30-Minute Yoga Flows Artwork
Season 3 - Episode 6

Rooted Flow

30 min - Practice


Sarah guides us in a grounding flow practice with longer holds to connect us to our earth element and feel a sense of rooted connection when life may feel a little scattered. You will feel strong and stable.
What You'll Need: Mat


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Welcome back! So in this practice we're going to move through a rooted flow to connect with the earth element and just feel a little sense of grounding when everything else can feel a little bit scattered. So let's get started in child's pose if you'll meet me there please. And you can bring the big toes together, the knees together as well and just start to reach the arms in front of you. Let the hips sink back down towards your heels and then let your forehead connect to either the earth or if it doesn't quite make it there you can always stack your hands and rest your head on top of your hands. Just letting the third eye, that space between your eyebrows, connect to something. And then as you find that connection, that rooted connection with the earth beneath you, maybe start to sway the head from side to side just rocking from side to side massaging out the forehead and the third eye. Just feeling that grounding connection with the earth. And then coming back through center taking a big breath in feel the expansion through the back body and then open the mouth and just sigh it out. Let's do that one more time. Big breath in and sigh it out, let it go. With every exhale feeling a little bit more of a connection with the earth beneath you and starting to notice the parts of the body that are feeling connected to the earth that are making contact with the earth. And then from here just start to walk the hands in a little bit. We're gonna roll onto the crown of the head just a bit. So you'll lift the hips up rolling forward just a bit, tucking the chin as you come forward and then rolling back onto the forehead. Let's just do that a couple times to stretch through the neck. So rolling forward lift the hips up come toward the crown of your head and then rolling back. Let the hips sink back as you come back. One more time, rolling up and then rolling back. Coming back into child's pose reach the arms forward and just start to walk your hands over to the right side. You might even lift up the torso and draping the torso over that right leg and just feel that stretch through the left side body. Couple breaths on this side. Good and then walking your hands back through center take them over to the other side. Just feeling the stretch through the right side body maybe shifting a little more weight into that right hip. Beautiful and then coming back through center. Make your way to all fours. We'll come to a tabletop position. Hands and knees, shoulders over wrists, hips over the knees and then start to warm the spine with some cat-cows. So as you inhale let the belly drop. Find an arch in the back look up and lengthen and then as you exhale draw the navel into the spine press the floor away and round. Good and you can stay with this back and forth movement cat-cow inhaling as you arch exhaling as you round down or if there's any other movement here that feels good to start to warm the spine feel free to take that. You can shift the weight around or take some circles with the spine or just stay in this cat-cow back and forth movement inhaling as you arch and look up and exhaling draw the navel in press the floor away rounding. It's really rooting down through the hands spreading the fingers nice and wide. Let's take one more round. Inhale as you lift up and then exhale draw the navel into the spine round through the upper back press the floor away nice and then coming back to a neutral spine. Walk your hands in front of the shoulders a little bit. We'll tuck the toes lift the hips up and back coming into your first down dog. If there's any movement here in this first down dog that feels good you might pedal it out through the feet a few times. It's really feeling the earth beneath the soles of the feet as you pedal from side to side and you might take your feet as wide as your mat for this first one. It's really feeling grounded through the soles of the feet as you press back into this first down dog starting to open up the backs of your legs letting the head and neck be heavy back of the neck nice and long good and then stepping the feet back toward hips width if they're not already there. On an inhale come forward into plank pose so come to the top of a push-up. Let's pause for a moment in plank so reach through the crown of your head take your hips in line with your shoulder blades allow a big breath in here and then lower your knees let's come back to child's pose so squeeze legs together as you come back into your child's pose. Good and then staying low to the earth we're just gonna scoot our way through bringing the chin and the chest down and then coming into a low cobra pose so let the belly and the hips lower hug the elbows in and on an inhale lift up into cobra and press through the