Joyful Flow Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 2

Freedom Flow

60 min - Practice


Create freedom in the whole body with this lively practice. Begin with a glute massage, move into simple stretches and playful balancing poses, work into Crow, roll through Sun Salutes, and find lightness and joy in Half Moon and heart openers. You will feel open and peaceful.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome to season one of joyful flow. I'm Wade. Welcome to my house in Chicago. And today we're going to do a little freedom flow, a little flow to help us move the joints around to help us kind of embody that Independence Day weekend if you're joining from the United States. And if you're not, you'll still get that feeling of freedom and motion and fluidity for your weekend. All you need today is these two little guys, four knuckles. We're going to start out on our back with a little glute massage. So as you get set up, swing those legs around, lower all the way down, keep the knees bent, press your feet into the floor, lift your hips, and we'll slide those knuckles right below the waistband, top of the glute, a little bit outside. And as you carefully lower down onto your knuckles, you can just let the knees rock from side to side. And as you allow this massaging movement to help you feel the connection between your lower body and your upper body, you can close the eyes for a moment and give yourself some time to connect with the rise and fall of the breath. So as you settle in, lying on the back, allowing a little rock from side to side, eyes closed, enjoying the inhales, helping you cleanse and purify the mind, taking a little pause, and letting that exhale go, letting any busyness, any tension from your week dissolve through the breath. Great. I hope you're enjoying this little massage. Start out our pre-weekend with a little glute massage. Why not, right? When you're ready, lift the hips off of those knees, release the arms by the side, keep the feet planting in the floor. And when you're ready for that next inhalation, reach the arms over the head. Nice big stretch, lifting the side body, the lower back away from the floor. And then as you exhale, replace your palms, draw the navel, the spine, engage your core. Just a soft cat and cow tilt to help us feel the extension and the flexion of our spine. So engaging the core, lifting the hips off the floor, inhaling the arms over the head. Great. The next time you engage your core, hug the knees into the chest, give yourself a little hug, and let your hips rock from side to side. As you rock from side to side, keep the rocking option going, but release your arms into cactus field goal, and we'll choose a direction to circle the knees. So as you circle the knees away from you, make sure you're inhaling. And as you circle the knees back into you, go back to your exhale. Circling away with the inhalations, nice, slow, deep, full circles, helping you connect the lower back, the glutes, that area we were massaging earlier, feeling a little freedom in this area of the hips. Give it one more full round. And the next time you exhale the knees into the chest, pause and switch the direction of the circles. We're starting out nice and slow today, giving you the option to go a little bit deeper as we move a little deeper into the practice. Enjoy those full circles, little massage for the outer glute, the lower back. The next time you draw the knees into the chest, go ahead and hold the knees into the chest, let the right leg go, lower the right foot down to the floor, and then place that left ankle right on top of your right knee. So a little hip open, a little figure four, drawing the right knee into the chest, keeping the sacrum down, reaching through, grabbing onto the hamstring with a little interlace, real strong interlace because we're going to try to break the interlace later. Slowly extend your right leg to the sky. Give yourself a couple of slow circles at that ankle-flip connection, a little circle in one direction, exploring how we find our foundation when we move into our standing poses, and then circle it the other way. The next time you circle the toes towards your face, lift your heel to the sky so you feel that nice hamstring stretch. And this is what I was talking about. We try to break the grip, but don't break it. Press the heel away from you. You'll feel traction, upper back and shoulders relax the neck, and then lower back down. We'll take a couple of pulses like these to really stretch the back body, create a little space between the vertebrae, stretch the muscles along the spine. You can always keep your right leg bent if this is a little intense for you. Give yourself a little pulse, relax the muscles of the face. And John, if you're feeling it, let the head roll back from side to side to massage the trapezius muscles. And then start to give yourself a little bit more momentum so that you can rock all the way up to your seat. As you rock up to the seat, I'm going to back up just a little bit so my foot's on my mat. As you rock up to the seat, keep the left leg just where it is. Place your hands behind your fingertips, facing your hips, reverse table pose, squeeze your shoulder blades together, lift the hips. Keep squeezing the shoulder blades to the midline, maybe look straight up if that's okay. On your neck, push strongly down into that right foot. If you feel like taking a challenge, extend your left leg to the sky. This could be your spot or come up to your right fingertips. If you're ready for it, reach up with the right hand. Whoa. It's going to be a little adventurous flow today. Lower the right hand to the floor, place the left knee right on top of the right heel, and then slowly lower your seat back down. Slide your seat as close to the right heel as possible, opens up the front of the knee, and then flip your palms, reach for the back of your mat.

