Yin Yoga Artwork
Season 5 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 5

1 min - Show Intro


What would it feel like to slow down, soften in, and be still? In Season 5 of Yin Yoga, Jeanne guides us on an enriching journey through the chakras, or energy centers, of the body, exploring yin shapes and gentle transitions to inspire the flow of fresh energy and circulation. With attention towards the breath and sensations, these practices are designed to release tension, create inner space and awareness, awaken self compassion and deepen self love, and provide nourishment to your whole being.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Feb 20, 2020
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What would it feel like to slow down, soften in, and be still? Welcome to season five of Yin Yoga. Together we'll journey through the chakras, exploring yin shapes and gentle transitions to inspire the flow of fresh energy and circulation, hydrating our joints from the inside. With the tension towards the breath and sensations, these practices are designed to help you release tension, create inner space and awareness, awaken self-compassion and deepen self-love, and provide nourishment to your whole being. I'm excited to share these juicy practices with you, and I'd love to hear from you.



Alana Mitnick
Jeanne, I love you! Thank you for sharing your energy and sweet depths with us. xoA

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