tops of the feet so that the tops of the feet stay rooted and connected. Good and then coming back to hands and knees all fours tuck your toes lift your hips up and back into downward facing dog. Good and let's just put that all together moving with the breath as we start to warm the body so on an inhale come forward into plank pose lower your knees exhale into child's pose good and then stay low bring the chin and the chest down to the earth hug the elbows in and come forward into a low cobra inhale press through the tops of the feet exhale downward facing dog tuck the toes lift the hips up and back good and then one more time inhale come forward to plank pose exhale lower the knees for child's pose stay low to the earth knees chest and chin lower down and then come through cobra pose press through the tops of the feet lift up and then exhale back downward facing dog tuck the toes lift the hips up and back good feeling grounded here in this down dog coming back to your breath good and let's find a forward fold at the back of the mat so walk your hands back to your feet bend your knees for this first forward fold so let the torso start to make a connection with your thighs so that you're draping the torso down letting the head hang heavy and then whatever feels good with your arms so they might just ragdoll down you might hold opposite elbows maybe sway a little bit from side to side sometimes it feels nice to give the tops of the feet a little bit of a massage here just kind of letting the hands move up and down on the tops of the feet and this really pressing the feet down into the earth as you ground down and then when you're ready let's just walk the hands right back out to down dog nice and slow so feeling the connection as you walk forward letting the hands come out to downward facing dog beautiful and then from down dog let's rise up onto the toes put a big bend in your knees and walk or lightly hop to your hands come to the front of the mat good and then we'll come halfway up on your inhale maybe walk the hands up on your shins as you do that and then exhale fold in soft knees as you fold slowly start to roll up one vertebrae at a time let the head be heavy let the head be the last thing to arrive and as you get to the top and just circling your arms all the way out and up and then gathering your hands at your heart center just take a moment to close the eyes feel the earth beneath you and then just check in with your breath maybe setting an intention for your practice something you'd like to call in or maybe let go of just giving your practice a purpose good and then starting to rock the weight back and forth just really feeling soles of the feet connected and we'll move into some sense salutations start to warm the body so you might even keep the feet hips width as we start to move through good and when you're ready inhale sweep the arms all the way up as you exhale fold over your legs soft knees as you fold in step your left foot to the back of the mat let the back knee lower down come on to your fingertips lift up through the chest for a moment just feeling that opening through the so as that right hip and then on your exhale let's come right back to down dog so planting the palms stepping back downward-facing dog come forward to plank pose on your inhale and then let's lower the knees down staying low to the earth draw the elbows in as you lower chin and chest down good and then inhale nice low Cobra keep the length in the back of the neck as you come up and then exhale back to downward-facing dog good and we'll just step the left foot all the way through between your hands let the back knee lower down come on to your fingertips and feel that opening through the left hip right so as as you lift up through the heart and then the right foot will step to meet your left coming to a forward fold at the back of the mat again maybe feet or hips distance and then root down to rise up inhale arm sweep all the way out and up as you come to stand and then gather the hands together in front of your heart good we'll take it to the other side inhale arms sweep up exhale fold in good step your right foot to the back of the mat this time let the back knee lower down lift up through the heart and then exhale right back to downward-facing dog on an inhale come forward to plank pose you might lower knees chest chin if you want to take a chaturanga here feel free to do that and then on an inhale we'll lift the heart cobra maybe upward facing dog as you lift up and then as you exhale come back to downward facing dog beautiful staying with the right leg inhale the right leg forward and then we'll lower the back knee down come on to your fingertips lift up inhale exhale forward fold front of the mat good root down to rise inhale arms sweep all the way out and up draw your hands to your heart exhale let's come to chair pose so big toes together heel slightly apart sink the weight back into your heels as you sink it down allow a big breath in here and then as you exhale fold in uttadasana come halfway up this time inhale and then as you exhale plant the palms