You know, feel a little shoulder stretch. Let the knees windshield wiper from side to side, but keep the left ankle on top of that right thigh. You'll feel this opening in the upper back, in the shoulder. Another glute massage. That seems to be our theme today. The next time you drop your knees over to the right, let's free up that left hand, lower the left foot all the way to the floor, and reach as far back as you can with your left hand. So you get a big side stretch through the left side body. Lift the right ribcage, lower the left ribcage. Maybe walk the hands a little farther away if you want to feel a little bit more resistance. Enjoy the breath, lengthen the inhales, lengthen the pauses, lengthen the exhales. Two more rounds of breath, big side stretch. If you want to feel more, you can slide your right hand closer to your right ribcage and push the floor away for a little bit more resistance. That's it. And then slowly, slowly, unwind the legs. Come on back to your seat, hands behind you, knees bent, extend the legs to the sky, starting with the knees bent as you lift the heart, chin, and chest. You can keep the hands right here for your version of boat pose, or you can reach for your calves, or you can start to extend the legs and extend the arms. Engage the core, pull the navel up and back. If you got hamstring stuff, keep those knees bent or bring the hands behind the back. Exhale, lower the feet to the floor. Give yourself a nice, slow massage all the way down to the ground. Bring it all the way down. Keep your left leg bent and draw the right knee into the chest. A little opening for the front of the knee, placing the right ankle on top of your left thigh. Drawing the left knee into the chest, figure four, we're going to open the hips for our flow today. Reach through, grab onto the hamstring with both hands. Remember that interlace that we were working on before? Hold on nice and tight as you draw the knees into the chest, that left knee into the chest, press your sacrum to the floor, and then slowly extend your left heel to the sky. You'll know when to stop. You'll feel it in your hamstring and calf, and start to circle at the right ankle, left ankle, left foot. We already did the right leg. You'd get extra credit if you did that. Circle it the other way, exploring our range of motion and our mobility at the ankles. Good. And then keep the grip nice and solid. Nice interlace, press the heel away from you towards the back of the mat. This action should help you hold the head and shoulders off the floor without having to use the muscles of your neck. You'll feel that traction from the lower back all the way up to the shoulders, and then pulse back. This pulse back gives you a little bit more openness and the hamstrings. Play with a little pulse or two. Should feel like you're getting a little massage, the muscles of the upper back, the shoulders. And then remember that momentum. Let's play with a little bit more momentum, a little bit more of a rock, a little bit more of a massaging action for the back. Rock it all the way up to your seat. Keep the right ankle on top of the left, fingertips behind you, palms on the ground, fingertips facing forward. Hug the elbows in, palms under the shoulders, reverse table pose, press into that left foot, lift the hips to the sky. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. You can look forward or straight up if this is okay for the muscles of the neck. Remember if you want that challenge, you can send the right leg to the sky, maybe come up to your left fingertips, powering up the muscles in your right arm, or reaching up. Whoa. A little challenge for you today. Two more rounds of breath, wherever you're at, have fun with it. Replace the right ankle on top of the left thigh if you had it up. Lower your seat as close to the left heel as possible for this one, and then flip your palms. As you turn the fingertips and face them back, maybe walk a little farther back than you did on round one, finding a little bit more space in the upper back and shoulders, and give yourself a little rock from side to side. Knees are a windshield wiper in from side to side. You'll feel the stretch through the obliques, the lats, the intercostals of the side body. And if you let the head and neck roll back, you'll feel the upper back and shoulders. A little freedom for the whole body today. The next time you drop your knees over to your left, keep the left hand where it is, free the right arm up, walk the right hand as close to the left as possible. So you've still got that figure four, that right in your thigh, opening, walking the right hand towards the left, feeling that side stretch in the right side body. Breathe slower, fuller, and deeper into that side stretch. If you're going deeper, replace your left elbow with your left palm leg. You're going to do a push up and then hug the elbow to the midline and you'll feel a rotation and side stretch, really nice movements to prepare the spine for our flow today. Slowly, slowly unwind, come back to your seat. Breathe those legs once again, fingertips stay on the floor, biceps hugging in, elbows hugging in, boat pose with the knees bent, boat pose without the hands, or with the legs extended. Keep the core engaged, keep the sternum chin and chest lifted. Two more rounds of breath. One more. Great. Cross the legs. I'll meet you in table pose. You can swing the legs around or float them under and through. Palms right underneath the shoulders, knees underneath the hips. Traditional cow and cat tilts, let the belly drop to the floor, look forward, lift the chin away from the chest, big inhalation. As you exhale, press down into the palms, round the spine, push up and back. Two more rounds with the traditional version, just so you feel the front and back body, guiding forward with the inhale, lifting the chin, lifting the chest and exhale, rounding the spine. Last one. Good, guys. Come to your neutral spine, extend your left leg back. We're going to play with some torso circles here. So keeping the right knee on the floor is your option. Lean the body to the right, forward, over to the left, and then back into that left calf and heel. Keep circling counter clockwise. For most of you, this is going to feel nice, opening up the back of the calves and hips. If you want to go a little bit deeper and bring a little bit of heat to it, lift your right knee off the floor, circle to the right, right knee, right tricep, circle to the left, and then draw the knee back. So you're drawing the same circle with your right hip as you are with your torso. Give yourself three more rounds of breath, whichever version you're doing. If your knee is off the floor, lower it back to the floor, right where it started, right underneath your hip, shift your weight to your left palm, inhale the right palm to the sky. Nice, soft twist. As you exhale, thread the right arm under, across and through, lower the right shoulder to the floor by bending your left elbow. If you can easily rest that right shoulder inside of the head to the floor, you can go deeper and push with the left palm, or you can press that right elbow into the floor, bring your palms together in prayer, and see if you can lift up. Playing with balances, option three, maybe lifting that left foot off the floor. Don't be afraid to fall and roll. It's always fun to make an ass of yourself. It kills the ego. Make an ass of yourself as often as possible. Lower the left foot to the floor, lower the left hand back to the floor if you had it off the floor, push down into the left hand, inhale the right palm to the sky. Big twist. Exhale the right palm back to the floor, plant that right palm down, pivot your left heel side plank on your right hand. You can swing the right toes around behind you, or you can stack or create any shape of that side plank that's calling you. Just push forward and down with the right hand so you're not sinking into the rest. Give yourself two more rounds of breath, one more, and then come back to your table pose. A little wrist stretch for the right side. Before we switch, flip your right palm, fingertips facing back, right thumb turning out, and then just back up the seat a little bit. If you don't feel anything, back up the seat a lot. You'll feel it right in that forearm, wrist connection. Nice one to release some tension, especially if you work on the computer a lot. Good. Shake out that right hand. Come on back to your table pose, but this time come up to your fingertips. Non-traditional table pose, round the spine, lean forward over the fingertips, exhale, inhale, look forward, back up your seat so that your heels and glutes are almost touching or they're touching. Exhale, round the spine, push down into the fingers, pull the navel up and back, tuck the chin to the chest, inhale, look forward, back up your seat, arch the back. Two more rounds of these little transitions between cat and cow tilt with a table and child's pose variation. One more. Nice articulation of the spine. Happy spine, happy life. Come to a neutral table, lower the palms to the floor, extend your right leg back. This time we're going to go clockwise with our torso circles. Lean to the right, forward, sorry, left forward and all the way to the right. I don't know my clockwise. Lean to the left, forward and all the way to the right. Remember you can keep doing this just playing with moving the weight into palms and the right foot, or you can lift that left knee off the floor and circle the knee with a torso. Left knee, left tricep, right tricep, draw it back.

