Your 30-Minute Go-to Yoga Sequence Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 2

Go-to Sequence 2 v.1

30 min - Practice


We build internal heat and establish our foundation while dropping in to this go-to sequence led by Rosemary. We explore Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutations), fluid standing postures, and hip and heart openers before finding our rewarding Savasana (Corpse Pose). You will feel an overall sense of ease and support.
What You'll Need: Mat, Block


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Welcome, everyone. Let's go to it. Join me at the front of the mat and take the feet together, hands to prayer at heart center. Soft gaze or close the eyes, and let's just take a moment to shift gears, find the breath, and drop in. And if the eyes are closed, let them open. Big inhale, reaching the arms out and up. Let's interlace the fingers and exhale. Press to the palms, to the sky. Take a nice big inhale. And as you exhale, ease the upper body up and over to the right. Keep grounding through the left foot, lengthening through the side body. And then inhale, back to center. And exhale, simply shift it to the other side. Breathing into the right side body, both shoulder blades down the back. And inhale, come on back to center. With your exhale, take the hands behind the back and interlace the fingers. And then a big inhale, lift up through the heart. And as you exhale, soft bend in the knees. Go ahead and fold forward, taking the hands up and over. Few breaths here, just to bring some energy and warmth into the shoulders. Soft through the neck, let the head go. Let the jaw go. Start to let the mind go. Let's stay in the fold. Release the hands down to the earth. Keep that bend in the knees and slowly inhale, roll the body all the way back to stand as you arrive. Exhale, roll the shoulders back and down. Heel toe the feet back together if they've opened. Hands to prayer at the heart. Surya namskara. Inhale, reach out and up. With the exhale, bow out and down. Super strong through the center, flat back. Inhale to lengthen, just halfway, send the heart out. Root the hands, step back into plank pose. And for this first cycle, let's pause and plank. Draw the belly to the spine. Send energy out through the feet, the crown, the heart. Building that internal fire. Stay for your inhale. And with your exhale, lower the knees, keep the elbows hugging in, come all the way down. Inhale to cobra, just your own edge. And with your exhale, release and press all the way up and back into downward facing dog. And let's kind of ease into this first dog of the practice. Pedal the feet, shift the hips a little side to side. Maybe let the breath out of the mouth. Soft through the neck. Just kind of see what's there in your body in this moment. And then at the bottom of the exhale, soft bend in the knees. Let's step forward for this first cycle and with the inhale, lengthen halfway. And then exhale, release back into your fold, strong center, flat back. Inhale, rise all the way up. And exhale, draw the hands back to prayer at heart center. Again, inhale, let's reach out and up. Exhale, fold out and down. Strong center. Inhale, halfway. And then root the hands, hop or step back. Exhale, lower knees or chaturanga. Inhale, stay with cobra or upward facing dog. And exhale all the way back. Downward facing dog. Deep, full breath for three. And two. And then at the bottom of your exhale, soft bend in the knees, hop or step to the front of the mat. Inhale to lengthen halfway. And exhale, bow and fold.