let's just step back to plank pose pausing in plank for a moment feeling the connection be beneath your hands be light on your toes and then maybe just lift the hips right up and back into downward facing dog and let's reach the right leg up to the sky put a bend in your right knee to open up through your hips and then from here you might roll out your ankle a few times in one direction and then the other good and then we're gonna draw your right knee across the body to the left tricep as you hover come to the top of a push-up and then inhale sweep the leg all the way up and back three leg downward facing dog step your right foot through between your hands warrior to spin the back heel down circle the arms open and just take a moment to arrive here in warrior two good bringing your front knee over the ankle softening through the shoulders take your gaze over your middle finger finding your drishti and then let's flip the front palm inhale reverse your warrior tilt it back keep the legs how they are and then extended side angle elbow to the top of the thigh left arm over your ear let's take a half wrap so left hand comes behind your back you might hold on to the top of that right thigh or the low back and use that to just encourage the left shoulder back maybe take a gaze up toward the ceiling take two more breaths here beautiful and then rooting down through the feet rise all the way back up reverse warrior straighten through your front leg will come into triangle pose so right hand down left arm lifts up and let's take that wrap again so left arm behind the back wrap it up draw the left shoulder back breathe just taking a couple breaths here good and then gazing down you might keep the wrap here bend through your front leg and we'll come into half moon so bringing the right fingertips down under the right shoulder lift through the left leg flex the left foot a lot like you're stepping on the wall behind you and then again start to roll the left shoulder back breathe take two more breaths yeah and then stepping to chair pose at the front of the mat the left foot will meet the right release the left hand and then sweep both arms up into Utkatasana finding chair good and then fold right and uttanasana forward fold come halfway up inhale your vinyasa you might step back to plank maybe hop it back through chaturanga cobra or up dog inhale good downward facing dog exhale take a moment here big breath in and sigh it out let it go we'll take it to the left side so inhale the left leg up bend the knee open up the hip maybe roll the ankle a few times in one direction the other good and then we'll draw the left knee across the body right tricep hover top of a push-up inhale three-leg dog left leg sweeps up and back exhale step your foot through between your hands warrior to spin the back heel down circle the arms open and just take a moment to arrive in your warrior to find one point to focus the gaze and just breathe take two more breaths here inhaling ground as you exhale inhale ground a little deeper as you exhale flip your front palm keep the legs rooted tilt back reverse warrior and then extended side angle elbow to the top of the side top arm over the ear to start with and then draw that right shoulder back take the right hand behind your back wrap it up half wrap here draw the right shoulder back maybe gaze up toward the ceiling breathe beautiful and then we'll root down to rise reverse warrior straighten through your front leg maybe shorten the stance a little bit and then hinging forward at the hips left hand down right arm up triangle pose and then again maybe there's that half wrap you'll flip the palm toward the wall behind you internal rotation in the arm taking the arm behind the back and then draw the right shoulder back take a gaze up good and then taking a gaze down beyond your front toes put a bend in your left knee reach forward and we'll come up to half moon so left fingertips down flex through the right foot a lot and then roll that right shoulder back maybe take a gaze toward your right side wall you might take a gaze up toward the ceiling beautiful and then chair pose right foot will meet the left release your right arm and then sweeping the arms all the way up inhale utkatasana exhale fold over the legs good inhale lift halfway up vinyasa or you can step right back to down dog will meet there cobra or up dog inhale downward-facing dog exhale take a breath inhale open the mouth side out and as you exhale just ground down a little bit more trust the support of the earth beneath you it's got your back good and then as you're ready we'll come back to the right leg inhale the right leg up bend your knee to open up the hip this time maybe flip your dog shift the weight forward first and then step your right toes behind you take the weight into the left hand reach the right arm up and over your ear good and then we'll unravel three leg downward-facing dog right leg lifts and then draw your right knee across the body left tricep maybe thread the right leg through this time for fallen triangle spin on to the left heel bring the weight into