Left knee, left tricep, right tricep, draw it back. Give yourself one more full round and then plant that left knee right back under the hip just like you had it before. Right leg stays, inhale the left palm to the sky, soft twist, exhale, thread the left arm under, cross and through. Lower the left shoulder, left side of the head to the floor. If this is easy for you, push down with the right palm, more twist or place the right palm on top of the left, press into that left elbow, left shoulder off the floor, maybe even playing with balance. Right leg off the floor. Good. If your left shoulder is not on the floor, throw it back down. Press the right palm into the floor. Inhale the left palm to the sky. Open up the wing. Good. And then exhale the left palm right back to the floor. Line it up with your left knee. Easy side plank on the left hand. Pivot your right foot. Maybe swing the left toes behind as you extend the right arm. If you took a different variation of your side plank, go ahead and set it up. Either slide the left foot underneath the right or play with the variation that you are working with on the other side. Just push strongly down and forward into your left palm so you're not hurting the wrists. Great, guys. Come back to your table pose. Yay. Look the left palm so your left wrist is facing forward. Arms turning out. And then back up your seat a little bit or a lot. Enjoy that stretch in the front of the forearm, in front of the wrist. Good. And then either kneeling or grabbing a seat on your heels, interlace your fingertips in front of you, and we'll do a couple of wrist circles right here. Preparing our wrists and forearms for our first down dog. Using this opportunity to connect with the breath once again. Switch which index finger is on top. And then we know there's a lot of people in the room. Let's share our good energy with everybody in the room. So shoot it out. It's like the fireworks for 4th of July. All right. Let's use that shooting energy out of our fingertips for our down dog. Think about that pressing forward and down with your palms. From table pose, walk your hands a palm print forward. Push actively forward with both palms. Tuck your toes under. Lift your hips to the sky. Press the chest towards the thighs and you can bend one leg at a time. Little pedal out of the legs. But keep actively pushing forward with your palms. Palms are shoulder distance. Feet are hip distance. Chest is drawing towards the thighs. The breath is fluid and even. Inhaling, pausing. Exhaling through the nose. Connecting with all four parts of your breath. Lengthen forward to your first plank pose. Lower the knees to the floor. Untuck the toes. Bend the elbows just a little bit. And then straighten the arms. You've got four more of those. The more you bend the elbows, the more you'll feel.