Strong through the center. Inhale, rise all the way up. Reach it out. And exhale, hands to prayer at the heart. Once again, inhale, let's reach. Exhale, fold forward. Inhale, lengthen halfway. Root the hands, hop or step back. Exhale, lower knees or chaturanga. Inhale to cobra or up dog. And exhale back, down dog. Just a few breaths, sending heels to earth, lifting through sit bones, rolling the shoulders away from the ears, creating space through the spine, through the muscles of the back, and of course, the backs of the legs. One more breath. Alright, from here, keep rooting through the hands with your inhale, take the right leg to the sky with your exhale, open the hip, bend the knee, just ease into that. Inhale, reach it back up. Exhale, knee outside, right elbow, pull the belly to the spine. Inhale, leg goes back to the sky. Exhale, knee to nose, and then simply step right foot between the hands. Root the left hand. Inhale, right arm to the sky. Simple twist. Reach it out. Stay for your inhale. And with your exhale, release the right hand down. Let's lower the back knee. Simple low lunge. Hands come to the front thigh. Ease the hips forward and just establish the foundation of the posture. You're welcome to keep the hands there or inhale, reach straight up. Really strong and active through the arms, extending through the fingertips. Stay for a big inhale. Exhale, release. Hands to the earth, draw the hips straight back for a half split, aradhana manasana. Inhale, send the heart out. And exhale, deepen into your fold. Just one breath, be with it. And then inhale, let's come forward, bending the front knee, tuck the back toes, lift the back knee, and then press the feet into the earth, strong through the center. Inhale directly up into a high lunge, crescent pose. Sit way down into it and feel the opposition of the sit bones, tail bones sinking and the spine, the heart, arms rising. Stay for your inhale. And with the exhale, release. Hands to the earth, step straight back into plank pose, lower knees or chaturanga. Inhale to cobra, up dog. Exhale, go back, down dog, directly into second side. Inhale, left leg up. Exhale, open the hip and the knee. Inhale, let it rise. And exhale, left knee outside, left elbow. Inhale, float it back up. Exhale, draw the knee to the nose and then just step it through between the hands. Right hand, inhale, reach, left arm to the sky. Twist it out, ring it out, wide open heart. Big inhale. And exhale, release, hand to the earth, back knee to the earth, simple low lunge, hands to the front thigh. Again, really establish your foundation first. Strong legs, strong core, and then stay right there or add the arms. Inhale, reach. Energy out through the fingertips. Really big inhale. And then exhale, hands to the earth. Pull your hips straight back, half splits. Find the base. Inhale, extend through the heart. And exhale to deepen. Give the body a breath here. And inhale, come forward, bend the front knee. Tuck the back toes, lift the back knee, press through the feet. Inhale, directly up, high lunge, crescent pose. Sit down into it, really strong through the legs. Lift through the belly and the heart. Reach through those strong arms. Stay for your inhale. Exhale, hands to the earth, step back into plank, lower knees or chaturanga. Inhale, cobra, up dog. And exhale, take it back. Downward facing dog, take a breath or two here. From here, again, keep rooting through the hands, strong upper body. Inhale, right leg to the sky. Exhale, open hip, bending the knee. Inhale, reach up. Exhale, knee outside, right elbow again, belly to spine. Inhale, let it rise. Exhale, knee to nose, step it through, root the back heel. Inhale, reach the left arm forward, up and back, opening into warrior two. And then finding the dance here. Inhale, let the arms rise, lengthen the leg. Exhale, sit deeper. A couple more.

Inhale, rise. Exhale, deepen. Inhale, lift. Exhale, sit down into it. Then a big inhale, reverse your warrior, reach it back and breathe into that side body. Just one full breath. And then inhale, let the torso float up. And exhale into side angle, forearm to thigh or hand to earth or block. And reach the left arm up and over, keep the shoulder blade down the back. One breath. Ground the feet. Inhale, warrior two. And exhale, reverse again. This time, very slowly with your inhale, let's lengthen the right leg. Press that foot down into the earth, reach back through the right fingertips. And then inhale, float it up. And exhale, reach way, way out, then down. Trikonasana, triangle pose. Establish the foundation as the classic pose. Reaching out through left arm, left fingertips. Tailbone descending to back heel. We'll give this a moment. Dropping into that deep breath. Opening through heart and left shoulder. One more breath. And then pressing through your feet. Inhale to rise. And with the exhale, simply turn the feet to parallel, release hands to the hips for Prasarita Padottanasana. Inhale, lift the heart. And exhale, fold hands to the earth, about shoulder width. Lengthen it out a little bit. And then exhale, deep and into the fold. You might keep the hands right where they are. You might line fingers up with toes. And then just release crown of the head, working its way to the earth. Give this a moment. Another breath or two. And then let's inhale just about halfway up.

Open the toes out. And with your exhale, start to bend the left knee for Skandhasana. Just go as far as feels. Good. And we'll float a little side to side. Inhale, come on up. Exhale to the right. Inhale to rise. And exhale left. Be kind to the knees. Inhale, lift. Exhale back to the right. And then with the inhale, we'll just come back to center. Turn the feet to parallel. Grounding on the exhale. And then inhale to lengthen and just pivot back to the front of the mat towards the lizard. We're going to lower the back knee. Take the hands inside of the front foot. And again, take this at your own edge. Stay on the hands or come down to forearms and elbows. That right knee hugging in or opening out. Breathing into it for three. Soft through the neck and the jaw. Two. Inhale, walk it back in and up. Exhale, hands either side of that front foot. Draw the hips back. Ardha Hanamanasana. Exhale, reach through the heart. And exhale, release into the fold. Again, just one breath here. And then inhale, ease forward. Exhale, let's step directly back into plank and lower knees or chaturanga. Inhale, cobra up dog. And exhale, go back to down dog. Left leg, inhale to the sky. Exhale, open the hip and the knee. Inhale, reach it up. Exhale, knee outside, left elbow. Inhale, back up. Exhale, knee to nose and then step it forward between the hands. Spin the back heel down. Inhale, right arm opens you. Warrior two, second side. Sit down into it. And then finding the dance. Inhale, arms up and lengthen the legs. Exhale, deepen. Inhale to reach. Exhale, sit back down into it. Inhale, float it up. And exhale, sit back down into it. This time, inhale, reverse your warrior. Reach it back, extending through the fingertips. Inhale, let the torso rise. And exhale into side angle. Rest the forearm or root the hand. Extend out through the right arm, palm down. Take a breath. Inhale, take it back up. And exhale, reverse again, reach it back. And then slowly with your inhale, lengthen the left leg. Press down through the foot. Extend through the left fingertips.

