Yoga Alchemy Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 1

Welcome to Yoga Alchemy

5 min - Show Intro


Alchemy is the process through which an ordinary substance is transformed into an extraordinary substance. The practices of yoga are our tools for this to occur within us. Laura Tyree introduces Season 1 and invites us to participate in this mystery and magic.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Feb 02, 2015
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Welcome to yoga alchemy. What is yoga alchemy? Well first let's look at what alchemy is. Alchemy is any time you take a sort of common substance and transform it into an extraordinary substance. Yoga is the uniting of two things, the yoking together of two things. In this case the body and the mind. So you add the yoking together of the body and the mind with taking this common body and common mind and turning it into something extraordinary. And that is a big part of what the yoga experience is. I like to think about it this way. I like to think about a seed. So a scientist could say, oh that's a flower seed. And that flower seed if you put it in this type of soil and you give it this amount of sunshine and this much water, it will sprout and it will grow. But you know what the scientist can't tell you? Can't tell you why it happens. Can't tell you the magic formula that gives it life. That's still a mystery. Can tell you everything else even down to the biochemical structure and all that stuff. But the magic part of why things are alive, I still don't know. And the magic part of how yoga actually works, we still don't know. We just know that it does. Right? So in this series we're gonna take alignment of the body. We're gonna hone and kind of learn mechanically what's going on. We're gonna take information about the movement of breath, information about the nervous system, particularly in the hasta mudras, the hand mudras, flow, mental intention. All these things go together to create the show that is yoga alchemy. Now in the midst of all of that, all kinds of things may occur that are unexplainable. You may suddenly realize that you're not worried so much about this thing that you were worried about all the time, like for years or whatever. You may notice that a physical feeling just isn't there anymore, something that was kind of aggravating to you. You may notice that there's a quietness in your mind. All of these things are indicative to the yoga practice. And that's why as a teacher I can tell you that you will evolve. You will evolve at some level. You will evolve if you do these practices. You will transform at some level. The alchemy will happen. Even if you don't believe that it will, it's still gonna happen. And that's the excitement of yoga. And I'm gonna bring to you my combination of things that helped me to discover this particular alchemy. So come along. See you there. Namaste.


Sherry H
1 person likes this.
This is perfect. I am grateful I discovered Yoga Alchemy too. Thank you for sharing your yoga journey. I plan on staying tuned
Bridgid M
I'm ready for this magical journey!  ~ Namaste
Amber R
I practiced with you years ago at the Ojai Yoga Crib and am so excited to tune into this show! 

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