Don't drop the shoulders below the height of the elbows. If you want to feel more for the last three, lift your knees off the floor. So wake up the core muscles, the muscles in your arms. Turn on a little bit of heat if you want the heat for your practice. Lower all the way down. Replace your palms with your elbows. Sphinx pose. This is a nice safe back bend. You can keep this back bend throughout the practice. The farther away the elbows are from your ribs, the softer it is on the lower back. Press to the tops of the feet. Guide the ribs forward towards your thumbs. Allow the shoulder blades to slide down the spine and go back to the breath. You should feel like the front of your body from your pubis all the way to the sternum is really stretching. Great guys. Let's meet back and down dog. You can choose your way through table as you replace your elbows with your palms, or you can go straight, press back and up to your dog. Give yourself a moment to settle into the foundation of your down dog, pushing actively forward. A little yogi's choice. You can take a little movement that feels intuitive to you and your body, maybe a little pivot side to side, or a little shoulder roll. What feels intuitively right for you right now in this moment? Enjoy it. And then on your next exhalation, bend the knees, walk or float to the front of your mat. Lengthen the spine, bring the palms to the shims, flat back. Exhale, soft forward fold. Give yourself a little bend in the knees. Grab onto the elbows with your palms and just let the torso sway from side to side. Return to the breath. Allow the inhales to help you cleanse and purify the mind. Enjoy the pause, enjoy the stillness and take your time with your exhalations. Great. Release your palms to your shins, lengthen the spine, flat back, straighten the legs. As you exhale, bend the legs, let the spine round and soften, but engage your quad and core muscles to help you roll all the way up to your stand. Inhale the palms to the sky. Exhale the palms right into prayer, right at the heart center. Give yourself a moment to connect with your breath. Once again, always coming back to the breath. The breath is our anchor, our guide today. Take the next inhale through the nose, hold the breath and let something go through the mouth. Nice big inhale through the nose. Let something go through the mouth. Just this moment of clarity and peace in the mind. If you'd like to make an intention and offering a dedication for the flow today for the practice, making it bigger and greater than self, send that out or hold it at the heart space. As we bow to the floor in sun salutation A, feel free to join me with an om as you bow. Inhale the palms to the sky, lift the heart, chin and chest into the hips. Draw the palms to the shins, lengthen the spine, flat back. Exhale, bend the knees, come into a low chair pose and bring your fingertips to the floor in the front of your mat, right? So stay in your low chair and either stretch out the lower back or turn your toes out to 10 and 2 o'clock. Hug the elbows to the midline and as you move into bhakasana crow pose, the higher the knees are up on the triceps, the more you feel. I'm going to back up a little bit so I don't take my flowers out. As you lean forward, pull the knees up maybe one foot at a time. As you get the feet off the floor, pull the knees and heels up at the same time. You can walk or float back to plank. Lower all the way down. Come back to your Sphinx pose, elbows under the shoulders. Check in here, press to the tops of the feet. If this is feeling good, replace your elbows with your palms. Cobra pose, move the elbows back in space, lift the heart, chin and chest. Always really safe for those first couple of backbends so you can kind of take inventory and see how the lower back is experiencing the posture. Guide the heart forward, press into the thumbs, a little bend in the elbows as you move the ribs forward. Low all the way down, tuck your toes under, work your way through table or plank and I'll meet you in down dog. As you press the chest back towards the thighs, bend your right leg. Lift the right toes off the floor, draw the heel towards your knee, hip circles in down dog. Draw the knee away from you and then back into your chest. The slower, the fuller the circle, the more you're going to feel in the outer hip. We're bringing a little freedom, a little movement to the joint, big hip ball joint there. The next time you open up the right knee, keeping the right heel drawing towards the seat, keep the right knee opening, hip opening dog, press strongly forward with both hands, bow towards your left shin. Take a big inhale, exhale, look forward, step the right foot to the front of your mat. Pivot your left heel to the floor, lining up the heels, turn the back toes slightly in and windmill the palms up to warrior two. So check out your stance. We'll be visiting warrior two quite a bit. Make sure your stance is solid, heel, heel alignment, left toes turning in, bring your hands to your hips and just let your hips lift and lowered left and right. Feel what feels neutral to you so that your shoulders are stacked right over your hips and we're going to inhale the arms out with the palms facing up and just take that rolling cat and cow tail just for the upper back. So lift the sternum, lift the chest and then roll the palms down and behind you pull the navel up and back, puff up the upper back. Inhale, flip the palms, exploring a little bit of movement, a little freedom in the upper back and shoulders as we take these upper back cat and cow pulses right here. You can even involve the chin and chest looking up with the inhale and rounding with the exhale. Everything from the rib cage down is kind of staying the same. Good. Lift your palms, look over your right thumb, sink into that right quad and press into the outer left foot. Windmill the palms around your right leg, step the right foot back to meet the left. Always the option of knees as you lower all the way to the floor.