And then inhale, rise. And exhale, reach out and down. Trikonasana. A full four or five breaths here, settling into it. Send the tailbone towards that back heel. Draw the belly up to the heart and roll the heart open, extending out through right arm and fingertips. One more breath. Grounding through the feet, strong center. Inhale, take it back up. And exhale, turn the feet to parallel. Interlace the hands behind the back for Prasarita C. Inhale, let the heart rise. And exhale, extend the arms up and over, breathing into upper back, neck, shoulders. And give yourself a moment here, at least two or three more breaths, soft through neck and jaw. Deep breath into the whole back body. And we'll just stay in the fold. And with the exhale, release the hands down to the earth, moving towards hammock. So inhale to lengthen. And as you exhale, walk the arms way, way out, energetically pulling back through the sit bones and let the heart dissolve to the earth. Breathe, two. And one. Inhale, let's just drop back to center, hands under the shoulders. Exhale, pivot back to the front of the mat for Lizard, releasing the back knee, hands inside of the front foot. Stay here on the hands or release to forearms and elbows and keep that left knee hugging in or open it out. Release into a couple of breaths. And then slowly inhale, walk it back up. With your exhale, hands either side of the front foot, pull the hips straight back, Ardha Hanamanasana. Open out through the heart and exhale, deepen into your fold. One breath. Inhale, ease the hips forward. Exhale, step directly back into your plank pose and lower knees or Chaturanga. Inhale, Cobra Up Dog. And exhale, take it back, downward facing dog. Take a breath or two here. And then at the bottom of your exhale, soft bend in the knees, hop or step to the front of the mat. Inhale, lengthen halfway. Exhale, bow and fold. Strong center, flat back. Inhale, rise all the way up. And as you exhale, draw the hands to prayer, heart, center, Samastiti. From here, we'll shift into tree pose. Keep the right foot rooted. Take the left foot in and up. And then just holding steady, grounding down through that right foot, tall through the spine. Another breath. And then simply release. Exhale, root the left foot. Inhale, draw the right foot in and up. Steady gaze, steady breath, tall through the spine. And just being without focus, the stillness of the balance for two more breaths. And with your exhale, release, grounding through the right foot. Let's bend the knees. Inhale, scoop the arms out and up. Utkatasana, chair pose. Exhale directly into your forward fold. Inhale, lengthen it halfway. And with your exhale, simply step back into your plank pose. Pause here, lift the belly to the spine. And with your exhale, lower knees and then all the way down to the earth. And we'll pause here, setting up for Shalabhasana. So let's take the arms alongside the body, palms facing up, gently rest, chin or forehead to the earth. With your next inhale, lift the legs, lift the head and the chest. Arms can rise as well. Feel the whole back body engaging, really strong. Breathing three, two, stay for the inhale, maybe rise a little, shine through the heart. And exhale, release.

