royal Pigeon. Releasing, whenever you're ready. You're in the fold, you can slowly start to make your way back up, or maybe you want to come to the fold after Royal Pigeon, that might feel good, so, counter-balance that, opening the heart. And then slowly make your way back up, crawling the hands up, and we'll come into Downward-Facing Dog, reaching the right leg up and back, maybe bending the knee, opening up the hip, and just shaking off that right side, however you need to, maybe pedaling it out through the feet in Downward-Facing Dog.

And the left side, inhale left leg sweeps up and back, exhale step it through. Lower the shin down, parallel it to the front of the mat. And then transition down, so hips lower, right leg straight, and then your choice. If you want to come into that Royal Pigeon option here, you can bend through that back knee and take it here, or maybe it feels nice to fold right into Single Pigeon, walking the hands forward. Just take whatever option is calling you.

And just allow yourself about five or six full deep breaths, whatever hip opener you're in right now. So nice, and then slowly whenever you're ready, crawl your hands back, lifting the chest, and then you shift your weight off to one side, bring both legs out in front, and you might take a moment to shake out the legs, pause, notice. We'll meet here with our legs out in front of us, flexing the feet, sitting up nice and tall for a Forward Fold. Inhale sweep your arms all of the way up. And exhale hinge forward at the hips, fold.

Let the hands fall wherever they fall. Five breaths here. And inhale slowly come all the way back up to Seated. And then we'll come onto our backs, the soles of the feet come to the Earth. And slowly roll all the way down.

Good, hug your knees in when you get there. Just giving yourself a rock from side to side, it might feel really nice to take a Happy Baby here, holding onto the outsides of the feet, bending the knees and softening through the low back, it might feel good as you rock to your right to straighten through the right leg. And then same thing on the left, as you rock to the left bend the right knee and straighten through the left leg. And then maybe both legs open up wide, softening the shoulders, good, and then hugging the knees back into the chest. Finding Bridge pose, bring the soles of the feet back down to the Earth.

You might choose to take Wheel here, as well. Otherwise we'll come into Bridge together. So pressing through the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands, start to lift the hips up off the Earth, and maybe interlace the fingers behind the back, rolling the shoulder blades underneath you, lifting the chest toward your chin. Five full deep breaths, trying not to grip anything here. Roll the inner thighs down, protecting the knees.

Good, and then slowly release the shoulders if they're tucked, and then roll on down. Take a moment to step your feet as wide as your mat, let the knees knock in to touch, and just feel that release in the low back. Good, and go into your favorite spinal twist, I'll lead us through one here but feel free to take any one that your body is calling for. Coming into Eagle Spinal Twist. We're gonna wrap that right leg over the left, lift up the legs, and maybe take the right foot and hook it to the back of that left calf.

We'll take the arms out on either side of the shoulders, palms facing up, and then go ahead and drop the knees over to the left side. You're taking the gaze straight up toward the ceiling, or if it feels okay in the neck, you can gaze over that right shoulder, taking a few full breaths. Good and then come back up through center, unravel, take the left leg on top, wrap it around if that's in your practice, if not you can just take the legs right on top of one another, like you're sitting in a chair, and then we'll drop the knees over to the right this time. And then again gaze maybe up, or it may be over that left shoulder. Just taking about four or five breaths.

Good and then on your next inhale, come back to center, unravel the legs, and we'll hug in one more time. Hug the knees into the chest. Wrap your arms around your legs and start to lift your nose up towards your knees, lifting the shoulders up off the Earth. Take a full breath in through the nose, holding the breath up at the top, squeeze everything into a tight little ball, and then exhale, let go of every little tension, body finding Shavasana, straightening out the legs, bringing the palms to face up, gently closing the eyes, and allowing the efforts of your practice to start to settle into the body. Come back to that natural rhythm of your breathing, letting go of any effort whatsoever.

Shavasana. Please stay here if you'd like, for as long as you wish, or join me in a comfortable cross-legged seated position at the front of the mat. We'll roll our way up, maybe coming on to one side first, and then pressing up, finding your seat, and then just taking a moment to check and notice, and feeling any shifts from when we started. Then we'll gather the hands together in front of the heart, taking a moment to bow your head towards your hands as a sign of gratitude, just recognizing one thing in your life that you feel really grateful for today. And thank you so much for sharing this practice with me.



This is such a fantastic, fun practice, thank you so much. I am loving this season of the Vinyasa Show. :)))
Sarah Beston
1 person likes this.
Dearest Lori, Thanks for sharing and for being here! I'm so happy you enjoyed the practice and this season! Wishing you all the best! Sarah
Kit & Dee Dee
Thanks for this practice. It has become one we do often! Great for Friday mornings!
Sarah Beston
Hi Kit! Happy Friday and so happy to be starting Friday mornings with you! All the very best, Sarah
Wesley W
1 person likes this.
My shoulders feel fabulous! Thanks for a great practice
Sarah Beston
Hi Wesley, I am so happy to hear your shoulders are feeling great! Thank you so much for practicing with me here and stay in touch! All the best, Sarah
Tahira B
1 person likes this.
I loved this! Thank you so much :) 
Sarah Beston
You're very welcome, Tahira! Happy to be practicing together!
Selen T
1 person likes this.
Just what I needed - thank you so much! I loved every part of it.
Sarah Beston
So happy to hear, Selen! You are so welcome and thank you for practicing with me here on Yoga Anytime!
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