Your back bend, sphinx pose, cobra with the elbows bent or up dog as you start to straighten the arms. Rib cage moves forward, shoulder blades down and back, press into your index and thumb and go big with your breath. Exhale, press back to your down dog. We're going to keep working with that right leg. We're going to do workups on the right side, really finding strength and balance on that right side. Inhale the right leg to the sky, bend the knee, open the hip just like you did before, but this time press strongly forward with your right hand and walk the left hand towards the left foot a little bit or a lot, up, bowing towards your left shin while you lift the right inner thigh away from the floor. Big inhale, open up the hip. Exhale, replace the left palm and step the right foot back to the front of your mat, setting back up for warrior two one more time. Opening up into your warrior two. A little different variation this time in warrior two, bring your fingertips to your shoulders and we'll just roll the shoulder blades forward, roll the elbows forward and up and then all the way back. Keep the same foundation of warrior two, explore a little bit more range of motion, a little bit more freedom in the upper back and shoulders. Give it two more full circles as you roll those elbows to the sky and all the way back. The next time you lift the elbows up, extend the arms, look over the right thumb, palms are shoulder distance, left hand reaches back, right knee sinks forward. Big inhale, exhale go just a little bit deeper, power in the back leg. You should feel this in your right quad about now, straighten the right leg, peaceful warrior. Inhale the palms to the sky, left hand grabs the right wrist, pull the right wrist over to the left for a big side stretch. Now counterbalance by bending your right leg. Invite the shoulders back a little bit more in space, bend the right leg a little bit more, invite the shoulders back in space for to keep going and then sink into that right thigh.

Push into the outer left foot, big inhale, exhale windmill the hands around the right foot. One more round on this side, you got it guys. Step the right foot back to meet the left, lengthen forward, bend the elbows, move into your back bend. Cobra sinks, up dog, give yourself three more rounds of breath. Don't rush to the back bends, shoulder blades move down the spine, press to the tops of the feet, move the heart, chin and chest forward. Last round on this side, press back to your down dog, inhale the right leg to the sky, bend the knee, open the hip, keep the right leg just as it is, move your weight forward for plank pose but don't change your right foot. Pivot your left foot, step the right foot behind kickstand, side plank or wild thing. Inhale the right palm to the sky, press into the right toe pads, take a big inhale, push forward and down with the left hand and as you exhale look forward, step the right foot to the front of the mat with or without the help of your right hand. Pivot your left heel to the floor, rise up to your warrior two. How did that one feel? It's a fun transition. From your warrior two, I want you to feel free to explore any movement in the upper back, shoulders and the arms. So you can do a little rolling wave action, you can do an interlace behind the head, you could do eagle arms, use the freedom right here to just explore a little bit, that little freedom in the upper back and the shoulders. Take your time here, this is your last warrior two. I'm doing all of them because it feels so good. Good and then from that warrior two, bring the arms back, straighten the right leg, once again inhale the palms to the sky, left hand grabs the right wrist, this time bend your right elbow and let the right forearm drop below the head or behind the head. Use it as a lever, lean the head back and then start to take a side bend to your left, so you're dropping the left elbow towards your left ankle. Go big with the inhales on the right side body and then each time you exhale melt into the right thigh. Lean the head back, big with the inhales, each time you exhale melt into the right thigh. Enjoy the breath, you got two more rounds just like that. Lean the head back, left elbow drops a little bit for more resistance and then breathe into the resistance. Perfect guys, warrior two arms, perfect. Bring the left hand to your hip, reach forward with your right fingertips until they can touch the floor, slide your left foot halfway to your right. Good, we're setting up for half moon pose. I want to give you space to send that right hand all the way forward and lean into the fingertips of the right hand. If you're newer to this you can always use the wall, set yourself up with a wall behind you and then play with sending the left palm to the sky or turning the torso slightly to the left, stacking the wrists, one on top of each other. When you step back, shorten your stance, bend the right leg, take a shorter stance, come up to a little mini warrior two and straighten the right leg. We're going to relax in triangle pose. Draw your right hip back to your left, so lift the left hip, tilt the right hip down, reach as far forward as you can with your right hand and bring the right hand to your shin. Come up a little higher than you normally would go, draw the right ribcage forward, left ribcage back so your shoulders are lining up with your hips, inhale the left arm over the head. If you're going a little bit deeper and you start to slide the right hand down, make sure your left shoulder doesn't turn in. Keep the left shoulder stacked nicely on top of the right. For those of you that want a real nice opportunity to bind, take a little bend of your right leg, wrap the arm under and around the right leg, left hand behind the waist and just start to slowly straighten the right leg. Keep rolling the left ribcage back and the right ribcage forward. Enjoy your breath. Two more rounds of breath. We're doing a nice full float today aren't we everyone?

