Yoga for Paralysis Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 6

Transition from Chair to Floor

5 min - Tutorial
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Quinn shares her technique for getting in and out of her chair and onto the floor to practice yoga.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Sep 15, 2019
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Well, hello. Thank you for joining me. So most of you have learned this already and have your own ways of getting in and out of your chair, but I just wanted to do a quick how I get in and out of my chair, like this. Just kidding. I don't hug myself out. I get out of my chair this way and in my chair this way, just because the standard method that was taught, the original method that was taught of just like popping your butt cheeks back up onto your chair didn't feel safe to me. I felt like I kept leaning over, felt like my arms weren't long enough. I could complain about a lot of things. This is what works. So I'll show you. I scoop my butt to the end, throw my legs out there on the ground. I used to do it with both my breaks locked. Sometimes I still do, but last month a break broke on my chair and I found that it actually kind of helped get the chair out of the way. So now I get in the habit of releasing that one break and then I just kind of scoot myself down and I push my chair out of the way. And then I'm on the ground, ready for senior portraits. And to get back in, I'll put my chair back into position. Make sure both my legs, breaks are locked. I tuck my knees really close to my foot plate. And then what I'm going to do is my knees are both going to come here and I just kind of work my way up into a kneeling position. I put my head in my cushion gracefully and beautifully because it's the best way to balance and readjust my arms. And then I bring my knees to my foot plate and kind of do a pushup and then I push up and twist. I like to make sure my ankles aren't crossed here. Ooh, I even did that better than I ever have. I didn't have to put my head in my cushion, you guys. You get style points if you end with this finish like this. Thank you. I would love to see how you guys get into, in and out of your chairs.


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