Your 30-Minute Go-to Yoga Sequence Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 2

Go-to Sequence v.1

30 min - Practice


With an emphasis on side body love and hip and heart opening we energize the entire body and find spaciousness in this 30-minute go-to sequence led by Alana.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Nice to see you. Let's go to it. Join me at the top of your mat. We'll interlace the fingers and with an inhale stretch the arms up to the sky. Take it over to the right as you lengthen. Press through the left foot. Inhale back up to center and over to the left. Press through the right foot. Beautiful. Inhale back up to center. As you exhale release the arms. Interlace the fingers behind your back. Inhale lift your heart and exhale bend your knees. Draw your chest towards your thighs. Let the head drop forward. Fold. Stretching the arms up out and over. As you're ready bend the knees. Release the hands. Let's roll up together. Chin to the chest. Stretching the back. Press through the feet. Nice and slow. Feel the heart lift. Feel the shoulders and feel the head. Let's try that again. As you're ready reach the arms up to the sky. This time hook the thumbs. Fan the fingers. Pull the thumbs apart. Inhale lengthen. Exhale let's take it over to the right. Bend the left knee a bit. Stretching the side body. Inhale back up to center and lengthen over to the left. Bend the right knee. Stretching the right side body. Beautiful. Inhale back up to center. Exhale release the arms. Bring the opposite knuckle on top. Roll the shoulders down the back. Lift through the chest. And exhale bend the knees. Forward fold again. Release the head. Stretch the arms up out and over. Maybe roll some weight forward into the balls of your feet. And then as you're ready slow release the arms down. This time we'll come up through a chair pose. Bend the knees a lot. And inhale stretch the arms into the center of the room. Draw the navel towards the spine. Arms around the ears. Inhale. Exhale press through the feet. Reach your arms up to the sky and lengthen. And exhale hands together at the heart. Taking a moment to pause. Spreading the toes. Moving into our simple lunge salute. Inhale reach the arms up to the sky. Find some length. Exhale swan dive forward. Navel to spine. Release the head and the hands. With your inhale half arch lengthen. Exhale bend your knees. Step your left foot back into a long runner's lunge and pause. Feel that you can reach back through the ball of that left foot and lengthen forward through your heart. Stay long through the neck. Beautiful. Inhale. As you're ready step back downward facing dog. You might pedal your feet out. Just feeling the length in your first downward dog. Spreading your fingers. As you're ready we'll inhale lift the left leg up to the sky. Exhale step it through between the hands. Long runner's lunge. Wiggle back through the ball of that right foot. Again lengthen forward through your heart. Stay long. Take a breath here. Feel the strength of your legs. And as you're ready rock and roll and step the right foot forward to meet the left. Inhale half arch. Lift up and lengthen. Exhale bend the knees forward fold. Chair pose bend the knees a lot. Inhale reach the arms up framing the ears. Draw the navel towards the spine. Feel the strength of your legs. Inhale. Exhale press through the feet. Rise up. Feel the length. And exhale hands together at the heart. Taking a moment to pause. And moving right into our second salute.

Inhale reach the arms up to the sky. Exhale forward fold. Swan dive. Release the head in the arms. Inhale lift up half arch. Exhale bend the knees. We'll step the right foot back. Left knee bends. Lunge twist. Right hand to the floor. Inhale lift the left arm up to the sky. And take a moment here. Reach from the heart into both hands. Strong through the back leg. Beautiful. Inhale. Exhale lower the left hand down. Square the hips. Let's lower the right knee down to the mat. And inhale draw the hips back. Find the hamstrings. And exhale sink in. Lunge forward. Two more. Inhale draw the hips back. Exhale bend the left knee lunge. One more. Inhale draw the hips back. Exhale lunge. You might stay low. You might rise up onto the left thigh. If it would feel nice inhale sweep the arms up. Hook the thumbs again. Wiggle, lengthen, lift. And then pull the thumbs apart. Fan the fingers. And feel that the back of the heart can support you as you open here. Nice. So inhale. Exhale release the hands. Roll the shoulders forward. Interlace your fingers behind your back again.