One more round of breath and then wherever you're at, bend the right leg, lower the palms inside of the right leg. I got good news. Lower the left knee to the floor. We're slowing things down on this side. If possible, back up your left knee just a little bit. Walk your right foot off the mat to the right. Turn the toes towards two o'clock, opening up the hip on that right side. You can use a little pressure on that right thigh if you have no hip or ankle or issues on the right leg. If you're going back a little deeper, flip the right palm, reach for the back of your space and still deeper yet, bend the left leg, big toe or pinky toe side of the foot. If you have the foot, you have two options. Draw the heel towards the seat for the quad stretch or draw the heel away from the seat for the psoas stretch. Sometimes it feels nice to pulse in between both of these. If you're reaching for the foot but not able to grab it, even bending the leg and straightening a little bit will help you feel these muscles even if you don't have the foot in your hand. Great. Slowly free the left leg, walk your right foot across the mat to your left, finishing the side off with pigeon pose. Allow the hip to drop to the right. You can put a block or bolster underneath. If this is tight on your hip, bend your left leg and swing the toes around a little softer on your kneecap. Tighter hips, right heel towards your left hip, more open right ankle lines up with your left knee. Internally rotate the left thigh, lift the heart, chin and chest and take a soft forward fold. We're going to be here for a while so go back to connecting with the breath. Each inhale will help you lengthen, clear and purify your mind. Each exhale helps you move tension out and soften a little bit deeper into your pose. If you can add a little pause after your inhalation, you can take those moments of stillness and create a little peace in your mind while you're in this posture. If you need more in this posture, start to shift your weight more to the left, press to the top of the left foot so that you're not leaning to the right. Give yourself three more rounds of breath. Invite the inhales to bring you a sense of lightness, a sense of peace, a sense of joy into the body. Pause and stillness. Exhale may be softening, letting go a little bit deeper.

Last round. Good. Let's celebrate this side being done with a vinyasa. So walk your palms back, tuck your left toes under, release your left knee, send your right leg back to the sky. Remember it all started out with those circles, open the hip. This could be your spot or you can pivot the left foot and flip your dog if that's what's calling for the celebration. Take the vinyasa, lengthen forward to plank pose, lower all the way down, cobra, up dog. Take your 10 breaths here, choose child's pose to really soft and relax into the breath before we start the second side, or if you want to keep the energy up, dolphin, which is down dog with the forearms on the floor, keeping the energy up. Or some of you like to take your inversions. You've got about eight more breaths. Choose the version that's best for you and your energy right now. Child's pose softening things down. Dolphin keeping the energy up, opening the shoulders. Inversion helping you go into balance, focus, drishti. Slow it down wherever you're at. Give yourself about three more rounds of breath. If you're not in child's pose, start to work your way down from dolphin or your inversion. I'll meet you in child's pose. Good. Let's meet in down dog. You can take the optional vinyasa sliding forward or you can start right in table. Walk the hands up on print forward and meet me in down dog. I hope you're excited about the second side because I am. Bend your left leg in down dog. Draw the left heel up into the steep. Keep the heel up there. Circle your knee away from the body and then back into the midline. Circles with that left thigh, the left quad. Keep actively pushing forward with both hands. Really opening up the hip glute connection. The next time you bend the knee and open the hip, pause. Draw your left heel towards your right seat. Push actively forward. Take a big inhalation. Exhale. Look forward. Step the left foot to your hands. Pivot your right heel. Windmill the palms up. Setting up for our warrior two. Heal the heel alignments. Pretty safe for most people. Turn the back toes in. Bring your hands to the hips and let the hips just drop to the left and then drop to the right. See where it feels neutral for you. Left knee pointing towards second and third toe. Inhale the arms out. Setting them up for our upper back cat and cow tilts. Lift the palms. Lift the heart, chin, and chest. And then round the spine. Pull the navel up and back. Focus on the upper back and shoulders.

Bringing a little bit of freedom and movement to the upper back and shoulders. Flip the palm a little bit more. Weight into the right leg. Round. Draw the navel up and back. So you're keeping the posture nice and solid. The next time you flip the palms to the sky, look over your left palm. Good. Keep the biceps facing up and just turn the palms down for warrior two. Strong in the back leg as you sink deeper into the front leg. Warrior two. Side one. Done. Side two. Done. Windmill the palms to the floor. Step the left leg back. Plank pose. Then the elbows lower all the way down. Your version of cobra or up dog. Three breaths right here. Two more. Keep the full inhales happening. Exhale back to your down dog. Inhale the left leg to the sky. Bend the knee. Open the hip.

Stay here. Lifting the inner thigh away from the floor. Push forward strongly with the left hand. Walk the right hand closer to your right foot. Keep the right elbow bent and just keep bowing towards your right shin. In opposition, lift your left inner thigh away from the floor. Press the right heel down to the floor. Big hip opening dog. Replace the right hand. Take an inhale. Exhale. Step the left foot to the front of your mat. Give it your right heel. Right back into warrior two.