your right hand lift your left arm up maybe take the arm over your ear good yeah and then lift the hips up a little bit higher and then we'll unravel come back to your three leg downward-facing dog right leg lifts inhale and then warrior two again step the right foot through spin the back heel down circle the arms open land flip your front palm reverse your warrior inhale and an extended side angle again elbow to the thigh top arm over your ear and you can take that half wrap maybe take a full wrap this time letting the right arm come underneath threading it through and breathing good draw the shoulder back maybe look up hmm and then root down rise up come all the way back to reverse straighten through your front leg and we'll come to triangle pose right hand down left arm lifts up and again here maybe there's that half wrap if you have the full wrap here you're welcome to take it reaching the right arm underneath holding on to the left wrist drawing the left shoulder back breathing good and then as we transition to half moon you might keep the wrap maybe not and coming into half moon stepping that left foot forward right fingertips are down left leg lifts and then feel free to free up that left arm if you'd like as you come to half moon yeah and then back to chair left foot steps to meet the right arm sweep up gather the hands together at your heart this time let's take the left elbow to the outside of the right leg as we find prayer twist chair twist good keep the knees even breathing ringing it out just a couple breaths good on an inhale come back to chair pose Utkatasana arm sweep up and then fold in you're welcome to move right through a vinyasa here you can always step right back to down dog otherwise if you want to come into crow pose I'll lead us into chrome so flattening out the palms of your hands bring your big toes and heels together and then separate the knees as high up on the triceps as you can start to build a shelf with your arms gaze forward hug everything into center as you come forward and then get light on your toes maybe lifting up one foot lifting up the other drawing the heels in towards you holding for a couple breaths and then maybe shoot it back through a vinyasa inhale lift up and then as you exhale we'll meet back in downward facing dog take a big breath in inside out beautiful come to the left side so inhale the left leg up bend the knee to open the hip maybe flip your dog stepping the left toes behind you reaching the left arm up and over your ear as you lift up through the heart and then unravel three leg downward facing dog left leg lifts draw your left knee across your body to your right tricep and then start to thread your left leg through for fallen triangle spin on to your right heel take the weight into your left hand reach your right arm up maybe take it over your ear good and then we'll unravel here three leg downward facing dog left leg reaches all the way back up stepping your left foot through between your hands warrior to circle it open and then right away start to flip your front palm tilt back reverse warrior extended side angle elbow to the thigh or fingertips might come down toward the earth right arm over your ear and you might take that half wrap here or perhaps take the full wrap left arm reaches underneath holding on to the right wrist draw the right arm back let our right shoulder draws back maybe gaze up toward the ceiling breathe beautiful and then rooting down will rise all the way back up reverse your warrior straighten through your front leg triangle pose left hand down right arm lifts and again maybe that half wrap right hand behind the back if you have the full wrap here feel free to take it and as we transition to half moon you might take that bound half moon or release the arms reaching the left fingertips forward right leg lifts up maybe release that right arm up to the ceiling and breathe good coming back to chair pose right foot meets the left utkatasana arms sweep up hands to your heart and this time twisting to the left right elbow on the outside of the left leg prayer in front of the heart maybe gazing up breathe feel that rooting down but also that rising up through the heart center yeah and then coming back to chair inhale exhale fold over your legs and let's just step the feet as wide as the mat toes out heels in bend the knees sink your hips down for melasana bring your hands to your heart close your eyes for a moment and just breathe good and then when you're ready just carefully make your way onto your back and I will meet you there spin around so you can see me a little better and as you lay back hug your knees into your chest for a moment and just feel the low back making connection with the earth as you rock a little bit from side to side and then plant the feet down on the earth step the feet to hips with walk your heels in and let's cross the right ankle on top of your left knee so you're finding this figure for shape with your legs and we're gonna press up to bridge from here so pressing through the sole of the left foot in the palms of the hands lift your hips up draw