And with an inhale feel the heart begin to rise up. Spacious through your throat. Exhale as you're ready release the hands. Draw the hips back. Flex that left foot a bit. Dig the heel in. Hamstring release. And then as you're ready bend the left knee. Hands around the front foot will step back. Downward facing dog. Pedaling the feet out. And feeling that laying through your spine. Moving towards the second side. As you're ready inhale lift the right leg up to the sky. Exhale step it through between your hands. Coming into a twisting lunge. Left hand on the floor. And inhale reach the right arm up to the sky. Again reach back through that left foot forward through the heart. And find a place where the neck feels good. Beautiful. Inhale. Exhale release your right arm down. Hand down. Square the hips. Lower the left knee down for a lunge. Inhale draw the hips back. And exhale bend the front right knee and sink in. Two more. Inhale draw the hips back. And exhale lunge. Last one. Inhale draw the hips back. Exhale lunge. You might stay low in your lunge. You might rise up onto your thigh. Again if it would feel good you might sweep the arms up. Maybe hook the thumbs. Pull them apart and then lift up through the chest. Feeling the back of the heart supporting you. Beautiful. Inhale. Exhale release the hands. Roll the shoulders forward. Opposite knuckle on top. Shoulders roll down the back. Inhale through the chest. Easy up through the neck. Exhale release the hands. Frame the front foot and then pour the hips back for a moment. Just finding a little bit of relief here. Some hamstring action. As you're ready bend the front right knee. Tuck the back toes. Lift the back leg. You're in a lunge. And we'll rock and roll and step the left foot forward to meet the right. Inhale lift up half arch. And exhale forward fold. Releasing the head. Chair pose. Bend the knees a lot. As you're ready inhale reach the arms up. Draw the navel towards the spine. Feel the fire through your legs. Strength. We'll inhale together. Exhale press through your feet. Reach up to the sky. And exhale hands together at the heart. Taking a moment to pause. And notice how you feel. Nice. Letting the eyes open from here let's step wide. Coming into our wide stance. Bring the hands onto the hips. Inhale find some length. And then exhale slide the hands down the legs. Your hands might find the shin or the ankles. We'll bend the right knee and shift the hips to the right. And then cruise over to the left. Bend the left knee. Shift the hips to the left. And a few more times like this side to side. Just waking up the inner leg lines. Nice. And then coming back into the center. You might toe heel your feet a little closer together. Bend the knees.

We'll roll up as it feels good for your back. Stretching the back of the body. Rolling your way up. Feeling the heart, the shoulders and the head. Warrior two. Turn the left foot and right foot out. Bend the right knee and reach your arms out. Sink into your right hip. As you're ready inhale press into the ball. The right foot reach the arms up. The right leg straightens. Exhale right knee bends. Warrior two. Let's find this two more times. Dancing. Inhale reaching up. Exhale warrior two. Last one. Inhale reach up. Exhale right knee bends. And we'll pause for three breaths. Finding some ease up through the neck. Drawing the navel towards the spine. Letting the sitting bones get heavy. As you're ready press into the ball the right foot. Reach the arms up. Turn the right foot and left foot out. Second side. Left knee bends. Setting up for your warrior two. And with an inhale press into the ball the left foot. Left leg straightens. Arms reach up to the sky. Exhale left knee bends. Warrior two. Two more. Inhale reaching up. Exhale open. And inhale reach the arms up. Exhale warrior two. We'll pause here for three breaths. And as you're ready press into the ball that left foot. Turn the left foot and you might toe heel the feet a little closer together. Inhale reach the arms out. Roll the shoulders. Interlace the fingers behind the back. And then roll the shoulders down the back. Lift the heart again. With an exhale hinge at the hips forward fold. Releasing the head and the arms might stretch about and over here. And then slow releasing the hands down by your sacrum. And then crawling the arms out for hammock pose. You might tip toe the fingers out. And then reach the hips away from the hands and begin to let the heart and the spine soften towards the earth. Easy in the neck. And then slow walking the hands back underneath the shoulders. Toe heel your feet a little closer together for yogi squat. Bending the knees. And then sinking the hips down any amount. You might find the hands draw together at the heart as you draw the heart towards the thumbs. Softening the shoulders down the back. Easy through the jaw. Here forward fold. Bring the hands to the floor. Toe heel the feet underneath the hips. Soft bend through the knees. Chin into the chest. Let's roll up slow. Pressing through the feet. Stretching the back. Feeling the heart. Feeling the shoulders. Feeling the head. And letting the palms open and mountain pose. Drawing your awareness down into the soles of the feet. Perhaps a soft bend through the knees. And allowing the base of the skull to feel a bit more spacious. Nice. From here let's move into tree pose. Grounding through the left foot. And letting that right hip open. Similar to warrior two. Pressing the right heel towards the ankle. And you might stay here. You might travel up the leg towards the calf or the inner thigh. And then joining the hands together at the heart. Soft steady gaze. What is the quality of your breathing. And affirming your left hip a bit. Feeling as you root down. Arms might stretch up towards the sky if that would feel nice. Breathing in. And exhale hands back to the heart and release. Nice work. Find the other side grounding through that right foot. Sending your roots down. Firming the hip. And then opening your left hip. Again you might press the heel towards the inner ankle or the calf or the thigh. Soft steady gaze. And notice what you choose to do with your arms and your hands. Nice. As you're ready bring the hands back to the heart. And then free the legs. Take a moment. Take it out. Let's make our way towards the top of the mat and put it all together. Spreading the toes. Hands at the heart. With an inhale stretch the arms up to the sky. And with an exhale forward full. Releasing the head and the arms. Inhale half arch length in your spine. Exhale bend the knees. Let's step our left foot back. Right knee bends. Blueprint side angle. Root onto the outer left edge of the foot. Left hand on the hip. Right form onto your right thigh. Taking a moment here to pause. And then moving into triangle pose.