Setting up the foundation. Hips are even. Shoulders stacked over the hips. Fingertips on your shoulders for this one. Draw the elbows to the midline. Inhale them up. Circle them down and back. Go with your little shoulder circles. Creating a little bit more freedom in the upper back and shoulders. Freedom is the key word today. Next one. Next time you lift the elbows to the sky. Extend the arms left and right. Sink into your warrior two. Perfect.

Straighten the left leg. Reach your palms to the sky. Right hand grabs the left wrist. Pull the left wrist back in space. Feel the side stretch through the left side body. Counterbalance by bending the left knee. Sink a little bit deeper into it. Invite the elbows back a little farther in space.

Go big with your inhales. Push strongly into the outer right foot. One more round of breath. You got it. Breathe the arms to warrior two. Windmill the hands around the left foot. Step the left leg back. Plank pose. Lower all the way down. Three breaths in your sphinx. Your cobra or your up dog.

Try the full breath. The inhales. The holds. The pauses. Release. And short pause before you start that all over again. One more round. Exhale back to your down dog. You guys are rocking it today. Last round here. Inhale the left leg to the sky. It's like a bad dream that keeps coming back to you. We're almost done with the dream. Press the chest towards the thigh. Good. Keep the left leg off the floor. Move to plank pose. Keep the left hip opening.

Pivot your right foot to the right. Step the left foot behind you. Kickstand side plank or wild thing. Push forward and down with your right hand. Left palm to the sky or up and over the ear. Celebrate. This is the last round. Look forward. With or without the help of your left hand, step your left foot to the front of your mat.

You know the drill. Warrior two. Pivot your right heel. Line up the heels. Windmill the palms up. Remember, this is your opportunity to just explore the arm variation of your choice. It's free to explore. Opening the front of the chest. Taking a little yoga wave. Taking the interlace. Eagle arms wrapping the right arm on top of the left.

Give yourself some time to just feel free to let the intuition guide you right here. Great. Go ahead and straighten the left leg. Reach the palms to the sky. Once again, right hand grabs the left wrist. Take your side stretch to your right. Pull the left wrist back. Bend your left arm so the left form is moving right behind the head.

Use the head. Push the head back into the arm. Fill the breath in the left side body. Start to bend into your left leg softly. Move your right elbow towards the back of your space. Right elbow towards the right heel, right ankle. Left knee sinks. Lean the head back. Go big with the breath.

Right elbow, right ankle. Left knee sinks. Big piece forward. Breathe into the left side body. One more round of breath. Free the arms. Good, guys. Reach forward with the left fingertips. Slide your right foot forward halfway so that you can easily set up for your half moon poke.

Because you really got to reach forward with your half moon pose so that you have the length to open and rotate to the right. We want the left hand right under the shoulder instead of back by the foot. Get long with the spine and start to turn the torso to the right, stacking the right hand on top, straight up from where the left hand is. When you step back, shorten your stance. Bring the right hand to the hip.

Slide the left hand to the shin. Bring it right up to the top of the shin. And we open a triangle pose. Spiral the rib cage to the right. Squeeze to the midline with the inner thighs. Slightly turning to the right, stacking the right palm right over the right shoulder.

And remember, if you're sliding that left hand a little deeper, make sure the right shoulder doesn't turn to the floor. Keep the left rib cage moving to the wall to your right. If you're binding, bend the left leg, maybe wrap the arms around. Take the bind, slowly straighten the left leg. Two more rounds of breath. Soften, lengthen, and rotate.

One more round of breath. Lower the palms inside of the left leg. Lower the right knee to the floor. Back up your right knee just a little bit. Heel to your left foot off of the mat, turning the toes out.

You can use the left forearm to guide the left inner thigh away from you. I told you we were going to do a lot today. This is awesome. Stay here or reach back with your left palm, palm facing up. Option of bending that right leg for the quad stretch. Reaching for a big toe or pinky toe side of the foot.

Drying the heel towards the seat for the quad stretch, or moving the heel away from the seat, opening up in the hip flexors, and so as area the front of the right hip. I like to pulse between both. You choose what feels right for your knee and ankle. Great. Lower the right leg. Heel to your left foot back onto your mat.

We're taking the left leg all the way across for pigeon. If you have any hip knee issues, make sure to put something under your left hip or go back to the figure four that we started with seated or lying on your back. The closer your left heel is towards your right hip, the softer it is on the knee. The more you lean to the left, softer on the knee. The more you lean to the midline and press to the top of the right foot, the more resistance you feel in your pigeon pose, guiding the elbows forward.

Relax the muscles of the face. Relax the jaw. Use the inhales to help you lengthen, but also to help you cleanse, clear, and purify your mind. Use the pauses before the exhales just to invite that silence, that stillness to be longer and fuller, and use your exhales to let go of tension. Move it out, move it out, move it out.

Take a pause before you start those breaths all over again. You've got two more rounds. Slow it down. One more. Great.

Good news. Side two is official. We can celebrate it. Left leg to the sky, opening the hip, one leg a dog, or you can flip your dog. Tuck the right toes under.

