Yoga for Kids with Ms. Stix Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 2

Welcome, Young Yogis!

5 min - Show Intro


With the help of her animal friends, Ms. Stix will show us young yogis a different pose for every letter of the alphabet!
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Feb 26, 2015
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Hi, I'm so glad that you could join for Alphabet Yoga. Today we're going to do 26 poses, one for each letter of the alphabet and each letter is a different animal. So when we practice today breath in your tummy, feel your body and really become the animals. Move like them, feel your feathers, your fur, your fins and use your imagination as we explore our bodies, our breathe, ourselves. Now when I practice yoga I like to gather some of my special things and bring them together.

They help remind me to stay in this moment in my body, in my breathe and they also help me, help remind me that the animals really stretch all the time and we can learn so much from them. So here today I have some of the animals that we're going to do. For example, e is for elephant. Here's my little elephant. Elephants are so strong and grounded, important and you'll feel that in your body.

L is for lion, proud, courageous, you'll feel that too. And look, w is for whale, wow feel the soft whale, you'll feel yourself swimming so strong and powerful. And look here's k is for kangaroo. You'll feel your strong legs too. So I'm so happy you could join with us today.

And maybe you want to gather some of your special things and make a special place for yourself. It will help you feel centered and grounded. It makes me feel good just to look at my special place.


Bridgid M
this is just so cute! 
Betsy Stix
Thanks so much, Bridgid!  Glad that you liked it!

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