You can turn either cheek to the mat or simply rest, forehead or chin. And once again, this time we'll interlace the hands behind the back. And with the inhale, lift the legs, lift the head and the chest and reach the arms up and away from the body. Extending out through the heart center. Breathing three, strong through the back, two. And exhale, releasing back down from here. Let's take the hands outside of the ribcage and inhale, lift to the hands and the knees and just take a couple gentle cycles of Cat-Cow. It doesn't need to be your full range of movement. Just kind of settling through the spine a little bit. And then we'll shift into a couple cycles of Camel. Come on up to the knees. If you want more padding, fold your mat over, grab a blanket. Let's let the first one be relatively gentle. Hands to the hips, thumbs on the sacrum, drop that tailbone down, lift the belly up, let the shoulders roll down the back and extend the heart to the sky. Wide open through that heart center. Another breath here. And then inhale, lift, exhale, just sit back, rest the hands on the thighs. Take an inhale and a grounding. Exhale. One more camel. If you're newer to this pose or simply want a more gentle variation, stay with hands on the hips. Otherwise gently exhale, reach back for the heels and then ground into the earth. Hips move forward, heart rising and breathe. Three, two, use your core strength and the legs to inhale back up. And then exhale, simply sit down and let's release directly into child's pose. Knees together or wide, arms extending or alongside the body. Just lay it down. From here, inhale, back up onto the hands and the knees, tucking the toes. Exhale, let's lift back into down dog, just as an entryway for pigeons. So press through the hands, inhale, lift right leg to the sky and exhale, draw that right knee, right shin towards the front of the mat and ease down to the earth. Take any support you know and love in your pigeon and then tent the fingertips, lengthen up on the inhale and exhale, extend all the way out and down, releasing to the earth. We'll give this at least four or five breaths. Let yourself surrender into it and move your breath into your hip and glute muscles. And as you're ready, inhale, tucking the hands back in, tuck the back toes, lift the back knee, inhale, take the right leg back to the sky and release to down dog. Inhale, left leg up and exhale through and down pigeon, second side, supported as needed. Tent the fingertips, press into the earth, take inhale to lengthen and exhale, just melt the upper body out and down, breathe into it, surrender into it. A few more breaths. And then just walking the hands back in, tuck the back toes, lift the back knee, inhale, sweep the left leg back to the sky and with the exhale, just release, returning to your down dog. Nice and easy transition, release knees to the earth, simply swing the feet to the side for dandasana, seated staff. Legs extend straight out, rooting through the sit bones, super tall through the spine, press the hands down into the earth, legs are awake, belly is drawing in and up and strong through the center, tall through the spine. Give this one more breath. And then we'll bend the knees, setting up for an avasana boat pose. For this first cycle, hold behind the thighs, pick up the feet, super strong through the center. You're welcome to keep the hands there or reach the arms out holding strong and steady. Three, two, then plant the feet, plant the hands back behind you for a reverse table, press into the earth, lift the hips, head can stay kind of neutral or fall back a little, whatever feels better for your neck. Stay for a big inhale, exhale, release hips back to the earth. One more navasana, pick it up, keep this holding or extend the arms, knees bent or legs straight, tall spine, heart open. Three, two, and then release and let's roll all the way onto the back. Hug the knees in towards the chest and then simply release, root the feet to the earth, simple bridge pose, grounding through all four corners of the feet, scoop the tailbone, lift the hips. Maybe the arms stay as is and maybe you clasp the hands under the back, crawl the shoulders under, breathe into the front body. Stay for your inhale and then exhale, release the clasp if you have it and melt the spine back to the earth and then find your block and we'll slide it under the sacrum at any height for our inversion. Once the sacrum is rooted on the block, take one leg to the sky and then the other, arms at rest, upper body at rest. And simply allowing the body to begin to slow down, letting the energy settle, being with your breath. Another moment here. And then gently bending the knees, step the feet down to the earth, remove the block, release the spine. Soles of the feet together, knees fall open hand to heart, hand to belly and just feel the rise and the fall of the breath for a moment. Noticing how you feel. Then gently draw the knees together, plant the feet about hips distance, let the arms just reach out to the side with a gentle bend at the elbows and a simple windshield wiper through the knees. Let them fall right and left and right and left. Take this at your own pace. A few more cycles. Releasing through the low back and then when you're ready, hug the knees in towards the chest, wrap the arms around the legs, give yourself a little love here. And then a big inhale and exhale, complete release into your final rest. Let the legs roll open, let the palms rest open and let the whole body simply relax down into the earth. Let the body rest and integrate the benefits of the practice. Just gently here together, let's take a big inhale. Hold the breath in for a moment and open the mouth. Exhale, let it all go. Just rest.

Now if you have the time and space today, you're welcome of course to simply stay in Shavasana as long as you'd like. As you are ready, expanding the breath, bringing some movement into the hands and the feet. Let an inhale reach the arms up and over and with an exhale, simply bending the knees, feet to the earth and let the body roll to the right, slowly guiding the self all the way back up and joining me in any comfortable seat. Just resting the hands, closing the eyes, noticing how you feel and then drawing the hands to prayer at the heart and taking a gentle bow forward to yourself for showing up for your practice. Thank you so much for joining me. Namaste.


Christine C
Thank you for this dynamic session Rosemary. I loved it! Excellent variety of positions and movements. A great way to start a new day under Covid confinement! 
6 people like this.
lovely practice - thanks very much.
Kate M
4 people like this.
Great sequence!! Great for getting me primed to do the COVID grocery run!!
Gabriel W
4 people like this.
Lovely sequence. Looking forward to exploring it more.
Rosemary Garrison
Thanks, Christine ! SO happy to hear that. Here's to keeping things flowing amidst it all. 
Rosemary Garrison
Thanks, Kate ! I hear you on the grocery runs- they can be super stressful. Wise idea to practice before to keep things as peaceful as possible. Be well. 
Rosemary Garrison
My pleasure, Matthew . Be well. 
Rosemary Garrison
Thanks, Gabriel . Let us know how it evolves with repetition. I hope you and yours are well. 
Özlem S
4 people like this.
liked it, love from turkey #stayhome mood
Lyse B
Nice first session, good way to get back into routine. Thank you!
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