Inhale the left leg to the sky, bend the knee, open the hip. This is how we started. Stay here or pivot and flip the dog. Send that left palm to the sky or up and over the head. Big inhales, big exhales.

Move back to your plank pose. Lengthen forward, lower all the way down. Guide yourself through your cobra or your up dog, and let's meet in table pose so that our knees and hips are aligned. All you have to do is keep this alignment right here. Don't back up the seat or move the seat forward, moving forward to puppy pose.

Walk your hands forward. Guide them forward a little bit more. Soften into it, feeling that stretch in the upper back and shoulders. Forehead to the floor, much softer experience. Chin and chest to the floor, much deeper experience.

You choose. Good. Slowly back up. Swing your right knee through and around so you can grab a seat and I'll meet you in bridge pose. Lining up your heels right under your knees, slowly lower down.

Heels under the knees, feet hip distance, press your triceps into the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades a little closer to the midline and then lift the hips. You can support yourself by sliding the palms right underneath the lower back. The closer the elbows are, the more you'll feel, press strongly into your feet. Stay here or keep the lift, interlace the hands, squeeze your biceps towards the midline, press into your feet, lift the heart.

You've got three more rounds of breath. Shine the heart to the sky, two more, push into the legs. One more and then slowly lower down, all the way down. Great guys, take your feet as wide as the mat. Keep the knees bent, cactus field goal, the arms.

Let the knees rock from side to side. Going back to our massage just like we started. Great, the next time you let the knees drop to the right, place the right leg on top of the left, cross the leg on top of the left and keep dropping the knees to the right. If eagle legs are happening, top of the right foot wraps under the left ankle. Yeah, so you feel that outer hip stretch.

Good, and then bring the hips back to neutral, the knees back to neutral. Move your left foot slightly to the right, lift your hips over to the right, and drop your knees to the left for a little eagle twist. That right elbow doesn't have to stay on the floor. Just enjoy the rotation, enjoy the closing of the hips after all those hip openers, little counterbalancing postures before we move into shavasana. Good, slowly unwind the legs.

Take your feet once again as wide as the mat, back to practice field goal arms, little windshield wipers, massaging the glutes, that connection to the lower back. The next time you drop your knees to the left, hang out, and place the left ankle on top of the right knee, maybe eagle legs. Left foot slides under, slow the breath down, and then walking that right foot slightly over to the left, lifting your hips over to the left, dropping your knees over to the right for a nice releasing twist. And then as you unwind, allow the legs to straighten slowly, flip your palms to the sky, squeeze your shoulder blades together, take a nice big inhale through the nose, let something go. Try it out one more time, close the eyes, melt into the floor, nice big inhale, cleanse and purify your mind, hold the breath, let something go.

Now you just do absolutely nothing, let go of the doing, let go of guiding the breath, let the breath breathe itself. Let the mind be free from any working, from any doing. Now into the floor. Breathe in a little joy, imagine every cell of the body feeling with a sense of lightness and joy, the golden light of joy, energizing every cell of the body. Start to bring a little energy back to your fingers and toes with a little wiggle, inhale the arms over the head, point the toes, enjoy that big stretch like you're just waking up for the first time in the morning, appreciating the body, exhale hugging the knees into the chest and giving yourself a little roll to the right side.

Slowly, slowly help yourself up with your left bone, give yourself a moment to find your seat with your eyes closed, enjoy and receive all of the effects of your practice. Thank yourself for creating the time and space for your practice. Thank the body for taking you on this journey, thank the breath for supporting you on the journey and thank your heart for being open to connect with source, whatever that means to you as you bring your palms together in prayer, slowly open the eyes. May we find peace in the rest of our day and in the rest of our week and may we share that peace with everyone that we need. Namaste.

Thank you so much for sharing it with me. Have a great weekend.


Christel B
1 person likes this.
Love your creative flows with all the options to modify or expand.
Carmen S.
2 people like this.
Excelente clase, la disfrute mucho, gracias. Namaste.
Elissa P
1 person likes this.
Thanks Wade. Good to see you here. 
Jenny S
2 people like this.
This was so much fun! I always feel the child in me come out to play when I sink in to your practices - and I always feel fantastic afterwards 🙌🙌🙌 PS I LOVE the elephant!
1 person likes this.
Hi Christel thanks for joining me! So glad you liked the options!
1 person likes this.
Hola @carmen mucho gracias! Me alegra que hayas disfrutado!
1 person likes this.
Elissa YEAH! I'm so glad to be a part of this too! and know we don't have to worry about time zones!

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Jenny yes! thanks for allowing the playfulness to happen- our inner kids need to give us a break from adulting!! hahah isn't the elephant hilarious!!
Lisa H
1 person likes this.
This felt fantastic!!! Just what my body needed! Your instruction is flawless!!!
1 person likes this.
Hi Lisa ! Thanks so much for joining and so glad you felt it! have a great week!
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