Pressing into the ball of the right foot. Sliding the hand down. So the hand might find the shin or the ankle or the floor. And then it might feel nice to reach your left arm up towards the sky. Let's take five breaths here in triangle. You might keep your arm reaching or sweep it in front of the face. Moving towards a side angle stretch. And finding a place where the neck feels good. Maybe revolving the rib cage towards the sky. And then bring your top left hand onto your hip. Bend your right knee. Extended side angle. You might widen your stance. And bring your right form onto your right thigh. Staying here or maybe it's down on the outer edge of that right foot as you sweep the top arm overhead. Coming into extended side angle. Pressing that right knee into the hand. Into the arm. Inhale, exhale. Sweep the top arm down. And frame the front foot. Spin onto the ball of the back foot. Nice. Nice long pyramid stretch. Releasing the back of the neck. And then bending that right knee. Twisting lunge. Left hand on the floor. Inhale, reach the right arm up to the sky. And exhale, release that right arm down around the foot. Step back downward facing dog. You might walk it off. And we'll walk to the top of the mat. Inhale, half arch, lengthen. Exhale, bend the knees forward. Fold. Strong through the legs. Let's reverse swan dive this time. Inhale, circle the arms up to the sky. And exhale, hands to the heart. Dive right back in. Forward fold. Releasing the head. Inhale, half arch, lengthen. Exhale, bend the knees. Step the right foot back. Left knee bends. Blueprint side angle. Pivot onto the outer right edge of the foot. Right hand on the hip. Left form onto the left thigh. And pause here. Just feeling the foundation through your legs. Triangle pose. Pressing into the ball. That left foot, the left hand might find the shin or ankle. Your top right arm might reach up towards the sky for five breaths. And then feeling this expansive quality here in triangle pose. And it might feel good to sweep that top arm in front of the face and find side triangle. Nice. And then letting that top right hand find the hip. Bend your left knee. Lift up. Left form onto your left thigh for extended side angle. Again, you might stay here. Bring your left hand to the floor, outer edge of the foot. And maybe sweep your top right arm overhead again as you revolve the ribcage towards the sky. Breathing. Beautiful. Inhale, exhale, release the right arm. Spin onto the ball of your back right foot. Nice long pyramid stretches. You square the hips. And then bend that front left knee, twisting it out. Right hand on the floor. Inhale, lift that left arm up to the sky. Ah, feels so good. And then exhale, release the left hand down. And then step back. Downward facing dog. Nice. Let's walk it off from downward dog. Let's take a few more breaths in downward dog. Spreading the fingers and lengthening the spine. Moving into plank pose. As you're ready, inhale forward over the wrist. So shoulders over the wrist and you might wiggle back through the balls of your feet. Reach back as you lengthen forward. Looking down, keep the back of the neck long and really draw the navel towards the spine. Feeling the strength here through the core, through the legs, through the shoulders. Nice. Lengthening the tailbone towards the heels. And then as you're ready, we'll lower our knees for some cat cow. Inhale to lengthen the spine. And then exhale, curl and stretch the back. Get round, navel to spine. Let's do this a few more times. Inhale to arch. Feeling that extension. And exhale, round your back. Let's do one more. Inhale to lengthen and extend. Arching and then exhale, curl all the way back into a child's pose for just a minute. Moment rather. You might wobble a little bit side to side. And then inhale, rise back up, lower onto our belly for back bending. Coming into Sphinx pose. Come onto your forearms. And elbows just in front of the shoulders. And get a sense in Sphinx pose that you can begin to draw your heart forward. Feeling that traction through the mid-back, upper back. Nice. Feet about hips distance apart. And then softening through the eyes and the jaw. Even allowing the lower back to widen a bit here. Inhale. As you're ready, exhale, slow lower down and release. Moving right into a baby cobra. Bring the hands just below the shoulders. Draw the shoulders up and back, elbows into the ribs. And as you inhale, begin to lift your chest, your heart up off the floor. You can look down to keep the back of the neck nice and long as you lift up. Feeling that strength required through the back body. Elbows in towards the ribs. Beautiful. With an exhale, lead with your heart and lower down. Moving into locus pose. As you're ready, inhale, lift up in that baby cobra. And this time you might lift your hands up off the floor. Maybe lift the thighs and the legs. And then perhaps reaching the fingers towards the toes. Finding a bit of internal rotation through your thigh bones.