the right knee away from you and just start to draw your chest up toward your chin and you'll notice a lot of movement here shaking maybe in that left leg and as you lift up maybe a little bit higher take a big breath in and then exhale lower the hips down and we'll take it right to the other side step the right foot down cross your left ankle on top of your right finding that figure for shape and then press through the sole of your right foot lift the hips up draw the left knee away from you chest to the chin taking a couple full breaths here good and then lower the hips down and let's just take one bridge pose so stepping the feet down root down through the soles of the feet lift your hips up maybe interlace the fingers behind the low back letting the shoulders roll underneath you as you lift up chest toward the chin spread the toes root firmly through all four corners of the feet and then release and roll down good and stay thread the eye of the needle so again cross the right ankle on top of the left draw the legs in toward you both feet are nice and flexed and then maybe interlace behind that left thigh or on top of the left shin drawing the legs in as you let that right hip open send the breath to the right hip a couple breaths here relaxing the shoulders softening your gaze good and then keep the legs how they are for a moment release your arms first bring the arms on either sides of your shoulders palms face up and then stepping the left foot back down cross your right leg over your left like you're sitting in a chair and you might hook the right foot behind your left calf and then drop your knees to the left side for Eagle spinal twist rolling onto that left hip maybe gazing over your right shoulder unraveling taking just a couple more breaths and then coming back through center stepping both feet back to the earth cross your left ankle on top of your right knee and then thread the eye of the needle opening through the left hip interlacing wherever it feels good to interlace flexing through that especially that left foot to protect the left knee and then sending the breath to the left hip a couple breaths here relax your shoulders and then releasing this side bring the right foot back down cross your left leg over the right bring your arms on either sides of the shoulders palms face up and then Eagle wrap with your legs start to drop your knees to the right this time rolling onto that right hip and then maybe take a gaze towards your left deepening the breath deepest breaths of the day here inhaling and exhale to ground really nice and then slowly unravel from here hug your knees in taking happy baby hold on to the outsides of the feet relax the low back and the shoulders it's a couple breaths and staying really still here the entire spine on the earth and then hug your knees back in one last time and we'll straighten out for Shavasana letting the legs go long on the mat let your feet open up like books bring the arms away from your body palms face up close your eyes and just rest start to rock your head from side to side feel free to stay in Shavasana as long as you'd like otherwise inviting any movement back in and then firmly planting the feet back down on the earth feeling that rooted connection beneath the soles of the feet and then however you'd like make your way up to a comfortable cross legs seated position the front of your mat and then take a moment to really root down through the sitting bones and allow that rooting down to feel length in the spine and then a lift up through the heart center bring the backs of the hands to the tops of your knees palms face up bring the thumb and the index finger together and just taking a moment here to the chin drop bowing in towards yourself acknowledging yourself for showing up for your practice today thank you so much for joining me namaste


Stewart N
1 person likes this.
Good work Sarah. You just made my day!
Sarah Beston
Hi Stewart ! It makes my day to hear that I made yours! Have a wonderful day and thanks for practicing with me online!
Wendy W
1 person likes this.
Really challenging for me, but good! Progress...thanks sarah
Sarah Beston
Hi Wendy ! I am so happy you are here practicing and challenging yourself! Progress not perfection! All the best, Sarah
Katarina V
1 person likes this.
really really nice! thank you! love Katarina
Sarah Beston
So happy, Katarina ! Have a wonderful weekend and lots of love coming your way!
Lee Joan V
1 person likes this.
Just what I needed for today and for the current situation that I am going through. Thank you
Sarah Beston
Good morning, Lee Joan. You are so welcome and I am so happy to hear you found what you needed in this practice. Sending lots of love, Sarah
Kit & Dee Dee
Hi Sarah! Thx for this strong, sweet practice. I shared it with my daughter Mackenzie and our cat Athena this Saturday am. Xoxo. Namaste. Dee Dee
Sarah Beston
Hi Dee Dee! I hope the end of summer is going well! So happy that you were able to practice with your daughter and your cat! Have a wonderful weekend! Much love, Sarah
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