Yoga Groove Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 1

Welcome to Yoga Groove

1 min - Show Intro


Suzy introduces us to Season 1 of Yoga Groove, where she will share fluid and grounding flow practices to help us feel more energized, creative, and playful. We will look at finding center in our core, strength in our lower body, and a lightness in our spirit. Together, lets get out of our heads and into our hearts!

We've created a groovy Spotify playlist to go along with this season. If you'd like to practice along with music, click here.
What You'll Need: No props needed

About This Video

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Mar 13, 2017
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(waves lapping) Hi, I'm Suzy Nece. And I'm really excited to practice with you. I can't wait to play on the mat. This season is designed to make you feel energized, to feel creative and playful and to get into your body, into your roots. To feel like you could do anything.

You're gonna be centered in your core. You're gonna feel strong at heart and able to take on your day. This practice focuses on getting you into your lower body, to feel strong in your legs, opening your hips, free in your low back. To feel like you've got some strength at the center of yourself to do anything. And we get into the shoulders, the upper back and the neck to release back down into our roots.

So we're not all up in our head all the time. I hope these fluid practices give you a lightness of spirit. I'm really excited and I hope we stay in touch. And let's hit the mat.


Oceanna M
1 person likes this.
You're awesome Suzy Nece!
Suzy Nece
Oceanna I'm just a mirror, sister, YOU ARE AWESOME- Thank you for hitting the mat with me and taking the time to spread some LOVE!

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