As you inhale, draw the back body into your spine. And exhale, beautiful. Lower all the way down to the earth. Nice, full exhale. Second round of locus. This time with the option to interlace the fingers again behind the back. And with an inhale, begin to lift your chest up off the floor. And you might add the legs as you reach and lift up. Beautiful. Finding that space through the collar bones. Some juice through your toes. Inhale lifts you up. Exhale, lowers you down. Nice, full exhale, release. Last back bend on our belly. You might continue with another round of locus. You might join me in bow. As you begin to bend your knees, hands might begin to reach towards your ankles. Drawing your knees towards each other. And as you're ready, inhale, begin to lift your shoulders back and up. And then kick your feet into your hands as you lift up into bow. Yes, beautiful. Feeling that spaciousness through the collar bones, the chest. Some juice through the toes as you inhale, lift up. And then slow exhale, lower all the way down and release the feet. Taking a moment to pause, you might even shimmy your hips a little bit. Still allowing the low back to release. We'll meet in child's pose. Bring the palms underneath the shoulders. And then press your way up and back. Child's pose. Nice, full exhale. When you're ready, just meet on our back for a bridge pose. Find your way onto your back. And then bending your knees. Bring the feet about hips distance apart. Softening the shoulders down the back. And as you're ready, inhale. With an exhale, curl the tailbone under. Press through the feet and lift your pelvis up off the floor. Nice, feeling the front body lengthen. Your fingers might reach towards your heels. You might roll and tuck your shoulders under your back. And we've been here a handful of times before with the interlace. And choose the best option for your body today. Nice, feeling the length through the neck, soft through the face, breathing, and lifting your sternum in the direction of your chin. Feel that space through the upper back, collar bones, soft through the eyes. If your knees are spilling out, you might imagine there's a ball or a block between the inner thighs. Last few moments relaxing some of the effort through the buttocks. Really feel the strength of your legs, hamstrings, muscles, bones. When you're ready, let's lift our heels up off the floor. So come high up onto the balls of your feet and stretch your arms up to the sky. Reach on up, get round from the upper back, and then let's slowly lower the spine down. Upper back, middle back, low back, and arms. Beautiful. And take a moment to pause. Notice how you feel. As you're ready, draw your knees into your chest. It's finder abdominals. So bring your knees over your hips and lift your feet up and lying with your knees as if you were sitting into a chair. And then press your hands into your thighs and your thighs into your hands. And feel that you can at the same time draw your navel towards your spine, drawing the tailbone under. And you might stay with this as you press. You might draw your chin to your chest and lift up and press. Feeling that quiver. Yep, there it is. And then slow lower the spine down. Draw the knees into your chest. From here, let's rock up into our seated forward fold to release the back. Inhale, lengthen, and exhale. Sliding the hands down any amount.

Feeling the length from the spine. And then just letting your back round and stretch for a few breaths. Releasing the back of the neck. And then slow. Take your time. Chin into your chest. Roll your way up. And then roll your way down onto your back. Draw your knees into your chest. Come into an eye of the needle for the hips. So bring that right ankle on top of the left thigh. And then lift that left foot up. You might weave your right hand through and find the back of the left thigh or top of the shin. You might wobble a little bit side to side. Soft through the eyes. Beautiful. From here, moving into eagle wrap. Releasing the hands. Wrap the top right leg over the bottom. Roll everything over to the left. Then let your top right arm open and release for a few breaths. Finding that ease out through the neck. Soft through the eyes. And then gradually unwrap the top leg. And leave the top leg. Come back onto your back. Knees into chest. Bring the feet down. Left ankle on top of the right. Eye of the needle. Stay here or draw that right knee in. Leave your left hand through the window there. Find the back of the right thigh or top of the shin. And check in with your left hip. Breathing into where you feel it. And stay with this or join me in a spinal twist, eagle wrap. Wrapping the top left leg over. Roll everything over to your right. And then let the top left arm and shoulder and rib cage revolve a few breaths here. Releasing tension around the spine, the low back. Softening through the neck. You might stay here a bit longer. When you feel ready, just slow, gently unwrap the top leg. And then unwind. Lead with the top leg. Let the bottom leg follow. Hug the knees back into the chest one last time. Rocking. And let's stretch out for Shavasana. Extending through the legs. Interlace the fingers behind your head as you lift the head up. Draw the elbows towards each other. The back of the neck lengthen. And lowering it down. Shoulder blades slide under the back. Turn the palms up towards the sky. Offering yourself to the earth. You've just arrived here. You might stay here a bit longer. You might gradually join me in a seat. Drawing the knees in and rolling to your side. And it's taking your time when you're ready to press yourself up into a seat. Making a moment to settle. Where you might be. Together joining our hands at the heart. Namaste. Thank you for your practice.


4 people like this.
YES! I love the concept of this show..and with my 3 favourite teachers as well! Only done this first one so far, but it has great flow and movement. Very excited to be doing the series 😊 Really looking forwards to this and to see the differences each teacher brings as you all have different styles. Yay! 
Jenny S
4 people like this.
This is an interesting concept. Today’s practice was a thorough one, hitting all the right notes and leaving my body and mind refreshed and ready to go! I’m looking forward to the different spins from Brenda and this! 💋
Alana Mitnick
Hi Emfortee! Your sincere enthusiasm is a wonderful gift to wake up to!! So delighted to be practicing our first season of the Go-To with you. It was fun filming this series with Rosemary and Brenda. Let us know how it works for you. Love, Alana
Kate M
5 people like this.
Good idea. An anchoring practice to counterbalance the dizzying array of flow sequences offered on YA. Good solid sequence : ) Nice job, Alana!
Alana Mitnick
Hi Jenny! We love hearing from you! Stay close. We are super curious to know how this Go-To sequences works for you. Wishing you a wonderful day. Love, Alana
Alana Mitnick
Hi Kate! That's exactly it... love your concept of an "anchoring practice." We're curious to know how the sequence feels and works for you with practice. Love, Alana
Cindy P
3 people like this.
This is terrific! Many of my "go-to" practices are from you three ladies already, so having one sequence you all teach sounds wonderful! Thank you!
Alana Mitnick
Hi Cindy! So delighted to be in this Go-To experiment together. Please stay close during the season and let us know how this sequence works and feels in your body. With Love, Alana
Leah K
2 people like this.
Love this! Thank you for a great practice, Alana. Namaste
Alana Mitnick
Hi Leah! So happy you are here with us! Stay close and keep us posted along the way. Wishing you a wonderful day! Namaste, Alana
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